

  • 论文明、权力与知识:诺贝特·埃利亚斯文选


    诺贝特·埃利亚斯(1897—1990)是20世纪的一位伟大的社会学家。他出生于德国,纳粹上台后流亡国外,在英国度过了半生的时光。在其代表《文明的进程》中,埃利亚斯勾勒了欧洲上层阶级从中世纪以来在生活方式方面的细微变化,指出这些看似无关痛痒的礼仪变革实际上乃是社会权力关系之深刻变化的反映。循此思路,埃利亚斯又将他的进程社会学研究拓展到更广阔的领域,对艺术、文化、国家的形成、暴力的控制、体育社会学、知识与科学的发展及社会学方法论等问题展开了创造性的分析。 《论文明、权力与知识》是埃利亚斯有关以上诸问题之最重要论述的精彩汇编,浓缩了这位颇具原创精神的社会学家的思想精髓,对我们认识各相关问题并从总体上把握埃利亚斯的社会学思想具有十分重要的意义。
  • 中国社会中的日常权威


  • 为什么?

    作者:[美] 查尔斯·蒂利

    《为什么?》是一本关于我们所给定的理由以及这些理由如何给定的书。它考察我们在日常生活中给出的理由如何取决于社会关系,并反过来构建社会关系。本书以简易平实的风格探讨了人们如何通过不同的理由来确认、建立、协商、修复或终止与他人的关系。 蒂利考察了人们所给出的大量不同类型的原 因。例如,他描述了一个空中交通管制员如何根据说话对象的转换,以不同方式解释两架飞机的几近失踪:对于在鸡尾酒会上碰到的熟人,他可能以一种无所谓的口吻说“这种事三天两头都会发生”,或对已曝光的事件天马行空、侃侃而谈;对于工作中的同事,他会试着做出一番、更专业的解释;而在给部门领导的正式报告中,他会提供一套细针密缕、字斟句酌的解释。 蒂利指出,理由可以分为四种: 惯例:“不好意思,我把咖啡打翻了;我真是一个傻蛋。” 故事:“我的朋友背叛了我,因为她妒忌我的姐姐。” 专业表述:“点火装置的短路造成了发动机转子的失灵。” 准则:“按照第369条法规,我们不能交出档案。” 为了阐明这一论题,蒂利描述了不同的人如何对九一一袭击给出不同的理由。他还考察了那些给出一种原因的人如何经常将其转换为另一种原因。例如,一个医生可能使用生物化学的专业语言来理解一种病症,但在对生物化学一无所知的病人面前,他会求助于惯例和故事。 全书随处可见关于(包括作者本人的)日常生活体验的精彩轶事。《为什么?》告诉我们,故事是人类最伟大的发明之一。 译者是蒂利正式指导过的最后一位学生。接触虽短,见到为蒂利作品的引进,耗费心血,译文谨严,行事谦退。实可敬重。书稿由前辈编辑编校,老成律则,受益良多。 —————————————————————————— 郭于华、沈原、唐世平、汪晖、郑也夫推荐 本书辨析了一个重要却鲜为研究的现象:日常生活中理由的给定。更为重要的是,它令人信服地阐明了微观社会互动如何促成宏观社会结构。 ——郭于华(清华大学社会学系教授) 本书作者蒂利,以研究宏观历史变迁闻名于世,本书却显示出他洞悉微观的功力。 ——沈原(清华大学社会学系教授) 蒂利是过去20-30年间最有影响的社会学家之一。 ——唐世平(复旦大学国际政治系教授) 人是行动常常需要理由的动物——作者不仅提出了这一精彩的命题,并且做了出色的解答。 ——郑也夫(北京大学社会学系教授)
  • As Sociology Meets History

