

  • The World of Tattoo

    作者:Maarten Hesselt van

  • 《纹上瘾/TAT ADDICTS》

    作者:Phat Chan

    看見紋身漢,大家或許都會聯想起黑社會大佬、古惑仔,有時還戲稱他們為「公仔佬」,總之令人想到的是「好人有限」。而實際上,紋身的人有明星、有文員、有醫生、有律師,甚至有尋尋常常的普通師奶,大家為了給自己的身體添上色彩,不惜忍受十級的針刺痛楚,你可以說他們自討苦吃,但當中愈紋愈上癮的仍然大有人在。 曾幾何時,紋身是原始部落的圖騰,本來有著源遠流長的文化象徵意義,演變至今時今日,衍生了不同流派,各自各精彩,甚至如同潮流服飾。本書是本地首本呈現紋身文化的專書,本身也是紋身漢的作者,大膽展示各種類別及各地文化的紋身圖案,令人看得瞠目結舌。龍、虎、鳳嗎?噢,濕濕碎碎,一幅海洋世界、一條栩栩如生的大蜥蜴……有你估到的,但有更多你估不到的,中國新崛起的紋身風格,紋上一幅皇帝御筆的山水畫、一幅蒼勁挺拔的水墨松,才叫人無話可說……總之大開眼界是鐵定的。 作者同時訪問不同的紋身型人,其中經典人物當然少不了陳惠敏,還有李燦森、范曉宣、黃貫中等,甚至「最估佢唔到」的吳彥祖,他們都會坦盪盪地道出他們第一次的紋身經歷,原來紋身背後都有著有血有肉的故事,他們更會在你面前展露一下他們的摰愛圖案,讓你欣賞紋身之美。 作者亦走訪多位紋身師傅,道盡紋身百態及香港的古靈精怪紋身的人與事,並會給第一次紋身的朋友一點忠告。看完此書,你會對紋身完全改觀。
  • Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia

    作者:Danzig Baldaev

    Once upon a time, before the advent of the indie rocker and the alternative chick, before primitivism became a style trend and tattoo parlors set up shop on the good avenues, tattoos were the secret language of a restricted world, a world of criminals. The photographs, drawings and texts published here are part of a collection of 3,600 tattoos accumulated over a lifetime by prison attendant Danzig Baldayev. Tattoos were his entrance into a secret world, a world in which he acted as an ethnographer, recording the rituals of a closed society. The icons and tribal languages he documented are artful, distasteful, sexually explicit and sometimes just simply strange, reflecting as they do the lives and mores of convicts. Skulls, swastikas, harems of naked women, a smiling Al Capone, assorted demons, medieval knights in armor, daggers sheathed in blood, benign images of Christ, mosques and minarets, sweet-faced mothers and their babies, armies of tanks, and a horned Lenin--these are the signs with which this hidden world of people mark and identify themselves.
  • The Japanese Tattoo

    作者:Sandi Fellman

    美国摄影家Sandi Fellman用一只稀有的大尺寸宝丽来相机拍摄了这些全身纹身的日本男女的照片。Fellman把这些纹身当成艺术作品,把它们的作者当成艺术家看待。她的文字涉及了纹身的过程,常用的主题,纹身的社会学,以及纹身大师和他们客户之间的关系。 全书有46张全副彩色插图,展示了这些纹身的细节。