

  • The Starbucks Experience

    作者:Joseph Michelli

    在线阅读本书 Book Description WAKE UP AND SMELL THE SUCCESS! You already know the Starbucks story. Since 1992, its stock has risen a staggering 5,000 percent! The genius of Starbucks success lies in its ability to create personalized customer experiences, stimulate business growth, generate profits, energize employees, and secure customer loyalty-all at the same time. The Starbucks Experience contains a robust blend of home-brewed ingenuity and people-driven philosophies that have made Starbucks one of the world's “most admired” companies, according to Fortune magazine. With unique access to Starbucks personnel and resources, Joseph Michelli discovered that the success of Starbucks is driven by the people who work there-the “partners”-and the special experience they create for each customer. Michelli reveals how you can follow the Starbucks way to Reach out to entire communities * Listen to individual workers and consumers * Seize growth opportunities in every market * Custom-design a truly satisfying experience that benefits everyone involved * Filled with real-life insider stories, eye-opening anecdotes, and solid step-by-step strategies, this fascinating book takes you deep inside one of the most talked-about companies in the world today. For anyone who wants to learn from the best-and be the best-The Starbucks Experience is a rich, heady brew of unforgettable user-friendly ideas. From Publishers Weekly In this paean to "one of the truly exceptional American success stories," Michelli convinces the reader that Starbucks is a great company, but he stumbles when trying to extract "precepts that can enhance your business and your personal life." He explores the various levels on which Starbucks succeeds, from its generous HR policies and lively work environment to its attention to detail and genuine concern for social causes—all of which highlight how singular a company it is. (Michelli throws in the word "unique" as often as twice a sentence.) But when it comes to advice for businesspeople, his "simple, yet not simplistic" tenets are too vague to be very helpful. Michelli notes that he has no personal stake in Starbucks: "I am not here to sell you on the company." But his enthused exclamations—"It is difficult to imagine all the great things that are yet to come for Starbucks"—give The Starbucks Experience the ring of an authorized book. Still, the company's practices are undeniably innovative and inspiring, and even if most of them aren't directly relevant, there's surely something in this book that's applicable to most businesses. (Nov.) From the Back Cover “Keen insight on the transformational power of Starbucks.”-Dr. Jackie Freiberg, bestselling coauthor, Guts! and Nuts! “Practical, proven ideas and strategies that you can apply immediately.”-Brian Tracy, bestselling author of Million Dollar Habits How did Starbucks turn a cup of coffee into a worldwide business phenomenon? With unique access to Starbucks personnel and resources, Joseph Michelli isolated the 5 key leadership principles that transformed an ordinary idea into an extraordinary experience. Principle 1: Make It Your Own Principle 2: Everything Matters Principle 3: Surprise and Delight Principle 4: Embrace Resistance Principle 5: Leave Your Mark Book Dimension length: (cm)21.1                 width:(cm)13.7
  • How Starbucks Saved My Life

    作者:Michael Gates Gill

    當生命不再有藉口,你才有機會發現真正的出口。 一個激勵人心的故事,從一杯latte開始的學習之旅…… 榮登美國紐約時報、Amazon網路書店暢銷排行榜 改編電影版將由湯姆漢克監製、主演 曾經,他以為自己的人生再完美不過,如今卻落得一無所有。 結果,他竟然在最意想不到的星巴克咖啡店, 找回了他所錯過的美好,翻轉了他對幸福的定義……   麥可.基爾家世顯赫,又貴為國際廣告公司高階主管,一切的成功宛如水到渠成。想不到,五十歲之後,他的人生完全變了樣——公司嫌他太老裁了他;偶遇的婚外情讓他突然老來得子,卻也毀了他的婚姻和家庭;更糟的是他還長了顆慢性腦瘤,病情未卜……   窮途末路之際,麥可走進紐約曼哈頓區的一家星巴克,享受著僅存的小小奢侈──一杯那堤。正在招募員工的年輕黑人女店長克麗絲朵,不經意問起他是否想要找工作……麥可雖然錯愕,卻也只能像抓住救命的浮木般,接受了這份邀請。   從前,麥可是一身高級西裝來星巴克喝咖啡,如今卻要穿起綠色圍裙,為客人打掃煮咖啡敲收銀機,他覺得顏面掃地,卻又別無選擇。起初,他以為憑自己的能力,要當個星巴克店員應該綽綽有餘,但打從第一天上班,他就明白,這份工作的難度遠遠超越他的預期,他的人生將從此再度歸零、重新學習,而這個特別的所在,也將使他體驗前所未有的心靈奇蹟……   本書的故事,描寫的就是作者麥可.蓋茲.基爾戲劇化的人生際遇。基爾在六十歲這原本應該功成名就、安享晚年的年紀,卻遭逢了人生最重大的衝擊,他放下過去的驕傲與安逸,重新謙卑學習而體悟人生真諦的過程,以及故事中傳達的那份簡單而溫暖的感動,深深打動人心,也是一部充滿希望與智慧的生命啟示錄。
  • 星巴克体验


  • 星巴克攻略


  • Pour Your Heart Into It

    作者:Howard Schultz,Dori

    The chairman and CEO of Starbucks relates how he and his team built a small Seattle company into a nationwide business phenomenon. From Amazon.com Since 1987, Starbucks's star has been on the rise, growing from 11 Seattle, WA-based stores to more than 1,000 worldwide. Its goals grew, too, from the more modest, albeit fundamental one of offering high-quality coffee beans roasted to perfection to, more recently, opening a new store somewhere every day. An exemplary success story, Starbucks is identified with innovative marketing strategies, employee-ownership programs, and a product that's become a subculture. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a manager, a marketer, or a curious Starbucks loyalist, Pour Your Heart into It will let you in on the revolutionary Starbucks venture. CEO Howard Schultz recounts the company's rise in 24 chapters, each of which illustrates such core values as "Winning at the expense of employees is not victory at all." --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From Library Journal The author is the entrepreneur behind Starbucks, the coffee-shop chain with a "passion" for quality coffee. Through the voice of Eric Conger, Schultz speaks poetically about the "mystery and romance" of the "coffee experience." Well, to some people coffee is like that. The program is not so much for those who want to learn about business techniques as for those who love Starbucks. Schultz's story is an interesting one, largely a personal narrative about making it big. At one point the narration says, "It's not about me," but to a great extent the tapes really are. Recommended only if Starbucks has a strong presence in your community.?Mark Guyer, Stark Cty. Dist. Lib., Canton, Ohio Book Dimension Height (mm) 229                    Width (mm) 152
  • 星巴克的感性营销


    星巴克自从1999年在韩国开张第一家店铺以来,在短短4年的时间里,迅速扩张到75家店铺,并且保持着每年30%-40%的发展速度。 在白热化的市场竞争中,星巴克何以取得如此巨大的成功?本书作者认为,巨大的成功背后隐藏着相应的营销体系,那就是其独特的感性营销策略。作者通过调查、采访和分析,总结出了星巴克的77条感性营销秘诀,每一和都是经过实践检验的真知灼见。这77条策略不仅对于服务行业有指导作用,对很多企业的管理都有所裨益。 本书分为三个部分。第一部分对消费者的需求和特点加以分析;第 二部分详细介绍了星马克如何将营销手段的5P原则运用到经营中;第三部分通过介绍星马克的员工管理理念,反映出星巴克优秀的企业文化。
  • Onward

    作者:Howard Schultz,Joann