

  • 美国英语口语辞典


    《美国英语口语辞典》是根据美国NATIONAL TEXTBOOK COMPANY 新近出版的NTC'SDICTIONARY OF EVERYDAY AMERICAN ENGLISH EXPRESSIONS英文原版译出,英汉照。词典收入7000多条当代美国英语口语中常用的习惯表达用语。其中包括各种文体修辞色彩,如正式用语,非正式用语,俚语,套语等。《美国英语口语辞典》共分18大类,773小项。场景几乎涉及人们日常生活的方方面面,语言纯正、地道。跟以往的口语辞典相比较,在本书的每一小项中,原作者根据不同的场合、说话的身份、年龄以及性别设计相应的句子,极大地丰富了人们的表达方式。本书适应合个层次的英语学习者的需要。
  • The Merriam-webster Thesaurus

    作者:Merriam-Webster Thes

    Merriam-Webster Thesaurus,ISBN:9780877798507,作者:Merriam-Webster Inc.
  • 牛津短语动词词典


  • 朗文当代高级英语辞典


    当代高级英语辞典(英英・英汉双解) Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (English-Chinese) 本辞典是朗文当代高级英语词典系列中最新的英汉双解版 本,是一本包容了英语中语音、语义、语法、语用等多方面语 文知识的大型工具书,其特点有: 所收词汇及短语(Words and phrases)近60000条,美 国及英国英语并重,以当代英语为主; 另附约3000个八十、九十年代在英语中出现的新词(New words),其中绝大部分都未见于其他同类辞典; 备有20个独一无二的语言提示(Langudg notes),从语 用学(Pragmatics)角度解释英语在实际交流中的得体用 法; 内文设400项用法说明(Usage),以线框醒目地标出,向读 者详细讲解某些词语之间的区别和正确用法; 有20页彩色全页插图及上千幅实用的黑白插图; 8300条英文释义(Meanings)仅用2000个最常用的英 语基本词汇(Common words)写成,文字浅白易懂; 例句(Examples)近80000条,语言生动活泼; 全部释义和例证都有标准汉语译文,同时兼顾不同地区的 习惯用法; 每个词附K.K.和IPA音标(Pronunciation symbols);全 新的附录(Appendices)内容丰富实用, 语法指示(Grammar codes)一目了然,指导读者进行正 确的语法搭配(Grammatical collocations),避免语法错 误; 条目(Entries)编排清晰,版面设计整齐清秀,相互参照条目 (Cross-references)遍布全书,便于读者翻查。 本辞典一书双解,具一书多用之功能,适合于学生、教师、 翻译及各界需用较高层次英语的人士。
  • 牛津英语搭配词典

    作者:克劳瑟 编

    这是一本较全面的英语搭配用法词典。收词9000条,各种搭配用法达到15万。   例句丰富,多达5万多个?   收录大量从近年真实语料中选取的例句,真实生动?   25个“用法说明”,按照不同主题归类?   10页分类插图,介绍不同领域的搭配用法
  • Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition

