

  • 产业组织理论


    产业组织理论,ISBN:9787300023809,作者:(法)吉恩·泰勒尔(Jean Tirole)著;马捷等译;马捷译
  • 弗里德曼的生活经济学


  • 经济学(上)


    作 者:斯蒂格利茨 出版社:中国人民大学出版社 日 期:2004年6月 开 本:16 版 次:1次 页 数:1004页 装 帧:简装 ISBN :7-300-02340-1 国际公认的新一代经济学家的头面人物,约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨在经济学的几乎所有的主要分支中都作出了重要贡献。他先后执教于耶鲁大学、普林斯顿大学和牛津大学,并从1988年开始在斯坦社大学任教。 1997年初,约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨成为世界银行首席经济学家,他是数以百计的学术论文和著作的作者和编者,包括畅销的本科教材《公共部门经济学》、《公共经济讲义》,是一位对经济学作出杰出贡献的经济学家。 这是惟一反映了最近20多年来经济思想革命的书籍。本书第一版中文本自1997年在国内问世以来,风靡全国,产生巨大影响。这次推出的第二版必定会引起国内读者更大的兴趣。斯蒂格利茨是一位关注现实的经济学家,他在新版中对世界与美国经济事件最新进展的分析会使我们对许多问题有新的认识。斯蒂格利茨也是中国人民的朋友,此次他特地为新版中文本写了有关中国经济改革的一章,作为中国读者一定很想听听他的见解。 《经济学》上、下册是经济学家斯蒂格利茨的代表著作。《经济学》(第二版)上、下册,论述了整个社会如何自行组织的各种方法,社会如何创造了各种制度和规则;在宏观上,书中解释市场和企业如何协同工作;还论述了家庭与企业如何作出选择,考虑利弊权衡,以及如何使不同行为的成本与收益平衡;论述激励如何发生作用,如何设计激励机制来为社会利益工作等经济学的基本规律。比起风靡世界的萨缪尔森教科书,斯蒂格利茨更注重反映世界的变化,以及经济学理论相应的发展。斯蒂格利茨对经济学理论的发展表现在:把宏观经济学植根于微观经济学上,而不是使两者相互分离;强调财政和金融在宏观经济学里的作用。
  • Human Action

    作者:Ludwig von Mises

  • The Worldly Philosophers

    作者:Robert L. Heilbroner

    在线阅读本书 The Worldly Philosophers is a bestselling classic that not only enables us to see more deeply into our history but helps us better understand our own times. In this seventh edition, Robert L. Heilbroner provides a new theme that connects thinkers as diverse as Adam Smith and Karl Marx. The theme is the common focus of their highly varied ideas -- namely, the search to understand how a capitalist society works. It is a focus never more needed than in this age of confusing economic headlines. In a bold new concluding chapter entitled "The End of the Worldly Philosophy?" Heilbroner reminds us that the word "end" refers to both the purpose and limits of economics. This chapter conveys a concern that today's increasingly "scientific" economics may overlook fundamental social and political issues that are central to economics. Thus, unlike its predecessors, this new edition provides not just an indispensable illumination of our past but a call to action for our future.
  • Principles of Economics

    作者:N. Gregory Mankiw

  • The Rise and Decline of Nations

    作者:Mancur Olson

    The years since World War II have seen rapid shifts in the relative positions of different countries and regions. Leading political economist Mancur Olson offers a new and compelling theory to explain these shifts in fortune and then tests his theory against evidence from many periods of history and many parts of the world. “[T]his elegant, readable book. . . sets out to explain why economies succumb to the ‘British disease,’ the kind of stagnation and demoralization that is now sweeping Europe and North America. . . . A convincing book that could make a big difference in the way we think about modern economic problems.”—Peter Passell, The New York Times Book Review “Schumpeter and Keynes would have hailed the insights Olson gives into the sicknesses of the modern mixed economy.”—Paul A. Samuelson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology “One of the really important books in social science of the past half-century.”—Scott Gordon, The Canadian Journal of Economics “The thesis of this brilliant book is that the longer a society enjoys political stability, the more likely it is to develop powerful special-interest lobbies that in turn make it less efficient economically.”—Charles Peters, The Washington Monthly “Remarkable. The fundamental ideas are simple, yet they provide insight into a wide array of social and historical issues. . . . The Rise and Decline of Nations promises to be a subject of productive interdisciplinary argument for years to come.”—Robert O. Keohane, Journal of Economic Literature “I urgently recommend it to all economists and to a great many non-economists.”—Gordon Tullock, Public Choice “Olson’s theory is illuminating and there is no doubt that The Rise and Decline of Nations will exert much influence on ideas and politics for many decades to come.”—Pierre Lemieux, Reason Co-winner of the 1983 American Political Science Association’s Gladys M. Kammerer Award for the best book on U.S. national policy
  • 为何资本不从富国流向穷国


