

  • 口琴自学教程


    《口琴自学教程》作者:我自幼喜欢音乐,是由口琴引发的。刚开始时用口琴吹奏一些世界名曲,跟着买回来唱片欣赏,阅读有关音乐的书籍,参加音乐会听交响乐曲,中学时又跟一位在澳门绿邮电台当第一小提琴手的李先生学小提琴,对音乐的喜爱简直达到如痴如醉的地步,甚至平常走路时也在哼唱。那时喜欢的是西洋古典音乐,如贝多芬、莫扎特、柴可夫斯基……对外国名曲朗朗上。对外国名演奏家也很崇拜,对中国的音乐却是看不起的,觉得中国音乐落后,尤其是广东小调,认为是下里巴人,俗不可耐。 如今在加拿大生活了三十多年, 比以前在澳门、香港居住的时间还长,对中国音乐的感情也由此而改变了。尽管我还是那么喜欢西洋古典音乐,年年预订套票去听卡城爱乐乐团演奏交响乐。可奇怪的是,偶然吹吹口哨,不再是《蓝色多瑙河》,而是红线女的《昭君出塞》;晚上睡前听的并非《萧邦夜曲》,而是石叔诚弹奏的《平湖秋月》。家乡的旋律令我感到无比亲切、无限眷恋,这是文化的回归。少年时代听到的“下里巴人”在我脑里中再现,变成了“阳春白雪”,回味无穷。
  • The Rapper's Handbook

    作者:Emcee Escher with Al

  • Programming for Musicians and Digital Artists

    作者:Ajay Kapur,Perry Coo

    While many excellent tools exist for digital image creation and editing, similar tools for manipulating sound with precise timing and control are few and far between. ChucK, an audio-centric programming language, opens new vistas for sound artistry. The ChucK language provides precise high-level control over time, audio computation, and user interface elements like track pads and joysticks. Because ChucK uses the vocabulary of sound, it's easy to learn even for artists with little or no exposure to computer programming. Stable and reliable, ChucK powered the first SMule music apps and is the backbone of dozens of academic programs and laptop orchestras. This book is the first to systematically document and teach this powerful language. Programming for Muscians and Digital Artists: Creating Music with ChucK offers a complete introduction to programming in the open source music language ChucK. In it, you'll learn the basics of digital sound creation and manipulation while you discover the ChucK language. As you move example-by-example through this easy-to-follow book, you'll create meaningful and rewarding digital compositions and "instruments" that make sound and music in direct response to program logic, scores, gestures, and other systems connected via MIDI or the network. You'll also experience how the immediacy of ChucK programming enables the on-the-fly musical improvisation practiced by communities of "live music coders" around the world.
  • Music in Western Civilization

    作者:Paul Henry Lang

  • Listening to Music (with CD)

    作者:Craig Wright

    This chronological text, which covers all the major periods in music history, offers instructors and students particular help in developing listening skills in three ways: First, a free "Introduction to Listening" CD comes packaged with each student copy of the text. This CD plays all of the music discussed in the music fundamentals chapters of the text and provides an audio guide called "Instruments of the Orchestra." The guide presents the instruments and then tests students' ability to recognize them by themselves and in various combinations. Second, every chapter in Wright's text offers unique listening exercises. It is the only music appreciation book to have listening exercises built into and fully integrated with the text. Third, interactive listening guides and listening quizzes for all of the music in the text are available free via download from the Schirmer website. More than any other music appreciation text, LISTENING TO MUSIC challenges students to develop and refine their listening skills. Wright covers traditional Western music from medieval to modern, and integrates non-Western music throughout the text where appropriate, drawing comparisons between music of Western and other cultures. Concluding chapters discuss popular music and its impact on the world of music. Musical examples from each historical period are discussed within their social context, giving students a broad sense not only of a piece's composition, but also of its historical and cultural meaning.
  • 村上春树音乐之旅


    本书是从音乐角度对日本著名作家村上春树的作品进行的一种解读。作者以村上的主要作品为线索,对其中提及的音乐类型、音乐人、音乐作品进行梳理,读者可以循着村上作品的发展变化,来感受音乐在村上的文学创作中的独特地位和重要作用。 本书所涉及的音乐类型主要有三类——摇滚乐、爵士乐和古典音乐,而且集中为20世纪60年代的音乐人及其代表作。贯穿所有这些音乐始终的主线,是60年代以来现代音乐的发展史,也是60年代青年的成长史。村上的成长历程与小说的年代变化,交错在音乐空间中,从而构成了音符荡漾的作品世界。
  • Silence

    作者:John Cage

  • 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die

    作者:Robert Dimery

    1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die is a highly readable list of the best, the most important, and the most influential pop albums from 1955 through 2003. Carefully selected by a team of international critics, each album is a groundbreaking work seminal to the understanding and appreciation of music from the 1950s to the present. Included with each entry are production details and credits as well as reproductions of original album cover art. Perhaps most important of all, each album featured comes with an authoritative description of its importance and influence. Among the critics involved in selecting the list are some of the best known music reviewers and commentators, including Theunis Bates (music writer for Time and urban editor at worldpop.com), Jon Harrington (staff writer at MTV), Seth Jacobson (writer for Dazed & Confused), as well as many others.
  • The Complete Idiot's Guide to Music Theory, 2nd Edition

