

  • 置身事内




    ☆ 连接抽象经济学理论与中国发展实际


    在确保增长的过程中,如 何获得更多资源和时间去建设和完善市场经济?

    ☆ 结合学界前沿研究与一线调研经历



    ☆ 微观机制+宏观现象 双重维度串联中国经济生活中中知识与现象的碎片



    ☆ 从热闹的政经新闻中看出门道,从枯燥的政府文件中觉察到机会。





  • 看不懂的中国经济


    《看不懂的中国经济》主要内容:宏观就是这样,永远有人在悲观时更悲观,有人在狂热时更狂热,也有人冷眼看世界,更多人是墙头草——两边倒。人往高处走,水往低处流,这“水”就是资金。巨大的资本要流向哪里?需要三个条件:一是价格足够低,二是规模足够大,三是流通性足够好。 宏观不以任何人的主观意志为转移,无论你喜欢还是不喜欢,迟早都要面对一个现实。 如果不能直面全球化背景下的资金大流动、产业大分工,如果不能直面中国经济正处在大爆发之中,就不容易看懂今天的中国经济。 在中国经济大爆发的同时,我们也在思考,我们努力的目标难道仅仅是为了赚更多的钱吗?我们怎样才能过上幸福生活?中国经济应该走向何方?“和谐社会”是否仅仅是一句简单的“政治口号”而已?
  • 新常态改变中国


  • 走向繁荣的战略选择


  • 中国大形势


  • 增长的迷思

    作者:周艳辉 编

    《增长的迷思:海外学者论中国经济发展》内容简介:随着中国的迅速崛起,海外中国问题研究急剧扩展,世界上到处都在述说着“中国故事”。关于中国的“统治说”与“崩溃说”在全球文化语境中各执一端、相互矛盾,这其中包含多少学理上的探究和现实中的策略尚待更进一步的讨论,然而,有一个事实不可否认:在当代全球体系下,“中国”已成为全球学者共同关注的热门词汇。“中国研究”正牵动着世界相关领域专家的问题意识。 处在十字路口的中国何去何从?中国经济高速增长渐成“浮云”?“新”贫困人口层出,如何实现公平?全球争夺石油战中,中国能否胜出?《增长的迷思:海外学者论中国经济发展》收录了世界各国知名学者对中国经济发展的深层思考,分别从区域发展不平衡与贫富差距问题、能源问题、环境与粮食安全问题、科技与知识创新问题、前景等六个方面加以阐释。所选文章均为外籍学者对中国经济发展问题进行学术探讨的第一手资料,集中呈现了海外学界对于“中国经济发展”的研究细节。
  • “新政”能否改变中国


  • 当中国改变世界


    中国正在醒来,世界为之震撼。 在人类的经济史中,还从来没有过一个如此强大的国家(13亿人口),有过如此迅猛的增长(每年8%),持续了如此长的时期(25年)。这一成功理应使人欣慰,但也引起了不安。在过去1/4的世纪里,世界改变了中国。今天,中国正在改变世界。明天,中国可能跃居世界第一经济强国。 由于它的幅员辽阔和饕餮的胃口,中国动摇了石油、钢铁、黄金、小麦、技术、劳务等所有市场的稳定。它的冲击影响着一切。
  • Selling China

    作者:Yasheng Huang

  • Eclipse

    作者:Arvind Subramanian

    Review Parts of 'Eclipse' read like a wonky version of 'Rising Sun,' Michael Crichton's 1992 novel of Japanese dominance over the U.S. when Tokyo was seen as speeding toward number one. But Mr. Subramanian is a first-class economist who uses his book to discuss provocatively U.S.-Chinese relations and the nature of economic power. ----The Wall Street Journal If you want to understand the true magnitude of the shift in economic power that is currently changing the world, Eclipse is the book to read--provocative, well argued and elegantly written. -- --Liaquat Ahamed, Pulitzer Prize winning author of Lords of Finance Defying conventional wisdom, Eclipse not just vividly imagines, but provides a plausible scenario for, the replacement of the United States by China as the world's dominant economic power. It persuasively underlines the need for Washington to get its act together. ----Francis Fukuyama, Stanford University and author of The End of History and the Last Man and The Origins of Political Order Eclipse must be read for a refreshing and deep analysis of what may lie ahead. It is an extremely well written and thought provoking book. -- --Mohamed El-Erian, Chief Executive, PIMCO and award-winning author of When Markets Collide Eclipse is a fascinating read. Controversial, but meant to be, it has the potential to set the terms of our ongoing discussion on what is perhaps the hottest issue in the global economy--China's role. Its quantification of power alone will attract considerable interest. -- --Dani Rodrik, Professor of Economics, Harvard University and author of The Globalization Paradox Product Description By most accounts, China has quickly grown into the second largest economy in the world. In this controversial new book, Subramanian argues that China has already become the most economically dominant country in the world in terms of wealth, trade and finance. Its dominance and eclipsing of US global economic power is more imminent, more broad-based and larger in magnitude than anyone has anticipated. Subramanian compares the economic dominance of China with that of the two previous economic superpowers, the United States and the United Kingdom, and highlights similarities and diff erences. One corollary is that the fundamentals are strong for the Chinese currency to replace the dollar as the world's reserve currency. The final chapter forecasts how the international economic system is likely to evolve as a result of Chinese dominance.
  • 中国政府间财政关系再思考