    作者:Inc. Merriam-Webster

    Merriam Webster is proud to announce the arrival of its most famous dictionary, now completely revised and updated. The features of the dictionary now include: 225,000 clear and precise definitions More than 40,000 word-use examples More than 7500 phrases and idions The Merriam Webster Collegiate is a great learning too: It features a comprehensive coverage of all fields of knowledge 165,000 entries with correct spellings and pronunciations More than 700 illustrations, tables and diagrams for at-a-glance information The CD edition comes complete with the book and a free one year subscription to Merriam-WebsterCollegiate.com. The new Eleventh Edition of America's best-selling dictionary merges print, CD-ROM, and Internet-based formats to deliver unprecedented accessibility and flexibility at one affordable price. Fully revised print content features more than 225,000 clear and precise definitions and more than 10,000 words and meanings. Includes easily installable CD-ROM and free one-year subscription to new Collegiate Web site. The first Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (M-W) was published in 1898, and the tenth edition had a copyright date of 1993. The eleventh edition brings many new words, a CD-ROM, and a free one-year subscription to Merriam-Webster Collegiate.com, which includes the text of the dictionary as well as the Collegiate Thesaurus, Collegiate Encyclopedia, and Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary. Now for the numbers. M-W has a paper file of 15,700,000 citations from which their lexicographers chose 10,000 new words, for a total of 165,000 entries and 225,000 definitions. There are 100,000 "changes" from the tenth edition. Users asked for more usage examples and idioms and phrases, so there are now 40,000 examples and a "significant" increase in idioms. There are 91,000 pronunciations, 33,000 etymologies, 2,700 illustrative quotations, 650 foreign words and phrases, and 700 illustrations. As the world rushes on, so does the time taken for words to become accepted. It used to be at least ten years before a new word was considered for inclusion; now it may take as few as four years. M-W staff certainly have become the purveyors of the words that we use. Terms added to this edition include Botox, comb-over, crunch-exercise, dead-cat bounce, dead presidents, dead tree, def, exfoliant, gimme cap, identity theft, phat, and tweener. As would be expected, some entries had to be eliminated because words are invented faster than they go out of favor. Anyone seeking definitions of record changer and pantdress will need an unabridged or older dictionary. M-W still includes separate sections for geographical and biographical names, but abbreviations are now interfiled in the main section. Perhaps the next edition will interfile the other two sections. Criticisms of the eleventh edition are mostly cosmetic. The use of photographs and shaded boxes for usage notes would make it more attractive to users. There are, however, more than 200 new black-and-white line drawings. The Col legiate Dictionary's closest competitor, the American Heritage College Dictionary (4th ed.), published last year, makes good use of photographs and illustrations in the margins. It contains a number of words (gangsta, goth) that are also new to this edition of M-W. The online version has a number of search options, including a reverse dictionary (if you can think of the correct words), the etymology of words, and those that are the same part of speech. The most interesting option is the date feature. Paging through the words attributed to a particular year is a definite retrospective of recollections. Words of 1980 include balsamic vinegar, exit poll, NIMBY, and ziplock. An improvement to the online version would be a search button so the back button doesn't need to be used as much. It would be less cumbersome if the illustrations were included with the definitions rather than requiring another click. Because the one-year free subscription to the online version is only mentioned on the dust jacket, some users will fail to see it. Unfortunately, the free subscription is not available free to libraries or schools. One wonders if the CD-ROM is really necessary because it provides only basic searching. For serious dictionary collections and fans of dictionaries from this venerable publisher, now in partnership with Britannica, the eleventh edition is a definite buy. With a list price of $25.95, it is a bargain for individuals. Libraries with limited budgets that purchased the American Heritage College Dictionary in 2002 may not need another college dictionary this year. RBB Since 1937. Merriam-Webster is America's foremost publisher of language-related reference works. The company publishes a diverse array of print and electronic products, including Merriam-Webster's Collegiate? Dictionary, Eleventh Edition – America's best-selling desk dictionary – and Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Merriam-Webster can be considered the direct lexicographical heir of Noah Webster. In 1843, the company bought the rights to the 1841 edition of Webster's magnum opus, An American Dictionary of the English Language, Corrected and Enlarged. At the same time, they secured the rights to create revised editions of the work. Since that time, Merriam-Webster editors have carried forward Noah Webster's work, creating some of the most widely used and respected dictionaries and reference books in the world. length: (cm)25.1            width:(cm) 18.5
  • 牛津初阶英汉双解词典

    作者:Angela Crawley

    《牛津初階英漢雙解詞典》第二版是初學英語的人需要的第一本實用英漢詞典。編譯本詞典的目的是幫助初學者打好紮實的基礎,正確地理解和使用英語。本詞典精選英語基本詞語15 000個,提供正確拼寫方法、讀音、意義、詞類、搭配方式、用法舉例等重要項目。
  • 牛津英语大词典

