

  • Mac功夫

    作者:[美] Keir Thomas

    内容简介: 一直以来,苹果电脑以其独特便捷的操作系统、出色的设计风格而广受全世界用户的赞誉。每一代Mac系统都成为果粉们追捧并研究的对象。秉承着辉煌传统,崭新的Mac OS X系统继续担当新技术的领跑者,Mission Control、Launchpad、全屏应用程序、多点触控,以及联结各种社会化媒体的精彩功能使电脑使用方式产生了颠覆式的革新。 本书通过多达300余个小技巧,通俗易懂地介绍了OS X 操作系统的各种常用工具及神秘功能,是一本非常实用的Mac技术修炼秘籍。无论是新手还是高级用户,你都可从本书中找到一些意想不到的内容。通过学习本书,读者可以实现以下目标: 灵活运用终端程序来打造个性化的Mac 熟练利用键盘快捷键来加速日常工作 研习各种OS X 内建神秘功能来优化使用体验 每个技巧的学习都不超过几分钟,但会让你长久受益,使你的Mac生涯变得更加高效,产生质的飞跃。
  • Programming in Objective-C 2.0

    作者:Stephen G. Kochan

    THE #1 BESTSELLING BOOK ON OBJECTIVE-C 2.0 Programming in Objective-C 2.0 provides the new programmer a complete, step-by-step introduction to Objective-C, the primary language used to develop applications for the iPhone, iPad, and Mac OS X platforms. The book does not assume previous experience with either C or object-oriented programming languages, and it includes many detailed, practical examples of how to put Objective-C to use in your everyday iPhone/iPad or Mac OS X programming tasks. A powerful yet simple object-oriented programming language that's based on the C programming language, Objective-C is widely available not only on OS X and the iPhone/iPad platform but across many operating systems that support the gcc compiler, including Linux, Unix, and Windows systems. The second edition of this book thoroughly covers the latest version of the language, Objective-C 2.0. And it shows not only how to take advantage of the Foundation framework's rich built-in library of classes but also how to use the iPhone SDK to develop programs designed for the iPhone/iPad platform. Table of Contents 1 Introduction Part I: The Objective-C 2.0 Language 2 Programming in Objective-C 3 Classes, Objects, and Methods 4 Data Types and Expressions 5 Program Looping 6 Making Decisions 7 More on Classes 8 Inheritance 9 Polymorphism, Dynamic Typing, and Dynamic Binding 10 More on Variables and Data Types 11 Categories and Protocols 12 The Preprocessor 13 Underlying C Language Features Part II: The Foundation Framework 14 Introduction to the Foundation Framework 15 Numbers, Strings, and Collections 16 Working with Files 17 Memory Management 18 Copying Objects 19 Archiving Part III: Cocoa and the iPhone SDK 20 Introduction to Cocoa 21 Writing iPhone Applications Part IV: Appendixes A Glossary B Objective-C 2.0 Language Summary C Address Book Source Code D Resources
  • 苹果开发之Cocoa编程

    作者:Aaron Hillegas

    从零开始学习Cocoa的首选图书. 涵盖了最新的Mac编程技术 高级Mac OS X开发者们联手强烈推荐.. Mac OS X编程图书的标杆 Aaron Hillegass多年Cocoa教学实践经验的总结 本书内容涵盖了Objective-C语言、Cocoa的主要设计模式,以及三个最常使用的开发工具:Xcode、Interface Builder和Instruments。 本书的第三版更新了在Mac OS X 10.4和10.5中引入的一些技术,包括Xcode 3,、Objective-C 2、Core Data、垃圾收集器和CoreAnimation。 本书适合已经有一点C基础并且知道一点面向对象知识的程序员。你不须要有任何Mac编程经验。
  • MacTalk 人生元编程


    《MacTalk·人生元编程》是一本随笔文集,主要内容来自作者的微信公众平台“MacTalk By 池建强”。本书撰写于2013年,书中时间线却不止于此。作者以一个70 后程序员的笔触,立于Mac 之上,讲述技术与人文的故事,有历史,有明天,有技术,有人生。70 多篇文章划分为六大主题:Mac、程序员与编程、科技与人文、人物、工具、职场。篇篇独立成文,可拆可合,随时阅读。 此外,作者还对原来散落在各篇文章中的Mac 技巧进行了统一的整理和规划,形成130 个Mac Tips,通过阅读这些技巧,读者既可以了解Mac,增长知识,又能够提高工作效率。 本书行文采用了一种技术和人生感悟相结合的风格,起于Mac 却不止Mac,文风幽默又能笔底见风雷。王小波说,“每一本书都应该有趣,对于一些书来说,有趣是它存在的理由;对于另一些书,有趣是它应该达到的标准”。本书就是一本达到了有趣标准的技术书,它不仅适合Mac 用户阅读,更值得所有技术人员随时翻阅。
  • MacTalk 人生元编程


