

  • 创造你自己的经济


    我们的经济走向不再迷雾重重 面对经济危机的局面,我们很多人都感到无能为力,《创造你自己的经济:无序世界的繁荣之路》则恰恰是在赞颂个体的力量。这是不容错过的觉醒时机。 著名的行为经济学家和专栏作家泰勒?考恩(Tyler Cowen)向我们展示了,我们业已超级网络化、系统化的世界正在如何改变我们的思考方式。不管是在推特(Twitter)上写微博客,还是在脸谱 (Facebook)上交朋友,我们都是在打破传统的知识和信息的存在方式,从而使它们变成越来越小的碎片信息,然后再根据我们自己的具体需求,在思维 (以及计算机)中组织或重新组织这些碎片信息。我们在iTunes(苹果公司的在线商店)购买单首的歌曲,并且自行编排其在播放列表中的顺序,这和以往由制作人和音乐家预先安排好的专辑形式完全不同。就像考恩向我们展示的那样,我们现在已经可以比以往任何时候都更能塑造出让自己活得更自在的生活环境,另一方面,相应的,我们也对周遭作出了更有价值的贡献。换句话说,我们可以创造自己的经济 ——活得更聪明,更幸福,更充实。 考恩揭示了,人类的头脑对于有价值的信息的处理方式千变万化。正如亚当?斯密的《国富论》改变了我们对现代经济学的看法,《创造你自己的经济》则是本世纪工业革命——信息时代的宣言。考恩对于自闭者情感中惊人魅力的洞见,以及对于Googleg?nger(谷歌上与你同名同姓的人)的诠释都让人耳目一新,绝不是那些有关社会剧变的俗套说教。在最后一章,他对于宇宙中智慧生命体的命运的观点,很有说服力,也极具启发性。
  • Web2.0策略指南


    《Web2.0策略指南》是有关战略的。书中的示例关注的是Web 2.0的效率,而不是聚焦于技术。你将了解到这样一个事实:创建Web 210业务或将Web 2.0战略整合到现在业务中,意味着创建一个吸引人们前来访问的在线站点,让人们愿意到这里来共享他们的思想、见闻和行动。当人们通过Web走到一起时,结果可能远远大于各部分的和。随着传统的“口碑传诵”助推站点高速成长,客户本身就能够帮助建立站点。 Web 2.0已成为新闻焦点,但它是如何赚钱的?作为一个简明指南,《Web2.0策略指南》解释了Web 2.0有什么特异之处,以及这些特异之处如何帮助公司赢利。无论你是一位正在谋划下一步行动的执行官,还是正在寻找扩张途径的企业主,或是正在规划下一个创新业务的企业家,《Web2.0策略指南》都通过真实生活中的示例展示了各种规模的公司如何在当今的网络上创造新机遇。
  • The Wealth of Networks

    作者:Yochai Benkler

    With the radical changes in information production that the Internet has introduced, we stand at an important moment of transition, says Yochai Benkler in this thought-provoking book. The phenomenon he describes as social production is reshaping markets, while at the same time offering new opportunities to enhance individual freedom, cultural diversity, political discourse, and justice. But these results are by no means inevitable: a systematic campaign to protect the entrenched industrial information economy of the last century threatens the promise of today’s emerging networked information environment. In this comprehensive social theory of the Internet and the networked information economy, Benkler describes how patterns of information, knowledge, and cultural production are changing—and shows that the way information and knowledge are made available can either limit or enlarge the ways people can create and express themselves. He describes the range of legal and policy choices that confront us and maintains that there is much to be gained—or lost—by the decisions we make today.
  • 小块松散组合


