

  • 英诗格律及自由诗


    本书简明扼要地阐述了英诗格律的基本知识,包括节奏、韵、以及各种诗体,同时也讨论了英语自由诗。书中实例丰富,或为浅近小诗,或为名诗片断,以便读者在学习格律知识的同时也可以熟悉、欣赏在英语国家广泛流传的一些好诗。本书知识性与趣味性并重,内容充实,定会对读者有所裨益。 本书可作为大学英语专业教学参考书,也可供外文工作者、中学英语教师、大学英语专业学生以及具有一定程度的英语自学者阅读。
  • The Collected Poems of William Wordsworth

    作者:William Wordsworth

    Book Description The Wordsworth Poetry Library comprises the works of the greatest English-speaking poets, as well as many lesser-known poets. Each collection has a specially commissioned introduction. This full edition of Wordsworth's poetical works shows how the poet was much influenced by the events of the French revolution in his youth, breaking away from the artificial diction of the Augustan and neo-classical traditions of the 18th century. Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8                 width:(cm)12.6