

  • The Cathedral & the Bazaar

    作者:Eric S. Raymond

    Open source provides the competitive advantage in the Internet Age. According to the August Forrester Report, 56 percent of IT managers interviewed at Global 2,500 companies are already using some type of open source software in their infrastructure and another 6 percent will install it in the next two years. This revolutionary model for collaborative software development is being embraced and studied by many of the biggest players in the high-tech industry, from Sun Microsystems to IBM to Intel. The Cathedral & the Bazaar is a must for anyone who cares about the future of the computer industry or the dynamics of the information economy. Already, billions of dollars have been made and lost based on the ideas in this book. Its conclusions will be studied, debated, and implemented for years to come. According to Bob Young, "This is Eric Raymond's great contribution to the success of the open source revolution, to the adoption of Linux-based operating systems, and to the success of open source users and the companies that supply them." The interest in open source software development has grown enormously in the past year. This revised and expanded paperback edition includes new material on open source developments in 1999 and 2000. Raymond's clear and effective writing style accurately describing the benefits of open source software has been key to its success. With major vendors creating acceptance for open source within companies, independent vendors will become the open source story in 2001.
  • 开源的成功之路


    《开源的成功之路》的编者提出的论点是,开源社区首创精神的意义尤为深远。通过探讨构成财产的基本概念,该社区重新改写了一些最基本的管理问题。与此同时,它正在重建软件世界的政治学和经济学。假如您就像编者一样深信,在未来,软件构成的一些核心工具和原则将指导人类如何协同工作,协助人们创造财富并开创美好的未来,寻求新思想和新问题的解决方案,那么,理解开源如何改变这些过程至关重要。作为一名政治学家,编者更关心社区的管理方式,而非技术本身。编者之所以对开源产生兴趣,正是因为这个新兴的技术社区似乎能够以一种非常新奇而动人的方式,解决在编者看来相当棘手但常见的基本管理问题。 海报:
  • OPEN SOURCES革命之声(影印版)

    作者:Chris DiBona,Sam Ock

    世界各地成千上万的程序员提供了可免费使用的源代码:这就是被称为Open Source的软件革命的精神。如今,Open Source的领袖们第一次聚集到一起,讨论他们所开创的这个软件产业的未来前景。本书中的这些短文透析了Open Source的工作方式、其成功的原因,以及Open Source将去向何方。对于致力于Open Source项目的那些程序员来说,Open Source是一种新的信仰;这项运动的精神领袖们为这些程序员描绘了一幅美好的前景。对于将Open Source软件集成到企业运作中的那些公司来说,Open Source揭示了开放式开发如何能够构建出更好的软件,并揭示出企业如何利用这些免费的软件来取得商业竞争上的优势。对于今天的程序员来说,下面这些计算机高手是他们的偶像,这些人开发出了很多软件,包括:世界上最流行和Web服务器软件——Apache;除Redmond之外增长最快的操作系统——Linux;世界上最好的编辑器——Emacs;以及世界上最流行的脚本语言——Perl 对于企业的管理层和投资方来说,这场革命的先驱们带来了一种全新的经济模式,如Red Hat公司的总裁;Cygnus公司的合伙创始人;Netscape公司客房服务部的副总裁;以及Mozilla.org的管理者。从Eric Raymond到Bruce Perens,从Tim OReilly到Richard Stallman,这些梦想家们正在使得Open Source革命站在高科技产业的最前沿。随着本书的第一次印刷,读者将能够看到他们对当今现状的分析,以及对未来的展望。
  • The Art of UNIX Programming

    作者:Eric S. Raymond

    Writing better software: 30 years of UNIX development wisdom In this book, five years in the making, the author encapsulates three decades of unwritten, hard-won software engineering wisdom. Raymond brings together for the first time the philosophy, design patterns, tools, culture, and traditions that make UNIX home to the world's best and most innovative software, and shows how these are carried forward in Linux and today's open-source movement. Using examples from leading open-source projects, he shows UNIX and Linux programmers how to apply this wisdom in building software that's more elegant, more portable, more reusable, and longer-lived.
  • The Architecture of Open Source Applications

