

  • Squid: The Definitive Guide

    作者:Duane Wessels

    Squid is the most popular Web caching software in use today, and it works on a variety of platforms including Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows. Squid improves network performance by reducing the amount of bandwidth used when surfing the Web. It makes web pages load faster and can even reduce the load on your web server. By caching and reusing popular web content, Squid allows you to get by with smaller network connections. It also protects the host on your internal network by acting as a firewall and proxying your internal web traffic. You can use Squid to collect statistics about the traffic on your network, prevent users from visiting inappropriate web sites at work or school, ensure that only authorized users can surf the Internet, and enhance your privacy by filtering sensitive information from web requests. Companies, schools, libraries, and organizations that use web-caching proxies can look forward to a multitude of benefits. Written by Duane Wessels, the creator of Squid, Squid: The Definitive Guide will help you configure and tune Squid for your particular situation. Newcomers to Squid will learn how to download, compile, and install code. Seasoned users of Squid will be interested in the later chapters, which tackle advanced topics such as high-performance storage options, rewriting requests, HTTP server acceleration, monitoring, debugging, and troubleshooting Squid. Topics covered include: Compiling and installing Squid Running Squid Using Squid's sophisticated access controls Tuning disk storage for optimal performance Configuring your operating system for HTTP interception Forwarding Requests to other web caches Using redirectors to rewrite user requests Monitoring Squid with the cache manager and SNMP Using Squid to accelerate and protect HTTP servers Managing bandwidth consumption with Delay Pools
  • 学习GNU Emacs

    作者:[美] Debra Cameron,Bi

    学习GNU Emacs GNU Emacs是Emacs编辑器家族中最受欢迎、传播范围最广、也是最强大和最灵活的UNIX文本编辑器。与其他文本编辑器的重要区别在于它是一个完备的工作环境,使用Emacs可以完成各种日常工作。本书循序渐进地讲述Emacs的入门知识,随着本书的深入,读者的Emacs使用水平将从初级(只会进行简单的文字编辑)提高到足以完成相当复杂的定制和程序设计任务的阶段。 本书对Emac
  • Perl语言入门

    作者:Randal L.Schwartz,To

    《Perl语言入门(第5版)》也就是大家所称道的“小骆驼书”,是Perl程序设计人员最为仰赖的启蒙读物之一。自1993年以来,这本《Perl语言入门(第5版)》就成为热卖的Perl语言教学材料,而此次新版又涵盖了Perl 5.10的最新变化。《Perl语言入门(第5版)》的诸位作者自1991年起就开始在Stonehenge Consulting从事Perl教学工作,多年的课堂教学实践和积累下来的点滴经验,形成了《Perl语言入门(第5版)》特有的教学节奏,以及务实的知识点取舍。随文而至的习题,可以让你及时巩固各种概念,强化理解和吸收。《Perl语言入门(第5版)》容涵盖: ·Perl的变量类型 ·子程序 ·文件的操作 ·正则表达式 ·字符串的操作 ·列表与排序 ·进程的管理 ·智能匹配 ·第三方模块的使用 有些人只是想要完成任务,Perl语言为此而生。Perl的最初目标只是为了协助Unix系统管理员完成日常繁琐的文本数据处理工作。时至今日,Perl已发展成为一套功能齐备的程序语言,几乎可以在任何操作系统上完成各种任务——从简单的命令行工具到Web应用开发,及至生物信息学、金融数据分析等等不一而足。其他书籍可能会着重于教会你使用Perl语言来编程,可《Perl语言入门(第5版)》不同,我们是想要你成为一名真正的Perl程序员。
  • Learning Python

    作者:Mark Lutz

    Amazon.com Review The authors of Learning Python show you enough essentials of the Python scripting language to enable you to begin solving problems right away, then reveal more powerful aspects of the language one at a time. This approach is sure to appeal to programmers and system administrators who have urgent problems and a preference for learning by semi-guided experimentation. First off, Learning Python shows the relationships among Python scripts and their interpreter (in a mostly platform-neutral way). Then, the authors address the mechanics of the language itself, providing illustrations of how Python conceives of numbers, strings, and other objects as well as the operators you use to work with them. Dictionaries, lists, tuples, and other data structures specific to Python receive plenty of attention including complete examples. Authors Mark Lutz and David Ascher build on that fundamental information in their discussions of functions and modules, which evolve into coverage of namespaces, classes, and the object-oriented aspects of Python programming. There's also information on creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for Python applications with Tkinter. In addition to its careful expository prose, Learning Python includes exercises that both test your Python skills and help reveal more elusive truths about the language. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Review As a book for programmers who want to learn Python, it does a very good job. The coverage is informative and well order; making it easy to find what you're looking for. Overall, if you do some work with Python, you will benefit from owning this book. " - Sam Smith, news@UK, March "This book is a good example of Python culture, in the clarity of its text as much as in the quality of its code. Anyhone working their way through it will have a solid foundation upon which to explore Python's potential. Highly recommended." - Ivan Uemilianin, CVu, October 2004 --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
  • Head First Ajax(中文版)

