

  • Physics Based Animation (Graphics Series)

    作者:Kenny Erleben,Jon Sp

    The booming computer games and animated movie industries continue to drive the graphics community's seemingly insatiable search for increased realism, believability, ad speed. To achieve the quality expected by audiences of today's games and movies, programmers need to understand and implement physics-based animation. To provide this understanding, this book is written to teach students and practitioners and theory behind the mathematical models and techniques required for physics-based animation. It does not teach the basic principles of animation, but rather how to transform theoretical techniques into practical skills. It details how the mathematical models are derived from physical and mathematical principles, and explains how these mathematical models are solved in an efficient, robust, and stable manner with a computer. This impressive and comprehensive volume covers all the issues involved in physics-based animation, including collision detection, geometry, mechanics, differential equations, matrices, quaternions, and more. There is excellent coverage of collision detection algorithms and a detailed overview of a physics system. In addition, numerous examples are provided along with detailed pseudo code for most of the algorithms. This book is ideal for students of animation, researchers in the field, and professionals working in the games and movie industries. Topics Covered: * The Kinematics: Articulated Figures, Forward and Inverse Kinematics, Motion Interpolation * Multibody Animation: Particle Systems, Continuum Models with Finite Differences, the Finite Element Method, Computational Fluid Dynamics * Collision Detection: Broad and Narrow Phase Collision Detection, Contact Determination, Bounding Volume Hierarchies, Feature-and Volume-Based Algorithms
  • To Infinity and Beyond!

    作者:Karen Paik

    In 1986, three visionaries - John Lasseter, Ed Catmull, and Steve Jobs - united to form Pixar Animation Studios. Combining their respective abilities in animation, computer graphics, and entrepreneurship, their goal was to create the very first feature length computer animated film. Against all odds and overcoming myriad obstacles, the tiny studio created "Toy Story" and single-handedly changed the course of animation forever. Twenty years later, and after seven groundbreaking, record-setting movies, the team at Pixar celebrates their journey in this full-colour compendium.Over 400 pieces of exquisite concept art, storyboard sketches, and photographs testify to Pixar's wild creativity. Over 50,000 words of text bring to life all the quirky personalities and the unique corporate culture they have fostered. With extensive and never-before-published interviews with John Lasseter, Ed Catmull, Steve Jobs, George Lucas, and Leonard Maltin, "To Infinity and Beyond!" functions as a textbook for future animators, as a fascinating business book, and as the art book of the season
  • The Animator's Survival Kit

    作者:Richard Williams

  • 从铅笔到像素


  • The Illusion of Life

    作者:Ollie Johnston,Frank

  • 解码外国动漫


    你一定知道在本世纪初迪士尼收购了皮克斯公司,但你不一定知道这桩收购案背后的动因;你一定知道日本动画导演宫崎骏创作了众多脍炙人口的动画电影,但你不一定知道为什么他的作品从来不拍摄续集;你一定知道热血动画《灌篮高手》让无数孩子迷恋上了篮球,但你不一定知道为什么它的动画片辄止于全国大赛预选赛,而漫画中颇为精彩的全国大赛却迟迟没有被改编成动画……《解码外国动漫》一书,就对您知道与不知道的外国动漫现象问上一个为什么,并揭示它们背后的秘密。 本书从源流、创作、观念与营销四个角度,回答了40多个有关外国动漫的问题,涉及创意、编剧、衍生品开发以及历史文化等多个领域。剖析成功品牌的成功经验,总结失败案例的失败教训,本书通过一篇篇极富可读性的短文,将外国动漫的历史源流、创作理念和营销方法,用浅显易懂的方式讲述给您。
  • 生命的幻象