    《MacTalk·人生元编程》是一本随笔文集,主要内容来自作者的微信公众平台“MacTalk By 池建强”。本书撰写于2013年,书中时间线却不止于此。作者以一个70 后程序员的笔触,立于Mac 之上,讲述技术与人文的故事,有历史,有明天,有技术,有人生。70 多篇文章划分为六大主题:Mac、程序员与编程、科技与人文、人物、工具、职场。篇篇独立成文,可拆可合,随时阅读。 此外,作者还对原来散落在各篇文章中的Mac 技巧进行了统一的整理和规划,形成130 个Mac Tips,通过阅读这些技巧,读者既可以了解Mac,增长知识,又能够提高工作效率。 本书行文采用了一种技术和人生感悟相结合的风格,起于Mac 却不止Mac,文风幽默又能笔底见风雷。王小波说,“每一本书都应该有趣,对于一些书来说,有趣是它存在的理由;对于另一些书,有趣是它应该达到的标准”。本书就是一本达到了有趣标准的技术书,它不仅适合Mac 用户阅读,更值得所有技术人员随时翻阅。
  • The Cult of Mac

    作者:Leander Kahney

    There is no product on the planet that enjoys the devotion of a Macintosh computer. Apple's machines have legions of loyal, sometimes demented fans. The Cult of Mac surveys the devoted following that has grown up around Macintosh computers. Like fans of a football team or a rock group, Macintosh fanatics have their own subculture, with clearly defined obsessions, rites, and passages. Famously dedicated to their computers, many Mac fans eat, sleep, and breathe the Macintosh. Fans who get Mac tattoos and haircuts, people who attend Apple Store openings like they are Grateful Dead shows, counterculture icons who love the Mac, people who turn old Macs into aquariums (or bongs), Ellen Fein lookalike contests, erotic fiction featuring Steve Jobs; it's all here. Technology reporter Leander Kahney exposes all sides of Mac fanaticism, from the innocuous to the insane.
  • Inside Steve's Brain

    作者:Leander Kahney

    Steve Jobs has turned his personality traits into a business philosophy. Here’s how he does it. It’s hard to believe that one man revolutionized computers in the 1970s and ’80s (with the Apple II and the Mac), animated movies in the 1990s (with Pixar), and digital music in the 2000s (with the iPod and iTunes). No wonder some people worship him like a god. On the other hand, stories of his epic tantrums and general bad behavior are legendary. Inside Steve’s Brain cuts through the cult of personality that surrounds Jobs to unearth the secrets to his unbelievable results. It reveals the real Steve Jobs—not his heart or his famous temper, but his mind. So what’s really inside Steve’s brain? According to Leander Kahney, who has covered Jobs since the early 1990s, it’s a fascinating bundle of contradictions. Jobs is an elitist who thinks most people are bozos—but he makes gadgets so easy to use, a bozo can master them. He’s a mercurial obsessive with a filthy temper—but he forges deep partnerships with creative geniuses like Steve Wozniak, Jonathan Ive, and John Lasseter. He’s a Buddhist and anti-materialist—but he produces mass-market products in Asian factories, and he promotes them with absolute mastery of the crassest medium, advertising. In short, Jobs has embraced the traits that some consider flaws—narcissism, perfectionism, the desire for total control—to lead Apple and Pixar to triumph against steep odds. And in the process, he has become a self-made billionaire. In Inside Steve’s Brain , Kahney distills the principles that guide Jobs as he launches killer products, attracts fanatically loyal customers, and manages some of the world’s most powerful brands. The result is this unique book about Steve Jobs that is part biography and part leadership guide, and impossible to put down. It gives you a peek inside Steve’s brain, and might even teach you something about how to build your own culture of innovation.
  • Revolution in The Valley