  • Microeconomic Theory

    作者:Andreu Mas-Colell,Mi

    Many instructors of microeconomic theory have been waiting for a text that provides balanced and in-depth analysis of the essentials of microeconomics. Masterfully combining the results of years of teaching microeconomics at Harvard University, Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael Whinston, and Jerry Green have filled that conspicuous vacancy with their groundbreaking text, Microeconomic Theory. The authors set out to create a solid organizational foundation upon which to build the effective teaching tool for microeconomic theory. The result presents unprecedented depth of coverage in all the essential topics, while allowing professors to "tailor-make" their course to suit personal priorities and style. Topics such as noncooperative game theory, information economics, mechanism design, and general equilibrium under uncertainty receive the attention that reflects their stature within the discipline. The authors devote an entire section to game theory alone, making it "free-standing" to allow instructors to return to it throughout the course when convenient. Discussion is clear, accessible, and engaging, enabling the student to gradually acquire confidence as well as proficiency. Extensive exercises within each chapter help students to hone their skills, while the text's appendix of terms, fully cross-referenced throughout the previous five sections, offers an accessible guide to the subject matter's terminology. Teachers of microeconomics need no longer rely upon scattered lecture notes to supplement their textbooks. Deftly written by three of the field's most influential scholars, Microeconomic Theory brings the readability, comprehensiveness, and versatility to the first-year graduate classroom that has long been missing.
  • Free to Choose

    作者:Milton Friedman,Rose

    Free to Choose (1980) is a book and a ten-part television series broadcast on public television by economists Milton and Rose D. Friedman that advocates free market principles. Free to Choose: A Personal Statement maintains that the free market works best for all members of a society, provides examples of how the free market engenders prosperity, and maintains that it can solve problems where other approaches have failed. Published in January 1980, the 297 page book contains 10 chapters. Milton Friedman won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 1976. Contrary to normal practice the book was written after the TV series was produced, although the line "Basis for the acclaimed public television triumph" is written on the front cover, using the program transcripts as reference. The book was on the United States best sellers list for 5 weeks. PBS telecast the series, beginning in January 1980; the general format was that of Dr. Friedman visiting and narrating a number of success and failure stories in history, which Dr. Friedman attributes to capitalism or the lack thereof (e.g. Hong Kong is commended for its free markets, while India is excoriated for relying on centralized planning especially for its protection of its traditional textile industry). Following the primary show, Dr. Friedman would engage in discussion with a number of selected persons, such as Donald Rumsfeld (then of G.D. Searle & Company). The series was rebroadcast in 1990 with Linda Chavez moderating the episodes. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronald Reagan, Steve Allen and others give personal introductions for each episode in the series. This time, after the documentary part, Friedman sits down with a single opponent to debate the issues raised in the episode.
  • 经济解释(卷二)