    网络并不存在于现实空间中,但是人们却经常说访问网站、进入网站和离开网站;网站并没有围墙,但是却有网站宣称自己被非法侵入并造成了实际的损失;比特是网络的“原子”,但是它们并没有质量,没有形状,甚至并不是一种真实的存在。 这些反常仅是几个方面。它们表明,网络与现实世界之间存在着多么巨大的差别,网上的日常生活是多么的奇怪。在本书中,戴维·瑞恩伯格超越一般概念,论述了网络这种新媒体的真正革命之处。瑞恩伯格表明,网络不仅改变我们的社会制度,而且对我们的概念世界,如空间、时间、自我和知识,甚至对现实本身产生着巨大的影响,它是一个崭新的第二世界,而对于这个世界与真实世界之间的互动方式,我们的了解却远远不够。 对瑞恩伯格来说,富于讽喻意味的是,与现代世界相比,这样一种看起来怪诞的技术却与我们的生活更为合拍,我们在网上的体验,可以再现我们在现实世界中的真实经历。《小块的松散组合》将让我们以前所未有的方式看待网络,让人重新以一种充满趣味而又深刻的眼光放眼未来。 ●它是一本关于互联网和社会的书籍; ●世界顶级管理大师,《追求卓越》作者汤姆·彼得斯倾力推荐; ●作者温泊格是信息产业的权威,他以故事的形式,加上幽默、流畅的文字,将复杂的思想讲得清楚明白; ●探讨一种在未来产生政治、经济、社会影响的重要媒体的恰当方式; ●探讨了网络这种新媒体的真正革命之处,是一个崭新的第二世界,让人重新以一种充满趣味而又深刻的眼光放眼这个世界,并与现实世界展开互动; ●为各类人士提供了对网络的全新视角,探索了人类处境本身。 这是一本畅谈网络社会的书籍。建议书店在上架时,此书宜与中信版 《机会地带》、《你的无线未来》等书集中码放。
  • Web2.0高级编程


    《Web2.0高级编程》首先通过一个Web 2.0应用演示了服务器和浏览器之间的交互过程,让读者对《Web2.0高级编程》中介绍的技术在Web 2.0应用中扮演的角色有更深入的认识;然后介绍了客户端技术,包括(X)HTML与CSS、JavaScript与Ajax、客户端设计准则、有望成为主流的客户端技术以及胖客户端替代品等。
  • 博客


    博客(blog),这个由“网络日志”(weblog)派生出来的词,早已跳脱了“日志”的范畴,担当起信息传播、情感交流、产品宣传等等职责。不管是政界、商界、娱乐圈还是普通民众,无一例外的把博客当成了一个窗口。如今,全世界已经燃起熊熊的博客之火,千万点击率似乎已经成了一个基数。博客已然掀起一场信息化的革命。   本书言简意赅,以生动的案例描述了博客是如何改变美国的,包括美国参议院前多党派领袖特伦特的垮掉,CBS著名主持人拉瑟被迫辞职(拉瑟门)等事件,还详细的阐述了作者的破可观点,如主流媒体的没落,新的营销观念等等。
  • The Search

    作者:John Battelle

    What does the world want? According to John Battelle, a company that answers that question -- in all its shades of meaning -- can unlock the most intractable riddles of both business and culture. And for the past few years, that's exactly what Google has been doing. Jumping into the game long after Yahoo, Alta Vista, Excite, Lycos, and other pioneers, Google offered a radical new approach to search, redefined the idea of viral marketing, survived the dotcom crash, and pulled off the largest and most talked about initial public offering in the history of Silicon Valley. But The Search offers much more than the inside story of Google's triumph. It's also a big-picture book about the past, present, and future of search technology, and the enormous impact it is starting to have on marketing, media, pop culture, dating, job hunting, international law, civil liberties, and just about every other sphere of human interest. More than any of its rivals, Google has become the gateway to instant knowledge. Hundreds of millions of people use it to satisfy their wants, needs, fears, and obsessions, creating an enormous artifact that Battelle calls "the Database of Intentions." Somewhere in Google's archives, for instance, you can find the agonized research of a gay man with AIDS, the silent plotting of a would-be bombmaker, and the anxiety of a woman checking out her blind date. Combined with the databases of thousands of other search-driven businesses, large and small, it all adds up to a goldmine of information that powerful organizations (including the government) will want to get their hands on. No one is better qualified to explain this entire phenomenon than Battelle, who cofounded Wired and founded The Industry Standard. Perhaps more than any other journalist, he has devoted his career to finding the holy grail of technology -- something as transformational as the Macintosh was in the mid- 1980s. And he has finally found it in search. Battelle draws on more than 350 interviews with major players from Silicon Valley to Seattle to Wall Street, including Google cofounders Larry Page and Sergey Brin and CEO Eric Schmidt, as well as competitors like Louis Monier, who invented AltaVista, and Neil Moncrief, a soft-spoken Georgian whose business Google built, destroyed, and built again. Battelle lucidly reveals how search technology actually works, explores the amazing power of targeted advertising, and reports on the frenzy of the Google IPO, when the company tried to rewrite the rules of Wall Street and declared "don't be evil" as its corporate motto. For anyone who wants to understand how Google really succeeded -- and the implications of a world in which every click can be preserved forever -- THE SEARCH is an eye-opening and indispensable read.
  • 公众风潮


