

  • "Magnum" Ireland

    作者:Banville, John (INT)

    Since the invention of photography, Ireland has been a magnet for photographers, but this book is unique in bringing together the work done by the unrivaled talents of the members of Magnum. From Ireland's first attempts to forge a modern identity in the 1950s to the confident country of the twenty-first century, here is a stunning survey of a beautiful and complex place and people, through times of peace as well as trouble. The photographs reflect the extraordinary insights of Henri Cartier-Bresson, Elliott Erwitt, Josef Koudelka, Inge Morath, Erich Lessing, Eve Arnold, Martine Franck, Martin Parr, Bruce Gilden, Donovan Wylie, Stuart Franklin, and others. They bring a truly international perspective to the book, reflecting the sensibilities of America, France, Germany, Iran, Japan, Morocco, and, of course, Ireland itself. Organized decade by decade, the images show the lingering influence of rural life in the 1950s, the hidden story of ordinary Irish men and women, and the sectarian conflict during the Troubles of the 1970s. The book also captures the renewed confidence and the growth of prosperity and peace as the century passed through its last two decades, aided by the robust "Celtic Tiger" economy. Anthony Cronin, Nuala O'Faolain, Eamonn McCann, Fintan O'Toole, Colm Tóibín and Anne Enright - six of the most notable Irish writers of our time - supply commentary and context.
  • Niagara

    作者:Alec Soth

    By way of follow-up to his critically acclaimed debut monograph "Sleeping by the Mississippi," Alec Soth turns his eye to another iconic body of water, Niagara Falls. And as with his photographs of the Mississippi, these images are less about natural wonder than human desire. "I went to Niagara for the same reason as the honeymooners and suicide jumpers," says Soth, "the relentless thunder of the Falls just calls for big passion." The subject may be hot, but the pictures are quiet, the rigorously composed and richly detailed products of a large-format 8x10 camera. Working over the course of two years on both the American and Canadian sides of the Falls, Soth edited the results of his labors down to a tight and surprising album. He depicts newlyweds and naked lovers, motel parking lots, pawnshop wedding rings and love letters from the subjects he photographed. We read about teenage crushes, workplace affairs, heartbreak and suicide. Oscar Wilde wrote, "The sight of the stupendous waterfall must be one of the earliest, if not the keenest, disappointments in American married life." Niagara brings viewers both the passion and the disappointment--a remarkable portrayal of modern love and its aftermath.
  • Magnum Contact Sheets

    作者:Lubben, Kristen

    This special and important photography book presents, for the first time, the very best contact sheets created by Magnum photographers. Contact sheets tell the truth behind a photograph. They unveil its process, and provide its back story. Was it the outcome of what a photographer had in mind from the outset? Did it emerge from a diligently worked sequence, or was the right shot down to pure serendipity a matter of being in the right place at the right time? This landmark publication provides the reader with a depth of understanding and a critical analysis of the story behind a photograph, the process of editing it, and the places and ways in which the selected photographs were used. For anyone with a deep appreciation of photography and a desire to understand what goes into creating iconic work, "Magnum Contact Sheets" will be regarded as the definitive volume. It is presented with 435 illustrations in total, 230 in colour, including over 3,600 frames on 139 contact sheets.
  • The Suffering of Light

    作者:Alex Webb

    The Suffering of Light isthefirst comprehensive monograph charting the career of acclaimed American photographer Alex Webb. Gathering some of his most iconic images, many of which were taken in the far corners of the earth, this exquisite book brings a fresh perspective to his extensive catalog. Recognized as a pioneer of American color photography since the 1970s, Webb has consistently created photographs characterized by intense color and light. His work, with its richly layered and complex composition, touches on multiple genres, including street photography, photojournalism, and fine art, but as Webb claims, "to me it all is photography. You have to go out and explore the world with a camera." Webb's ability to distill gesture, color and contrasting cultural tensions into single, beguiling frames results in evocative images that convey a sense of enigma, irony and humor. Featuring key works alongside previously unpublished photographs,The Suffering of Lightprovides the most thorough examination to date of this modern master's prolific, 30-year career.
  • Martin Parr