    作者:Amy Brown,Greg Wilso

    Architects look at thousands of buildings during their training, and study critiques of those buildings written by masters. In contrast, most software developers only ever get to know a handful of large programs well—usually programs they wrote themselves—and never study the great programs of history. As a result, they repeat one another's mistakes rather than building on one another's successes. This book's goal is to change that. In it, the authors of twenty-five open source applications explain how their software is structured, and why. What are each program's major components? How do they interact? And what did their builders learn during their development? In answering these questions, the contributors to this book provide unique insights into how they think. If you are a junior developer, and want to learn how your more experienced colleagues think, this book is the place to start. If you are an intermediate or senior developer, and want to see how your peers have solved hard design problems, this book can help you too.
  • 共创未来


    哲人石丛书·当代科普名著系列。 一场革命——在未来甚至可能将强大的微软公司拖下王位的革命——正在横扫软件领域。比尔·盖茨通过Windows系统对软件产业的统治,正面临有史以来最强有力的挑战。一个无法用任何传统的公司霸权模式收买、控制或打击的全新的竞争对手已横空出世。它的名字就叫:Linux。 本书讲述的是一群来自世界各地,具有奉献精神的软件高手们,利用业余时间,开发一套堪与微软的Windows系统相媲美的“开放”操作系统的故事。作者通过妙趣横生的讲解,向读者介绍了这样一套任何人都可以免费下载使用的操作系统,是如何在程序员中间激起一场平民运动,并在软件产业界引发一场革命的。 本书走进幕后,向我们展示了这场革命众多领袖人物的风采,其中包括自由软件基金会的创始人理查德·斯托尔曼和Linux的缔造者利努斯·托瓦尔兹。你可以从中了解到他们如何以及为何要免费发布自己编写的代码,从而威胁到大公司的霸权,并催生出一个从事Linux产品开发的全新产业。 Linux的故事刚刚开始。这里拉开的就是这部传奇故事的第一幕。
  • Open Sources 2.0

    作者:Chris DiBona,Mark St

    Open Sources 2.0 is a collection of insightful and thought-provoking essays from today's technology leaders that continues painting the evolutionary picture that developed in the 1999 book Open Sources: Voices from the Revolution . These essays explore open source's impact on the software industry and reveal how open source concepts are infiltrating other areas of commerce and society. The essays appeal to a broad audience: the software developer will find thoughtful reflections on practices and methodology from leading open source developers like Jeremy Allison and Ben Laurie, while the business executive will find analyses of business strategies from the likes of Sleepycat co-founder and CEO Michael Olson and Open Source Business Conference founder Matt Asay. From China, Europe, India, and Brazil we get essays that describe the developing world's efforts to join the technology forefront and use open source to take control of its high tech destiny. For anyone with a strong interest in technology trends, these essays are a must-read. The enduring significance of open source goes well beyond high technology, however. At the heart of the new paradigm is network-enabled distributed collaboration: the growing impact of this model on all forms of online collaboration is fundamentally challenging our modern notion of community. What does the future hold? Veteran open source commentators Tim O'Reilly and Doc Searls offer their perspectives, as do leading open source scholars Steven Weber and Sonali Shah. Andrew Hessel traces the migration of open source ideas from computer technology to biotechnology, and Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger and Slashdot co-founder Jeff Bates provide frontline views of functioning, flourishing online collaborative communities. The power of collaboration, enabled by the internet and open source software, is changing the world in ways we can only begin to imagine.Open Sources 2.0 further develops the evolutionary picture that emerged in the original Open Sources and expounds on the transformative open source philosophy.
  • The Cathedral and the Bazaar

    作者:Eric Steven Raymond

    《大教堂与市集》(The Cathedral and the Bazaar)是埃里克·斯蒂芬·雷蒙(Eric Steven Raymond)所撰写的软件工程方法论。以Linux的核心开发过程以及作者自己主持开发的开放原始码软件──Fetchmail为讨论案例。文章在1997年5月27日发表,并在1999年出版成书。 本书讨论两种不同的自由软件开发模式︰ 大教堂模式(The Cathedral model)︰原始码在本模式是公开的,但在软件的每个版本开发过程是由一个专属的团队所控管的。作者以GNU Emacs及GCC这两软件为例。 市集模式(The Bazaar model)︰原始码在本模式也是公开的,不过却是放在因特网上供人检视及开发。作者以Linux核心的创始者林纳斯·托瓦兹带领Linux核心的开发为例,亦引用fetchmail的开发为例。 这篇文章的要义是让够多人看到原始码,错误将无所遁形(Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow)。作者表示大教堂模式的软件开发让程序除错的时间大幅增加,因为只有少数的开发者可参与修改工作。市集模式则相反。 此文让大部份的开放原始码及自由软件的开发计划采用市集模式,甚至原来采用大教堂模式的 GNC Emacs 及 GCC 也是如此。Netscape 网页浏览器后来释出原始码,并启动Mozilla计划,也或多或少受到这篇文章的启发。 大教堂与市集也被延伸到非电脑软件的开发上面。例如维基百科就是市集模式,而Nupedia与大英百科全书就是大教堂模式。 欧莱礼出版社于1999年发行此书的创举是,首次商业印刷出版的书以Creative Commons授权模式出版。 本书(原文)的国际标准书号是 ISBN 1565927249(精装本)、ISBN 0596001088(平装本)。
  • Code Reading