    作者:Charles Tilly

  • Protest with Chinese Characteristics

    作者:Ho-fung Hung

    The origin of political modernity has long been tied to the Western history of protest and revolution, the currents of which many believe sparked popular dissent worldwide. Reviewing nearly one thousand instances of protest in China from the eighteenth to the early-nineteenth centuries, Ho-fung Hung charts an evolution of Chinese dissent that stands apart from Western trends. Hung samples from mid-Qing petitions and humble plaints to the emperor. He revisits rallies, riots, market strikes, and other forms of contention rarely considered in previous studies. Drawing on new world history, which accommodates parallels and divergences between political-economic and cultural developments East and West, Hung shows how the centralization of political power and an expanding market, coupled with a persistent Confucianist orthodoxy, shaped protesters' strategies and appeals in Qing China. This unique form of mid-Qing protest combined a quest for justice and autonomy with a filial-loyal respect for the imperial center, and Hung's careful research ties this distinct characteristic to popular protest in China today. As Hung makes clear, the nature of these protests prove late imperial China was anything but a stagnant and tranquil empire before the West cracked it open. In fact, the origins of modern popular politics in China predate the 1911 Revolution. Hung's work ultimately establishes a framework others can use to compare popular protest among different cultural fabrics. His book fundamentally recasts the evolution of such acts worldwide.
  • Empire of Difference

    作者:Karen Barkey

    This book is a comparative study of imperial organization and longevity that assesses Ottoman successes as well as failures against those of other empires with similar characteristics. Barkey examines the Ottoman Empire's social organization and mechanisms of rule at key moments of its history, emergence, imperial institutionalization, remodeling, and transition to nation-state, revealing how the empire managed these moments, adapted, and averted crises and what changes made it transform dramatically. The flexible techniques by which the Ottomans maintained their legitimacy, the cooperation of their diverse elites both at the center and in the provinces, as well as their control over economic and human resources were responsible for the longevity of this particular 'negotiated empire'. Her analysis illuminates topics that include imperial governance, imperial institutions, imperial diversity and multiculturalism, the manner in which dissent is handled and/or internalized, and the nature of state society negotiations. • Views the Ottoman empire in a comparative perspective • Combines social science methodology with a strong sense of historical perspective • Covers a wide range of topics, including imperial governance, institutions, diversity and multiculturalism, and conflict resolution
  • The Military Revolution and Political Change

    作者:Brian Downing

    To examine the long-run origins of democracy and dictatorship, Brian Downing focuses on the importance of medieval political configurations and of military modernization in the early modern period. He maintains that in late medieval times an array of constitutional arrangements distinguished Western Europe from other parts of the world and predisposed it toward liberal democracy. He then looks at how medieval constitutionalism was affected by the "military revolution" of the early modern era--the shift from small, decentralized feudal levies to large standing armies. Downing won the American Political Science Association's Gabriel Almond Award for the dissertation on which this book was based.
  • Handbook of Historical Sociology

    作者:Gerard Delanty,Engin

    This Handbook consists of 26 chapters on historical sociology. It is divided into three parts. Part One is devoted to Foundations and covers Marx, Weber, evolutionary and functionalist approaches, the Annales School, Elias, Nelson and Eisenstadt. Part Two moves on to consider major approaches, such as modernization approaches, late Marxist approaches, historical geography, institutional approaches, cultural history, intellectual history, postcolonial and genealogical approaches. The third part is devoted to the major substantive themes in historical sociology ranging from state formation, nationalism, social movements, classes, patriarchy, architecture, religion and moral regulation to problems of periodization and East-West divisions. Each part includes an introduction that summarizes and contextualizes chapters. A general introduction to the volume outlines the current situation of historical sociology after the cultural turn in the social sciences. It argues that historical sociology is deeply divided between explanatory `sociological' approaches and more empirical and interpretative `historical' approaches.
  • Birth of the Leviathan