    作者:莱尔(Rebecca M.Riordan

    Head First Ajax(中文版),ISBN:9787508387918,作者:(美)赖尔 等著,苏金国 等译
  • The Art of SEO

    作者:Eric Enge,Stephan Sp

    A well-designed, easy-to-navigate website is useless if no one can find it. If your company is going to succeed in the web economy, optimizing your site for search engine visibility is essential. In this book, four of the most noted experts in the field of search engine optimization (SEO) provide you with proven guidelines and cutting-edge techniques for planning and executing a comprehensive SEO strategy. The authors clearly explain SEO fundamentals, while correcting many common misconceptions. If you are new to SEO, you'll get a complete and thorough SEO education, as well as an array of effective tactics, from basic to advanced. Seasoned practitioners will find this book useful as a complete reference to SEO best practices. * Explore the underlying theory behind SEO and how search engines work * Learn the steps you need to prepare for, execute, and evaluate SEO initiatives * Examine a number of advanced strategies and tactics * Understand the intricacies involved in managing complex SEO projects * Learn what's necessary to build a competent SEO team with defined roles * Glimpse the future of search and what lies ahead for the SEO industry
  • Learning the vi and Vim Editors


    《学习Vi和vim编辑器(影印版)》内容为:在过去将近30年的时间里,vi已经成为Unix和Linux的标准编辑器,而从1986年开始《学习Vi和vim编辑器(影印版)》也已成为vi的主要指南。但是现在Unix已经不是三十年前的样子,这《学习Vi和vim编辑器(影印版)》也同样不会是。《学习vi和Vim 第七版》已经进行了扩展,包括了Vim这个主要vi克隆的细节。Vim作为目前绝大多数Linux系统的缺省编辑器和Mac OS X的缺省vi版本,也可以应用于很多其他操作系统。这本指南在讲解文本编辑基础知识的同时,也涵盖了高级工具,例如用交互式的宏和脚本来扩展编辑器的功能——所有这些都用易于理解的方式来传授,这种风格已经让《学习Vi和vim编辑器(影印版)》成为经典。如果你使用Unix和Linux的话,vi和Vim是必备知识,因此,《学习Vi和vim编辑器(影印版)》也是必备之书。你将学到以下内容: · 高效使用vi · 深入讲解vi的知识,例如使用缓存 · 使用vi的全局搜索替换功能 · 定制vi以及运行Unix命令.. · 使用Vim的扩展文本对象和强大正则表达式 · 使用多窗口编辑并且编写Vim脚本 · 发挥图形用户界面版的Vim也就是gvim的全部功能 · 使用Vim的增强功能,例如语法高亮和扩展标签 · 将Vim和其他三个vi的克隆nvi、elvis和vile进行比较
  • Programming C# 3.0中文版(第5版)

    作者:Jesse Liberty,Donald

    本书是一本关于C#及如何用C#编写.NET应用程序的经典教程,是《Programming C#》的最新版第5版。著名作者Jesse Liberty为有经验的IT从业人员快速掌握并运用这种新型语言提供了所有需要的信息。本书从C#的关键字和基本概念开始介绍,并告诉你如何结合三个核心的应用程序平台——ASP.NET、.NET Windows窗体和ADO.NET——来应用C#语言创建典型的桌面和网络应用程序,你将会学到如何运用.NET平台的丰富功能来开发应用。本书中的所有文字和例子都已经更新为与Visual Studio 2008 .NET框架3.5及C#3.0相适应。 本书适合采用.NET平台开发应用程序的程序员。
  • Regular Expressions Cookbook

    作者:Jan Goyvaerts

    This cookbook provides more than 100 recipes to help you crunch data and manipulate text with regular expressions. Every programmer can find uses for regular expressions, but their power doesn't come worry-free. Even seasoned users often suffer from poor performance, false positives, false negatives, or perplexing bugs. Regular Expressions Cookbook offers step-by-step instructions for some of the most common tasks involving this tool, with recipes for C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and VB.NET.
  • Python学习手册