  • Freakonomics

    作者:Steven D. Levitt,Ste

    Economics is not widely considered to be one of the sexier sciences. The annual Nobel Prize winner in that field never receives as much publicity as his or her compatriots in peace, literature, or physics. But if such slights are based on the notion that economics is dull, or that economists are concerned only with finance itself, Steven D. Levitt will change some minds. In Freakonomics (written with Stephen J. Dubner), Levitt argues that many apparent mysteries of everyday life don't need to be so mysterious: they could be illuminated and made even more fascinating by asking the right questions and drawing connections. For example, Levitt traces the drop in violent crime rates to a drop in violent criminals and, digging further, to the Roe v. Wade decision that preempted the existence of some people who would be born to poverty and hardship. Elsewhere, by analyzing data gathered from inner-city Chicago drug-dealing gangs, Levitt outlines a corporate structure much like McDonald's, where the top bosses make great money while scores of underlings make something below minimum wage. And in a section that may alarm or relieve worried parents, Levitt argues that parenting methods don't really matter much and that a backyard swimming pool is much more dangerous than a gun. These enlightening chapters are separated by effusive passages from Dubner's 2003 profile of Levitt in The New York Times Magazine, which led to the book being written. In a book filled with bold logic, such back-patting veers Freakonomics, however briefly, away from what Levitt actually has to say. Although maybe there's a good economic reason for that too, and we're just not getting it yet. --John Moe
  • 人的行为

    作者:〔奥〕 路德维希·冯·米塞斯

    《人的行为》是米塞斯的扛鼎之作,也是继亚当·斯密《国富论》之后思想史上难得的对经济学理论进行全面整合的著作,为奥地利经济学派奠定了系统而清晰的理论基石。米塞斯认为人并非原子式的个人,而是运用其自由意志做出行为的人,他假定有一个“先验的”人的行为之“公理”,在此基础上一步 步推导出人类社会经济的种种安排和运作原理,将建立在个人行为逻辑上的经济学理论提升到社会哲学或人类行为通论的高度来处理,由此开创出“人的行为学”方法论。 米塞斯在经济学中的贡献还不仅仅是货币理论和对计划经济的分析。《人的行为》被认为是经济学中极为难读又意义深远的书。该书以人类行为学的一般理论为经济学的基础,认为关于社会组织的基本问题必须根据人类行为学来讨论。——梁小民 米塞斯最伟大的成就是1949年出版的巨著《人的行为》。他第一次世界大战期间就开始写作此书,第一次全面地论述了经济理论。米塞斯实践了自己的方法论和研究项目,并详细描绘了一个综合、庞大、完全由他本人演绎推导出的经济理论结构:人类行为原则。——穆瑞·罗斯巴德
  • 经济学原理(第7版):微观经济学分册

    作者:曼昆 (N.Gregory Mankiw

  • Capital in the Twenty-First Century

    作者:Thomas Piketty

    What are the grand dynamics that drive the accumulation and distribution of capital? Questions about the long-term evolution of inequality, the concentration of wealth, and the prospects for economic growth lie at the heart of political economy. But satisfactory answers have been hard to find for lack of adequate data and clear guiding theories. In Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Thomas Piketty analyzes a unique collection of data from twenty countries, ranging as far back as the eighteenth century, to uncover key economic and social patterns. His findings will transform debate and set the agenda for the next generation of thought about wealth and inequality. Piketty shows that modern economic growth and the diffusion of knowledge have allowed us to avoid inequalities on the apocalyptic scale predicted by Karl Marx. But we have not modified the deep structures of capital and inequality as much as we thought in the optimistic decades following World War II. The main driver of inequality—the tendency of returns on capital to exceed the rate of economic growth—today threatens to generate extreme inequalities that stir discontent and undermine democratic values. But economic trends are not acts of God. Political action has curbed dangerous inequalities in the past, Piketty says, and may do so again. A work of extraordinary ambition, originality, and rigor, Capital in the Twenty-First Century reorients our understanding of economic history and confronts us with sobering lessons for today.
  • Capital in the Twenty-First Century

