

  • 動畫資料集 黑執事 Black Record


  • 新世纪福音战士概念设定集 Neon Genesis Evangelion - Concept Design Works


    「新世纪エヴァンゲリオン」について、メカニックサイドの人间がどうアプローチしていたのかを、ビジュアル中心に伝える。今明かされるデザインの数々。〈ソフトカバー〉 其实也就是机体、作战机械等等的概念设定,和动画并不完全一致。
  • The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Chronicles: Art and Design

    作者:Daniel Falcorner

    The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Chronicles: Art and Design marks the beginning of a series of comprehensive and beautifully presented books created by the artists at the heart of the film-making process. The book presents hundreds of full colour conceptual drawings and paintings, along with set designs, sculpture and glorious photography across more than 200 pages. The book showcases art by the film’s concept art directors Alan Lee and John Howe, alongside work from other artists of the film’s 3 foot 7 Art Department, Costume Department and Weta Workshop. It truly is a unique opportunity to see artwork by a wide range of artists across a multitude of disciplines in the film-making community of Wellington, New Zealand and to hear directly from them about the inspiration behind their work. Included is a Foreword by Academy Award winner Dan Hennah, 3 foot 7 Production Designer for the films. The book also features commentaries by Dan, 3 foot 7 Costume Designer Ann Maskrey, Academy Award Winners Peter King, 3 foot 7 Make-up and Hair Designer, and Weta Workshop’s Design and Special Effects Supervisor Richard Taylor. In addition to artist quotes, cast members reflect on the work and share insights into their involvement in the design process.
  • 魔幻家族


    《魔幻家族》是英国学者、托尔金研究专家大卫·戴的经典之作,更是欧美魔幻经典畅销书之一,问世以来连续再版十多次,已成为全景式展现托尔金“魔戒系列”词条名典的权威“百科全书”。如果说托尔金创作的是一个自成一体的魔幻世界,那么,《魔幻家族》肯定就是进入这个世界的托尔金之门。 托尔金无疑是魔幻文学的教主。他的魔幻系列全球卖出逾亿本,创造了定型化的魔域,至今所有相关书籍描写到妖精一定有尖尖的耳朵,巫师都脱胎自甘道夫,长长的白胡须和尖尖的巫师帽。托尔金还创造出精灵语言,为魔幻文学立下典范。 东方动漫大师宫崎峻、田中芳树,西方魔幻小说《哈利·波特》作者J.K.罗琳,皆视托尔金的《魔戒》为师法宗师。 在《魔幻家族》中,我们将全景式地阅览托尔金创造的梦幻史诗般壮丽的中土时代。魔幻精灵们缔造了那个时代的自然史,所有的魔幻动物都有着完整的结构体系,而《魔幻家族》则一个个地对他们进行仔细了解和解剖研究。展示他们的居住环境,描述他们的习惯和嗜好,呈现他们的演变和历史。 像中土世界一样,这本关于魔幻的书也特别重视插图,这是《魔幻家族》最重要、最新颖的一个看点。所有图片和设计均出自11位优秀插图画家以及天才设计师黛布拉·扎克曼之手。 这些绘图富有幻想,表现力极强,与托尔金原作内容交相辉映。其中,黑白插图描绘了种族、生物和植物,而彩色插图则展现了壮阔的景观、宏大的王国和埃达时代发生的重大战役和事件。
  • The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Chronicles, Creatures & Characters


    The ultimate celebration of the first Hobbit movie reveals the culmination of the creative vision for the film through exclusive interviews with the designers, cast and crew, and more than 500 previously unpublished photographs, written and designed by the team at Weta Workshop. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Chronicles - Creatures and Characters explores the amazing cast of heroes and villains, beasts and beings that populate Middle-earth in the first chapter of Peter Jackson's film adaptations of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit. Richly illustrated with behind-the-scenes photographs, digital renders and film stills, this comprehensive book goes species by species, character by character, through the film's huge ensemble of characters and bustling menagerie of creatures, both physical and digital, telling the stories of how each came to be realized for the film. In first-hand quotes from the actors, make-up artists, digital effects artists, dialect coaches, prosthetics technicians, movement coach and many other crew, the stories of the production unfold, processes are described and insights into characters shared. As a bonus feature, unique to this book, there is a special fold-out Character Size Chart, which compares all the major creatures and characters of the film, from Radagast's hedgehog friend to the towering Stone Giants! Compiled by Weta Workshop designer Daniel Falconer, and featuring a wealth of stunning imagery, this book puts the reader face to face with the Dwarf heroes of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, the dark denizens of Middle-earth, such as Orcs, Goblins, Trolls and Wargs, and of course, the hobbit himself, Bilbo Baggins.