    第一本教会企业在网络时代生存的畅销书 奥巴马正是运用本书方法,赢得美国大选的胜利 网络时代脱颖而出的最佳宝典,你阅读了吗? 这本书将虚拟世界与真实需求联接起来。要想赢在网络时代,生存法则之一就是必须要看一看这本书。而企业和公众要做的,并不是Copy书里的行为,而是懂得网络社会的思维。 《财富》年度最佳网络图书·《商业周刊》年度创新与设计类十大图书之一·哈佛商学院出版社畅销书·荣获SNCR年度远见奖·英国《泰晤士报》年度最佳商业图书·《广告时代》推荐必读书·中国台湾地区“网客圣经”!
  • Don't Make Me Think

    作者:Steve Krug

    People won't use your web site if they can't find their way around it. Whether you call it usability, ease-of-use, or just good design, companies staking their fortunes and their futures on their Web sites are starting to recognize that it's a bottom-line issue. In Don't Make Me Think, usability expert Steve Krug distills his years of experience and observation into clear, practical--and often amusing--common sense advice for the people in the trenches (the designers, programmers, writers, editors, and Webmasters), the people who tell them what to do (project managers, business planners, and marketing people), and even the people who sign the checks.

    Krug's clearly explained, easily absorbed principles will help you sleep better at night knowing that all the hard work going into your site is producing something that people will actually want to use.

  • The Wisdom of Crowds

    作者:James Surowiecki

    In this fascinating book, New Yorker business columnist James Surowiecki explores a deceptively simple idea: Large groups of people are smarter than an elite few, no matter how brilliant–better at solving problems, fostering innovation, coming to wise decisions, even predicting the future. With boundless erudition and in delightfully clear prose, Surowiecki ranges across fields as diverse as popular culture, psychology, ant biology, behavioral economics, artificial intelligence, military history, and politics to show how this simple idea offers important lessons for how we live our lives, select our leaders, run our companies, and think about our world.
  • 社交网站的数据挖掘与分析

    作者:Matthew A. Russell

    Facebook、Twitter和LinkedIn产生了大量宝贵的社交数据,但是你怎样才能找出谁通过社交媒介正在进行联系?他们在讨论些什么?或者他们在哪儿?这本简洁而且具有可操作性的书将揭示如何回答这些问题甚至更多的问题。你将学到如何组合社交网络数据、分析技术,如何通过可视化帮助你找到你一直在社交世界中寻找的内容,以及你闻所未闻的有用信息。 每个独立的章节介绍了在社交网络的不同领域挖掘数据的技术,这些领域包括博客和电子邮件。你所需要具备的就是一定的编程经验和学习基本的Python工具的意愿。 •获得对社交网络世界的直观认识 •使用GitHub上灵活的脚本来获取从诸如Twitter、Facebook和LinkedIn之类的社交网络API中的数据 •学习如何应用便捷的Python工具来交叉分析你所收集的数据 •通过XHTML朋友圈探讨基于微格式的社交联系 •应用诸如TF-IDF、余弦相似性、搭配分析、文档摘要、派系检测之类的先进挖掘技术 •通过基于HTML5和JavaScript工具包的网络技术建立交互式可视化
  • 集体智慧编程


