

  • 民族的神话


    本书揭示了古代晚期到中世纪早期欧洲族群演化的真实版本,内容囊括从古代希腊到20世纪南非长达两千多年的历史。浪漫主义政治哲学、“科学的”历史学、印欧语文学和民族考古学等看似中立客观的学术工具共同创造了滥用和曲解历史的民族主义史学,为族群民族主义的发展提供了历史依据。书中, 格里不仅考证了古典晚期和中世纪早期欧洲的族群演化,还阐述了民族主义史学在1800至1900年形成的过程及其产生的灾难性影响。作者以广阔的学术视野和巧妙深刻的论证,向公众展示了历史的复杂性和变动性。





  • 美利坚的民族

    作者:[美]科林·伍达德(Colin Woodard)




  • 民族主义


  • 族群性与民族主义

    作者:[挪] T.H.埃里克森

  • Staging the World

    作者:Rebecca E. Karl

  • 国族与国族主义


  • 民族主义与领土

    作者:[西] 胡安·诺格

  • 世界民族主义论

    作者:王联 编

    《世界民族主义论》主要描述了近代世界民族主义在西方的起源、在东欧和亚非拉地区的兴起和发展的历史过程,较为详细地讨论了西方民族国家的兴起、亚非拉地区的民族运动与民族冲突的表现和原因,着重研究和分析了民族主义与国际关系之间的历史联系,以及冷战后新一轮世界民族主义浪潮的发展及其对国际关系的影响。针对冷战后国际社会、主要是西方社会中存在的所谓“中国新民族主义”的观点,《世界民族主义论》结合中国民族关系的基本格局和历史发展,对这一谬论进行了驳斥等。 《世界民族主义论》可作为高等院校国际政治、世界历史和世界民族研究等专业的教材,也可作为有关科研人员和一般读者的参考读本。
  • China's New Nationalism

    作者:Peter Hays Gries

    Three American missiles hit the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, and what Americans view as an appalling and tragic mistake, many Chinese see as a "barbaric" and intentional "criminal act," the latest in a long series of Western aggressions against China. In this book, Peter Hays Gries explores the roles of perception and sentiment in the growth of popular nationalism in China. At a time when the direction of China's foreign and domestic policies have profound ramifications worldwide, Gries offers a rare, in-depth look at the nature of China's new nationalism, particularly as it involves Sino-American and Sino-Japanese relations--two bilateral relations that carry extraordinary implications for peace and stability in the twenty-first century. Through recent Chinese books and magazines, movies, television shows, posters, and cartoons, Gries traces the emergence of this new nationalism. Anti-Western sentiment, once created and encouraged by China's ruling PRC, has been taken up independently by a new generation of Chinese. Deeply rooted in narratives about past "humiliations" at the hands of the West and impassioned notions of Chinese identity, popular nationalism is now undermining the Communist Party's monopoly on political discourse, threatening the regime's stability. As readable as it is closely researched and reasoned, this timely book analyzes the impact that popular nationalism will have on twenty-first century China and the world.
  • 走向最后关头


    日本问题对中国政治发展的影响是本书的主题。“九一八事变”后,蒋介石奉行”攘外必先安内”的政策。这种政策在“西安事变”中并没有中断,直到1 937年8月在上海爆发战争,它才被完全放弃。作者在民族国家建设的分析框架下,用国民党、共产党叙事之外的“第三只眼睛”审视国民党政权建设与民族主义意识形态之间的一致与冲突,有助于我们加深对“南京十年建国时期”(1927~1937)的认识。
  • Nations

    作者:Azar Gat

  • Nationalist Mobilization and the Collapse of the Soviet State

    作者:Mark R. Beissinger

    This 2002 study examines the process by which the seemingly impossible in 1987 - the disintegration of the Soviet state - became the seemingly inevitable by 1991, providing an original interpretation not only of the Soviet collapse, but also of the phenomenon of nationalism more generally. Probing the role of nationalist action as both cause and effect, Beissinger utilizes data and case studies from across the USSR during its final years to elicit the shifting relationship between pre-existing structural conditions, institutional constraints, and event-generated influences in the nationalist explosions that brought about the collapse of the Soviet Union. As Beissinger demonstrates, the 'tidal' context of nationalism - i.e., the transnational influence of one nationalism upon another - is critical to an explanation of the success and failure of particular nationalisms, why some nationalisms turn violent, and how a crescendo of events can overwhelm states, periodically evoking large-scale structural change in the character of the state system.
  • Nations and Nationalism, Second Edition

    作者:Ernest Gellner

    This updated edition of Ernest Gellner's classic exploration of the roots of nationalism includes an extended introduction from John Breuilly, tracing the way the field has changed over the past two decades. * As pertinent today as it was when it was first published in 1983. * Argues that nationalism is a product of industrialization. * The new edition includes references to important work on nationalism published since 1983. Second Edition not available in the USA.
  • 民族主义在中国的嬗变


  • Nations and Nationalism

    作者:Ernest Gellner

    Nationalism is one of the most powerful forces in the modern world, yet it is surprisingly little studied and only imperfectly understood, either by its adherents or its opponents. Its irruption into the modern world is often explained as a resurgence of primitive, atavistic instincts, or as a delusion fostered by a few theoreticians, politicians or propagandists. The present volume interprets nationalism in terms of its social roots, which it locates in industrial social organization. A society that aims for affluence and economic growth, Professor Gellner argues, depends on innovation, occupational mobility, mass media, universal literacy, and education in a shared, standard idiom. Taken together these transform the relationship between culture and the state. The functioning of the society depends on an all-embracing educational system, tied to one culture and protected by a state identified with that culture. The principle one state, one culture makes itself felt, and political units which do not conform to it feel the strain in the form of nationalist activity.
  • 我们的现代性


  • Nationalism

    作者:Craig Calhoun

    An indispensable introduction to this timely topic. Nationalism is one of the most pressing of global problems, exacerbating ethnic conflicts and increasing the likelihood of war. It is also basic to defining the rights of democratic citizenship, and can be a source of inspiration and social solidarity. In this fascinating overview, Craig Calhoun considers nationalism’s diverse manifestations, its history, and its relationship to imperialism and colonialism. A way of conceiving identities that is fundamental to the modern world, nationalism is distinct from kinship and ethnicity. It is an international discourse that shapes domestic politics and relations between states. Drawing on examples ranging from Eritrea, the former Yugoslavia, and China to France and Germany, Calhoun clarifies the ways national boundaries and identities have become central to the modern era, how they relate to the development of state power, and how a host of social movements and government policy makers try to make use of them. Calhoun also challenges attempts to “debunk” nationalism that fail to grasp why it has such power and centrality in modern life.
  • 民族主义


    本书重点讨论作为一种意识形态,但又成为一种社会运动和象征性语言的民族主义,并且比较全面地探索各种民族主义的内涵、变种及来源。通过简要地概论民族主义的概念、评述当代西方民族主义研究中的主要理论贡献和现存的学术成果,作者全面地考察了有关民族主义概念的理论、意识形态和历史的不同棱面,以及在这一领域里的主要解释范式。同时作者还从历史学、社会学、政治学、国际关系学乃至人类学的不同角度对与民族主义相关的概念如民族(natlon)、族群(ethnic glroup)、民族认同(national identity)、族群认同(ethnic identity)、民族的国家(national state)等进行了颇为系统的考察,并在此基础上概括性地阐释以作者为主要代表人物的族群一象征主义(eth nic—symboIism)民族主义理论观点。