

  • 有生之年非玩不可的1001款游戏

    作者:【英国】托尼•莫特(Tony Mott)

    本书豆列:http://www.douban.com/doulist/2602718/ 作为持续热卖的“1001系列”丛书中的一本,《有生之年非玩不可的1001款游戏》将为你献上一份详尽的游戏指南,带你领略史上最伟大的电子游戏的风采。从早期经典到最新热门大作,本书汇集了各类兼具人气与评论盛赞的作品、冷门佳作,以及曾经改变游戏发展历史的里程碑式经典。 中文版 根据英文第2版制作,收录了截至2013年的1001款值得你了解与尝试的游戏佳作,其中包括《太空侵略者》(Space Invaders)、《爆破彗星》(Asteroids)、《吃豆人》(Pac-Man)等最早将电子游戏推向世界的街机经典,让雅达利、Sinclair、Commodore等品牌家喻户晓的电脑游戏,以及《光晕》(Halo)、《侠盗猎车》(Grand Theft Auto)、《生化危机》(Resident Evil)等早已成为流行文化符号的主机平台大作。 电子游戏是世界上最具动感活力的娱乐方式之一,《有生之年非玩不可的1001款游戏》不仅为读者奉上这一娱乐方式的终极攻略,更是骨灰级玩家和游戏菜鸟不容错过的佳作。本书中的每个条目都配有该游戏的实际操作截图,附上详尽的发售日期与游戏平台介绍;更有知名游戏评论权威解说,详细点评每款游戏的操作、艺术水准及对相应游戏类型的突出贡献。 “不管你身在何方,不论任何性别年龄,你都不能说这世上没有对你胃口的游戏。在这精心挑选的1001款游戏中总有一款适合你,希望这些游戏能够给你带来不一样的感觉,正如它们影响了我与游戏结缘的一生。” ——彼得•莫利纽克斯(Peter Molyneux),游戏开发设计师,本书序言作者 “本书撰稿人中有很多是我所钟爱的。即使我还没有拿到这本书,我都可以向你保证它绝对是本值得拥有的佳作。” ——摘自知名综合性博客BoingBoing.net “《有生之年非玩不可的1001款电子游戏》由来自全世界的专业电玩评论家团队编写,以时间顺序编排,完整地呈现了电子游戏自20世纪70年代发展至今的辉煌历程。” ——摘自国外知名游戏博客Kotaku.com
  • The Ultimate History of Video Games

    作者:Steven L. Kent

    Inside the Games You Grew Up with but Never Forgot With all the whiz, bang, pop, and shimmer of a glowing arcade. The Ultimate History of Video Games reveals everything you ever wanted to know and more about the unforgettable games that changed the world, the visionaries who made them, and the fanatics who played them. From the arcade to television and from the PC to the handheld device, video games have entraced kids at heart for nearly 30 years. And author and gaming historian Steven L. Kent has been there to record the craze from the very beginning. This engrossing book tells the incredible tale of how this backroom novelty transformed into a cultural phenomenon. Through meticulous research and personal interviews with hundreds of industry luminaries, you'll read firsthand accounts of how yesterday's games like Space Invaders, Centipede, and Pac-Man helped create an arcade culture that defined a generation, and how today's empires like Sony, Nintendo, and Electronic Arts have galvanized a multibillion-dollar industry and a new generation of games. Inside, you'll discover: ·The video game that saved Nintendo from bankruptcy ·The serendipitous story of Pac-Man's design ·The misstep that helped topple Atari's $2 billion-a-year empire ·The coin shortage caused by Space Invaders ·The fascinating reasons behind the rise, fall, and rebirth of Sega ·And much more! Entertaining, addictive, and as mesmerizing as the games it chronicles, this book is a must-have for anyone who's ever touched a joystick.
  • 世界游戏制作大师