    想要探寻搜索排名、产品推荐、社会化书签和在线匹配背后的力量吗?这本颇具魅力的书籍向你展现如何创建Web 2.0应用程序,从参与性?Internet应用程序产生的大量数据中挖掘金矿。运用本书中介绍的先进算法,你可以编写聪明的程序,以访问其他网站那些有趣的数据集,从自有应用程序的用户中收集数据,或者分析和理解你所发现的数据。 《集体智慧编程》将你带入机器学习和统计的世界,并且阐释了如何从你和他人每天收集的信息中获得关于用户体验、市场营销、个性品味及人类行为的结论。每个算法的描述都十分简明清晰,相关代码均可以立即用于你的网站、博客、Wiki或特定应用程序。本书讲解了下列主题: 可以让在线零售商推荐产品或媒体的协作过滤技术 用于在大数据集中发现同类项组的聚类方法 从数以百万计可能方案中选择问题最佳解决方案的最优化算法 贝叶斯过滤,用在基于单词类型和其他特征的垃圾信息过滤中 支持向量(support-vector)机器,用于在线交友网站中的速配 用于问题解决的演化智能——计算机如何通过多次玩同样的游戏,改进自身代码并获得技能提升 每一章都包含了相关练习,可通过扩展使算法变得更强大。超越简单的数据库支持应用程序模式,让 Internet数据财富为你所用。
  • CSS Cookbook中文版


    《CSS三剑客之务实之剑:CSS Cookbook》(中文版)(第2版)全书共12章,前十章探讨排版、图片、页面元素、列表、链接、表单、表格及打印等方面的应用技巧,第11章介绍了一些用来解决浏览器兼容性的hack,最后一章列举了几个经典的CSS设计范例。附录提供了CSS属性索引速查表,CSS选择符、伪类、伪元素索引速查表等。
  • 从零到百亿

    作者:(美)卡罗·白朗(Karel Balou

    这本书是原作者卡罗·白朗(Karel Baloun)作为Facebook的第一位高级软件开发人员之一,在Facebook初创阶段的亲身经历。与公司老总或研究创业的学者不同,作者以一个工程师平实的语言、从局内人的视角,描述了这个传奇的web2.0网站初期的爆炸性发展。读来让人感觉真的置身于硅谷,置身于一家创业公司之中、感受到那种每个细胞都充满了为梦想而奋斗的激情。 在本书中,原作者对于社会化网络站点以及互联网的发展提出了自己独到的看法。另外,作者还对年轻人的创业和成长,给予了热情的鼓舞,并提出中肯的建议。 以译言网(www.yeeyan.com)为平台,二十几位志同道合的译者协作完成了本书的翻译。
  • 维基经济学

    作者:[加] 唐·泰普斯科特,[英] 安东尼·

    维基经济学的得名,缘于维基百科全书网站的巨大成功,它向世界证明:如果有一种方法充分利用组织里每一个人的智慧,它的能量将无比惊人!维基经济学所揭示的四个新法则——开放、对等、共享以及全球运作——正在取代一些旧的商业教条,许多成熟的传统公司正在从这种新的商务范式中受益。我们所熟知的企业如Google、亚马逊、宝洁、IBM、乐高、英特尔、宝马、波音、百思买、Youtube、MySpace等,都已经从维基经济中获得巨大的成功。 《维基经济学》的结论源自900万美元的研究项目,素有“数字经济之父”美誉的新经济学家唐·泰普斯科特向我们展示了个体力量的上升是如何改变商业社会的传统规则,这种利用大规模协作生产产品和提供服务的新方式,正颠覆我们对于传统知识创造模式的认识。 面对变化激烈的未来,企业和个人必须更有远见,掌握维基技术,拥抱维基理念,是21世纪最重要的商业素质。
  • Programming Collective Intelligence

    作者:Toby Segaran

    Want to tap the power behind search rankings, product recommendations, social bookmarking, and online matchmaking? This fascinating book demonstrates how you can build Web 2.0 applications to mine the enormous amount of data created by people on the Internet. With the sophisticated algorithms in this book, you can write smart programs to access interesting datasets from other web sites, collect data from users of your own applications, and analyze and understand the data once you've found it. Programming Collective Intelligence takes you into the world of machine learning and statistics, and explains how to draw conclusions about user experience, marketing, personal tastes, and human behavior in general -- all from information that you and others collect every day. Each algorithm is described clearly and concisely with code that can immediately be used on your web site, blog, Wiki, or specialized application. This book explains: * Collaborative filtering techniques that enable online retailers to recommend products or media * Methods of clustering to detect groups of similar items in a large dataset * Search engine features -- crawlers, indexers, query engines, and the PageRank algorithm * Optimization algorithms that search millions of possible solutions to a problem and choose the best one * Bayesian filtering, used in spam filters for classifying documents based on word types and other features * Using decision trees not only to make predictions, but to model the way decisions are made * Predicting numerical values rather than classifications to build price models * Support vector machines to match people in online dating sites * Non-negative matrix factorization to find the independent features in a dataset * Evolving intelligence for problem solving -- how a computer develops its skill by improving its own code the more it plays a game Each chapter includes exercises for extending the algorithms to make them more powerful. Go beyond simple database-backed applications and put the wealth of Internet data to work for you. "Bravo! I cannot think of a better way for a developer to first learn these algorithms and methods, nor can I think of a better way for me (an old AI dog) to reinvigorate my knowledge of the details." -- Dan Russell, Google "Toby's book does a great job of breaking down the complex subject matter of machine-learning algorithms into practical, easy-to-understand examples that can be directly applied to analysis of social interaction across the Web today. If I had this book two years ago, it would have saved precious time going down some fruitless paths." -- Tim Wolters, CTO, Collective Intellect
  • 引爆流行

