

  • 发现你的职业性格


  • MBTI® Introduction Workbook

    作者:Hile Rutledge

  • 你的职业性格是什么


  • 发现你的财富密码


    从性格测试中找到你的财富潜能, 成为百万富翁的第一步, 就是发现你的真实性格, 做你真正喜欢做的事! 你为什么没有成为百万富翁?对于这个问题,1000个人会至少会给出1000个理由,而本书给出的答案则只有一个:你走错了方向,没有找到适合自己个性的财富之路。 在本书中,身为职业咨询顾问的作者将荣格的心理学理论以及克勒格尔的性格测试方法巧妙地引入了职业规划咨询领域,对于个性及其财富内涵作了详细的分析和解读,进而指出:成为百万富翁的万能宝典的分析和解读,进而指出:成为百万富翁的万能宝典并不存在,你只有解开自己的个性代码,释放内心的百万富翁潜能,才会找到那条唯一适合自己的财富之路。 跟随作者的层层分析,每一位读者都可以利用本书测试出自己的真实个性,找到适合自己性格的职业方向,在人生与财富的正确道路上迈出第一步。 在这个致富谬论大行其道的时代本书显得弥足珍贵。这本书的内容是探讨如何通过找到和从事自己热爱的事业而享受充实和愉快的生活,因此已经远远超出金钱的范畴。法瑞尔再次证明了莎士比亚曾经说过那句话:“最重要的是,做一个真实的自我。” ——约翰·C.博格尔 先锋基金公司创建人和前任CEO 说到理财和职业规划,具体情况必须具体地分析。保罗·B.法瑞尔认为,了解自己能够让你精神愉悦、资财丰裕。那么,确定你的个性代码,沿着专为你设计的财富之路前进吧。 ——约翰·R.诺夫辛格博士 华盛顿州大学金融教授《投资狂》一书的作者
  • Type Talk at Work

    作者:Otto Kroeger,Janet M

    Book Description With this revolutionayry look at understanding the workplace and thriving in it, you can learn to be more effective on the job and get the most out of your employees--and employers--using the authors' renowned system of typography. From the Publisher With this revolutionayry look at understanding the workplace and thriving in it, you can learn to be more effective on the job and get the most out of your employees--and employers--using the authors' renowned system of typography. See all Editorial Reviews
  • 读懂你的性格 选准你的职业

    作者:[美] 唐娜·唐宁

  • Type Talk

    作者:Otto Kroeger,Janet M

    Determine your personality using a scientifically validated method based on the work of C.G. Jung and gain insight into why others behave the way they do, and why you are the person you are.
  • Neuroscience of Personality

    作者:Dario Nardi

    Inside your brain are many keys to what make you and others tick. Imagine peering into the minds of your clients, friends, and loved-ones. Now you can! Award-winning UCLA professor and author Dario Nardi brings to life a feast of useful insights drawn from his brain research lab. He will lead you on a journey of self-discovery, chapter by chapter, that is grounded in first-hand scientific knowledge of the brain. This is a practical guide. Learn how to target "in flow" and "low-threshold" activities that engage people creatively and improve their work-flow and learning. Identify people's struggles and stress areas, including "high-threshold" activities for which a person may avoid or do poorly. You will also enjoy a bird's eye view that summarizes many key aspects of the brain all in one place, in everyday language with case studies, work spaces, and visual maps. New to personality type? This book introduces the basics of the 16 Myers-Briggs types, four temperaments, and eight Jungian cognitive processes. Worksheets guide readers to locate their best-fit personality type code. Fans of Carl Jung's work and the Myers-Briggs personality types will be pleased to learn there is strong neurological validity in the brain for eight distinct cognitive processes and sixteen types. Amaze people with cool insights and implications for how people operate! You may even learn which part of your head to point to and say, "This is where I'm thinking right now."
  • Do What You Are

    作者:Paul D. Tieger,Barba

    For over 10 years Do What You Are has helped hundreds of thousands of people find the job that suits their personality type best. It lists the wide array of occupations that are popular with your personality type, including todays hottest career tracks in growth areas such as e-commerce, biotechnology, new media, and telecommunications. Throughout, the authors provide savvy career advice and highlight the strengths and pitfalls of each personality type with real-life examples.
  • 职场心理类型


    罗万·贝恩所著、孙益武翻译的《职场心理类型(MBTI视角)》是一本关于MBTI的权威著作,深入浅出地把个人的强项弱点、学习模式、沟通方式、决策方法、领导风格等解释得淋漓尽致,团队的冲突、信任和效率问题迎刃而解。 《职场心理类型(MBTI视角)》讲述MBTI帮助世界各地的人们提高自我认识,确保人职匹配,增强生涯指导的有效性和工作的满意度,提高人们实现幸福生活的能力。 MBTI不仅可以帮助个体进行生涯设计,也可以用在团队建设、发展和组织变革中,对于改进沟通、提高团队的解决问题能力和增强团队协同能力,以及发展对变革的适应性和主动性等具有重要参考价值。 MBTI在个人健康方案、婚恋选择、家庭生活等方面也有独到的贡献,服务于个体生涯的全方位和全过程,成为我们生活中的人生导师。
  • 做适合你的工作


  • Do What You Are

    作者:Paul D. Tieger,Barba

    Already a classic in the genre, DoWhat You Are has helped hundreds of thousands of people find truly satisfying work. Do What You Are introduces Personality Type - how you process information, make decisions and interact with the world around you - and shows you which of the 16 types describes you best. It lists dozens of occupations that are popular with people of your type. Then, using workbook exercises and real-life examples to highlight the strengths and pitfalls of each personality type, it shows you step-by-step how touse your unique strengths to customise your job search,ensuring the best results in the shortest period of time.And if you plan to stay in your job, Do What You Are provides savvy advice for getting the most out of your current career.Every other career guide offers generic, one-size-fits-all advice. But because it is based on personality type, Do What You Are helps you determine what you need to be more successful and satisfied.
  • 不同的人格不同的教学

