


    作者:Harry Mount

    Liber prosperissimus et mirabilis ex Britannia ad Americam tandem advenit! Umquam vexatus es quando homo inritans "sine qua non" aut "mea culpa" dicit? Aut postmeridiana tempora vetera, quando verba obscura ediscere conatus es, terrunt? Nil desperandum! Linguae Latinae hoc in itinere iucundo, qui omnia ex lectione grammatica ab Monte Pythone ad Angelinae Jolia in pelle notas et omnia optima in historiae litteratae annis duo milliis ex poese et litteris excerpta habet, Henricus Mons pulvem ex libellis odiosis deterget et in linguam maximam in aeternum vitam respirat. The phenomenal bestseller from the U.K. finally arrives in the States! Have you even found yourself irritated when a sine qua non or a mea culpa is thrown into the conversation by a particularly annoying person? Or do distant memories of afternoons spent struggling to learn obscure verbs fill you with dread? Never fear! In this delightful guided tour of Latin, which features everything from a Monty Python grammar lesson to Angelina Jolie's tattoo and all the best snippets of prose and poetry from two thousand years of literary history, Harry Mount wipes the dust off those boring primers and breathes life back into the greatest language of them all.
  • 简明拉丁语教程

    作者:[奥] 雷立柏 编

  • 拉丁语汉语词典

    作者:谢大任 马永瑞 李文澜等

  • Lingua Latina

    作者:Hans H. Orberg

    Entirely composed in Latin, Part I, Familia Romana, provides an excellent introduction to Latin, including the essentials of Latin grammar and a basic vocabulary of over 1500 words. The thirty-five chapters describe the life of a Roman family in the 2nd century A.D., and culminate in readings from classical poets and Donatus's Ars Grammatica, the standard Latin school text for a millennium. Each chapter is divided into two or three lectiones (lessons) of a couple pages each followed by a grammar section, Grammatica Latina, and three exercises or Pensa. Hans ??rberg's impeccable Latinity, humorous stories, and the Peer Lauritzen illustrations make this work a classic. The book includes a table of inflections, a Roman calendar, and a word index, Index vocabulorum.
  • 韦洛克拉丁语教程

    作者:(美) 弗雷德里克•M•韦洛克 著,(美

    《韦洛克拉丁语教程》是20 世纪后半期以来英语世界最受欢迎的拉丁语教材,初版于1956 年,很快就因其严密的组织结构、清晰的叙述讲解、循序渐进的设计安排、适中的难易程度以及其中收录的丰富的古代文献而被誉为“拉丁语学习的标准著作”,其“拉丁语学习首选教材”的地位无可撼动。 全书共分四十课,以简洁而不学究气的语言,系统讲解了拉丁语的基本词形、句法,并通过丰富的词汇学习、众多的英语词源研究、英拉句子互译和古典拉丁语作家原文赏读,来锻炼拉丁语学习者使用单词的灵活性和精确性,培养其观察、分析、判断和评价的能力,加强对语言形式、清晰性和美的感受;并通过探讨战争、友谊、未来、生老病死等发人深省的主题来学习古典作家的思想和技艺,分享他们的人文主义传统。第6 版更是增补了课后的词汇表,修订了拉丁语的背景介绍、语言演变和一些词源学知识,从而使自学拉丁语变得更加容易。
  • 拉丁成语辞典


    宗教研究在21世纪的中国正步入一个全新发展阶段,其学术之探讨既在扩大其广度,亦正体现出其深度。这种发展态势使宗教学作为了门独立自存的人文学科体系而真正得以在华夏亮相。 本辞典包括几千条拉丁语成语、格言、谚语、俗语、引语和术语,所涉及的领域主要是法学、西方哲学、逻辑学、古代文学、中世纪文学、基督宗教、教父学、经院神学和圣经学,可称为欧洲古典智慧的一个小宝库。 在汉语的文化界中,汉语成语方面的辞典相当多,但很少有关西方传统成语和格言的辞典。我希望这部辞典能够填补这方面的空白,提高汉语学术界对于西方传统思维方式的认识。
  • Wheelock's Latin, 6th Edition Revised (Wheelock's Latin)

    作者:Frederic M. Wheelock

    WHEELOCK'S LATIN: AUDIO FILES When Professor Frederic M. Wheelock's Latin first appeared in 1956, the reviews extolled its thoroughness, organization, and conciseness; at least one reviewer predicted that the book "might well become the standard text" for introducing students to elementary Latin. Now, five decades later, that prediction has certainly proved accurate. The revised sixth edition of Wheelock's Latin has all the features that have made it the best-selling single-volume beginning Latin textbook, many of them improved and expanded: 40 chapters with grammatical explanations and readings based on ancient Roman authors Self-tutorial exercises with an answer key for independent study A newly enlarged English-Latin/Latin-English vocabulary A rich selection of original Latin readings -- unlike other textbooks, which contain primarily made-up Latin texts Etymological aids Also included are maps of the Mediterranean, Italy, and the Aegean area, as well as numerous photographs illustrating aspects of classical culture, mythology, and historical and literary figures presented in the chapter readings.
  • 拉丁语汉语简明词典

    作者:[奥] 雷立柏 编著

    ·21世纪中国首部综合性拉丁语汉语辞典。 ·语文为主,兼顾百科,收录常用常见拉丁词汇15000余条。 ·释义准确,简明精当,标注详尽。 ·条目编排清晰醒目,便于读者查询。 ·附录图表丰富实用,利于读者进阶学习。