

  • The Language Instinct

    作者:Steven Pinker

    In this classic, the world's expert on language and mind lucidly explains everything you always wanted to know about language: how it works, how children learn it, how it changes, how the brain computes it, and how it evolved. With deft use of examples of humor and wordplay, Steven Pinker weaves our vast knowledge of language into a compelling story: language is a human instinct, wired into our brains by evolution. The Language Instinct received the William James Book Prize from the American Psychological Association and the Public Interest Award from the Linguistics Society of America. This edition includes an update on advances in the science of language since The Language Instinct was first published.
  • 语言研究

    作者:George Yule

    《语言研究》是一本专为语言学初学者编写的入门教材。全书共分二十一章。作者以科学、客观的态度把人类关于语言的研究做了一番详细、全面的介绍,几乎涉及语言研究的所有领域。有些领域甚至分得非常细,如构词法和形态学专辟两章,语法和句法专辟两章,语用学和话语分析也分两章介绍。全书的语言朴实易懂,没有用新奇的术语唬人。为便于读者学习,每章还配有许多思考题和习题。 该书介绍的语言研究涵盖传统语言学(如语言文字学、历史语言学)和现代西方语言学诸领域。但是作者不以流派分章节,重在介绍现代语言学,兼顾传统语言学;既注重知识的系统性,又顾及到内容的趣味性。例如,作者在论述语言的属性之后意犹未尽,又辟一章举数例说明人和动物之间在交际和学习语言方面的根本差异:灵长目动物黑猩猩虽然能理解一些极基本的符号,但是它们的交际能力与人类的语言能力不可同日而语。 当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库
  • 语言学入门

    作者:Stuart C.Poole

    《语言学入门(新版)》以通俗的英语向读者介绍了当代语言学所涉及的诸多领域和学科,包括语言的定义、词汇学、语义学、音位学、句法学、文体学等。This book introduces the nature of language. It deals with the sounds that we make when we speak, with the way in which we construct sentences, with the ways in which our speech varies between social situations, and so no. It does so by the commonly adopted method of having chapters with such headings as phonetics, syntax, social variation. Less conventionally, it has a major chapter which, againse the background of these aspects of linguistics, presents the principal features of the languages of western Europe. You have at least one remarkable skill; you can speak a language. For at least one language you generally know what can and what cannot be designated by the everyday words, you know what is and what is not an acceptable way of combining words to form a sentence, you have a good idea of whether or not a particular statement would be acceptable in a particular social situation. As a skilled user, then, you already have a substantial foundation for the study of language. That foundation and an interest in language are all you need; given those, this introductory book can lead you to an understanding of what language consists of ,of how it works. It serves as an introductory book for students of linguistics and as important background material for students of modern languages. Reflecting my work in continuing education, I have attempted to write in a readable style that will also made the book attractive to the many people who want to explore the fascinating world of language without entering full-time education. I would like to thank my wife Bery1 and a student, Arthur McIvor, for taking time to read and comment on my draft. I also thank Bery1 for her support and tolerance while I was working on the book. I also thank Arthur as a representative of those students whose interest and enthusiansm help to inspire and reward my work. The facilties of the University of Edinburgh such as the library and word-processing facilities have been of great assistance.
  • 中国音韵学研究


