

  • Graphics Alive


    In this book, we talk about graphics that create relationship with us. It is not only a relationship between audience and the entity, like what we would get from reading a flyer or seeing a poster, but a more intimate relationship with our lives. This relationship encompasses all design disciplines - including graphic design, fashion design, interior design and industrial design, etc. Most of us can recognize the value of good design in major undertakings such as building a house; few of us give it much thought in our daily items. To a lot of people, design is like a trend, but rather an art of making objects look beautiful. It is true that many designers are going under the trend, however, good design isn’t reliant on anything. ‘Graphics Alive’ brings you to discover this omnipresent power of ‘graphics being alive’ around us. From big to small, from head to toe, the survey comprises of study of top international brands to unique projects by design experts and also up-and-coming designers.
  • This Is London

    作者:M. Sasek

    With the same wit and perception that distinguished his charming books on Paris, New York, and San Francisco, M Sasek presents stylish, elegant London in This is London , first published in 1959 and now updated for the 21st century. Here this beloved illustrator shares his impressions of London with its beautiful buildings, historic monuments, bridges, parks, shops and Piccadilly Circus, black cabs, Horse Guards, and famed Underground. Sasek has cast his loving eye on London and the result are colorful, sophisticated pictures of one of the most exciting cities in the world, paired with a lively text that keeps a playful sense of fun while taking the reader to the highlights of one of the world’s great capitals. This is London is a facsimile editions of Sasek’s original title. His brilliant, vibrant illustrations have been meticulously preserved and remain true to his vision. With the passing of time facts have been updated where applicable in the back of the book. The result is a treasure with an elegant, classic look and delightful narrative that will charm both children and their parents, many of whom will remember the same book from their own childhood.
  • 又寂寞又美好(精裝)


    本書是幾米生病後、成名前的創作集結。與之前色彩繽紛的幾米作品有很大的不同。黑白的色調、無言的吶喊──沒有太多修飾的畫面有一種動人的真誠的張力,很能傳達出當時創作者寂寞蕭瑟的心境。 本書開本與以往皆不同,採用更大開本,幾乎與原畫相同,讓讀者細細體會圖畫所傳達的「又寂寞又美好」的感受,每位觀者都可以從中讀出屬於自己的「又寂寞又美好」。
  • 跟著漫畫家去旅行


    本書源自口碑極佳的知名世界地理雜誌《GEO》之原始構想:漫畫家們如何看待旅行?如何看這世界?當一般遊客以數位相機紀錄旅遊景點及旅途時,漫畫家是以什麼樣的目光觀察?用何種筆法呈現旅程的人事物? 本書邀請十位大師級歐洲漫畫家,各自挑選了各自的去處,於是我們隨著墨必斯(Moebius)走訪埃及,與史奇頓(Francois Schuiten)攀登富士山,與朱亞(Andre Juillard)駛過波士頓到紐約的95號公路,與馬托諦(Lorenzo Mattotti)漫遊吳哥窟,與布克(Francois Boucq)深入墨西哥,與布蘭(Christophe Blain)探訪德黑蘭,與德魁西(Nivcolas De Crecy)暢遊巴西,與路斯塔(Jacques de Loustal)飽覽大溪地侯爵夫人群島風光,跟杜比(Phillipe Dubuy)與貝比昂(Charles Berberian)同遊摩洛哥丹吉爾,與慕紐茲(Jose Munoz)邂逅浪漫巴黎。透過他們的眼睛和畫筆,我們發現了世界的全新風貌…… 書中穿插了八篇世界漫畫現況的觀察,從法國、東歐、北非到北美、南美與日韓等國,簡述當地的漫畫趨勢及發展,讓讀者的漫畫觀點,也一起繞著地球跑。
  • 我就是喜歡這樣的你

    作者:堀川波,Nami Horikawa

    情人節最甜蜜溫馨的超值禮物書!日本暢銷繪本作家的超人氣力作!貼心動人的情侶對話+精緻可愛的插圖,擄獲了廣大日本讀者的心,相信台灣年輕讀者也將為它的純真溫馨而感動! 我就是喜歡這樣的你。 你會對我說很多從來沒人說過的貼心話。 尤其是「我喜歡妳」和「妳好可愛」,真希望每天都能聽好幾遍呢! 和你一起共度人生,就是我最大的幸福。 今年也能陪你慶生,真的是好高興、好高興哦! 希望明年也能跟你共賞同樣的櫻花海,在同一片海洋裡戲水。 之後,如果也能手牽手回到我們的家,那該有多幸福!來自日本讀者的幸福與感動── 「在我沒有自信、不再相信男友時,發現這本書中的情侶跟我們倆好像哦……我想我忘記最珍貴的初衷了。」「讀了這本書後淚流不止,果然……我還是很喜歡他的!」 「結婚紀念日那天,妻子送給我這本書,心中真有種說不出來的溫暖踏實感。」