

  • The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency

    作者:Alexander McCall Smi

    在线阅读本书 This first novel in Alexander McCall Smith’s widely acclaimed The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series tells the story of the delightfully cunning and enormously engaging Precious Ramotswe, who is drawn to her profession to “help people with problems in their lives.” Immediately upon setting up shop in a small storefront in Gaborone, she is hired to track down a missing husband, uncover a con man, and follow a wayward daughter. But the case that tugs at her heart, and lands her in danger, is a missing eleven-year-old boy, who may have been snatched by witchdoctors. The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency received two Booker Judges’ Special Recommendations and was voted one of the International Books of the Year and the Millennium by the Times Literary Supplement . --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
  • 繁花將盡 All the Flowers Are Dying


    幾年前丹尼男孩因為結腸癌開了刀,又做了些之後的治療,我猜想是化療吧。這個病讓他明白了自己終有一死,而他的回應方式非常有趣:他製作了一份名單,列出所有他認識而死掉的人。伊蓮問他是不是還繼續在記那份名單。 我已經放棄了,他說,只要時間夠久,我都一直沒復發,我就可以開始相信自己大概擊敗那個混帳病了。不過真正讓我放棄的是世貿中心。雙塔垮掉兩天後,街角那個傢伙,我每天回家路上會跟他買一份報紙,到現在為止有二十年了,結果他現在告訴我,當時他兒子就在北樓裡,他媽的就在被飛機撞上的那一樓。我認識那個小孩,他小時候每星期六都會幫他父親弄星期天的《紐約時報》,把各個版夾成一份。湯米,這他名字。那天我回家,想把他列入我的名單,然後我心想,丹尼,你他媽以為自己在幹嘛?那些人死得快到你都來不及寫下來。
  • And Then There Were None

    作者:Agatha Christie

    First there were ten--a curious assortment of strangers summoned as weekend guests to a private island off the coast of Devon. Their host, an eccentric millionaire unkonwn to all of them, is nowhere to be found. All that the guests have in common is a wicked past they're unwilling to reveal--and a secret that will seal their fate. For each has been marked for murder. One by one they fall prey. Before the weekend is out, there will be none. And only the dead are above suspicion.
  • Murder on the Orient Express

    作者:Agatha Christie

    On the long train ride from Istanbul to Paris, detective Poirot must find the killer of a much-hated millionaire among 13 suspects with reasons to kill.