    作者:Martin Parr

    This Martin Parr retrospective is rich in the wit and colour that Parr's work is best known for, but also offers the first serious assessment of the career of this major contemporary photographer. Parr combines an urge to document with a bemusement about social behaviour. Author Val Williams, a distinguished writer and curator, considers his better known later work in the context of his full career and in so doing shows how Parr's photographs have highlighted political and social change over the last thirty years. While Parr began his career in Britain, he now has a large international following. This book offers the overview that many have eagerly awaited. It features fascinating previously unpublished early work, his startling and original 1974 installation Home Sweet Home, early black-and-white photographs of the people and places of Hebden Bridge in Yorkshire where he lived and worked in the 1970s, photographs from Ireland and Salford, and of course a selection of the very best images from all his published books including The Last Resort, The Cost of Living, Signs of the Times and Think of England (published by Phaidon). With unlimited access to Parr's archives and quoting from extensive interviews, Val Williams charts Parr's life and career, revealing insights into his influences and attitudes and assessing his importance within the worlds of art and photography.
  • Magnum Magnum


    Since its founding in 1947 by Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger, and David "Chim" Seymour, Magnum Photos, the legendary co-operative, has powerfully chronicled the peoples, cultures, events, and issues of the time. Magnum Magnum brings together the best work, celebrating the vision, imagination, and brilliance of Magnum photographers, both the acknowledged greats of photography in the twentieth century—among them Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, Eve Arnold, Marc Riboud, and Werner Bischof—and the modern masters and rising stars of our time, such as Martin Parr, Susan Meiselas, Alec Soth, and Donovan Wylie. And it shows the work at a breathtaking scale: the vast page size of Magnum Magnum—12¾ by 15¾—gives the photos an impact never seen before in book form. Organized by photographer, the book harks back to the agency's early days and the spirit that made it such a unique and creative environment, one in which each of the four founding members picture-edited the others' photographs. Here a current Magnum photographer selects and critiques six key works by each of the sixty-nine featured photographers, with a commentary explaining the rationale behind the choice. This groundbreaking publication is at once a permanent record of iconic images from the last sixty years and an insight, as seen through the critical eyes and minds of Magnum photographers, into what makes a memorable photograph. This first edition of Magnum Magnum will become one of the great collectibles—an essential book for anyone interested in photography or the world depicted by it. 400+ photographs in color and duotone.
  • 玛格南


    《玛格南》系中国国内第一次集中展现玛格南图片社摄影师作品的大型图文摄影集,相当数量的图片在中国尚未公开刊载。全书按照时间倒叙,分为四个主要部分:1990-2005、1970-1989、1960-1969、1930-1959,并为每个部分配有世界形势导读,让读者宛若走进时间倒流的机器,从2005年印度尼西亚的海啸,一直追溯到上个世纪30年代那战火纷飞的动荡岁月。同时,数篇海峡两岸摄影专家为本书专门撰写的内容翔实、观点深刻的评论文章,全面展现了华人摄影人心目中的“玛格南”。  什么是“玛格南”?“玛格南”,在枪文化发达的美国,很多人都知道它是一种威力强大的左轮手枪子弹,0.50英寸的“玛格南”被认为是威力最强的手枪子弹。另外,“玛格南”在法语里还有“至高无上”“不可思议”的意思,也是一种香槟酒的名字。1947年成立的玛格南图片社是著名的新闻摄影图片社,过去50年多里,玛格南摄影师总能在关键时刻出现在重大事件的发生地。甘地遇刺与肯尼迪遇刺,惟一记录下全过程的都是玛格南的摄影师。玛格南摄影师让照片超越了单纯的新闻性,成为一种文化符号。关于玛格南图片社的名字,据说是创始人之一卡帕从香槟酒的名字得来的灵感。但近60年来,玛格南图片社对世界纪实新闻摄影事业的影响,以及记录历史、针砭时弊的作用,完全可以担当一种威力巨大、至高无上“子弹”的称号。
  • Istanbul

