

  • Mastering the Art of French Cooking Journal

    作者:Potter Style

    Write down favorite recipes, dinner party notes, or thoughts of any kind in this journal, featuring the original cover design from Mastering the Art of French Cooking , one of the most influential cookbooks in American culinary history.
  • Mastering the Art of French Cooking

    作者:Julia Child,Louisett

    The perfect gift for any follower of Julia Child—and any lover of French food. This boxed set brings together Mastering the Art of French Cooking, first published in 1961, and its sequel, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume Two, published in 1970. Volume One is the classic cookbook, in its entirety—524 recipes. “Anyone can cook in the French manner anywhere,” wrote Mesdames Beck, Bertholle, and Child, “with the right instruction.” And here is the book that, for nearly fifty years, has been teaching Americans how. Mastering the Art of French Cooking is for both seasoned cooks and beginners who love good food and long to reproduce at home the savory delights of the classic cuisine, from the historic Gallic masterpieces to the seemingly artless perfection of a dish of spring-green peas. The techniques learned in this beautiful book, with more than one hundred instructive illustrations, can be applied to recipes in all other French cookbooks, making them infinitely usable. In compiling the secrets of famous Cordon Bleu chefs, the authors produced a magnificent volume that continues to have a place of honor in American kitchens. Volume Two is the sequel to the great cooking classic—with 257 additional recipes. Following the publication of the celebrated Volume One, Julia Child and Simone Beck continued to search out and sample new recipes among the classic dishes and regional specialties of France—cooking, conferring, tasting, revising, perfecting. Out of their discoveries they made, for Volume Two, a brilliant selection of precisely those recipes that not only add to the repertory but, above all, bring the reader to a new level of mastery of the art of French cooking. Each of these recipes is worked out step-by-step, with the clarity and precision that are the essence of the first volume. Five times as many drawings as in Volume One make the clear instructions even more so. Perhaps the most remarkable achievement of this volume is that it will make Americans actually more expert than their French contemporaries in two supreme areas of cookery: baking and charcuterie. In France one can turn to the local bakery for fresh and expertly baked bread, or to neighborhood charcuterie for pâtés and terrines and sausages. Here, most of us have no choice but to create them for ourselves. Bon appétit!
  • 我在法國的歲月


    一本記錄學習法式美食文化的回憶錄, 2006年四月份起在《紐約時報》美食雜誌連載, 並擠進《紐約時報》排行榜前十名; 亞馬遜網路書店予以五顆星的評價。 本書為美國著名法國料理烹飪家茱莉雅‧柴爾德(Julia Child)的回憶錄,介紹這位美食家在二次大戰後,隨著新婚夫婿旅居法國的生活(1948-1954)。這對新婚夫妻--太太天真爛漫,先生樸實老成的組合--從不會一句法文開始,漸漸接受法國人的生活習性,到在菜市場和攤販聊天,到開始學做法國家常菜,到決心接受法國傑出主廚Bugnard 的嚴格調教。她一步步收集各式法國料理食譜,在自家廚房的小世界裡嘗試烹調出一道道的法國料理,最後開班授課,並出版專門教導美國人如何烹調法式料理的書籍。 從每日三餐一窺法國文化的奧妙,從每一口自己動手烹飪的菜餚,沈浸在法國浪漫的生活步調;這是一本記錄學習法式美食文化的回憶錄,已經於2006年四月份起在《紐約時報》美食雜誌連載,並擠進《紐約時報》排行榜前十名;亞馬遜網路書店予以五顆星的評價。作者於2004年逝世,享年九十一歲,本書最後由其孫姪兒亞歷斯‧普魯道姆(Alex Prud'homme)所完成。 茱莉雅‧柴爾德用自己的詞彙與文句,娓娓描述她在法國度過的那一段令人迷醉的時光。在法國,她愛上了法國菜,也找到了一生的志業。
  • My Life in France

    作者:Julia Child,Alex Pru

    In her own words, here is the captivating story of Julia Child’s years in France, where she fell in love with French food and found ‘her true calling.’ From the moment the ship docked in Le Havre in the fall of 1948 and Julia watched the well-muscled stevedores unloading the cargo to the first perfectly soigné meal that she and her husband, Paul, savored in Rouen en route to Paris, where he was to work for the USIS, Julia had an awakening that changed her life. Soon this tall, outspoken gal from Pasadena, California, who didn’t speak a word of French and knew nothing about the country, was steeped in the language, chatting with purveyors in the local markets, and enrolled in the Cordon Bleu. After managing to get her degree despite the machinations of the disagreeable directrice of the school, Julia started teaching cooking classes herself, then teamed up with two fellow gourmettes, Simone Beck and Louisette Bertholle, to help them with a book they were trying to write on French cooking for Americans. Throwing herself heart and soul into making it a unique and thorough teaching book, only to suffer several rounds of painful rejection, is part of the behind-the-scenes drama that Julia reveals with her inimitable gusto and disarming honesty. Filled with the beautiful black-and-white photographs that Paul loved to take when he was not battling bureaucrats, as well as family snapshots, this memoir is laced with wonderful stories about the French character, particularly in the world of food, and the way of life that Julia embraced so wholeheartedly. Above all, she reveals the kind of spirit and determination, the sheer love of cooking, and the drive to share that with her fellow Americans that made her the extraordinary success she became. Le voici. Et bon appétit!