

  • 我是曼联教头


  • 世纪足球盛宴·曼彻斯特联队俱乐部


    就像那些“巴斯比的孩子们”一样,我们要让红魔的旗帜高高地飞扬,在任何地方你将亲眼目睹,听到人们自豪地歌唱:曼联!曼联!我们是红色的少年,我们前进在通往温布利的路上!温布利!温布利我们是伟大的曼联,我们前进在通往温布利的路上!77岁的多切蒂这样说,阿特金森83岁的时候也坚信,全人类都知道我们是谁,所有人将高唱一首歌”女王的血脉”曼联!曼联!光荣属于曼联,光荣属于曼联,光荣属于曼联,红色军团勇往直前!……热爱足球的你,想知道曼彻斯特联队的传奇成长经历吗?本书为你一一道来。   本书是英国曼彻斯特联队这只球队发展的生动写照。   曼彻斯特联队成立于1878年,当时是由英格兰兰开夏和约克夏铁路公司工人组成的一支业余球队,取名为牛顿希斯队。1885年俱乐部转为职业队,1892年加入英国足球联盟,1902年改名为曼彻斯特联队。6年之后,这支当时英格兰足球的生力军夺得了联赛的冠军。   曼联队的第一鼎盛时期出现在20世纪初期,球队在主教练查普曼的带领下夺得两次联赛冠军和一次足总杯冠军成为当时英国足坛最受欢迎的一支球队。但球队从20年代开始出现滑坡,表现每况愈下,最终降组到了乙级队的行列,跌入了低谷。   1945年,巴斯比爵士成为了曼联的主帅他率领著名的”巴斯比孩子”于1956和1957年两度夺得联赛冠军,并在1957年闯八足总杯决赛成为了当时的英国霸主。   1958年,灾难降临到了曼联的头上,八名曼联队的主力球员在慕尼黑空难中丧生但两位关键人物——巴斯比爵士和博比·查尔顿都在空难中生还,为曼联的重新崛起留下了火种。1965年和1967年巴斯比率领曼联两次联赛称雄。1968年他们夺取了欧洲冠军杯的冠军,迎来了曼联迄今为止最辉煌的时期。   1986年,阿历克斯·弗格森来到了曼联队他为俱乐部带来了又一个春天。弗格森调整了队伍的战术打法为队伍融八了更多的技术成分。自1992~1993赛季开始,曼联几乎包揽了所有的联赛冠军。在1999年,更是创造了三冠王(联赛、足总杯、欧洲冠军联赛)的奇迹。   2001~2002赛季结束的时候,曼联队并没有能够再现往日一骑绝尘、引领群雄的风采,足总杯上被米尔德斯堡淘汰冠军杯止步于半决赛,而英超联赛中也仅仅获得第三名,为此弗格森宣布继续留任,决心引领曼联再创辉煌。
  • 我的梦剧场:弗格森传


    弗格森离开了曼联,弗格森永远留在了曼联。 27年坚守,1500场比赛,37个冠军,2500块口香糖; 1986~2013,弗格森带领曼联斩获了一个又一个奇迹; 1941年12月31日至今,弗格森的经历热血而传奇。 让我们,走进曼联的更衣室,听听里面的辛秘;重回老特拉福德,与曼联的球迷一起欢呼歌唱;重温红魔赛场上的伟大瞬间,接近倔强而温情的传奇教练——亚历克斯•弗格森爵士。 作为中国大陆第一本全面记录弗格森人生历程和足球生涯的传记,本书分为两大部分,第一部分以时间为线索,讲述了弗格森如何从一个贫民窟的小孩,一步步成长,执掌曼联,创造足坛奇迹,成为世界上最伟大的足球教练之一的过程。第二部分为“解码弗格森”,讲述了与弗格森有关的足坛往事、球星、著名球队等,并总结了弗格森的大事记、经典战役等,帮助球迷深入、全面地了解弗格森。
  • 我不是恶人


    在被他想去的几家大俱乐部纷纷拒绝后,诺丁驻森林队最后给了罗伊一基恩一次机会,他抓住这次机会,没有让经溜走。 作为世界上最著名的球俱乐部的队长,基恩已成为曼联队的动力,让球队获得了空前的成功,它包括一系列的双冠军,在这支由世界级球员组成的队伍中,基恩的影响力非同一般。 1994年,他参加了美国世界杯他还只是那支有着丰富经验的队伍当中的一名年轻球员。正由于他对中场的控制帮助杰克·查尔顿的爱尔兰队击败了最后进入决赛的意大利队几年后,在2002年世界杯决赛的资格赛中,基恩作为国家队队长,让爱匀兰队从一个无人认为他们能出线的不组中胜出起到了关键作用。而后来事情却发生了戏剧的变化,在世界杯开始前几天,他被送回了家。他对胜利执着而坚定的渴求导致了他的毁灭。 基恩的激情、诚实、决心、使他在那场斗争中失败了,但也正是这些让他成为了今天的他。从一个科克男孩逐渐达到优胜者杯、冠军杯、世界杯的高度,这是一个最顽强的足球斗士自己讲述的故事。
  • 天生我才-鲁尼自传