    作者:Diomidis Spinellis

    This book is a unique and essential reference that focuses upon the reading and comprehension of existing software code. While code reading is an important task faced by the vast majority of students, it has been virtually ignored as a discipline by existing references. The book fills this need with a practical presentation of all important code concepts, form, structure, and syntax that a student is likely to encounter. The concepts are supported by examples taken from real-world open source software projects. The focus upon reading code (rather than developing and implementing programs from scratch) provides for a vastly increased breadth of coverage.
  • 大教堂与集市

    作者:[美] Eric S. Raymond

    当代软件技术领域最重要的著作,中文版首次出版! 《大教堂与集市》是开源运动的《圣经》,颠覆了传统的软件开发思路,影响了整个软件开发领域。作者Eric S. Raymond是开源运动的旗手、黑客文化第一理论家,他讲述了开源运动中惊心动魄的故事,提出了大量充满智慧的观念和经过检验的知识,给所有软件开发人员带来启迪。本书囊括了作者最著名的“五部曲”,并经过作者的全面更新,增加了大量注释,提高了可读性,是经典收藏。 开源运动对软件业和互联网带来了巨大影响,本书作为开源运动的独立宣言,其影响力远远超出编程领域,如果想在互联网时代做生意,这本书是必读经典。 详细内容: 本书是开源运动的独立宣言,它清晰、透彻和准确地描述了开源运动的理论与实际应用,对开源软件运动的成功和Linux操作系统的广泛采用,都起到了至关重要的作用。 作者Eric S. Raymond是开源运动和黑客文化的元老级人物,他是INTERCAL编程语言的主要创作者之一,是Fetchmail程序的作者,并为EMACS编辑器作出过贡献。1997年以后,他成为开放源代码运动的主要理论家,以及开放源代码促进会的主要创办人之一。 作者观察到,在互联网世界里,有一种与传统软件开发模式(大教堂模式)截然不同的全新的模式:集市模式。大教堂模式是封闭的、垂直的、集中式的开发模式,反映一种由权利关系所预先控制的层级制度;而集市模式则是并行的、点对点的、动态的多人协同开发模式,开发者之间通常仅仅靠互联网联系,在这种貌似混乱而无序的开发环境中,居然产生了质量极高和极具效率与生命力的软件,产生了诸如Linux这种世界级的操作系统,这是怎么做到的呢? 作者通过亲自实践,研究了这种模式的成功原因和主要特点,给出了19条软件开发的真知灼见,解释了黑客愿意无偿贡献自己代码的动机,研究了开源软件的经济动力和盈利机制,并预测了软件业将必然面临的根本性变革。 作者在书中对“黑客”(hacker)这一通常被误用的称呼做了正名,指出黑客并不是计算机犯罪分子,而是醉心于软件和网络的编程高手,是乐于分享和喜欢突破极限的问题解决专家、天才发明家和艺术家。对于想要成为一名黑客的读者,作者指出了黑客应具备的基本态度、黑客和骇客的本质区别、黑客应有的格调和如何掌握黑客的基本技能,作者指出:黑客文化靠声誉运转,只有当其他黑客一致称你为黑客时,你才是黑客。 本书囊括了作者被业界称为“五部曲”的核心著作:“黑客圈简史”(A Brief History of Hackerdom)、“大教堂和大集市”(The Cathedral and the Bazaar)、“如何成为一名黑客”(How To Become A Hacker)、“开拓心智层”(Homesteading the Noosphere)和“魔法锅”(The Magic Cauldron)。其中最著名的当属“大教堂和大集市”。本书在开源运动中的地位相当于基督教的《圣经》,用黑客们的话说,这是“黑客藏经阁”的第一收藏。 本书并不只是在讲开源和黑客,所有关心软件开发和IT发展的人,都应该花些时间通读全书,书中给出了大量充满智慧的观念和有趣的知识,如命令体系、礼物文化、以少成多、内部市场、竞次、反公地模型、委员会设计、同侪声誉、模因工程、SNAFU现象、进化不利条件、软件业是服务行业、组织结构决定产品结构、准入门槛越低稳定性越高、程序员是资产而非成本等,这些内容一定会给你带来新的启示和思考。
  • 开源软件文集