    作者:Thomas Piketty

    What are the grand dynamics that drive the accumulation and distribution of capital? Questions about the long-term evolution of inequality, the concentration of wealth, and the prospects for economic growth lie at the heart of political economy. But satisfactory answers have been hard to find for lack of adequate data and clear guiding theories. In Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Thomas Piketty analyzes a unique collection of data from twenty countries, ranging as far back as the eighteenth century, to uncover key economic and social patterns. His findings will transform debate and set the agenda for the next generation of thought about wealth and inequality. Piketty shows that modern economic growth and the diffusion of knowledge have allowed us to avoid inequalities on the apocalyptic scale predicted by Karl Marx. But we have not modified the deep structures of capital and inequality as much as we thought in the optimistic decades following World War II. The main driver of inequality—the tendency of returns on capital to exceed the rate of economic growth—today threatens to generate extreme inequalities that stir discontent and undermine democratic values. But economic trends are not acts of God. Political action has curbed dangerous inequalities in the past, Piketty says, and may do so again. A work of extraordinary ambition, originality, and rigor, Capital in the Twenty-First Century reorients our understanding of economic history and confronts us with sobering lessons for today.
  • 喧嚣的九十年代

    作者:约瑟夫.斯蒂格利茨(Joseph E.

    20世纪90年代是一个取得了真实进步和真实经济增长的十年。但是斯蒂格利茨教授通过一种强有力的分析方式,展示的所谓的繁荣在美国国内是如何产生的——过度的放松管制、对于CEO的不正当“激励”以及失控的利益冲突。他揭示了哪些通过玩弄手腕,从公司成功盗窃财富的经理人给美国经济和世界经济所造成的损害。斯蒂格得利茨教材深入地参与了这十年中政策的制定过程:他赞扬了克林顿政府的目标和激情,但同时也批评了他们经常不能实现自己的目标,特别是他们经常屈从于庞大的金融利益集团的压力;他学首次揭示了在制定政策之前所发生的那些激烈讨论和意见分歧的本质。 斯蒂格利茨教授对20世纪80—90年代占支配地位,直到现在还依然存在的自由市场狂热现象,给予了极具说服力的分析。他说明了为什么对公司、个人和社会来说贪婪不是一件好事:如果这种贪婪不受到抑制的话,安将导致欺诈、扭曲和灾难。他认为,不受约束的市场远非经济繁荣的引擎,获得持续增长和长期效率的最佳方法是找到政府和市场之间的恰当平衡,公司和经济都必须受到一定程度的管制。这不仅仅是好的道德教化,还是好的经济学。在本书结束之时,作者提出了令人鼓舞的结论,即我们可以作些什么,从而使得世界经济回到一个更加公平和更加稳定的增长进程中来。
  • 全球视角的宏观经济学