    作者:Andy Hertzfeld

    There was a time, not too long ago, when the typewriter and notebook ruled, and the computer as an everyday tool was simply a vision. Revolution in the Valley traces this vision back to its earliest roots: the hallways and backrooms of Apple, where the groundbreaking Macintosh computer was born. The book traces the development of the Macintosh, from its inception as an underground skunkworks project in 1979 to its triumphant introduction in 1984 and beyond. The stories in Revolution in the Valley come on extremely good authority. That's because author Andy Hertzfeld was a core member of the team that built the Macintosh system software, and a key creator of the Mac's radically new user interface software. One of the chosen few who worked with the mercurial Steve Jobs, you might call him the ultimate insider. When Revolution in the Valley begins, Hertzfeld is working on Apple's first attempt at a low-cost, consumer-oriented computer: the Apple II. He sees that Steve Jobs is luring some of the company's most brilliant innovators to work on a tiny research effort the Macintosh. Hertzfeld manages to make his way onto the Macintosh research team, and the rest is history. Through lavish illustrations, period photos (many never before published), and Hertzfeld's vivid first-hand accounts, Revolution in the Valley reveals what it was like to be there at the birth of the personal computer revolution. The story comes to life through the book's portrait of the talented and often eccentric characters who made up the Macintosh team. Now, over 20 years later, millions of people are benefiting from the technical achievements of this determined and brilliant group of people.
  • The Second Coming of Steve Jobs

    作者:Alan Deutschman

    在线阅读本书 When Steve Jobs became the acting CEO of Apple Computers, it was hemorrhaging more than a billion dollars a year. His return after twelve years of exile to the company he cofounded completely revitalized Apple. With the revolutionary success of the iMac, it turned a profit of more than six hundred million dollars - one of the biggest turnarounds in business history. Based on interviews with scores of people - rivals, colleagues, friends - who have worked with Jobs over the years, The Second Coming of Steve Jobs presents the most revealing portrait yet of this extraordinarily complex man - How and why he almost gave up on his career; the details of his negotiations with Disney's Jeffrey Katzenberg and Michael Eisner, and the culture clash between Silicon Valley and Hollywood; his methods of leadership, management, creativity and innovation; his friendship and rivalry with Bill Gates - and much more. Now, as Jobs prepares to conquer Hollywood with his enormously successful animation film studio, Pixar, Alan Deutschman brings readers one of the most talked-about business biographies of modern times.
  • 我是沃兹


    个人电脑对世界的改变仍在继续…… 斯蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克正是这场变革的开始。 从个人电脑的发明到苹果公司的崛起,技术和商业上的成功,没能改变他淘气而又害羞的性格,更没能让他放弃对技术理想的坚持。尽管他的设计成就了最初的苹果电脑公司,但是与乔布斯性格上的天壤之别,还是让他离开了苹果。没有人知道沃兹的离去是个人电脑发展的幸运,还是不幸。无论如何,一个电脑天才最终成为了新技术商业化的冷眼旁观者。 书中,沃兹从自己的视角回顾了那段绚烂的岁月。透过调侃的语言和轻松的笔调,一段交织着理想和现实、憧憬与迷茫、快乐与悲情的浪漫故事展现在每个读者面前。那种纯粹的创业精神,让每个人感动。 而曾为乔布斯撰写传记的艾伦说:“他(沃兹)的叙述是值得等待的——它为个人电脑革新起源这一历史增添了新的迷人一页。”
  • 缔造苹果神话


    美国著名作家斯科特•菲茨杰拉德曾经说过,在美国人的生活中,不会有第二次创业的经历。但他显然没有预料到史蒂夫•乔布斯会上演一次漂亮的“东山再起”。   本书记录了在这个富有开创性的数字化商业时代,一位令世人称羡的风云人物的生活和工作经历。整部作品的材料多来源于硅谷和好莱坞,杰弗里•扬是第一位撰写史蒂夫•乔布斯传记的作家,他和这部作品的合著者威廉•西蒙从一个全新视角为读者展示了史蒂夫•乔布斯这个非凡的“电子神童”,并对他从一个默默无闻的中 学生成长为苹果公司的“重量级人物”和计算机革命的“弄潮儿”的传奇经历作了精彩绝伦的描绘。   在数字商业社会风云变幻的年代,乔布斯也经历了人生的大起大落。他曾在盲目自大而众叛亲离,被自己创建的公司赶出去,甚至完全脱离了电脑世界。但正是在被赶出自己亲手创建的苹果公司10年之后,他又卷土重来,并在一次只有他才能成功发动的“公司政变”后,重新执掌了苹果公司的大权。毫无疑问,这是乔布斯在 数字化时代的尘器中所做出的最巨大、最让人佩服的成就。   本书的出版并没有经过苹果公司授权,写作风格真实、大胆而泼辣,两位作者以锐利的眼光审视了苹果公司的兴衰成败与权力更迭,并对乔布斯本人做了全面的透析,既展示了他的过人智慧和商业成就,也没有回避他人格上的缺点和失当的行为。如果你想深入了解这位“数字之王”,了解他是如何纵横于电影、音乐和计算机 三个领域的,那么这本书你一定要读。