

  • 普通读者

    作者:弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫(Virginia Wo

    普通读者(英文全本),ISBN:9787510021312,作者:(英)伍尔夫 著
  • Mrs Dalloway

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    《达洛卫夫人》描写了一位议员夫人一天的活动过程。全书以主人公为核心,以她的生日晚宴为枢纽,突出地塑造了两个截然不同的典型:代表上流社会及习惯势力的“大医师”布雷德肖和平民出生的史密斯;同时对当时英国社会的上层阶级中形形式式的人物做了入木三分的刻画,让读者领略到典型意识流小说的各种特色,并以其“一天写尽一个女人的一生”的艺术功力,淋漓尽致地展现了这部作品的独特性,同时还告诉人们,意识流小说并非仅仅是艺术技巧的创新,它们也可以具有深刻的思想性和社会意义。 On a June morning in 1923, Clarissa Dalloway, the glittering wife of a Member of Parliament, is preparing for a grand party that evening. As she walks through London, buying flowers, observing life, her thoughts are in the past, and she remembers the time when she was as young as her own daughter Elizabeth; her romance with Peter Walsh, now recently returned from India; and the friends of her youth. Elsewhere in London, Septimus Smith is being driven mad by shell shock. As the day draws to its end, his world and Clarissa's collide in unexpected ways.
  • Mrs. Dalloway

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    Clarissa Dalloway, in her fifties, wife of an English MP, emerges from her house in Westminster one fine June morning to buy flowers for her party. And by that simple act she entwines her life with the lives of others who will hear, with her, Big Ben toll away the hours of their destinies that day. "Clarissa's day captures in a definite matrix the drift of thought and feeling in a period, the point of view of a class, and seems almost to indicate the strength and weakness of a civilization." (The New York Times)
  • To The Lighthouse

    作者:Woolf, Virginia