

  • Diablo III: Book of Cain

    作者:Blizzard Entertainme

  • 暗黑破坏神Ⅲ:凯恩之书

    作者:[美] 弗林特·迪尔

    暴雪公司唯一官方授权,暗黑3游戏故事蓝本及精美手绘图。 本书是游戏的背景故事蓝本和手绘游戏人物及场景绘本。本书包含大量的游戏人物、场景、故事情节的手绘原稿,图文并茂,阅读犹如置身游戏之中。精彩的图文故事讲述由一位有法师血统的人写给侄女的信开始,讲述了暗黑世界宇宙的诞生、天使恶魔的争斗以及人类与恶魔征战守卫自己家园的过程。 当天使与恶魔不断为世界之石——造物之石争斗的时候,一小部分的恶魔与天使不愿战争再继续下去,偷偷偷走了世界之石,并且天使与恶魔相爱了,他们用世界之石打造了一个不被发现的庇护所,他们的后代就是后来的人类。但是世界之石的丢失最终被魔王发现,他们最终找到了人类庇护所,开始了对人类残忍的追杀。人类世界开始了一场守卫家园与魔王抗战的征途。最终魔王被勇敢的人们镇压在魔法之石下。
  • Birthright (Diablo

    作者:Richard A. Knaak

    Since the beginning of time, the angelic forces of the High Heavens andthe demonic hordes of the Burning Hells have been locked in an eternal conflict for the fate of all Creation. That struggle has now spilled over intoSanctuary -- the world of men. Determined to win mankind over to their respective causes, the forces of good and evil wage a secret war for mortal souls. This is the tale of the Sin War -- the conflict that would forever change the destiny of man. Three thousand years before the darkening of Tristram, Uldyssian, son of Diomedes, was a simple farmer from the village of Seram. Content with his quiet, idyllic life, Uldyssian is shocked as dark events rapidly unfold around him. Mistakenly blamed for the grisly murders of two traveling missionaries,Uldyssian is forced to flee his homeland and set out on a perilous quest to redeem his good name. To his horror, he has begun to manifest strange new powers -- powers no mortal man has ever dreamed of. Now, Uldyssian must grapple with the energies building within him -- lest they consume the last vestiges of his humanity.
  • 蜘蛛之月


    亘古以来,天使居住在高耸入云的天堂,魔鬼的乌合之众集结在烈焰翻腾的地狱,两大阵营为宇宙的命运进行着经年累月、了无止境的苦斗。如今.这一斗争延伸到了人界……使人类、魔鬼和天使都纠缠其间。 受到噩梦的驱使,艾尔德瑞克·吉坦领主来到了一个神秘的墓穴遗址,打算唤醒自特里斯特拉姆覆灭以来一直沉睡的一个邪魔。受日渐强大的暗黑力量的吸引,谜一般的死灵法师扎尔偶然间发现了吉坦的阴谋,但全然不知这可怕的一切正是由自己的一个教友一手操控。当蜘蛛之月缓缓升起时,邪恶的魔鬼阿斯特洛伽准备往圣殿送出自己的爪牙……