    作者:Orhan Pamuk,Alex Web

    In Istanbul: City of a Hundred Names, Magnum photographer Alex Webb displays his particular ability to distill gesture, color and contrasting cultural tensions into a single, beguiling frame. He presents a vision of Istanbul as an urban cultural center, rich with the incandescence of its past--a city of minarets and pigeons rising to the heavens during the early-morning call to Muslim prayers--yet also a city riddled with ATM machines and clothed in designer jeans. Webb began photographing Istanbul in 1998, and became instantly enthralled: by the people, the layers of culture and history, the richness of street life. But what particularly drew him in was a sense of Istanbul as a border city, lying between Europe and Asia. "For 30-some years as a photographer, I have been intrigued by borders, places where cultures come together, sometimes easily, sometimes roughly." The resulting body of work, some of Webb's strongest to date, conveys the frisson of a culture in transition, yet firmly rooted in a complex history. With essay by the Nobel Prize winning novelist, Orhan Pamuk.
  • 世界的眼睛

    作者:[英] 卢赛尔·米勒

  • Magnum Magnum

    作者:Brigitte Lardinois

    Here is the popular yet complete paperback edition of the hugely acclaimed Magnum Magnum, which was an instant sellout on first publication in 2007. It celebrates sixty years of the vision, imagination and brilliance of Magnum photographers in over 400 photographs by the acknowledged greats of photography in the 20th century and the rising stars of our time. Each photographer is represented by six of their works as chosen by, and including a critical text by, another member. Including biographies of the featured photographers, a history of Magnum Photos by Brigitte Lardinois and a bibliography of Magnum books, Magnum Magnum makes available to a wider audience one of the greatest photography anthologies of recent years an essential book for anyone interested in photography or the world depicted by it.
  • In China

    作者:Eve Arnold

  • Marc Riboud in China

    作者:Marc Riboud

    Marc Riboud's images are a window on a world in transition as China reinvents itself with dizzying speed--his is as revealing a window as we are likely to find. The contrast between China old and new, as interpreted by Riboud, is an often startling one that cannot help but inform and intrigue. He specializes in the juxtaposition of images, perhaps none are more jarring than his photograph of a poor man lugging a sack of belongings down a trash-littered back street while a pair of chubby-cheeked babies glance over his shoulder in a nearby poster and a porno actress bares her chest in an ad overhead. Riboud's home is France, his territory is the world from Vietnam to Iran, but his heart and soul are apparently in the China he has covered from the days of Mao's revolution through the erosion of Communism to the country's modern economic upheaval.
  • 世界的眼睛(修订版)

    作者:[英] 卢塞尔•米勒

    这是世界上一群特立独行的人,他们有着敏感的视觉、睿智的头脑、勇敢的精神、执着的毅力、真实的人性……他们持续着图片王国的神话。 马格南——这群人的组织,一个耀眼的名字,一方令人仰望的、群星璀璨的天空,它用平实而又丰富的照片,记录了灾难的痛苦、社会的变革、人类的尊严……向世人展示重大的事件、重要的人物、隐没的部落、消失的遗迹……马格南和马格南摄影师们,犹如世界的眼睛,让我们观察世界,了解世界。 本书从多个层面解读了马格南和马格南摄影师,以及背后的故事,自2001年第一版出版后深受读者喜爱。修订版不仅完善了对原版图书的翻译,而且增补了70多幅珍贵的配图,更加生动、全面、深入地解读了半个世纪以来马格南的历史以及世界的历史——马格南一词已与世界重大事件紧密地联系在了一起。