  • 发展经济学


  • 经济学


    本教材是一本新类型的经济学教科书。它不同于马歇尔的第一代经济学教科书中将供求分析与对个人专业化决策的分析分割开来的方法,也不同于纯消费者和厂商截然两分的新古典供求边际分析。本书从消费者—生产者选择专业化水平的决策出发,用超边际分析法(每个角点解的边际分析和不同角点解之间的总收益—成本分析)分析社会分工网络规模是如何由市场来决定的。按照超边际分析法,需求和供给是分工的两个不可分割的方面(AllynYoung,1928)。因此,需求和供给不仅取决于一个给定分工网络模式下的资源分配,而且取决于分工网络的模式。 此书也不同于萨缪尔森的第二代经济学原理教科书。此书中不再有微观经济学和宏观经济学的分割。由于一个特定的分工水平与特定的市场网络规模相联系,当人们选择他们的专业化水平时,就决定了整个社会的分工网络规模,从而也决定了市场容量和总量需求。因此,许多宏观现象,比如失业和景气循环,就具有复杂的分工网络特性。 此书用非线性规划、动态规划和其他非古典数学规划方法将古典主流经济学的灵魂在一个现代躯体中复活。由于此书的灵魂比新古典经济学更老,而它的躯体却比新古典经济学更新,所以我们称之为新兴古典经济学。 尽管此书有一个全新的结构,但它通过综合当代大部分经济学知识而保留了经济学主流的连续性。本书涵盖了基于纯消费者和厂商两分的新古典微观经济学。但是,我们强调在新古典框架里可能的角点解和一般均衡的超边际比较静态分析(由于参数的变化使得内生变量在角点解和内点解之间非连续跳动)。通过强调导致均衡贸易模式在角点解和内点解之间跳动的超边际比较静态分析,新古典贸易理论被综合进了本书(第12章)。第11章包括由迪克西特和斯蒂格利茨(DixitandStiglitz,1977)、克鲁格曼(Krugman,1979,1980,1981)、埃塞尔(Ethier,1982),以及其他人发展的新贸易理论。第4、9和12章包含了一些新的均衡对策模型,并利用它们来分析内生交易成本和分工网络规模之间的关系,这些模型包括米尔格龙一罗伯茨和克雷普斯一威尔逊的序贯均衡模型、德瓦成普特一马斯金的承诺对策模型。 第9章和第12章包括由道德风险和信息不对称引起的内生交易成本的新模型、剩余权结构和不完全合约理论,以及新厂商理论。本书对这些模型进行了扩展,并用其探讨内生交易成本、分工演进、所有权结构和厂商出现之间的关系。第21、22、23、24章介绍了各种新内生增长模型(AK模型、基于R&D的模型和内生分工演进的模型),并用最新的经验证据对它们进行了比较。 本书用几个新兴古典一般均衡模型发展出了一个解释所有微观和宏观现象的统一框架。当分工的网络规模通过一般均衡内生时,给定网络模式的边际比较静态分析就能够用来处理传统的资源分配问题,而超边际比较静态分析则能够解释均衡的分工网络规模以及相关的宏观变量在不同结构之间的不连续跳动。超边际比较静态(或动态)分析还能够解释货币的出现、景气循环和失业等现象,因此,在新兴古典框架内,宏观经济分析和微观经济分析不过是同一个框架下两个不同的分析层次。 此书将布坎南、张五常、科斯和诺斯关于交易成本、所有权、厂商制度和合约的许多观点进行了数学化。本书也吸收了非线性演化经济学(见Nelson,1995;Conlisk,1996)和奥地利学派(见Kirner,1997)对主流经济学提出的挑战。例如,第24章发展的瓦尔拉斯序贯均衡概念可用来预测经济组织和利用价格机制对各种组织进行社会试验所获得的信息的同时演进。由非线性演化经济学提出来的有限理性决策问题中的悖论可通过基于适应性行为和有限理性的动态一般均衡模型解决。这个动态一般均衡模型将经济组织和组织信息同时演进的命题进行了数学化。该组织信息是通过价格机制对各种组织进行社会试验而获得的,该命题由非线性演化经济学提出(Nelson,1995)。 此书可用做两个不同水平的经济学原理教材。由于每一章里都有一部分内容介绍形式化模型和机制背后的直观含义,加上一些图形的帮助,此书可作为本科三年级或四年级的(微观或宏观)经济学教材以及本科三年级或四年级的发展经济学、贸易理论、工业组织、交易成本和产权经济学、合约和制度经济学教材。本科课程的焦点是对经济思想的训练。如果此书被用做本科教材,则作业和考试题可从每章后面的思考题中选取,而对于每章较难的数学和后面的习题则可以跳过。 此书还可作为研究生水平的微观经济学教材,也可作为研究生的宏观经济学、发展经济学、增长理论、交易成本和组织经济学、合约和制度经济学、工业组织以及贸易理论的参考书。研究生课程的焦点是进行数学模型的基本训练以及培养革新性、创造性和批判性经济学思维。对于基本训练部分,学生应该把注意力放在重复演算此书中的大多数模型以及求解每章后面的习题。花费在重复演算模型上的一小时的效果相当于八小时的听课和阅读效果。如果你能够重复演算并很好地理解此书中的每个模型,那么学习就变得越来越容易。