    他出身贫寒,如今身价不菲已成“金童”他少年莽撞,我行我素,却让整个欧洲为之震颤他就是韦恩·鲁尼,英格兰队的“头号天才”2002年9月6日,年仅17岁317天的鲁尼成为英格兰国家队历史上最年轻的进球者2007年欧洲冠军联赛,鲁尼伤愈复出,愈战愈勇,重现神童本色鲁尼自传独家授权中文版这是一个神奇小子的奇妙成长历程!随书超值附赠鲁尼22周岁生日纪念册·全彩限量版韦恩·鲁尼,被称为将主掌英格兰队未来的领军人物短短18年所攀上的高度,已经是绝大多数人毕生追求的顶峰我爱踢球,但和其他每个人一样,我讨厌输球,喜欢赢球。如果有什么时候赛果不理想而我却满不在乎,人们才应该为我担心。   ——韦恩·鲁尼我们拥有这个国家30年来最优秀的年轻球员。   ——阿莱克斯·弗格森爵士他是一个能教人异常兴奋的天才,总是表现出超越其年龄的成熟与冷静。   ——贝利自从贝利出现在1958年世界杯上以后,我不记得还有谁有过这种闪亮登场。   ——斯文-格兰·埃里克森韦恩·鲁尼是个非凡的天才。他将能够像伟大的博比·查尔顿一样帮助英格兰队赢得世界杯。   ——迭戈·马拉多纳鲁尼是世界上最优秀的球员之一,这一点毫无疑问。   ——罗纳尔迪尼奥一旦我开始踢球,那么我就是为足球而活。所有的努力和牺牲。能走到今天并非运气使然,我配得上它。我不会低头,永远不会。无论比赛还剩几分钟,无论多么艰难的状况,我总是认为我会进球。我从13岁以来一直非常非常迷恋的女孩,就是科琳。当我不能比赛时,他们把我捧得像救世主一样,似乎我一旦回归就会创造奇迹。如果我的表现不能如他们预期般出色,他们又会开始对我口诛笔伐。我知道我总会竭尽全力,无论环境怎样。……是的,做韦恩·鲁尼实在是有趣。年仅20岁,韦恩·鲁尼就已成为世界上最优秀的足球运动员之一了。作为在英国被谈论得最多的球员,他的背后究竟有怎样的故事?对于自己在默西塞德郡艰苦的成长过程,鲁尼怀有怎样的记忆?早年他是受谁的影响而形成了自己的性格?突如其来的名利双收是否改变了他的生活与情感?2004年夏,弗格森和曼联将他招至麾下,他的人生发生了怎样不可逆转的变化?他还饶有兴趣地讲述了2004年欧洲杯自己如何代表英格兰队大放异彩以及同未婚妻科琳·麦克洛林之间的恋爱风波。关于2006年世界杯,鲁尼的回忆面面俱到:从突如其来的骨折打击到分秒必争地恢复,从小组赛的煎熬到四分之一决赛的踩踏事件……英格兰队中发生的一切都将在你面前真实再现。从科洛克斯泰斯的陋巷到德国世界杯球场,这是一个神奇小子的奇妙成长方程。
  • 'Football - Bloody Hell!'

    作者:Patrick Barclay

    Britain's most respected sportswriter takes on the greatest football manager of all time. The true biography of Sir Alex Ferguson has yet to be written. Until now. Alex Ferguson is the most fascinating and controversial figure in football today. He is also the most successful. His twenty-five-year tenure of the Manchester United dugout has seen him win everything there is to be won in football, many times over. His reign as manager has led to the rise of Manchester United to become the biggest football club in the world. This book, written by the award-winning and critically acclaimed Patrick Barclay, will fill in the gaps left by Ferguson's own book, Managing My Life . Everyone who bought that book will want Barclay's comprehensive, objective analysis of Ferguson, the good and the bad, and the occasionally ugly and it will also appeal hugely to those outside the Manchester United extended family for whom Ferguson has often acted as a red rag. Having known Ferguson for a quarter of a century, Barclay believes him to be generous-spirited as well as ruthless and relentlessly competitive; in such an almost larger-than-life character, there is room for countless facets. And it is these facets that Barclay seeks to explore and explain. Leaving no stone unturned, Barclay has spoken with everyone who knows Ferguson best; former players, fellow managers, friends and foes. The result is 'Football - Bloody Hell!' , the definitive, objective account of this fascinating man.-- From the Trade Paperback edition.
  • Managing My Life