    作者:Thomas Ertman

    For many years scholars have sought to explain why the European states which emerged in the period before the French Revolution developed along such different lines. Why did some become absolutist and others constitutionalist? What enabled some to develop bureaucratic administrative systems, while others remained dependent upon patrimonial practices? This book presents a new theory of state-building in medieval and early modern Europe. Ertman argues that two factors - the organisation of local government at the time of state formation and the timing of sustained geo-military competition - can explain most of the variation in political regimes and in state infrastructures found across the continent during the second half of the eighteenth century. Drawing on insights developed in historical sociology, comparative politics, and economic history, this book makes a compelling case for the value of interdisciplinary approaches to the study of political development.
  • The Sources of Social Power

    作者:Michael Mann

    This is the first part of a three-volume work on the nature of power in human societies. In it, Michael Mann identifies the four principal 'sources' of power as being control over economic, ideological, military, and political resources. He examines the interrelations between these in a narrative history of power from Neolithic times, through ancient Near Eastern civilisations, the classical Mediterranean age, and medieval Europe, up to just before the Industrial Revolution in England. Rejecting the conventional monolithic concept of a 'society', Dr. Mann's model is instead one of a series of overlapping, intersecting power networks. He makes this model operational by focusing on the logistics of power - how the flow of information, manpower, and goods is controlled over social and geographical space-thereby clarifying many of the 'great debates' in sociological theory. The present volume offers explanations of the emergence of the state and social stratification.
  • What is Historical Sociology?

    作者:Richard Lachmann

    Sociology began as a historical discipline, created by Marx, Weber and others, to explain the emergence and consequences of rational, capitalist society. Today, the best historical sociology combines precision in theory-construction with the careful selection of appropriate methodologies to address ongoing debates across a range of subfields. This innovative book explores what sociologists gain by treating temporality seriously, what we learn from placing social relations and events in historical context. In a series of chapters, readers will see how historical sociologists have addressed the origins of capitalism, revolutions and social movements, empires and states, inequality, gender and culture. The goal is not to present a comprehensive history of historical sociology; rather, readers will encounter analyses of exemplary works and see how authors engaged past debates and their contemporaries in sociology, history and other disciplines to advance our understanding of how societies are created and remade across time. This illuminating book is designed for use in graduate and advanced undergraduate courses as an introduction to historical sociology and as a guide to employing historical analysis across the discipline.
  • Remaking Modernity

    作者:Adams, Julia (EDT)/

    A state-of-the-field survey of historical sociology, Remaking Modernity highlights the resurgence in historical inquiry underway right now, assesses the field's past accomplishments, and peers into the future, delineating changes to come. The seventeen essays in this collection reveal the potential of historical sociology to transform understandings of social and cultural change. Where many discussions of the field have focused on questions of method, these essays illuminate the substantive and theoretical challenges presented by modernity, by social change writ large. This volume captures an exciting new conversation among historical sociologists that brings a wider interdisciplinary project to bear on the problems and prospects of modernity. The contributors represent a wide range of theoretical orientations and a broad spectrum of understandings of what constitutes historical sociology. They address such topics as religion, war, citizenship, markets, professions, gender and welfare, colonialism, ethnicity and groups, bureaucracy, revolutions, collective action, and the modernist social sciences themselves. Remaking Modernity includes a significant introduction in which the editors consider prior orientations in historic sociology in order to highlight more recent developments. They point out how current research is building on and challenging previous work through attention to institutionalism, rational-choice, the cultural turn, feminist theories and approaches, and colonialism and the racial formations of empire. Contributors: Julia Adams; Justin Baer; Richard Biernacki; Bruce Carruthers; Elisabeth Clemens; Rebecca Jean Emigh ;Philip Gorski; Roger Gould; Meyer Kestmbaum; Edgar Kiser; Ming-Cheng Lo; Zine Magubane; Ann Shola Orloff; Nader Sohrabi; George Steinmetz. Julia Adams is Arthur F. Thurnau Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Michigan. She is the author of The Familial State: Ruling Families and Merchant Capitalism in Early Modern Europe. Elisabeth Clemens is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Chicago. She is the author of The People's Lobby: Organizational Innovation and the Rise of the Interest Group. Ann Shola Orloff is Professor of Sociology at Northwestern University. Her most recent book is Women's Employment and Welfare Regimes: Globalization, Export Orientation, and Social Policy in Europe and North America.
  • 社会权力的来源1 (平装)


