

  • 滚石30

    作者:段书佩 主编

  • 滾石30


    30年代表什麼? 從1981年到現在以至於未來 這30年是近1500位滾石人的青春熱情與夢想 和1500張印著黃靶標簽的專輯 跨世代的集體回憶和生活態度 本書收錄滾石千張專輯封面設計 百張珍貴精選照片 還有屬於你我的青春故事 你聽到了嗎?在我們的歌裡,最好的部分是自由 本書特色 1.收錄滾石自1981到目前所出版共計1200多張專輯封面圖片 2.百張珍貴從未曝光之藝人宣傳照片 / 新聞資料 / 幕後拍攝製作花絮照片 3.珍貴絕版1976年及之後所出版之滾石雜誌封面和內頁 4.李宗盛及陳昇歌詞及傳真手稿 5.滾石1986快樂天堂演唱會企畫手稿 6.過往滾石員工所提供珍貴工作證 / 歷史照片 / 滾石文具 / 滾石相關商品等歷史寶盒 7.滾石大事記
  • 迈克尔


    《迈克尔:〈滚石〉全纪录(迈克尔·杰克逊传奇)》从《颤栗(Triller)》的辉煌到早逝的悲剧,这本传记编纂了几乎四十年。 《迈克尔:〈滚石〉全纪录(迈克尔·杰克逊传奇)》讲述了迈克尔•杰克逊传奇一生的完整故事。1971年(当时迈克尔才12岁),在杰克逊家族团聚的派对上,作家本·冯托雷斯一边吃着炸鸡和红薯派,一边与迈克尔聊天,这位当时冉冉升起的新星在世人面前首次亮相——此篇文章也成为《滚石》杂志众多杰克逊封面故事的第一篇。十年后,在发行巨作《颤栗》前,迈克尔对格里•赫尔希倾述了名气带来的孤独,坦承在这个世界上只有两个朋友,并把自己看作彼得•潘。 《迈克尔:〈滚石〉全纪录(迈克尔·杰克逊传奇)》收录米卡尔·吉尔莫、亚伦•莱特、大卫·瑞兹和罗伯•谢菲尔德等著名媒体人的报道,描写丰富生动,评论深度客观。本书还首度曝光关于迈克尔•杰克逊专辑制作内幕的震撼文章,以及超过100幅未发表罕见照片。除此之外,《迈克尔:〈滚石〉全纪录(迈克尔·杰克逊传奇)》集齐迈克尔事业生涯的25个经典瞬间,并独家解读天王人生的悲剧谢幕,为这位音乐史上最伟大、最神秘的超级巨星盖棺定论。
  • Life

    作者:Keith Richards

    With the Rolling Stones, Keith Richards created the riffs, the lyrics and the songs that roused the world, and over four decades he lived the original rock and roll life: taking the chances he wanted, speaking his mind, and making it all work in a way that no one before him had ever done. Now, at last, the man himself tells us the story of life in the crossfire hurricane. And what a life. Listening obsessively to Chuck Berry and Muddy Waters records as a child in post-war Kent. Learning guitar and forming a band with Mick Jagger and Brian Jones. The Rolling Stones' first fame and success as a bad-boy band. The notorious Redlands drug bust and subsequent series of confrontations with a nervous establishment that led to his enduring image as outlaw and folk hero. Creating immortal riffs such as the ones in 'Jumping Jack Flash' and 'Street Fighting Man' and 'Honky Tonk Women'. Falling in love with Anita Pallenberg and the death of Brian Jones. Tax exile in France, wildfire tours of the US, 'Exile on Main Street' and 'Some Girls'. Ever increasing fame, isolation and addiction. Falling in love with Patti Hansen. Estrangement from Mick Jagger and subsequent reconciliation. Solo albums and performances with his band the Xpensive Winos. Marriage, family and the road that goes on for ever. In a voice that is uniquely and intimately his own, with the disarming honesty that has always been his trademark, Keith Richards brings us the essential life story of our times.