

  • Matrix Computations

    作者:Gene H. Golub,Charle

    Revised and updated, the third edition of Golub and Van Loan's classic text in computer science provides essential information about the mathematical background and algorithmic skills required for the production of numerical software. This new edition includes thoroughly revised chapters on matrix multiplication problems and parallel matrix computations, expanded treatment of CS decomposition, an updated overview of floating point arithmetic, a more accurate rendition of the modified Gram-Schmidt process, and new material devoted to GMRES, QMR, and other methods designed to handle the sparse unsymmetric linear system problem.
  • 黑客帝国动画版(DVD)


    《骇客帝国动画版》(The Animatrix)是一系列基于Matrix这一相同主题但又各自独立的动画短篇集,共有9部。其制作汇集了来自日本、韩国、美国三国的7位顶尖动画制作人,影片在“Matrix”——电影《骇客帝国》中的虚拟世界的基础之上,对“Matrix”的诞生、人类与机器之间的战争等等细节充分展开想象,勾画出Matrix世界里一幅幅不同侧面、精彩纷呈的景象。
  • 黑客帝国发烧手册


    《黑客帝国》是一部极具品位的“平衡”之作。无论是其特技也好,故事来源也好,都不是凭空产生的原创意识;至于由此引发的多样化的深层思考,更证明影片本身的兼容性。简单地说就是,《黑客帝国》是一部具有多重特质的影片,所有特质都非第一次出现在银幕上,从这个意义上说,《黑客帝国》是一部典型的“拿来主义”电影:东西方的宗教、哲学传统、后现代的末世构想、漫画式的夸张画面、火爆的枪战场景、港式功夫、神意对话……简直是个电影元素的大观园! 图书目录 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一部电影的传奇 《黑客帝国》不完全解读手册 黑客制造眩晕 《黑客帝国》麻瓜速成班 《黑客帝国》课外辅导 黑客高级词汇 黑客枪支考 黑客中的点点滴滴 看图...
  • 矩阵分析

    作者:[美] Roger A.Horn, Ch

    有:特征值、特征向量和相似性、酉相似、Schur三角化及其推论、正规矩阵、标准形和包括Jordan标准形在内的各种分解、LU分解、QR分解和酉矩阵、Hermite矩阵和复对称矩阵、向量范数和矩阵范数、特征值的估计和扰动、正定矩阵、非负矩阵。 《矩阵分析.卷1(英文版)(本科)》可作为理工科专业研究生或数学专业高年级本科生教材,也可供数学工作者和科技人员参考。
  • The Art of the Matrix

    作者:Larry Wachowski,Andy

    The Art of The Matrix goes beyond the film. But you cannot be told what this book is...you have to see it for yourself! The most unusual one-of-a-kind giftbook of the season, and the first and only book licensed by the creators of this awesome film--this is the complete pre-production archive of artwork and conceptual drawings, along with the script and commentary in the artists' own voices, in a beautifully printed, large format book, four-color throughout--long awaited by Matrix fans worldwide. Grossing more than $400 million worldwide, ranked as one of the all-time top-selling home video releases with over 2,000,000 DVDs sold, and winner of four Academy Awards--Best Visual Effects, Best Film Editing, Best Sound, Best Sound Effects Editing-- The Matrix has proven to be nothing short of a phenomenon. The tale of Thomas Anderson (Keanu Reeves), a computer hacker forced to confront his special destiny in the salvation of mankind, challenged our perceptions of reality and expanded our expectations of what a movie could be. Spencer Lamm writes in his introduction: "This book was created to express some sense of the massive planning that went into the film. It showcases the bulk of the artwork, presenting a close approximation of what was shown to the studio...Combining all the art, the Wachowskis were able to walk people through the script [219 scenes] producing, essentially, a 400-page giant comic book. Initially a tool to sell the picture, it became a detailed map for production." Exclusive to this volume are: * The complete shooting script by writers/directors Larry & Andy Wachowski * The complete B&W storyboards (700+) by Steve Skroce ( Spider-Man, Wolverine ) * The complete color storyboards by Tani Kunitake ( Armageddon, 12 Monkeys ) * The complete and intensely intricate conceptual illustrations by Geof Darrow ( Hard Boiled, Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot ), presented in four double-sided gatefolds * Introduction by Zach Staenberg, Oscar-winning Film Editor * Afterword by William Gibson, author of Neuromancer, Mona Lisa Overdrive , and All Tomorrow's Parties * 32-page color photo album of memorable stills and posters * Commentary by all the artists about their work on the film, interviewed especially for this book * Also: Thumbnail sketches by the Wachowski Brothers, deleted script excerpts, scene notes by Phil Oosterhouse (assistant to the Wachowski Brothers), three cut storyboard sequences, film credits. * 488 pages (including 4 double-sided gatefolds and 32 page photo section). 8 38" x 10 78". Over 1000 illustrations. Complete storyboards and conceptual drawings, screenplay, more than 30 movie photos, posters, credits. Four-color printing throughout. "Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself." --Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne), from the shooting script of The Matrix The Matrix motion picture artwork and photography copyright (c) 2000 Warner Bros. All rights reserved.
  • 解码黑客帝国


    由华纳兄弟公司出品的《黑客帝国》系列电影,最大的成功之处莫过于把哲学和科学融合到娱乐中。宗教比较学家堪佩尔曾说:“西方人吃的是知识树的果实,东方人吃的是生命树的果实,如果两种文化能结合,将是神的力量。”《黑客帝国》就是这样一个奇迹。它是一部波普文化的大成,一个电子游戏,一次基督教和佛学的扫盲,也自由平等最终到来的寓言。在哈佛大学的讲堂里,《黑客帝国》系列已成为哲学基础课的重要部分。 本书分为上卷故事对白,中卷解读评析,下卷幕后延伸三个部分,对看过《黑客帝国》系列电影的读者,本书将进一步延伸您的想像,真正释放您的心灵,完全被其文化魅力所吸引。