    作者:Mark Lutz

    《Python学习手册(第3版)》讲述了:Python可移植、功能强大、易于使用,是编写独立应用程序和脚本应用程序的理想选择。无论你是刚接触编程或者刚接触Python,通过学习《Python学习手册(第3版)》,你可以迅速高效地精通核心Python语言基础。读完《Python学习手册(第3版)》,你会对这门语言有足够的了解,从而可以在你所从事的任何应用领域中使用它。 《Python学习手册(第3版)》是作者根据过去10年用于教学而广为人知的培训课程的材料编写而成的。除了有许多详实说明和每章小结之外,每章还包括一个头脑风暴:这是《Python学习手册(第3版)》独特的一部分,配合以实用的练习题和复习题,让读者练习新学的技巧并测试自己的理解程度。 《Python学习手册(第3版)》包括: 类型和操作——深入讨论Python主要的内置对象类型:数字、列表和字典等。 语句和语法——在Python中输入代码来建立并处理对象,以及Python一般的语法模型。 函数——Python基本的面向过程工具,用于组织代码和重用。 模块——封装语句、函数以及其他工具,从而可以组织成较大的组件。 类和OOP——Python可选的面向对象编程工具,可用于组织程序代码从而实现定制和重用。 异常和工具——异常处理模型和语句,并介绍编写更大程序的开发工具。 讨论Python 3.0。 《Python学习手册(第3版)》让你对Python语言有深入而完整的了解,从而帮助你理解今后遇到的任何Python应用程序实例。如果你准备探索Google和YouTube为什么选中了Python,《Python学习手册(第3版)》就是你入门的最佳指南。
  • JavaScript语言精粹

    作者:道格拉斯•克罗克福德 (Douglas

    JavaScript 曾是“世界上最被误解的语言”,因为它担负太多的特性,包括糟糕的交互和失败的设计,但随着Ajax 的到来,JavaScript“从最受误解的编程语言演变为最流行的语言”,这除了幸运之外,也证明了它其实是一门优秀的语言。Douglas Crockford 在本书中剥开了JavaScript 沾污的外衣,抽离出一个具有更好可靠性、可读性和可维护性的JavaScript 子集,让你看到一门优雅的、轻量级的和非常富有表现力的语言。作者从语法、对象、函数、继承、数组、正则表达式、方法、样式和优美的特性这9 个方面来呈现这门语言真正的精华部分,通过它们完全可以构建出优雅高效的代码。作者还通过附录列出了这门语言的毒瘤和糟粕部分,且告诉你如何避免它们。最后还介绍了JSLint,通过它的检验,能有效地保障我们的代码品质。 这是一本介绍 JavaScript 语言本质的权威书籍,值得任何正在或准备从事JavaScript 开发的人阅读,并且需要反复阅读。学习、理解、实践大师的思想,我们才可能站在巨人的肩上,才有机会超越大师,这本书就是开始。
  • JAVASCRIPT权威指南(第四版)

    作者:David Flanagan

    《JavaScript权威指南》全面介绍了JavaScript语言的核心,以及Web浏览器中实现的遗留和标准的DOM。它运用了一些复杂的例子,说明如何处理验证表单数据、使用cookie、创建可移植的DHTML动画等常见任务。本书还包括详细的参考手册,涵盖了JavaScript的核心API、遗留的客户端API和W3C标准DOM API,记述了这些API中的每一个JavaScript对象、方法、性质、构造函数、常量和事件处理程序。
  • Bash Cookbook

    作者:Carl Albing,JP Vosse

    The key to mastering any Unix system, especially Linux and Mac OS X, is a thorough knowledge of shell scripting. Scripting is a way to harness and customize the power of any Unix system, and it's an essential skill for any Unix users, including system administrators and professional OS X developers. But beneath this simple promise lies a treacherous ocean of variations in Unix commands and standards. bash Cookbook teaches shell scripting the way Unix masters practice the craft. It presents a variety of recipes and tricks for all levels of shell programmers so that anyone can become a proficient user of the most common Unix shell -- the bash shell -- and cygwin or other popular Unix emulation packages. Packed full of useful scripts, along with examples that explain how to create better scripts, this new cookbook gives professionals and power users everything they need to automate routine tasks and enable them to truly manage their systems -- rather than have their systems manage them.
  • Perl语言入门

    作者:Randal L.Schwartz,To

    Learning Perl, Fourth Edition
  • Beautiful Code

    作者:Greg Wilson,Andy Ora

    In this unique work, leading computer scientists discuss how they found unusual, carefully designed solutions to difficult problems. This book lets the reader look over the shoulder of major coding and design experts to see problems through their eyes.
  • Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML

    作者:Eric T Freeman,Elisa

    Tired of reading HTML books that only make sense after you're an expert? Then it's about time you picked up "Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML" and really learned HTML. You want to learn HTML so you can finally create those Web pages you've always wanted, so you can communicate more effectively with friends, family, fans and fanatic customers. You also want to do it right so you can actually maintain and expand your Web pages over time, and so your Web pages work in all the browsers and mobile devices out there. Oh, and if you've never heard of CSS, that's okay - we won't tell anyone you're still partying like it's 1999 - but if you're going to create Web pages in the 21st century then you'll want to know and understand CSS. Learn the real secrets of creating Web pages, and why everything your boss told you about HTML tables is probably wrong (and what to do instead). Most importantly, hold your own with your co-worker (and impress cocktail party guests) when he casually mentions how his HTML is now strict, and his CSS is in an external style sheet. With "Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML", you'll avoid the embarrassment of thinking Web-safe colors still matter, and the foolishness of slipping a font tag into your pages. Best of all, you'll learn HTML and CSS in a way that won't put you to sleep. If you've read a "Head First" book, you know what to expect: a visually-rich format designed for the way your brain works. Using the latest research in neurobiology, cognitive science, and learning theory, this book will load HTML, CSS, and XHTML into your brain in a way that sticks. So what are you waiting for? Leave those other dusty books behind and come join us in Webville. Your tour is about to begin.
  • Perl语言编程

    作者:[美] Larry Wall,Tom C

    这不仅仅是一本关于Perl的书籍,更是一本独一无二的开发者自己介绍该语言及其文化的书籍。Larry Wall是Perl的开发者,他就这种语言的未来发展方向提出了自己的看法。Tom Christiansen是最早的几个拥护者之一,也是少数几个在错综复杂的中游刃有余的人之一。Jon Orwant是《Perl Journal》的主编,该杂志把Perl社区组合成了一个共同的论坛,以进行Perl新的开发。
  • PHP程序设计

    作者:Kevin Tatroe,Rasmus

    本书涵盖了创建一个高效PHP Web应用程序所需要的所有技术,其内容包括:PHP语言基础的详细信息,包括数据类型、变量、操作符和流控制语句。用专门章节讨论关于函数、字符串、数组和对象的基本内容。涵盖通用的PHP Web应用程序设计技术,如表单处理和验证、会话跟踪以及cookie。用和数据库无关的PEAR DB库与关系数据库(如MySQL和Oracle)进行交互的内容。介绍用PHP生成动态图像、创建
  • 高性能MySQL(第二版)

    作者:Baron Schwartz,Peter

    本书荣获2009年Jolt图书大奖,是不可多得的分享MySQL实用经验的图书。它不但可以帮助MySQL初学者提高使用技巧,更为有经验的MySQL DBA指出了开发高性能MySQL应用的途径。全书包含14章和4个附录,内容覆盖MySQL系统架构、设计应用技巧、SQL语句优化、服务器性能调优、系统配置管理和安全设置、监控分析,以及复制、扩展和备份/还原等主题,每一章的内容自成体系,适合各领域技术人员作选择性的阅读。 汇聚著名MySQL专家在实践中构建大型系统的多年经验。 剖析MySQL内部工作机制,指导读者MySQL开发出快速可靠的系统。 实例讲解MySQL实用又安全的高性能之路。
  • CSS权威指南(第三版·英文影印版)

    作者:[美] Eric A.Meyer

    著名的CSS专家Eric A.Meyer他招牌式的智慧和无与伦比的经验引领读者探索了CSS的各个部 分,包括属性、标记、特性和实现。此外,他还就现实应用中的一些问题,例如浏览器的支持和设计方针,发表了看法。你所要知道的就是HTML 4.0的知识,这样就可以创建整洁、易于维护的脚本,以与桌面出版系统同样的优雅和控制能力管理网站布局和分页。你将会学到: 精妙地设计文本风格 用户界面、表格布局、列表以及自动生成的内容 浮动和定位的细节 Font familv和Fallback机制 盒模型(box model)的工作机制 IE7、Firefox及其他一些浏览器所支持的最新CSS3的选择器(selector) 经过彻底地更新,新版的《CSS权威指南》已经适用于IE7。它详细讲述TESS的各个属性,告诉你怎样同其他属性交互,怎样在编写CSS时避免常见的错误。不管你是一个有经验的Web开发人员还是一个彻底的初学者,这本书都是你的CSS学习源泉。