    作者:William R. Trumble A

    《牛津英语大词典》是举世公认的权威英语词典,它记录了自1150年以来的中古英语和现代英语的历史演变,是各级图书馆、研究院所必备的权威工具书。 本书是简编本的第五版,它容纳了《牛津英语大词典》三分之一以上的内容,描述的是1700年至今所使用的英语语言,是一部按历史主义原则编篆的现代英语词典。历史主义原则在这部词典中主要表现为:收词释义尊重历史,以书证为依据;义项排列遵循从古到今的时间顺序,词义的历史演变脉络清晰。简编本在保持大词典特色与权威的同时,汲取了大词典修订项目的成果,融合了新词、新义,反映了英语语言的新发展,具有新时代气息。 ★ 收词广泛、科学 ★ 释义准确、权威 ★ 词源信息详尽、确凿 ★ 例证丰富、经典 ★ 新词新义彰显时代特征 ★ 篇幅减缩,查阅方便
  • 牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第四版)


    本书原称Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English(简称OALD),其英文本自问世以来历经三次修订,在本世纪下半叶40多年中一直风行全世界,受到广大读者的热烈欢迎。1988年,我馆经牛津大学出版准许,在内地出版发行《牛津现代高级英汉双解词典》(简化汉字本),其英文本即本词典的第三版。1989年,牛津大学出版推出扁英文本的第四版,由著名语言学家A·P·COWIE 主持,对第三版又作了全面的修订,使扁的篇幅比第三版增加了50%以上,在选词、注音、释义、例证、用法说明、句型符号以及习语的收录等各个方面都城作了更新,因而内容更丰富、更实用、更切合非英语国家广大英语学习者的需求,堪称当今英语词典之佼佼者。1994年,词典的英汉双解本问世,书名改称《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》。经牛津大学出版惠允,我馆可在内地出版发行上述英汉双解版的简化汉字本,也就是摆在读者面前的这一本书。//本书出版前,经牛津大学出版同意,我们对原书在文字上作了一些技术处理,使之更符合内地读者的习惯。如有不妥之处,敬请读者指正。//商务印书馆编辑部//1997年7月
  • 柯林斯COBUILD高阶英语学习词典

    作者:柯林斯出版公司 编

    与其他同类英语词典相比,本词典突破了传统词典长期沿袭的体例和模式,更具创新性、可讯性和实用性,其特点具体体现在: 一、全部语料采自6亿4500万词的语料库Bank of English。本词典共收录75,000余条例证,全部来源于该语料库,因而更真实、可靠、自然;同时语料库内容的不断更新保证了本词典对当代英语进行忠实全面的描述。 二、释义方式利树一帜,采用整句释义。本词典一改以往词典的释义方式,将110,000条释义全部纳入自然流畅的完整句子中,描述出词汇使用的真实语境,使学习者对词汇的语义和用法一目了然。这种创新性的释义方式得到很多词典专家的高度评价,并为其他许多词典竞相效仿。此外,本词典还将释义词汇限定在2,500个常用词汇以内,清晰易懂,高中程度以上的读者即中轻松阅读。 三、增为附加栏,集中提供有关词频、语法、搭配、同义词和反义词,语域和语用等多方面的信息,版面清晰,方便读者快速查找释义、例证和与其相关的使用信息。 四、对常用词语给予特殊关注。创新地以3个菱形符号的方式提供词目的词频信息,标注出其使用频率,更有利于读者掌握鲜活地道的英语。 这部词典以庞大的语料库为依托,提供了对当代英语权威、全面的描述,具有不同于其他传统词典的创新优势。对于广大中国英语学习者而言,实为案头必备工具书。
  • The American Heritage Dictionary