  • 语音学教程


    酝酿写这样一本《语音学教程》已是将近十年前的事了。当时我正在为北大中文系汉语专业本科生讲授“语音学”课程,由于近二三十年来语音学发展极为迅速,在讲课时深感缺少一部适合汉语专业学生用的,能反映语音学新发展的新教材,当时就曾经动过编写的念头。不久以后,这门课改由王理嘉同志讲授,我们就考虑根据几年来的讲课经验,试着合作编出这样一本教材来。我先拟出了一份编写提纲,王理嘉同志根据这个提纲结合他的讲稿很快就写出了绪论和前五章的初稿,陆续交给我修改补充。在修改过程中逐渐发现,只作为汉语专业本科生的教材来编写,内容受到相当大的局限。目前语音学的作用已经遍及与人类语言有关的各个学科,这些学科都直接或间接地需要一定的语音学知识,如果把内容写得开阔些,也许能适合各方面读者的需要。在这样的认识基础上,我就对前五章初稿做了较大的修改和补充,有些章节可以说是全部重写的。然后,由我写出六、七两章,王理嘉同志写出最后一章“音位和区别特征”。全部完成后由我通读定稿。书中存在的缺点和错误,主要应该由我负责的。 1986年春,正在编写得有些眉目时,我突然得了一场几乎送了命的病,动了一次大手术,休养一年多,到1987年秋才逐步恢复工作,积压下来许多工作,一时无暇顾及这部教材。直到1989年,才又拿出来断断续续地改,断断续续地写,直到最近才算完成。 本教材是一部介绍语音学基础知识的书,从传统语音学入手,吸收了近年来国内外的一些现代语音学研究成果。在编写过程中较多考虑一般读者的可接受性,尽量避免使用一些过于专门的新名词概念。各章基本上都可以分为三部分:先从传统语音学角度介绍一些基本概念,然后重点分析普通话语音,最后介绍实验语音学的一些基本常识和研究成果。因此,本书也可以说是由传统语音学、普通话语音和实验语音学三部分组成的,各部分基本上能够自成系统,读者可以通读全书,也可以根据自己的需要着重选读自己有兴趣的部分。最后一章“音位和区别特征”只是简介性质的,这方面的研究,无论是理论还是实践,至今仍处于众说纷纭、莫衷一是的阶段,详细的介绍不是这样一本语音学教材所能够包括的。各章之后都附有一定分量的练习。现代语音学虽然已经大量地使用仪器,但口耳训练仍应是基础,练习中有一些是训练口耳的,最好能在有经验的人指导下进行,实在不得已,也可以采取互帮互学相互纠正的办法,但效果可能会差一些。 近年来发表了大量的汉语方言和我国少数民族语言的调查报告,为本书的编写提供了极其有价值的资料,大大地充实了本书的内容。对这些报告的作者,是应该致以诚挚的谢意的。本书引用语音例证首先考虑北京话,北京语里找不到的先从苏州、广州、厦门、福州等大方言点里选,大方言点里找不到的从小方言点里选,汉语里找不到的先从我国少数民族语言和英语里选,只有在非常必要时才选用一些其他语言的例证。绝大多数例证都属于间接引用材料,不可能一一直接核正。第一、二两章中的插图有一些也是引自国内外的语音学著作,但大都根据本书需要做了部分的修改。限于篇幅,对所引用的语言资料和插图不可能一一注明来源。
  • 语言与文化

    作者:Claire Kramsch

    《语言与文化(英文)》是一部从语言学、社会学、人类学等角度,介绍语言与文化关系的导论性著作。作者C•克拉姆契(Claire Kramsch)是美国加州伯克利大学德语以及外语习得专业的著名教授。本书的主体(概述部分)分为七章。《语言与文化(英文)》为牛津语言学入门丛书之一。
  • 缤纷的语言学

    作者:[英国] P. H. 马修斯

  • 语言兴衰论

    作者:(澳) R.M.W.迪克森

  • 论意义(上下)


    《论意义:符号学论文集(上下)》分四部分,包括了关于语言的思考、语义结构、结构与历史、叙述语法的成分、叙事的行动元机构、结构语言学与诗学等。《论意义:符号学论文集(上下)》由A.J.格雷马斯(Algirdas Julien Greimas)所著。
  • Metaphors We Live By

    作者:George Lakoff,Mark J

    People use metaphors every time they speak. Some of those metaphors are literary - devices for making thoughts more vivid or entertaining. But most are much more basic than that - they're "metaphors we live by", metaphors we use without even realizing we're using them. In this book, George Lakoff and Mark Johnson suggest that these basic metaphors not only affect the way we communicate ideas, but actually structure our perceptions and understandings from the beginning. Bringing together the perspectives of linguistics and philosophy, Lakoff and Johnson offer an intriguing and surprising guide to some of the most common metaphors and what they can tell us about the human mind. And for this new edition, they supply an afterword both extending their arguments and offering a fascinating overview of the current state of thinking on the subject of the metaphor.
  • How to Do Things with Words