    作者:Chris DiBona,Sam Ock

    开源软件是当今计算机工业界最具活力的领域,例如Linux这个公开了源代码的UNIX 操作系统在服务器市场上已经与许多大公司的产品分庭抗礼,而且日趋上风。Tim O'Reilly 先生曾说过一句名言:“开源软件是计算机工业最宝贵的财富”。   这部著作收录了全球各位著名的开源软件运动的先锋(Brian Behlendorf,Larry Wall, Linus Torvalds,Tim O'Reill
  • Free as in Freedom

    作者:Sam Williams

    This text interweaves biographical snapshots of GNU project founder Richard Stallman with the political, social and economic history of the free software movement. Starting with how it all began - a desire for software code from Xerox to make the printing more efficient - to the continuing quest for free software that still exists today. The goal of the book is to document how Stallman's own personal evolution has done much to shape notions of what free software is and should be. Like Alan Greenspan in the financial sector, Stallman has assumed the role of tribal elder in a community that bills itself as anarchic and immune to central authority. This book looks at how the latest twists and turns in the software marketplace have done little to throw Stallman off his pedestal. Discover how Richard's childhood and teenage experiences as well as his years at Harvard and MIT made him the man he is today. The book's narrative style includes many quotes from Richard and his mother about his life, education, and work providing a look at RMS and Free Software Foundation (FSF). Throughout the book are insights from FSF supporters, detractors, the early MIT hackers, and those who knew him in high school and college. If anything, the current software marketplace has made Stallman's logic-based rhetoric and immovable personality more persuasive. In a rapidly changing world people need a fixed reference point, and Stallman has become that reference point for many in the software world.
  • Free As In Freedom

    作者:Sam Williams

    为什么微软公司的管理层晚上睡觉的时候会担心一个长发的、名叫Richard Stallman的反叛高手?为什么世界最聪明的程序员都尊敬地将此人称为“St.Ignucius”?这样一个倔强的、少年老成的男孩是如何迷恋于开发出能打败软件巨人的优秀产品的?本书就将跟随着这位古怪天才的革命之路,看看他如何从一个孤僻的开才到流浪十年,最终成为受人尊敬又饱受非议的改革者。通过全方位地接触Stallman、他的家庭、追随他的程序高手和业界勾勒了了一位改变了世界的自由斗士的肖像。没有人会对这位备受争议的自由软件基金会的创始人无动于衷。作为优秀的程序员,MacArthur天才奖获得者,自称自闭症边缘人士,Stallman是这场通过彻底改变软件游戏规则来击败微软件的斗争中的开路先锋。对于Stallman来说,自由软件只是一种精神上的需要。自从1980年遇到非免费的打印机软件开始,他就将自己的一生投入到消灭私有代码的斗争中去。在救世主意愿的驱使下,再加上他世界级的编程水准,以及不可思议的号召力,Stallman的自由运动获得了每一位程序员的支持。1983年,Stallman发布了GNU Maniffesto,发起了一个大胆的项目,目的是开发出一种免费的用于替代Unix操作系统的产品。而且他在他自己的软件许可(即GPL,General Public License)中插入copyleft一词,从而他向传统的知识产权系统发起了挑战。微软公司的首席技术官员Craig Mundie称此举是“对独立商用软件构成的根本性破坏。”这本煽动性的编年史以一种新的视角让其崇拜者和反对者重新认识这位神秘的高科技罗宾汉,让读者重新理解他当初要重塑软件产业未来的诺言。资深自由作者Sam Williams花了很多年的时间来研究高技术产业的未来,特别关注了软件开发问题。他为Upside Today和BeOpen.com等出版物撰写固定的专栏。他还是Arguing A.I.:The Battle for Twenty-First Century Science一书的作者。
  • 乐者为王

    作者:[美] 李纳斯·托沃兹,大卫·戴蒙