    作者:Houghton Mifflin Com

    Amazon.com The latest edition of the American Heritage Dictionary is out, and that's hot news--not just for the resolute followers of lexicographical minutiae, but for the general reading and writing public as well. Why? Because the American Heritage is a long-standing favorite family dictionary (never underestimate the value of pictures) and one of the prime dictionary references for magazines, newspapers, and dot.com content providers. For scads of writers and editors across the U.S., it sets the standard on matters of style and lexicographical authority. So this new edition is exciting and noteworthy, but how good is it? In its favor, the fourth edition is as current a dictionary as you can get. It's six years fresher than the 1994 version, with 10,000 words and definitions you won't find in the still venerable but now slightly dated third edition. For example, unlike its predecessor (and also unlike the 1996 Oxford Encyclopedic English Dictionary), this fourth edition covers dot-com, e-commerce, and soccer mom, Ebonics, Viagra, and a surf definition for cruising television channels and the Internet. Its panel of special consultants includes authorities on anthropology, architecture, cinema, and law, plus military science, music, religion, and sports, and that is reflected in an impressively comprehensive coverage of the arts, culture, and technology. Sadly, however, there are no medical consultants on the panel, and that loss is felt in some substandard medical definitions. Other flaws: there's a greater than usual tendency to define a word with a form of the same word--for example, fuzzy, whose first two definitions are "1. covered with fuzz." and "2. of or resembling fuzz." And some definitions seem needlessly wordy, such as the entry for furious, which is "full of or characterized by extreme anger; raging." Compare that with the more succinct Oxford Encyclopedic entry: "1. extremely angry. 2. full of fury." On the other hand, there are valuable entries throughout the dictionary supplying additional information on synonyms, usage, or word history, and these extras, such as the history of diatribe and the usage notes on discomfit, are interesting. The layout is easy on the eyes, with dark blue/green bold type setting the words apart from their definitions, and 4,000 color photographs, maps, and illustrations that are both useful and delightful. On one page, the margin provides color depictions of Francis Bacon, bacterium, and a Bactrian camel. Theodore Roosevelt and a rooster share another margin, while a third page offers Isak Dinesen, a dingo, and dinoflagellate. It is a fascinating book to peruse, and a compellingly scholarly addition to the American Heritage Dictionary line. --Stephanie Gold --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From Booklist Ever since the furor in the U.S. that greeted Webster's Third New International Dictionary (1961) faded, it has become a given that dictionaries should be descriptive rather than prescriptive, a principle sanctified in Britain in the 1850s in Herbert Coleridge's original plan for the monumental project that eventually produced the Oxford English Dictionary. That dictionaries grow by gradual accretion of new words and new senses characterizes the latest edition of the American Heritage Dictionary (AHD), even if it, more than any other contemporary English-language dictionary, flirts with prescriptiveness in some of its usage notes.Reflecting trends in society since publication of the third edition (1992), the most visible additions to the lexicon come from technology. Hence AHD now includes the sense of dot as a synonym for period in computer jargon; a new techie sense for geek; and new entries for dot-com, e-commerce, HTML, HTTP, and URL. These are but a few of the 10,000 new senses or terms incorporated into this edition. Others (e.g., goth, personal watercraft, transgendered) come from the fields of pop culture, entertainment, sports, and business, to name a few.AHD shows two other, much more visible signs of its times. First, the thumbnail marginal illustrations have been transformed from black-and-white to color. This increases their clarity, their utility, and the value they add to definitions. Second, it comes in both print and CD-ROM formats.The CD-ROM (for Windows 95 through 2000 and NT and available for $24.95 if purchased alone) offers content almost identical to that of the print volume and many added features. Some of the illustrations in the print edition are absent from the CD (e.g., mackinaw). This is a small sacrifice for the far greater gains, one of which relates to illustrations. A search feature allows users to display only those terms that contain illustrations, and when any of these is displayed, its thumbnail illustration can be enlarged, offering even greater clarity than the color thumbnails on paper.Other features of the CD-ROM make it an attractive alternative to print, especially for personal use in situations in which it can reside more or less permanently on a PC's CD-ROM drive. A running list of entries in a frame to the left of the display window provides, with much greater precision than the printed dictionary's thumb indexing, quick access to a letter's section. In addition to the word search and A-Z scrolling display of all entries in that left-side window, the window's contents can be limited to display usage notes (usage, synonym, word histories, regional notes), Indo-European roots, Semitic roots, or (as noted) entries containing images. Most entries on the CD-ROM also include an audio icon that, when clicked, plays the word's pronunciation in an audible voice (for some words that of a male, for others that of a female). Just as the Webster's Tenth Collegiate Dictionary allows a toolbar link from Microsoft Word to the dictionary's contents, AHD provides this linkage through a right-mouse click.One other feature demonstrates the dictionary's sense of its times in the age of Internet filters and Dr. Laura controversies: when loading the CD-ROM, the user is asked whether to load the dictionary to include or exclude access to "vulgar" words. This is a latter-day sign of AHD's long willingness to apply usage labels more freely than most of its competitors. Taken by themselves, its usage labels (e.g., "slang," "vulgar") unquestionably appear to be prescriptive. However, when viewed in the context of the dictionary's usage notes, they soften and take on nuance. The usage notes depend heavily upon a large panel of writers and commentators representing diverse views. (What other group can claim both Harold Bloom and Roy Blount Jr and both Antonin Scalia and David Sedaris as members?) The notes convey the panel's uncertainties, disagreements, and qualifiers about how the words are and ought to be used. On the whole, AHD takes an old, inherently prescriptive dictionary device and uses it to describe the majority and minority opinions of a group of facile users of the language. A new category of notes, "Our Living Language," explains how language changes, for example, the reasons why the Ocracoke Island brogue is fading and the attempts to come up with euphemisms for the euphemism downsize. Approximately 1,800 notes of various sorts provide more context and more description than mere labels.When it comes to the things that users turn to a dictionary for most often--definitions, confirmation of spelling, pronunciation--AHD delivers as well as any other respected, respectable desk dictionary. Its definitions are clear and succinct, and they differentiate among senses of a word. Illustrations of words in sentences enhance selected definitions. A pronunciation key on every two-page spread of the print version is the next best thing to the audio on the CD-ROM.AHD long ago established itself as one of the standard American English dictionaries. Its improvements through expansion, refinement, and extension to the CD-ROM medium ensure its vitality and its value to a broad audience, from junior high on. RBB Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
  • A Dictionary of Modern English Usage