    作者:[美] 马尔科姆·格拉德威尔

    马尔科姆·格拉德威尔以社会上突如其来的流行风潮研究为切入点,从一个全新的角度探索了控制科学和营销模式。他认为,思想、行为、信息以及产品常常会像传染病爆发一样,迅速传播蔓延。正如一个病人就能引起一场全城流感;如果个别工作人员对顾客大打出手,或几位涂鸦爱好者管不住自己,也能在地铁里掀起一场犯罪浪潮;一位满意而归的顾客还能让新开张的餐馆座无虚席。这些现象均属“社会流行潮”,它爆发的那一刻,即达到临界水平的那一刻,就是一个引爆点。 格拉德威尔走访了宗教团体、成功的高科技公司以及全球最优秀的推销员,他在书中分析了几种有利于开创流行风潮的性格特征,剖析了种种极具感染力的事件,如各种风尚、吸烟现象、儿童电视、商业邮寄广告等,并阐明其背后的导火索。通过大量深具说明力的研究,揭示出发起流行潮并保持其势头的原则和方法。
  • The Long Tail

    作者:Chris Anderson

    Book Description "The Long Tail" is a powerful new force in our economy: the rise of the niche. As the cost of reaching consumers drops dramatically, our markets are shifting from a one-size-fits-all model of mass appeal to one of unlimited variety for unique tastes. From supermarket shelves to advertising agencies, the ability to offer vast choice is changing everything, and causing us to rethink where our markets lie and how to get to them. Unlimited selection is revealing truths about what consumers want and how they want to get it, from DVDs at Netflix to songs on iTunes to advertising on Google. However, this is not just a virtue of online marketplaces; it is an example of an entirely new economic model for business, one that is just beginning to show its power. After a century of obsessing over the few products at the head of the demand curve, the new economics of distribution allow us to turn our focus to the many more products in the tail, which collectively can create a new market as big as the one we already know. The Long Tail is really about the economics of abundance. New efficiencies in distribution, manufacturing, and marketing are essentially resetting the definition of whats commercially viable across the board. If the 20th century was about hits, the 21st will be equally about niches. From Publishers Weekly Wired editor Anderson declares the death of "common culture"—and insists that it's for the best. Why don't we all watch the same TV shows, like we used to? Because not long ago, "we had fewer alternatives to compete for our screen attention," he writes. Smash hits have existed largely because of scarcity: with a finite number of bookstore shelves and theaters and Wal-Mart CD racks, "it's only sensible to fill them with the titles that will sell best." Today, Web sites and online retailers offer seemingly infinite inventory, and the result is the "shattering of the mainstream into a zillion different cultural shards." These "countless niches" are market opportunities for those who cast a wide net and de-emphasize the search for blockbusters. It's a provocative analysis and almost certainly on target—though Anderson's assurances that these principles are equally applicable outside the media and entertainment industries are not entirely convincing. The book overuses its examples from Google, Rhapsody, iTunes, Amazon, Netflix and eBay, and it doesn't help that most of the charts of "Long Tail" curves look the same. But Anderson manages to explain a murky trend in clear language, giving entrepreneurs and the rest of us plenty to think about. (July) From Bookmarks Magazine In The Long Tail, Chris Anderson offers a visionary look at the future of business and common culture. The long-tail phenomenon, he argues, will "re-shape our understanding of what people actually want to watch" (or read, etc.). While Anderson presents a fascinating idea backed by thoughtful (if repetitive) analysis, many critics questioned just how greatly the niche market will rework our common popular culture. Anderson convinced most reviewers in his discussion of Internet media sales, but his KitchenAid