    作者:J. L. Austin

    John L. Austin" was one of the leading philosophers of the twentieth century. The William James Lectures presented Austin's conclusions in the field to which he directed his main efforts on a wide variety of philosophical problems. These talks became the classic "How to Do Things with Words." For this second edition, the editors have returned to Austin's original lecture notes, amending the printed text where it seemed necessary. Students will find the new text clearer, and, at the same time, more faithful to the actual lectures. An appendix contains literal transcriptions of a number of marginal notes made by Austin but not included in the text. Comparison of the text with these annotations provides new dimensions to the study of Austin's work.
  • 如何以言行事

    作者:J. L. Austin

    The late J.L.Austin's influence on contemporary philosophy,which ranked with that of Wittgenstein,was substantial during his lifetime and has grown greatly since his death.He was descrbed as'one of the most acute and original minds that England has producde'. His 1955 William James Lectures,delivered at Harvard University,were first published in 1962.For this second edition the editors returned to Austin's lecture notes and their revisions make this a clearer and more faithful record of Austin's works. The lectures set out Austin's conclusions in the field to which he directed his main efforts for at least the last ten years of his life.Starting from an exhaustive examination of his already well-known distinction of performative utterances from statements.Austin here finally abandons that distinction,replacing it by a more general theory of 'illocutionary forces' of utterances,which has important bearings of a wide variety of philosophical problems.
  • 语言心理学


  • 英语史

    作者:Dennis Freeborn

    《从古代英语到标准英语》是“当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库”系列丛书之一。本书以历史文本为基础,通过对历史文本的介绍、阐释和评论,描述英语的演变。 This practical and informative course book is a fascinating, visual volume which leads the student through the development of the language from Old English, through Middle and Early Modern English to the establishment of standard english in the eighteenth century. At the core of this subatantially expanded second edition lies a series of nearly 200 historical texts, of which more than half are reproduced in facsimile. and which illustrate the progressive changes in the language. The book is firmly based upon linguistic description. with commentaries which form a series of case studies demonstrating the evidence for language change at every level-handwriting, spelling, punctuation. vocabulary, grammar and meaning. Such a wealth of texts, as well as the structured activities and the various case studies, allow the ovlune to be used not only as a stimulating course text., guiding students through the analysis of data. but also as a comprehensive resourec book and invaluable reference tool for teachers and students at all levels. Dennis Freeborn was formerly Head of English Language and Linguistics at the University College of Ripon York St John. and Chief examiner in A-level English L anguage. ULEAC. He is now Director of York English Language Studies Associates (YELSA). providing A-level Englihsh language teaching materiabssand in-service courses.
  • 简明语言学史