    作者:Michael Miller

    A music theory book that hits the high note … This updated and expanded edition of The Complete Idiot’s Guide® to Music Theory breaks down a difficult subject in a simple way—even for those who think they have no rhythm or consider themselves tone deaf. With clear, concise language, it explains everything from bass-clef basics to confusing codas. This new edition includes: -A brand-new CD -A comprehensive ear-training section -Musical examples of intervals, scales, chords, and rhythms -Aural exercises so readers can test their ear training and transcription skills
  • Listening to Music

    作者:Craig Wright

    The only music appreciation text on the market to include listening exercises throughout the book, LISTENING TO MUSIC, Sixth Edition, masterfully develops and refines your listening skills. Acclaimed for unparalleled clarity and accuracy, using Wright will help you study efficiently, do well on your tests and quizzes, and learn to enjoy many kinds of music. Wright covers traditional Western music from medieval to modern as well as popular music and its impact on musical globalization, and music from the Far East, the Near East and Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America, drawing comparisons between Western and non-Western musical cultures. Learning to listen critically is at the heart of a music appreciation course, and Wright gives you the tools to develop and sharpen your listening skills in three important ways: First, Listening to Music is the only text to include detailed Listening Exercises throughout the book. These exercises, which ask questions just like the ones your instructor is likely to ask in quizzes, will help you focus on important musical elements and episodes and do well in the course. Second, a free "Introduction to Listening" CD is packaged with each copy of the text. This CD plays all of the music discussed in the music fundamentals chapters in Part I of the text to help you get a good start in the first few weeks of class. Third, interactive Active Listening Guides and listening quizzes, with streaming music for most of the selections in the text, are available on the Schirmer Cengage Learning website and multimedia eBook. 点击链接进入中文版: 听音乐音乐欣赏教程(附光盘1张)
  • 钢琴基础教程


  • The Rest Is Noise

    作者:Alex Ross

    From Publishers Weekly Starred Review. Ross, the classical music critic for the New Yorker, leads a whirlwind tour from the Viennese premiere of Richard Strauss's Salome in 1906 to minimalist Steve Reich's downtown Manhattan apartment. The wide-ranging historical material is organized in thematic essays grounded in personalities and places, in a disarmingly comprehensive style reminiscent of historian Otto Friedrich. Thus, composers who led dramatic lives—such as Shostakovich's struggles under the Soviet regime—make for gripping reading, but Ross treats each composer with equal gravitas. The real strength of this study, however, lies in his detailed musical analysis, teasing out—in precise but readily accessible language—the notes that link Leonard Bernstein's West Side Story to Arnold Schoenberg's avant-garde compositions or hint at a connection between Sibelius and John Coltrane. Among the many notable passages, a close reading of Benjamin Britten's opera Peter Grimes stands out for its masterful blend of artistic and biographical insight. Readers new to classical music will quickly seek out the recordings Ross recommends, especially the works by less prominent composers, and even avid fans will find themselves hearing familiar favorites with new ears. (Oct.) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Listening to Music

    作者:Craig Wright

  • 尤克里里完全入门24课


  • 乐理自学指南


  • 音乐气质


  • 音乐


    这部速成读本到底包括些什么?如果你想说得比较学究一点的话,是“西方艺术音乐”;如果你确实需要严谨一点的话,是“严肃”音乐;不过我们大多数人都称之为“古典”音乐。没错,古典音乐,与此相关的一切都植根于欧洲传统,不是浒乐,不是爵士乐,不是民歌也不是歌剧。 本教材采用了史短说的形式,按编年史顺序一路说去。每个双页跨版讲述一个特殊时期或者风格,将所有主要作曲家及其音乐作起码的交代。你无须具备什么基础的音乐知识——本书在适当的地方间杂了几处“题处话”,解释一些技术性内容;书后附有音乐术语一览表,帮助你破译一些行内术语,扫除你在音乐评论、节目、封套简介以及在酒吧持杯谈乐时遇到的障碍。 作者简介: 马库斯·威克斯,对音乐与乐器技术颇有造诣,音乐天赋面面俱到:作曲、编曲、演奏、唱歌、指挥、听乐、写作和谈论音乐,还有修复旧钢琴的高超本领。
  • Harmony

    作者:Walter Piston

  • The Musician's Guide to Theory and Analysis

    作者:Clendinning, Jane Pi

    Theoretically current and pedagogically innovative, the Musician's Guide series uses the phrase model approach to show students how music works in context. With a focus on real music literature that students know and play, it shows how music theory relates directly to practice and performance. The Musician's Guide to Theory and Analysis includes all topics essential to first- and second-year theory for music majors, from fundamentals to post-tonal theory and analysis.
  • Hi-Fi音响入门指南


    《Hi-Fi音响入门指南》是音响技术与音乐欣赏相关知识的百科,内容深入浅出,侧重实用而新颖全面。《Hi-Fi音响入门指南》分三大部分:(1)电声基础,包括声学和音响在内的基础知识;(2)音响百问,对393个有关音响技术包括AV影院的实际问题阐述解释;(3)音乐与欣赏,提供欣赏音乐和选购软件的相关知识。 《Hi-Fi音响入门指南》可供音乐、音响爱好者及有关专业人士阅读,在高质量声音重放方面作为参考和指南。