and Lego examples fell flat. A few pointed out that online markets constitute just 10 percent of U.S. retail, and brick-and-mortar stores will never disappear. Anderson's thesis came under a separate attack by Lee Gomes in his Wall Street Journal column. Anderson had defined the "98 Percent Rule" in his book to mean that no matter how much inventory is made available online, 98 percent of the items will sell at least once. Yet Gomes cited statistics that could indicate that, as the Web and Web services become more mainstream, the 98 Percent Rule may no longer apply: "Ecast [a music-streaming company] told me that now, with a much bigger inventory than when Mr. Anderson spoke to them two years ago, the quarterly no-play rate has risen from 2% to 12%. March data for the 1.1 million songs of Rhapsody, another streamer, shows a 22% no-play rate; another 19% got just one or two plays." If Anderson overreaches in his thesis, he has nonetheless written "one of those business books that, ironically, deserves more than a niche readership"                            Houston Chronicle From Booklist Citing statistical curves called "long-tailed distributions" because the tails are very long relative to the heads, Anderson, editor of Wired magazine, focuses on the tail, or the development in the new digital world of an infinite number of niche markets of any size that are economically viable due to falling distribution costs and in the aggregate represent significant sales. Although the author considers primarily media and entertainment companies, he also shows the long-tail effect at eBay, KitchenAid, Legos, Salesforce.com, and Google. His nine rules for successful long-tail strategies include lowering costs and thinking niche (one product, distribution method, or price does not fit all) and giving up control by sharing information and offering choices. In this excellent book, Anderson tells that "the story of the long tail is really about the economics of abundance--what happens when the bottlenecks that stand between supply and demand in our culture start to disappear and everything becomes available to everyone."                             Mary Whaley From AudioFile Anderson's premise that Internet-based retailing and personal expression enable much wider variety and more profitable niche markets and, thus, are killing a formerly "hit-driven" culture and retail world is somewhat controversial. (Just Google THE LONG TAIL.) But this audiobook presents the argument well, with much detail and many current (late 2005) examples. Christopher Nissley's reading style fits the content; he's clipped and staccato, like Anderson's writing. His narration is helpful to the listener who prefers not to get bogged down in the theoretical and technical parts of the book. Anderson himself reads the introduction, and there's a brief author interview at the end of Disc 7, plus downloadable copies of the book's graphics. T.F. Book Dimension length: (cm)23.8                 width:(cm)17.3
  • 长尾理论

    作者:[美] 克里斯·安德森

    书中阐述,商业和文化的未来不在于传统需求曲线上那个代表“畅销商品”(hits)的头部; 而是那条代表“冷门商品”(misses)经常为人遗忘的长尾。 举例来说, 一家大型书店通常可摆放10万本书,但亚马逊网络书店的图书销售额中,有四分之一来自排名10万以后的书籍。这些“冷门”书籍的销售比例正以高速成长,预估未来可占整体书市的一半。 这意味着消费者在面对无限的选择时,真正想要的东西、和想要取得的渠道都出现了重大的变化,一套崭新的商业模式也跟着崛起。 传统的市场曲线是符合80/20铁律的,为了抢夺那带来80% 利润的畅销品市场,我们厮杀得天昏地暗,但是我们所谓的热门商品正越来越名不副实,比如说黄金电视节目的收视率几十年来一直在萎缩,若放在1970年,现在的一档最佳节目恐怕连前10名之列都难以进入。简言之,尽管我们仍然对大热门着迷,但它们的经济力量已经今非昔比。那么,那些反复无常的消费者们已经转向了什么地方?答案并非唯一。他们散向了四面八方,因为市场已经分化成了无数不同的领域。互联网的出现改变了这种局面,使得99%的商品都有机会进行销售,市场曲线中那条长长的尾部(所谓的利基产品)也咸鱼翻身,成为我们可以寄予厚望的新的利润增长点。
  • 互联网下的蛋


