

  • Ariel

    作者:Sylvia Plath

    Upon the publication of her posthumous volume of poetry, "Ariel", in the mid-1960s, Sylvia Plath became a household name. Readers may be surprised to learn that the draft of "Ariel" left behind by Sylvia Plath when she died in 1963 is different from the volume of poetry eventually published to worldwide acclaim. This facsimile edition restores, for the first time, the selection and arrangement of the poems as Sylvia Plath left them at the point of her death. In addition to the facsimile pages of Sylvia Plath's manuscript, this edition also includes in facsimile the complete working drafts of the title poem "Ariel" in order to offer a sense of Plath's creative process, as well as notes the author made for the BBC about some of the manuscript's poems.
  • The Collected Poems

    作者:Sylvia Plath

    《西尔维娅·普拉斯诗选》,1981,Ted Hughes编,她死后出版的作品为她赢得了普利策奖 Containing everything that celebrated poet Sylvia Plath wrote after 1956, this is one of the most comprehensive collections of her work. Edited, annotated, and with an introduction by Ted Hughes.
  • 瓶中美人

    作者:[美] 希薇亚·普拉丝

    透過故事主角艾瑟•葛林伍德,女詩人普拉絲以動人的意象,宛如詩篇的文字,揭露了幾欲令人窒息的成長經驗。十九歲的艾瑟即將遠離校園,踏入社會;她才華洋溢、功課優秀,又有機會到紐約時尚雜誌擔任實習編輯,年輕的生命正要展現新的色彩。 然而周遭女友放浪行骸,無法與她契合心性,憧憬的愛情也只不過是一場欺騙的遊戲,連創作生涯也因申請寫作班遭拒而頓失重心,虛無感自四面八方襲來,生命只剩下一連串無意義的動作。 艾瑟猶如脆弱的天使,純淨的心靈無法負荷人世的虛偽與不平,所以冷眼看人,更自殘羽翼。她終日晃蕩,生活不知以何為繼… 此書出版後一個月,普拉絲本人,這位曠世才情的女詩人即自殺身亡。