    作者:R. H. Robins

  • 世界语言简史


    人类的语言始终是一个引人入胜的话题。世界上究竟有多少种人类语言?语言是如何产生和发展的?各语言之间有哪些共性、差异和亲缘关系?关于人类在交际过程中所使用的语言的诸多问题,本书提供了简明扼要且翔实可靠的内容来为您解答。从令人兴奋的古埃及象形文字和苏美尔人楔形文字的破译,到各个不同语系、语族和语支的发展和扩大,再到人工语言世界语……本书将带您畅游人类语言的斑斓世界。 ------- 目录 导言 世界上有多少种语言? 第一章 破译死的语言和文字 象形文字的秘密 破译古文字的难度 楔形文字的破译 其他研究成果 未解之谜 第二章 印度日耳曼语系 接触但几乎不作比较 梵语 印度日耳曼语系 从语言种类的收集到比较语法 第三章 印度日耳曼语系的分支 概述 印度语族 伊朗语族 波罗的语族 斯拉夫语族 凯尔特语 阿尔巴尼亚语 亚美尼亚语 托哈语 底层语言研究 安纳托利亚语族 伊利里亚语 第四章 希腊语——欧洲文明的摇篮 希腊语的历史 希腊字母 希腊语的发音特点 希腊语的语言类型 希腊语的构词特点 希腊语介词 希腊语人名 希腊语的表现力和灵活性 从古希腊语到现代希腊语 古希腊语的继续存活 第五章 拉丁语——欧洲诸语之母 拉丁语入门 历史 罗马人如何说话? 教会语言 统一性的丧失 中世纪拉丁语 人文主义 大学和科学 富于活力的拉丁语 简洁明确并长存不朽 人文主义教育 拉丁语和欧洲的统一性 第六章 骄傲的女儿们——拉丁语之子语言 从拉丁语到罗曼语族 语言结构的转变 法语 意大利语 西班牙语 加泰隆语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 犹太西班牙语或拉丁诺语 罗曼语族的其他成员 第七章 日耳曼语与德语 deutsch的含义 日耳曼诸语 斯堪的纳维亚诸语 荷兰语弗、兰芒语 南非荷兰语 德语的发展过程 德语所受的外来影响 今日德语之状况 今日德语的趋势和问题 第八章 依地语、黑话和吉卜赛语 依地语和德语 对概念的解释 犹太人在德国的出现 依地语的分布 依地语的衰落 黑话——德语中的流氓语 黑话、依地语和德语 吉卜赛语 第九章 英语——新世界语 英语在当今世界的应用 英语的发展历程 英语词汇 今日英语的特点 离心趋势 第十章 世界上的语系:欧洲和亚洲的非印度日耳曼语系 导言 巴斯克语 乌拉尔语系 亚非语系 希伯来语和阿拉伯语 闪米特语族的特征 阿尔泰语系 高加索语族 汉语——汉藏语系中最重要的语言 达罗毗荼语系 第十一章 世界上的语系:太平洋地区、美洲和非洲 日语 朝鲜语 南岛语系 印第安语 北美洲 萨丕尔一沃尔夫假说 中美洲 南美洲 一种新分类 非洲——语言地图一览 第十二章 语言结构的主要类型 屈折型语言 粘着型语言 孤立型语言 多式综合语 分析型和综合型语言结构 同源性关系和类型学分类 反对传统分类的论据 语言类型和语言变迁 结论 第十三章 皮钦语和克里奥尔语 概念阐述 通用语言 科学发现了代用语 夏威夷语 佛罗里达:古拉语 牙买加 塞拉利昂:克里奥语 美拉尼西亚 路易斯安那 海地 塞舌尔 毛里求斯 库拉索岛:帕皮阿门托语 佛得角 奇努克语 洋泾浜豪萨语 井下作业用语 斯瓦西里语 苏丹 插入语 书写形式的转换 克里奥尔语的共性 第十四章 世界辅助语或世界语? 问题 世纪的思想萌芽 世纪的伟大方案 世纪的构想 回顾 世界英语 参考文献与推荐阅读书目 图片来源 中外文译名对照表 译者后记
  • 语音学


  • Syntax

    作者:Andrew Carnie

    Building on the success of the bestselling first edition, the second edition of this textbook provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the major issues in Principles and Parameters syntactic theory, including phrase structure, the lexicon, case theory, movement, and locality conditions. Includes new and extended problem sets in every chapter, all of which have been annotated for level and skill type Features three new chapters on advanced topics including vP shells, object shells, control, gapping and ellipsis and an additional chapter on advanced topics in binding Offers a brief survey of both Lexical-Functional Grammar and Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar Succeeds in strengthening the reader's foundational knowledge, and prepares them for more advanced study Supported by an instructor's manual and online resources for students and instructors, available at www.blackwellpublishing.com/carnie
  • 语言引论

    作者:Victoria Fromkin,Rob

  • 语言问题