    本书所讲述的12位网络创业者,是互联网时代所表成的奇特的富翁阶层的代表,他们大多是出生于80年代的孩子,被冠以“80后”标签的新新人类,以玩乐起家,却创下百万财富!这些互联网时代的草根英雄,与主流互联网的CEO信相比,他们的出身称不上体面,甚至还有些卑微;但与一般网民相比,他们又像温州商人那般异常的精明和勤奋;他们隐藏在各个不知名的角落,但所爆发的巨大能量,甚至可以改变整个中国互联网。 作者简介 杨艾祥,中国注册高级人力资源管理师,记者出身的企业管理与职业发展领域的研究者。曾在《21世纪人才报》、《TEAM magaxine》、秀客网、热度网等媒体供职,现为《商界故事》杂志主编。主要研究方向:企业团队建设与职业品牌成长。此前出版过《把自己做成品牌》、《马云创造——颠覆传统的草根创业者传奇》等书。 第1章 xiangshu.com温世豪:200元起家的人对决多个财团 2006年9月,有个摄影网站向温世豪提出将橡树网并入他们网站,给他50万现金和适当期权作为补偿,对方强调,如不和他们合作,“橡树”这个品牌就会很快消失。很明显,资本的力量是强大的,在资本的支持下,橡树网和温世豪的压力已经越来越大。但是温世豪说:“把网站交给一个对橡树毫无感情,只想利用橡树牟取经济利益的人来做,是非常危险的。”一个值得注意的事实是,温世豪起家做这个网站的时候只用了200元。 橡树林里还能飞出金凤凰 读书怎能改变命运 从最南边到最北边 北京不会再这样对我吧 枪手、枪手中的枪手 当“橡树”遭遇像素 一个人的到来 一个人VS多个财团 第2章 51.com庞升东:只要解决一个问题你就能成为千万富翁 从某种意义上来说,庞升东的51.com最初只为网友解决了一个问题:如何帮助想交友的网友知道聊天的对方究竟是不是一只狗。正是因为解决了这个问题,只经营了一年,这个网站就获得了美国著名风险投资商——红杉集团首期400万美元投资。 一个解决了问题的网站 98万买了个域名 创业不足半年就获风险投资 三年打造一家上市公司 互联网带来的第一桶金 离开房地产还是网络最赚钱 第3章 zhubajie.com.cn朱明跃:一个新闻人的威客发迹秘密 朱明跃辞职的第二天,他就接到30万悬赏单,成为中国威客发展史上的重磅炸弹;第四天,一个投资商给“猪八戒威客网”的投资金额开价提到了1000万……显然,这是一个正在发展的传奇。很多熟悉朱明跃的人,还依稀记得,2002年夏天那个闷热的午后,颇显落魄的朱明跃进入《重庆晚报》,看着办公室里整齐的电脑发呆时的样子:他竟然还不会打字。 专注 中毒 上路 起步 模式 雄心 绝活 价值 第4章 douban.com杨勃:豆瓣是怎么引领潮流的 在过去的思维中,互联网一再强调的是“流量就是财富”,有人甚至把一个用户值多少钱这样的数据都估算了出来。因为大家都相信,在互联网上,只有比较大众的市场(即足够多的用户基础),才能建立比较好的市场模式。而对于豆瓣网来说,几十万的用户基础,以及其为自己划定的行业——读书、电影、音乐,包括新推出的旅游,都算不上大众,如何形成自己的商业模式呢? 天天到星巴克“上班”的年轻人 不考虑行业,只考虑用户需求 如此小众的网站如何赢利 一个把用户利用起来的网站 杨勃和豆瓣的梦想与挑战 第5章 comhuan.com朱人杰:期待人们用红曲别针换来房子 C2C聚集人气,B2B获取收益,易物网的发展思路是明确的。但是,这种思路的网站典型是博客网站,几乎所有的用户都不由自主地为网站充当义务宣传者,但是吸引来的是无数眼球却变不成利润,这也是博客网站成为鸡肋的根本原因。易物网加上了与传统行业的接口,似乎摆脱了鸡肋命运,自然被寄予厚望。朱人杰和他的团队能制造什么样的传奇呢? 