

  • The Hot Shoe Diaries

    作者:Joe McNally

    在线阅读本书 When it comes to photography, it’s all about the light. After spending more than thirty years behind the lens—working for National Geographic , Time , Life , and Sports Illustrated —Joe McNally knows about light. He knows how to talk about it, shape it, color it, control it, and direct it. Most importantly, he knows how to create it...using small hot shoe flashes. In The Hot Shoe Diaries , Joe brings you behind the scenes to candidly share his lighting solutions for a ton of great images. Using Nikon Speedlights, Joe lets you in on his uncensored thought process—often funny, sometimes serious, always fascinating—to demonstrate how he makes his pictures with these small flashes. Whether he’s photographing a gymnast on the Great Wall, an alligator in a swamp, or a fire truck careening through Times Square, Joe uses these flashes to create great light that makes his pictures sing. 点击链接进入中文版: 热靴日记:小型闪光灯的创造性应用
  • Flash ActionScript 3.0动画教程

    作者:Keith Peters

    ActionScript 3.0是一种功能强大的面向对象编程语言。本书分五大部分全面讲解ActionScript 3.0动画。第一部分介绍了ActionScript动画基础,包括ActionScript 3.0基本知识和渲染技术等。第二部分和第三部分集中讲述了制作动画涉及的基本运动和高级运动,如速度和加速度、边界和摩擦力、用户交互、缓动和弹性、碰撞检测以及正向和反向运动等。第四部分介绍了3D动画基础。最后一部分介绍了矩阵数学等其他技术。通过阅读本书,读者可以制作出各种酷炫的动画效果。 不论是初学者还是有经验的ActionScript开发人员,本书都是一本优秀的参考书。
  • Flash ActionScript 3.0 动画高级教程

    作者:Keith Peters

    《Flash ActionScript 3.0 动画高级教程》是介绍Flash 10 ActionScript动画高级技术的经典之作,是作者在这一领域中多年实践经验的结晶。书中不仅涵盖了3D、最新绘图API以及Pixel Bender等Flash 10 ActionScript特性,深入介绍了碰撞检测、转向、寻路等Flash游戏开发技术,还通过实例具体讲解了等角投影和数值积分的基本理论和应用。 《Flash ActionScript 3.0 动画高级教程》内容紧扣实际应用,适合各层次Flash开发人员阅读。
  • Flash好莱坞2D动画革命

    作者:Sandro Corsaro,Cliff