如果你不能重复某个模型的演算,那么后面的学习就变得越来越困难。 为了培养创造性和批判性的经济学思维,学生应该把注意力放在设计模型和选择可能的分析框架的试错过程上。所有原创性想法必须经得起严格推导的检验、逻辑一致性的检验和经验证据的检验,同时我们也鼓励不能被现行数学工具形式化的思想。每章后面的思考题和习题里包括许多可作为硕士和博士论文的课题。如果需要,我们可以为做这些研究的学生提供帮助。 此书适用于学时一年的课程。教师可在第一个学期把注意力放在第I~V部分的基本训练。在第二个学期把注意力放在培养学生的革新性、创造性和批判性的经济学思维上。如果此书只被用于一个学期的课程,教师可在第I~V部分中选择一些主要的章节进行详细讲授,对于其他章节则可借助于图形扼要介绍。 此书可满足系统学习新兴古典经济学和超边际分析法的技术实质的需要。它涵盖了许多有关新兴古典经济学和超边际分析的最新研究成果。有些新成果是第一次出版。我希望读者能够从本书中体验到一种智力探险的乐趣,并意识到分工网络的超边际分析可成为衔接主流经济学和当今网络时代的桥梁。 由于新兴古典经济学可以应用于许多经济学领域,我们正在发展一个连锁网络用于促进新兴古典经济学和超边际分析的教学、研究和出版。杨小凯的新著《分工与经济发展》就是将新兴古典经济学应用到发展经济学的一个新成果。这本书已由Blackwell公司出版。而即将出版的中文版《发展经济学》,则是在英文版《分工与经济发展》基础上进一步发展而来的。因此,中国读者可以读到比英文版更新的著作。其他可能的连锁单元包括《产权和交易成本经济学》和《新兴古典贸易理论》。如果你有兴趣加入这个连锁网,请通过xiaokai.yang@buseco.monash.edu.au与杨小凯联系,我们将提供训练支持和应用新兴古典经济学的全部技术信息。 有许多人和机构为此书做出了贡献。我首先要感谢我在普林斯顿大学的老师,他们是:教我一般均衡理论的HugoSonneschein;教我发展经济学和城市经济学的EdwinMills;教我新贸易理论和具有递增报酬的一般均衡模型的GeneGrossman和AvinashDixit;教我计量经济学的GregoryChow,WhitneyNewey,AnguishDeaton和RichardQuandt;教我信息经济学和对策论的JosephStiglitz,BarryNalebuff和SanddyGrossman;教我宏观经济学的AlanBlinder和JohnTaylor;教我工业组织的WilliamBaumol,MichaelKatz和RobertWillig。 我也非常感谢被收集到此书中的许多论文的合作者:Jeff Borland、陈丙郎、成文利、BenHeijdra、GeoffHogbin、林建甫、刘孟奇、刘孟俊、廖柏伟、刘淑香、黄有光、BabuNahata、BobRice、JeffSachs、史鹤凌、孙广振、lan Wills、王建国、王开友、姚顺天、张定胜、赵益民、周林。我受益于对与此书有关的研究论文和书籍的评论和批评。这些评论者和批评者包括Ken Arrow、Gary Becker、Avner Ben—Ner、FischerBlack、James Buchanan、Steven Cheung、Cyrus Chu、Eric van Damme、Herbert Dawid、Jurgen Eichberger、Karl Farmer、John Gallup、Robert Gilles、Oliver Hart、Heinz Kurz、Lachie McGregor、DouglasNorth、Lloyd Reynolds、Peter Ruys、Andrei Shleifer、Hugo Sonnenschein、Sherwin Rosen、DonaldSmythe、WillySpanjers、田国强、AndrewWarner、许成刚、易纲、张维迎以及各种讨论会和会议的参加者。Harvard University、Monash University、北京大学、香港中文大学、香港大学、台湾大学和University of Louisville的许多学生对本书的教学材料提供了有用的反馈信息。特别感谢JeffBorland、SherwinRosen、刘孟奇、文玫和杜巨澜,他们为我提供了一些重要的参考文献。文玫和赵益民为本书绘制了很多漂亮的图形。我也要感谢本书草稿的六位匿名审稿人。 本书的财政支持来自于哈佛大学国际发展中心、澳大利亚研究基金委员会、香港中文大学、台湾大学、中央研究院经济研究所、台湾科学基金会、北京大学中国经济研究中心和光华管理学院、丁ilburg大学经济研究中心。 最后,如果没有来自家庭的爱、耐心和强烈支持,这本书也不会这么快与读者见面。因此,我要对我的太太吴小娟和孩子小溪、泽思和泽华表达深深的爱和感谢。 当然,我对书中所有余下的错误负责。 杨小凯于哈佛大学 1999年9月