红曲别针换来房子的创意 广告人的推销方式 简单是需要理由的 赚钱才是硬道理 第6章 Ding9.com杨志峰:凭什么让用户以一顶九 中国电子商务的发展历程是这样的:从最初的当当、卓越等专业销售书籍和其他低价值商品的购物网站的出现,到以C2C的拍卖为主的易趣、tb网的发展,再到以销售更多类别和高价值商品的亦得网逐步被网民所接受和喜爱。而现在比较购物网站正是站在这些网站的肩膀上,用这些网站花费多年积累的数据,驾驭它们的集体智慧,最终形成新的商业模式。 不得不说那个叫“亦得”的网站 两个创业者的集合 一个满足需求的网站 赢利的时间问题 寄生网站不可回避的挑战 一个充满希望的网站 第7章 buykee.com飞扬新锐:革新中国电子商务2.0 “你有理由讥笑一支年轻的团队经验的不足,但是你无法体会他们背后所经历、所承受的,也无法抹杀这一段艰辛的创业史,而我们,新锐时代的互联网创业者,仍然要坚持沿着这条路继续前行,我们明白贝壳的价值是什么,日出前的瞬间总是最黑暗的。”这段话被写在贝壳团队博客最显眼的位置上。但是,对于这个具备多个80年代标签的孩子,革新中国电子商务2.0就真那么容易吗? 闯不成名誓不还! 和互联网结缘的日子 到南方去一定有结果 杭州寻找遗失的梦想 那个叫贝壳的项目 贝壳的机遇与挑战 第8章 gjj.cc郭吉军:钳工CEO的前世今生 鲜有人知道,广捷居的掌控郭吉军四年前还是机械厂里任人使唤的小钳工。那时候互联网的风潮正第一次猛烈地席卷中国大地,不过,对于当时的郭吉军来说,别说互联网,就是电脑也是个新鲜的玩意儿。 复印店里的小弟 个人网站就是一个储存器 广捷居的财富道路 保住了“孩子”又套住了“狼” 第9章 56.com周娟:领导网络视频产业是幸福的 作为竞争最激烈的视频网站行业里唯一的女性掌门人,周娟能否像她曾经的领导——网易的丁磊一样成功,这是个问题。但是值得关注的是,在Google宣布以16.5亿美元收购YouTube之后,中国视频网站还没有一个敢说自己就能统一江湖的,但是周娟正在秘密地努力。 向丁磊汇报的日子 做一份让自己快乐的事业 有多少坎可以顺利通过 视频网站凭什么赚钱 领跑者的信心来自哪里 第10章 itry.cn徐乐:为用户带来全新产品试用体验 这个23岁的“老”企业家,在没有从大学毕业之前,就已经获得了国际顶级风险投资IDG的巨额投资,是国内大学在读就获得国际风险投资的第一人。现在,他把他的事业定在了试用网(itry.cn)上。这是国内第一家以“试用行销理念”服务于中国的商家和消费者的新型互联网营销媒体。他凭什么让用户享受免费午餐,又凭什么让商家甘愿为他买单呢? 让用户享受免费+体验的午餐 23岁的“老企业家” 商家为什么会为徐乐买单 “免费+体验”的午餐要推着吃 简单事业的未来 第11章 Doker.cn刘剑锋:网上分众传媒剑指江南春 从接触网络起,不管是网络上还是生活中,刘剑锋更多使用的是他的网名:狂龙。正如其网名,刘剑锋真够狂放,凭借一个刚创办一年的总部偏居东南厦门的Doker.cn,就敢挑战身价数亿的传媒英雄江南春。他狂放的底气到底来自哪里? “分众传媒”并非真分众 电子杂志未来凸显读客网价值 创立读客网的想法与用意 谁制造内容,谁买单 第12章 show517.Com戴焰节:网站与工厂结合解决2.0的赢利问题 类似show517.com这样的个性化定制网站从web2.0企业当中率先迈出了与传统行业相结合的步伐,在其网站上用户可以参与到商品的设计当中,以充分展示用户的自主性、创新性以及鲜明的个性特征。在这里,已经没有品牌的概念,每个用户都是其自己最喜爱产品的设计师,基于此,也在源头上解决了产品的销售问题。 从游戏周边产品的个性化上发现的灵感 突破按需定制的生存局限 个性定制的商机会有多大 对2.0网站商业模式的突破 有实力才能玩转新电子商务模式