

  • 帕莫·艾德里奇的三处圣痕

    作者:[美] 菲利普·迪克

    未来,一种名为“糖麻”的药物被广泛使用,它让人们把眼前的微缩城市模型当作现实,进而开启另一段人生。 此时,帕莫·艾德里奇恰从异星归来,他带回的“嚼麻”能让人获得近乎神明的体验,从而导致糖麻产业链面临崩溃。 巴尼·梅尔森临危受命,对帕莫·艾德里奇展开调查。然而,他所见、所思、所做的一切,究竟是现实、幻觉,还是幻觉之中的另一场幻觉? 帕莫·艾德里奇,究竟是外星人的傀儡、梅尔森眼中的幻觉,还是神灵本身的再现?
  • Ubik

    作者:Philip K. Dick

    Philip K. Dick's searing metaphysical comedy of death and salvation is a tour de force of panoramic menace and unfettered slapstick, in which the departed give business advice, shop for their next incarnation, and run the continual risk of dying yet again.
  • 倒数第二个真相


    未来,世界上的人分成了两类:少数人生活在灿烂的阳光下,享受着悠闲从容的生活;绝大多数人则生活在地下的“蚁箱”,对他们来说,生活是无尽的劳作、挣扎,还有沉甸甸的恐惧——对核污染的恐惧,对死亡的恐惧。 终于,一个蚁民爬出蚁箱,来到地面的世界。他发现了真相:压制蚁民的一切恐惧,不过是地面贵人们的杜撰。 幻象崩溃,少数人压迫多数人的世界也必将瓦解!
  • 瓦利斯


  • 泰坦棋手


    人类惨败于外星人之手,种族命运取决于一张小小的棋盘。赢得比赛,人类这一种族便能获得继续生存的权力;输掉比赛,人类将渐渐枯萎,直至消亡。 外星人拥有无与伦比的优势,他们具有洞察人心的超能力,人类棋手的任何思考都逃不过他们的眼睛。此外,他们的特工还乔装打扮,以人类的面目出现,占据了人类各个组织的核心位置,甚至能参与人类棋手的选拔过程。 他们选中的人类棋手是皮特·戈登,一个沉迷于麻醉药品的瘾君子,在与人类棋手的竞技中屡遭败绩,甚至输掉了自己的妻子。 无可救药、一心自杀的厌世者皮特·戈登,他将代表人类,参加这场博弈。
  • 死亡迷局


    十四个移民被送到了未经开发的德尔马克-欧星,却因设备故障与外界失去了联系。面对荒凉而陌生的环境,他们各怀心事、满腹猜疑,只能通过信号向神祈祷,但死亡随时可能降临……德尔马克-欧星上满是奇特的原生生物,还有早在移民到来之前就已存在的神秘大楼——它诱惑着所有人进入,却在各人眼中呈现出不同的模样……探索这颗星球的过程中,移民们接连遇害,是人们控制不住自己的癫狂,还是恶神在悄悄逼近? 在这里,上帝要么不存在,要么是在蓄意毁灭它的造物……
  • 血钱博士


    核战之后,世界陷入无序和荒芜,只有少数正常人和一些受核辐射影响而变异的人和动物存活下来。 战争的“罪魁祸首”——患有极度偏执妄想症的"血钱博士"布鲁兹盖德隐姓埋名,企图躲避惩罚。但他没有料到,一个核战的受害者——畸形儿霍皮•哈灵顿的出现,将彻底改变他的命运,因为哈灵顿不仅在核战中获得了可怕的超能力,还有一颗更加扭曲变态的内心……
  • The Man in the High Castle

    作者:Philip K. Dick

    It is 1962 and the Second World War has been over for seventeen years: people have now had a chance to adjust to the new order. But its not been easy. The Mediterranean has been drained to make farmland, the population of Africa has virtually been wiped out and America has been divided between the Nazis and the Japanese. In the neutral buffer zone that divides the two superpowers lives the man in the high castle, the author of an underground bestseller, a work of fiction that offers an alternative theory of world history in which the Axis powers didnt win the war. The novel is a rallying cry for all those who dream of overthrowing the occupiers. But could it be more than that? Subtle, complex and beautifully characterized, The Man in the High Castle remains the finest alternative world novel ever written, and a work of profundity and significance.
  • Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?


    By 2021, the World War had killed millions, driving entire species into extinction and sending mankind off-planet. Those who remained coveted any living creature, and for people who couldn't afford one, companies built incredibly realistic simulacrae: horses, birds, cats, sheep. . . They even built humans. Emigrees to Mars received androids so sophisticated it was impossible to tell them from true men or women. Fearful of the havoc these artificial humans could wreak, the government banned them from Earth. But when androids didn't want to be identified, they just blended in. Rick Deckard was an officially sanctioned bounty hunter whose job was to find rogue androids, and to retire them. But cornered, androids tended to fight back, with deadly results. (From the Inside Flap)