

  • 撬开苹果

    作者:利安德·卡尼,Leander Kahne

    本书从1996年乔布斯以临时首席执行官(interim-CEO,iCEO)的身份重返苹果公司开始讲起。但是,对于早期诸如苹果二代或者最初的麦金塔电脑之类项目的一些细节情况,本书也有提及,尤其是那些可以说明乔布斯所持原则的项目。 苹果公司本身并没有参与本书的撰写工作。本书只是一本非官方的商业传记。撰写此书的早期,苹果公司公关部给作者打电话表示,苹果公司对本书不给予官方认可。当时作者认为自己很可能会惹上官司,因为之前撰写乔布斯传记的大部分作者都遭到了乔布斯的起诉;但实际情况比作者预料的要好。苹果公司并没有威胁作者,而是设法弄清楚作者究竟打算在书中写什么内容。作者设法让他们相信本书整体的角度是积极的,最重要的是,将以乔布斯崇拜者的身份撰写此书,而不是像先前的很多传记一样揭秘他的生活。自此之后,尽管由于作者在《连线》杂志(Wired)工作的缘故,每天都要与苹果公司公关部打交道,但他们再也没有和作者谈论过此事。
  • The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs

    作者:Carmine Gallo

    Apple CEO Steve Jobs’s wildly popular presentations have set a new global gold standard—and now this step-by-step guide shows you exactly how to use his crowd-pleasing techniques in your own presentations. The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs is as close as you’ll ever get to having the master presenter himself speak directly in your ear. Communications expert Carmine Gallo has studied and analyzed the very best of Jobs’s performances, offering point-by-point examples, tried-and-true techniques, and proven presentation secrets that work every time. With this revolutionary approach, you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to sell your ideas, share your enthusiasm, and wow your audience the Steve Jobs way
  • 追随你的心


  • iCon Steve Jobs

    作者:Jeffrey S. Young,Wi

    iCon takes a look at the most astounding figure in a business era noted for its mavericks, oddballs, and iconoclasts. Drawing on a wide range of sources, Jeffrey Young and William Simon provide new perspectives on the legendary creation of Apple, detail Jobs's meteoric rise, and the devastating plunge that left him not only out of Apple, but out of the computer-making business entirely. This unflinching and completely unauthorized portrait reveals both sides of Jobs's role in the remarkable rise of the Pixar animation studio, also re-creates the acrimony between Jobs and Disney's Michael Eisner, and examines Jobs's dramatic his rise from the ashes with his recapture of Apple. The authors examine the takeover and Jobs's reinvention of the company with the popular iMac and his transformation of the industry with the revolutionary iPod. iCon is must reading for anyone who wants to understand how the modern digital age has been formed, shaped, and refined by the most influential figure of the age-a master of three industries: movies, music, and computers.
  • Steve Jobs

    作者:Walter Isaacson

    From bestselling author Walter Isaacson comes the landmark biography of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. In Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography, Isaacson provides an extraordinary account of Jobs' professional and personal life. Drawn from three years of exclusive and unprecedented interviews Isaacson has conducted with Jobs as well as extensive interviews with Jobs' family members, key colleagues from Apple and its competitors, Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography is the definitive portrait of the greatest innovator of his generation.
  • 缔造苹果神话


    美国著名作家斯科特•菲茨杰拉德曾经说过,在美国人的生活中,不会有第二次创业的经历。但他显然没有预料到史蒂夫•乔布斯会上演一次漂亮的“东山再起”。   本书记录了在这个富有开创性的数字化商业时代,一位令世人称羡的风云人物的生活和工作经历。整部作品的材料多来源于硅谷和好莱坞,杰弗里•扬是第一位撰写史蒂夫•乔布斯传记的作家,他和这部作品的合著者威廉•西蒙从一个全新视角为读者展示了史蒂夫•乔布斯这个非凡的“电子神童”,并对他从一个默默无闻的中 学生成长为苹果公司的“重量级人物”和计算机革命的“弄潮儿”的传奇经历作了精彩绝伦的描绘。   在数字商业社会风云变幻的年代,乔布斯也经历了人生的大起大落。他曾在盲目自大而众叛亲离,被自己创建的公司赶出去,甚至完全脱离了电脑世界。但正是在被赶出自己亲手创建的苹果公司10年之后,他又卷土重来,并在一次只有他才能成功发动的“公司政变”后,重新执掌了苹果公司的大权。毫无疑问,这是乔布斯在 数字化时代的尘器中所做出的最巨大、最让人佩服的成就。   本书的出版并没有经过苹果公司授权,写作风格真实、大胆而泼辣,两位作者以锐利的眼光审视了苹果公司的兴衰成败与权力更迭,并对乔布斯本人做了全面的透析,既展示了他的过人智慧和商业成就,也没有回避他人格上的缺点和失当的行为。如果你想深入了解这位“数字之王”,了解他是如何纵横于电影、音乐和计算机 三个领域的,那么这本书你一定要读。
  • 活着就为改变世界

    作者:[美] 杰弗里·扬,威廉·西蒙

    内容简介 苹果公司CEO史蒂夫•乔布斯这个一直活在自己想象的世界里的创业奇才,经历过各种挫折与失落,但他那无所畏惧、敢于承担的个性让他一直努力实践着自己的价值观,总能为他的离奇想法找到解决问题的办法。 本书两位作者通过深入访谈和资料调查,揭秘了许多乔布斯个人的创业经历和家庭变故,为大家塑造了一个活生生的“乔布斯式”的鲜活人物,描述了一个个充满传奇色彩的商业奇迹,真实地再现了乔布斯几十年的人生价值观和世界观。