    第一章 本书的浓缩 第二章 我国政府间财政关系改革的历程和成效 第三章 政府间财政关系的经济学缝隙 第四章 政府间财政关系国际经验的比较和借鉴 第五章 我国政府间财政关系面临的问题
  • The Chinese Economy

    作者:Barry J. Naughton

    This comprehensive overview of the modern Chinese economy by a noted expert on China's economic development offers a quality and breadth of coverage not found in any other English-language text. In The Chinese Economy, Barry Naughton provides both an engaging, broadly focused introduction to China's economy since 1949 and original insights based on his own extensive research. The book will be an essential resource for students, teachers, scholars, business people, and policymakers. It is suitable for classroom use for undergraduate or graduate courses.After presenting background material on the pre-1949 economy and the industrialization, reform, and market transition that have taken place since, the book examines different aspects of the modern Chinese economy. It analyzes patterns of growth and development, including population growth and the one-child family policy; the rural economy, including agriculture and rural industrialization; industrial and technological development in urban areas; international trade and foreign investment; macroeconomic trends and cycles and the financial system; and the largely unaddressed problems of environmental quality and the sustainability of growth.The text is notable also for placing China's economy in interesting comparative contexts, discussing it in relation to other transitional or developing economies and to such advanced industrial countries as the United States and Japan. It provides both a broad historical and macro perspective as well as a focused examination of the actual workings of China's complex and dynamic economic development. Interest in the Chinese economy will only grow as China becomes an increasingly important player on the world's stage. This book will be the standard reference for understanding and teaching about the next economic superpower.
  • Factions and Finance in China

    作者:Victor C. Shih

    How does the Chinese banking sector really work? Nearly all financial institutions in China are managed by members of the Communist Party, yet economists and even those who engage the Chinese banking sector simply do not have a framework with which to analyze the links between banking and politics. Drawing from interviews, statistical analysis, and archival research, this book is the first to develop a framework with which to analyze how elite politics impact both monetary and banking policies. This book serves as an important reference point for all subsequent work on Chinese banking.
  • 现代经济学与中国经济改革


  • Demystifying the Chinese Economy

    作者:Justin Yifu Lin

    China was the largest and one of the most advanced economies in the world before the eighteenth century, yet declined precipitately thereafter and degenerated into one of the world's poorest economies by the late nineteenth century. Despite generations' efforts for national rejuvenation, China did not reverse its fate until it introduced market-oriented reforms in 1979. Since then it has been the most dynamic economy in the world and is likely to regain its position as the world's largest economy before 2030. Based on economic analysis and personal reflection on policy debates, Justin Yifu Lin provides insightful answers to why China was so advanced in pre-modern times, what caused it to become so poor for almost two centuries, how it grew into a market economy, where its potential is for continuing dynamic growth and what further reforms are needed to complete the transition to a well-functioning, advanced market economy.
  • China Shakes the World

    作者:James Kynge

    "Let China sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world." Napoleon's words seem eerily prescient today, as the shock waves from China's awakening reverberate across the globe. In China Shakes the World, the former China bureau chief of the Financial Times, James Kynge, traces these tremors from Beijing to Europe to the Midwest as China's ravenous hunger for jobs, raw materials, energy, and food -- and its export of goods, workers, and investments -- drastically reshape world trade and politics. Delving beyond mere recitation of by-now-familiar statistics, Kynge's on-the-ground reporting provides alternative explanations for China's explosive transformation, revealing many of the usual reasons given for its growth to be myths. Most important for the future, he details China's deep, systemic weaknesses -- rampant fraud, crippling environmental crises, a corrupt banking system, faltering government institutions, a rapidly aging population -- that threaten even greater global disruptions. And he demonstrates the profound consequences of those weaknesses for American manufacturers, oil companies, banks, and ordinary consumers. Through dramatic stories of entrepreneurs and visionaries, factory workers and store clerks at the heart of this global phenomenon, China Shakes the World explains how China's breakneck rise occurred, the extraordinary problems the country now faces, and the consequences of both for the twenty-first century.
  • 中国经济增长,靠什么?