    作者:Jane A.G.Kise

    您属于什么类型的人格特点?您的学生属于什么类型的人格特点?外倾型的学生是不是更喜欢先尝试,再看书?直觉型的学生是不是总是会提出一些过于复杂、无法实施的想法?思考型的学生是不是总喜欢争辩到底?情感型的学生是不是经常会问“老师,我这么做对吗”?判断型的学生是不是凡事都是根据制定好的计划进行?…… 本书作者从人格类型入手,先从理论上详细介绍了人格心理类型的四个维度——外倾与内倾、感觉与直觉、思考和情感、判断和感知——的特征和表现,并以此为基础对教师和学生的人格类型进行了划分:再结合感知型的学生是不是会一直工作到最后一分钟或者要求延长时间?大量实证研究和教学实践个案,提出了教师应如何巧妙地根据学生的心理类型,在全班教学的同时又针对类型差异因材施教,进行适应个别差异的教学和管理,以激发学生的学习兴趣,满足学生的需要,进而提高教学效率,使每个学生得到适合自己的发展。
  • Please Understand Me II

    作者:David Keirsey

  • What Type Am I?

    作者:Renee Baron

    The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator temperament test is given annually to millions of people, mainly business students and job applicants. But what good does it do, short of giving you a catchy-sounding, four-letter abbreviation (ENTJ, ISFP) that you can sometimes use to break the ice at cocktail parties? The aim of this book is to help you apply your knowledge to the benefit of both your work and love life--and to teach you how to prevent personality clashes by slightly adjusting your behavior around others, once you ascertain which "type" they fall under. The four areas covered by Myers-Briggs are how you relate to the world (Extraverting or Introverting); how you take in information (Sensing or iNtuiting); how you make decisions (Thinking or Feeling); and how you manage your life (by Judging or Perceiving). If you don't already know your profile, take the fun and quick 20-question quizzes for each of the four categories. (Do you dislike routine and repetition? Do you prefer to finish one project before starting another, or does that not matter to you? Do people seek you out for warmth and nurturing?) You're then given tons of tips for getting along in this world. ESFPs are warned that they should not get involved in too many activities, lest they forget their responsibilities. INTJs need to learn to be more flexible, and are sometimes best off working for themselves. If you're dating someone who's an NF, "give them cards, gifts, compliments, hugs, adoration, and other forms of loving attention"; they enjoy romance and need this kind of doting. There's also fascinating information about which functions are dominant in each of the 16 types, and how they're broken out by percentages, population-wide. Product Description The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is the most widely used psychological indicator in the world. Millions of people take the test annually. Now a family therapist explains this fascinating system of ideas to the public in a way that is entertaining and easy to absorb. Based on the work of Carl Jung, the MBTI is a system that discusses people's individual preferences on four basic scales: how they relate to the world, take in information, make decisions, and manage their lives. Renee Baron takes on the complexity of the sixteen personality types and makes them accessible so the general reader can comprehend them, find their own type, and use the knowledge to enrich their own lives. She presents information about individual strengths and weaknesses along with suggestions for personal growth and awareness. Insightful, helpful, and encouraging, What Type Am I? is the only user-friendly guide to the MBTI--and an eminently useful step in helping individuals appreciate, and apply their strength, to work, love, and life. Baron has co-authored two bestselling books: Are You My Type, Am I Yours and The Eneagram Made Easy
  • The Art of SpeedReading People

    作者:Paul D. Tieger,Barba

    Wouldn't it be great to have x-ray vision into other people's personalities - to know what they are thinking, what they care deeply about, their likes and dislikes? With x-ray vision you'd know how best to approach people, how to pique their interest in your ideas, how to strike a bargain, resolve a conflict, or simply help others feel more at ease relating to you. A salesperson pitching a customer. A manager trying to motivate an employee. A teacher attempting to make a point with a student. In each of these situations, how do you determine what strategy is best? Should you joke around? Stick to the facts? Make small talk? Cut to the chase? The right approach can spell the difference between getting what you want from people and getting your signals crossed. In THE ART OF SPEEDREADING PEOPLE, Paul D. Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger show how easy it is to identify key personality characteristics and how you can use this knowledge to communicate more effectively and achieve faster results. Filled with real-life examples and easy-to-follow directions, their book draws on the same scientifically validated Personality Type model that most Fortune 500 companies use. It will help you: * Instantly identify the preferred communication styles of othesr * Present ideas in ways more likely to lead to "Ye" * Recognize the natural strengths and weaknesses of other people (and also understand your own) * Identify the 4 different temperaments and 16 different personality types Whether your goal is dealing more successfully with coworkers or employees, friends or family members, prospective customers or clients, THE ART OF SPEEDREADING PEOPLE offers you a powerful advantage in communicating with all types of people.
  • Gifts Differing

    作者:Isabel Briggs Myers

    Like a thumbprint, personality type provides an instant snapshot of a person's uniqueness. Drawing on concepts originated by Carl Jung, this book distinguishes four categories of personality styles and shows how these qualities determine the way you perceive the world and come to conclusions about what you've seen. It then explains what they mean for your success in school, at a job, in a career and in your personal relationships.
  • MBTI Manual

    作者:Isabel Briggs Myers,