    作者:Alex Ferguson

    1999 was an outstanding year for Alex Ferguson - not only did he lead Manchester United, the most glamorous club in the world, to a unique and outstanding treble triumph, but he was also awarded the highest honour for his sporting achievements; a Knighthood from the Queen. Universally respected for his tough, but caring managerial style, Ferguson is an unusually intelligent man with a fascinating life story. Covering his tough Govan upbringing through to his playing days and onto his shift into management, "Managing My Life" is told with the fine balance of biting controversy and human sensitivity which made it such an unprecedented success in hardback. Alex Ferguson is a legend in his lifetime.
  • Scholes

    作者:Paul Scholes

  • Red

    作者:Gary Neville

    No player has been more synonymous with the glory years of Manchester United Football Club over the past two decades than right-back Gary Neville. An Old Trafford regular since he attended his first match at the age of six, captain of the brilliant 1992 FA Youth Cup-winning team that became known as 'Fergie's Fledglings', outspoken representative of MUFC, Neville is the ultimate one-club man. He has been at the heart of it all and, at the end of an amazing career, is now ready to tell it all. Authoritative, insightful, fearless and never less than 100 per cent honest, no-one has better credentials for documenting the story of United under Sir Alex Ferguson. Neville reveals the behind-the-scenes secrets of his early days with the likes of Giggs, Scholes and his best mate David Beckham; what it was like to play with Cantona, Keane and Ronaldo; the Treble in 1999; and of course an entire career of playing for the greatest manager in the game. Then there are all his experiences with England, from being the youngest starter at Euro 96 when football came home, to the ups and downs of five major championships and seven managers - Venables, Hoddle, Wilkinson, Keegan, Eriksson, McClaren and Capello. There are opinions and analysis on Gazza, Rooney, WAGs and the true story of the FA and Rio Ferdinand. For twenty glorious years, Gary Neville has worn his heart on his sleeve. This is his story.
  • Alex Ferguson

    作者:Sir Alex Ferguson

    The celebratory, revealing, inspiring and entertaining autobiography of the greatest manager in the history of British football. Sir Alex announced his retirement as manager of Manchester United after 27 years in the role. He has gone out in a blaze of glory, with United winning the Premier League for the 13th time, and he is widely considered to be the greatest manager in the history of British football. Over the last quarter of a century there have been seismic changes at Manchester United. The only constant element has been the quality of the manager's league-winning squad and United's run of success, which included winning the Champions League for a second time in 2008. Sir Alex created a purposeful, but welcoming, and much envied culture at the club which has lasted the test of time. Sir Alex saw Manchester United change from a conventional football club to what is now a major business enterprise, and he never failed to move with the times. It was directly due to his vision, energy and ability that he was able to build teams both on and off the pitch. He was a man-manager of phenomenal skill, and increasingly he had to deal with global stars. His relationship with Cristiano Ronaldo, for instance, was excellent and David Beckham has described Sir Alex as a father figure. Over the past four years, Sir Alex has been reflecting on and jotting down the highlights of his extraordinary career and in his new book he will reveal his amazing story as it unfolded, from his very early days in the tough shipyard areas of Govan.
  • 亚历克斯·弗格森:我的自传

    作者:亚历克斯·弗格森 (Alex Fergu

    27年的传奇生涯,执教场次达1500场,2个欧洲冠军杯,13个英超联赛冠军,5个足总杯冠军,4座英格兰联赛杯冠军,1999年率队获得史无前例的三冠王,总共获得大大小小38座冠军奖杯,因其对英国足球的贡献,英国王室1999年在白金汉宫授予亚历克斯·弗格森爵士爵位。 对于所有曼联球迷来说,弗格森爵士就是红魔曼联27年精神领袖,是曼联的象征,是曼联的信仰,是曼联传统和精神的守护者,是曼联生生不息的动力所在。如今,他已离开,但他身上所体现的坚定执着、永不放弃、热血洋溢的红魔精神,将激励一代又一代的曼联队员! 一本好书,一段传奇,弗格森27年曼联传奇浓缩在《我的自传》中,它是欧洲足球史上最伟大主教练的最新自传,也可能是弗格森爵士最后一本自传,它是英超过去二十几年的见证,更是一本不可多得的管理学巨著和曼联百科全书。