    ★★★★★ ● 看懂中国经济,你最需要的一本书,解决你最深层的困惑。 ● 一个最了解中国经济的经济学家,一本最客观分析中国经济的书。 ● 余永定鼎力推荐! ★★★★★ 如果用一句经典台词来形容中国经济,我觉得“中国经济水深得很”非常合适。 中国经济谁能看得懂?国内作者写中国经济的书惯于集中皮毛,大有“头疼医头、脚疼医脚”的急躁习性。或大呼“中国经济即将崩溃”,或牢骚满腹,酷似其有经天纬地之才。在我看来,国外作者不受国内气候与惯常思维的影响,反而更有利于客观地评述中国经济。摆在读者你面前的这本《中国经济增长,靠什么》,就是一本极其客观评述中国经济的书。 只所以起这么个书名,完全是有感于书的内容。试想,在美国经济萧条、欧洲债务缠身、日本经济萎靡不振等因素的多重打压下,中国经济明显开始放缓。出口增长很难持续、基础设施投资难以为继、国内消费提不起情绪……接下来,中国经济增长,到底靠什么。这就是这本书的主题。 放下你手中忙碌的工作,把一盏香茶,细细品味一本专司研究中国经济的老外写的一本书,你会发现,原来中国经济有那么多让你吃惊的东西,原来中国经济可以那么与众不同。 ★★★★★ ■名人推荐 ▷▷▷ 本书是关注中国经济人士的必读之作。 ——余永定 ▷▷▷ 在后危机时代,世界所有主要经济体面对的是恢复经济平衡的紧迫任务,中国也不能置身事外。尼古拉斯•拉迪对中国在这项任务中需要采取的关键措施提出了真知灼见,详细阐明了中国向期盼已久的消费驱动型增长模式转型所需的金融和货币改革。毫无疑问,本书将推动关于中国对全球经济影响力的争论。 ——斯蒂芬•罗奇 摩根士丹利亚洲区非执行主席 ▷▷▷ 尼古拉斯•拉迪是我知道的极其了解中国经济的学者之一。我始终非常严肃地看待他关于中国的见解,对于他这本书中的内容我仍然是这样的态度。我相信,这是一本所有对今天中国经济政策感兴趣的人必读的书。 ——比尔•罗兹 威廉•R•罗兹全球顾问有限责任公司主席 ▷▷▷ 拉迪的书是一部关于中国恢复经济平衡并保持高速增长需要实施的政策改革的杰作。本书数据翔实,深刻的分析随处可见,任何想了解中国经济增长前景的人必读此书。 ——埃斯瓦尔•普拉萨德 布鲁金斯学会高级研究员
  • 中国不一样


    当代中国为何会赢得世界各国那么多的关注?中国的一举一动为何会招来国际舆论那么多的议论?是因为中国令人意外的发展成就和社会问题,还是因为出乎意料的中国崛起和中国崩溃的议论,或是因为中国潜在的经济威胁和军事威胁? 通过阅读本书,您会对上述问题有个清晰的认识。其实,中国吸引力的关键原因是“中国不一样”。每个国家说起来都“不一样”,但中国的规模和影响力显然最突出,“中国不一样”的核心是中国的“制度与文化的组合”不一样。中国吸引力的关键原因,是中国的这个“不一样”所包含的种种不确定性带来的震撼和焦虑。焦虑,往往比震撼更加持续有力。 本书一方面回答了“中国为什么不一样”的问题,另一方面也回答了“谁有可能实施什么方案”的问题。通过一种远距离观察中国的理论视角,本书将读者心目中非常熟悉的中国,变成了一个多少有些“不一样”却更加逼真的中国!
  • 走出神话


    中国已经改写世界经济增长的历史,中国正在带来全球资本和商品市场的动荡,中国即将挑战自由资本主义模式的未来……   中国的国有企业和银行还在大量失血,中国的人口老龄化速度举世无双,中国的政治体制与经济发展不相匹配,潜伏的各种矛盾和危机一触即发……   关于中国的现状和未来,无论是“正方”还是“反方”,都充满了大量的“神话”。   本书是上述一系列问题的正面回答。一方面,作者详细分析了中国面临的诸多难题,包括政经关系、人口老化、银行坏账、社会矛盾、增长模式以及中国与世界的相互影响,在充分肯定中国改革开放巨大成就的基础上,探讨了现实问题的解决办法。另一方面,针对各种夸大其辞的论调,作者还原了中国经济增长的真相,指出中国尽管是新崛起的亚洲巨龙,却并非人类从未见过的物种。从宏观经济的各种表现来看,它都将沿着东亚文化圈的既定模式发展,在未来二十年逐渐成为亚洲经济的领头羊。同时,在七个重要的方面,它不会改变整个世界的面貌。   对于“中国的崛起及其对世界的挑战”这一全球性话题而言,本书可谓最冷静客观、最有深度和最独辟蹊径的力作。
  • 转轨中国

    作者:姚洋 主编