    作者:H. W. Fowler,David C

    No book had more influence on twentieth-century attitudes to the English language in Britain than Henry Fowler's Dictionary of Modern English Usage. It rapidly became the standard work of reference for the correct use of English in terms of choice of words, grammar, and style. Much loved for his firm opinions, passion, and dry humour, Fowler has stood the test of time and is still considered the best arbiter of good practice. Now one of today's leading experts on the language, David Crystal, has reassessed Fowler's contribution in this fascinating new edition. Crystal goes beyond the popular mythology surrounding Fowler's reputation to retrace his method and practice and arrive at a fresh evaluation of his place in the history of linguistic thought. With a wealth of entertaining examples he looks at Fowler's stated principles and the tensions between his prescriptive and descriptive temperaments. He reaches some surprising conclusions and shows that the Dictionary does a great deal more than make normative recommendations and express private opinions. In addition he offers a modern perspective in notes on some 300 entries, in which he shows how English has changed since the 1920s, including the pronunciation of certain words.
  • 牛津高阶英汉双解词典 (第六版)

    作者:[英] A. S. Hornby 原著,

    牛津高阶为世所公认的权威英语学习词典,出版50多年来,五经修订,畅销不衰,总发行量逾3000万册,广受全球读者欢迎.此全新英汉双解版融合英语教学与词典编篡的最新研究成果,充分满足英语汉双解版融合英语教学与词典编篡的最新研究成果,充分满足英语学习者在听、说、读、写方面的各种需要。 收词80000条,核心词汇与阅读词汇兼收并蓄。 较原文版增加2500条新词,以反映最新语言动态。 大量语法、用汉说明、解析语法难点、辨析易混淆词汇。 英美兼备,详列美国英语的拼法,读法和用法。 例证9000条,示范典型用法,言乞求有据。 40页研习专页,全面介绍英语应用知识。 插图1700项,给予词义充分形象的展示。
  • The Devil's Dictionary

    作者:Ambrose Bierce

    Bierce's classic work of satirical wit and Steadman's pointed pen redefine the way we see even the seemingly simplest of terms. Acquaintance, n.: A person whom we know well enough to borrow from but not well enough to lend to. Bride, n.: A woman with a great future behind her. Consult, v: To seek another's approval of a course already decided on. Ambrose Bierce's "dictionary" of epigrams, essays, verses, and vignettes targets the religious, the romantic, the political, and the economic, in equal measure. The book you need to define both friends and enemies, The Devil's Dictionary is also the perfect gift, showcasing Bierce's razor-sharp wit and Ralph Steadman's incisive pen to their best advantage.