    《生命的幻象:迪斯尼动画造型设计》是有史以来动画选题的书籍中最为全面的一本书。在书中,两位资深迪斯尼动画师生动阐述了动画这种相对年轻而又特别的艺术形式在迪斯尼工作室中从青涩走向完美的历程,这是任何电影工作室的经历都无法与其相提并论的一段历史。 本书为读者解答了为什么迪斯尼动画能实现如此令人称奇的视觉效果,包括诸多备受喜爱的动画人物是如何被赋予独特的个性的,以及迪斯尼动画技术是如何在反复的实验中得到提升的。本书最为难以抗拒的魅力就在于,它向读者呈现了迪斯尼在创作美国历史上最受欢迎的动画人物时所用到的原始画稿——米老鼠、唐老鸭、白雪公主和小鹿斑比等,此外还有在制作《幻想曲》和《木偶奇遇记》等经典动画长片中那些令人难以忘怀的片段时所用到的创作草图。除了得到沃尔特?迪斯尼制片公司的鼎力支持外,两位作者还从悉心保存的数十万张图稿中甄选出了能精确阐述自己观点的手绘作品呈现给读者。 本书涵盖了动画发展史的整个范畴,以及迪斯尼动画工作室的发展历程,是世界动画领域中的权威著作。不管是怀旧的动画爱好者,还是动画专业的学生,都会发现这是一部非常值得细细品味的佳作。
  • 奥斯卡最佳动画短片


    《奥斯卡最佳动画短片:幕后手记》内容简介:从最好的作品中汲取营养……与60年来最具悟性的动画制作人的深度访谈;了解动画制作过程……附有彩色分镜脚本、画稿草图及幕后工作照片;获取创作灵感……体会独树一帜的理念,学习大师级动画技术。 奥利维耶·科特从世界范围内的动画短片中筛选出13部最精彩的奥斯卡获奖作品。通过这些近乎完美的影片,他帮助我们解开了动画背后奇妙的密码,带给我们极大的精神愉悦。在这部力作当中,作者讲解了许多动画制作手段,却又没有出卖任何业内玄机;他透露了每一部短片的技术细节,却丝毫没有削弱影片在我们心目中的恒久魅力。个中秘密其实很简单——作者本人就是一位电影导演。
  • The Pixar Touch

    作者:David A. Price

    The roller-coaster rags-to-riches story behind the phenomenal success of Pixar Animation Studios: the first in-depth look at the company that forever changed the film industry and the "fraternity of geeks" who shaped it. "The Pixar Touch" is a story of technical innovation that revolutionized animation, transforming hand-drawn cel animation to computer-generated 3-D graphics. It's a triumphant business story of a company that began with a dream, remained true to the ideals of its founders--antibureaucratic and artist driven--and ended up a multibillion-dollar success. We meet Pixar's technical genius and founding CEO, Ed Catmull, who dreamed of becoming an animator, inspired by Disney's "Peter Pan "and "Pinocchio," realized he would never be good enough, and instead enrolled in the then new field of computer science at the University of Utah. It was Catmull who founded the computer graphics lab at the New York Institute of Technology and who wound up at Lucasfilm during the first "Star Wars" trilogy, running the computer graphics department, and found a patron in Steve Jobs, just ousted from Apple Computer, who bought Pixar for five million dollars. Catmull went on to win four Academy Awards for his technical feats and helped to create some of the key computer-generated imagery software that animators rely on today. Price also writes about John Lasseter, who catapulted himself from unemployed animator to one of the most powerful figures in American filmmaking; animation was the only thing he ever wanted to do (he was inspired by Disney's "The Sword in the Stone"), and Price's book shows how Lasseter transformed computer animation from a novelty into an art form. The author writes as well about Steve Jobs, as volatile a figure as a Shakespearean monarch . . . Based on interviews with dozens of insiders, "The Pixar Touch" examines the early wildcat years when computer animation was thought of as the lunatic fringe of the medium. We see the studio at work today; how its writers, directors, and animators make their astonishing, and astonishingly popular, films. The book also delves into Pixar's corporate feuds: between Lasseter and his former champion, Jeffrey Katzenberg ("A Bug's Life" vs. "Antz"), and between Jobs and Michael Eisner. And finally it explores Pixar's complex relationship with the Walt Disney Company as it transformed itself from a Disney satellite into the $7.4 billion jewel in the Disney crown.