  • 再现过去


    这是一本西方史学的社会史转向的译文集,包括了众多西方史名家的文章。 蔡少卿:序言 霍布斯鲍姆:从社会史到社会的历史 埃利:当代西方社会史研究的新趋势 斯特恩:拓宽视野:美国社会史研究的趋势 布罗代尔:历史和社会科学:长时段 菲雷:社会科学方法与“全面的历史” 勒高夫:新史学 珀金:社会史 布雷维里等:何谓社会史 霍赫施塔特:社会史与政治:一个唯物主义的观点 埃利、尼尔德:社会史为何忽视政治 汤普森:民俗学、人类学与社会史 蒂利:在社会学与历史学交叉点上 琼斯:从历史社会学到理论历史学 罗恩:马克斯·韦伯的历史观 斯考切波:历史社会学的产生和研究方法 蒂利:重建欧洲的生活 罗威廉:近代中国社会史的研究方法
  • 历史社会学的兴起


  • Coercion, Capital and European States

    作者:Charles Tilly

    In this pathbreaking work, now available in paperback, Charles Tilly challenges all previous formulations of state development in Europe. Specifically, Tilly charges that most available explanations fail because they do not account for the great variety of kinds of states which were viable at different stages of European history, and because they assume a unilinear path of state development resolving in today's national state.
  • The Confucian-Legalist State

    作者:Dingxin Zhao

    In the The Confucian-Legalist State, Dingxin Zhao offers a radically new analysis of Chinese imperial history from the eleventh century BCE to the fall of the Qing dynasty. This study first uncovers the factors that explain how, and why, China developed into a bureaucratic empire under the Qin dynasty in 221 BCE. It then examines the political system that crystallized during the Western Han dynasty, a system that drew on China's philosophical traditions of Confucianism and Legalism. Despite great changes in China's demography, religion, technology, and socioeconomic structures, this Confucian-Legalist political system survived for over two millennia. Yet, it was precisely because of the system's resilience that China, for better or worse, did not develop industrial capitalism as Western Europe did, notwithstanding China's economic prosperity and technological sophistication beginning with the Northern Song dynasty. In examining the nature of this political system, Zhao offers a new way of viewing Chinese history, one that emphasizes the importance of structural forces and social mechanisms in shaping historical dynamics. As a work of historical sociology, The Confucian-Legalist State aims to show how the patterns of Chinese history were not shaped by any single force, but instead by meaningful activities of social actors which were greatly constrained by, and at the same time reproduced and modified, the constellations of political, economic, military, and ideological forces. This book thus offers a startling new understanding of long-term patterns of Chinese history, one that should trigger debates for years to come among historians, political scientists, and sociologists.
  • On the Medieval Origins of the Modern State

    作者:Joseph R. Strayer

    The modern state, however we conceive of it today, is based on a pattern that emerged in Europe in the period from 1100 to 1600. Written from the experience of a lifetime of teaching and research in the field, this short, clear book is the classic work on what is known about the early history of the European state. Charles Tilly's foreword shows how Strayer's book set the agenda for a whole generation of historical analysts, not just in medieval history but also in the comparative study of state formation. William Chester Jordan's foreword addresses the scholarly and pedagogical setting within which Strayer produced his book, and how this both enhanced its accessibility and informed its focus on peculiarly English and French accomplishments in early state-building.
  • 社会历史学导论


  • Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy

    作者:Barrington Moore

    "A landmark in comparative history and a challenge to scholars of all lands who are trying to learn how we arrived at where we are now." -The New York Times Book Review