

  • Lirael

    作者:Garth Nix

    Who is Lirael?

    Lirael has never felt like a true daughter of the Clayr. Abandoned by her mother, ignorant of her father's identity, Lirael resembles no one else in her large extended family living in the Clayr's Glacier. She doesn't even have the Sight -- the ability to See into the present and possible futures -- that is the very birthright of the Clayr.

    Nonetheless, it is Lirael in whose hands the fate of the Old Kingdom lies. She must undertake a desperate mission under the growing shadow of an ancient evil -- one that opposes the Royal Family, blocks the Sight of the Clay; and threatens to break the very boundary between Life and Death itself. With only her faithful companion, the Disreputable Dog, to help her, Lirael must find the courage to seek her own hidden destiny.

    In this sequel to the critically acclaimed Sabriel, Garth Nix draws readers deeper into the magical landscape of the Old Kingdom and weaves a spellbinding tale of discovery, destiny, and danger.

  • 阿布霍森


    一个古老的邪恶力量苏醒过来——它被从地底的牢狱中释放出来,它还想摆脱禁锢它的银色半球,以便毫无顾忌地施展它那可怕的力量。 刚成为阿布霍森继承人的莉芮尔知道,整个世界的命运都掌握在她的手上。她只拥有坷睐所给予的一点预见,以及几个令人捉摸不透的伙伴——萨姆、坏狗和莫格——莉芮尔必须在重重危机之中完成使命。这位从前的二等助理图书馆员能找到办法,击败劲敌吗?答案就藏在现世或冥土的某处。 在这部小说中,古国埋藏已久的秘密和冥土第九重门的真相将最终为您揭开。
  • 莉芮尔


    莉芮尔从来都不觉自己像个真正的坷睐之女。她甚至没有预视之力——透视现在与未来的能力——这是每个坷睐都应该拥有的力量。尽管如此,当阿布霍森萨布莉尔忙于在别处战斗时,整个古国的命运都掌握在了莉芮尔手中。 一个古老的邪恶力量给整个世界投下隐影。它与皇室作对,遮蔽坷睐的预视之力,还威胁要打破现世与冥土的边界。肩负着近乎不可能完成的任务,莉芮尔踏上了危机重重的旅程。跟随她的只有她那忠实的伙伴——坏狗。她必须面对自己的命运……
  • 萨布莉尔


    萨布莉尔是魔法师阿布霍森之女。从孩提时代起,她就一直生活在古国的界墙之外,远离无法无天的肆行魔法,以及从坟墓中爬出来的亡者。 但现在,萨布莉尔的父亲失踪了,萨布莉尔受到召唤,她必须穿越界墙,返回古国,寻觅父亲。萨布莉尔走出如家园般安宁的校园,开始一次冒险之旅。陪伴她左右的是不可思议的危险以及难以捉摸的旅伴。古国的一切都神秘莫测。邪恶的敌人想夺走的远不止是她的性命。但萨布莉尔必须走向她那早已注定的命运……