

  • Economy and Society

    作者:Max Weber

    Economy and Society is a book by political economist and sociologist Max Weber, published posthumously in 1922 by his wife Marianne. Alongside The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, this is considered to be one of Weber's most important works. Extremely broad in scope, the book covers numerous themes including religion, economics, politics, public administration and sociology. A complete translation of the work was not published in English until 1968.
  • 社会学


    盖奥尔格·西美尔(Georg Simmel,1858-1918年)是德国的社会学家和哲学家。《社会学——关于社会化形式的研究》和《社会学的基本问题——个人与社会》是西美尔的社会学代表作。从篇幅看,前者在德国的社会学界也往往称为他的《大社会学》,后者为他的《小社会学》。从写作风格和论述内容看,前者属于纯粹社会学或形式社会学,后者属于哲学社会学。西美尔是生存哲学或“人生哲学”的追随者。他在这两部著作里都深刻地分析生存的基木特征,阐述超出人生自身范围的生存的基本特点。在《大社会学》这部著作里,他深刻地论述和研究社会化的形式和个人与社会的相互关系。西美尔的形式社会学集中地表现在这部著作里。
  • 见树又见林

    作者:艾伦·G·约翰逊 (Allan G. J

  • Out of Control

    作者:Kevin Kelly

    Examines the role of evolution in human-made entities, stressing that no one can be in control--and it is better that way--and attempting to define the world of distributed being. 15,000 first printing.
  • 真正的穷人


    这是一本克林顿推荐美国经济学家阅读的书。富裕如美国,在城市中仍然存在着一些贫民窟,存在着内城区“底层阶级”之类真正的弱势群体。本书旨在探讨产生这类弱势群体的社会经济、政治历史方面的复杂动因,积极倡导一种社会民主的公共决策议程,以改善这类弱势群体的生活境遇。 译者前言 前言 第一部分 聚居区底层阶级、贫困与社会断裂 第一章 剥夺的循环与有关聚居区底层阶级的争论 第二章 内城区的社会变迁与社会断裂 第三章 贫困和家庭结构--证据与公共政策议题之间日益扩大的鸿沟 第四章 失业与福利效应:重新考察 第二部分 聚居区底层阶级与公共政策 第五章 针对种族的政策和真正的弱势群体 第六章 种族关系与消灭贫困之战计划的狭隘视野 附录:城市贫困:最新文献综述 参考书目 英中人名和术语对照表
  • The Field of Cultural Production

    作者:Pierre Bourdieu

    During the last two decades, sociologist Pierre Bourdieu has become a dominant force in cultural activity ranging from taste in music and art to choices in food and lifestyles. The Field of Cultural Production brings together Bourdieu's major essays on art and literature and provides the first introduction to Bourdieu's writings and theory of a cultural field that situates artistic works within the social conditions of their production, circulation, and consumption. Bourdieu develops a highly original approach to the study of literary and artistic works, addressing many of the key issues that have preoccupied literary art and cultural criticism in the last twentieth century: aesthetic value and canonicity, intertextuality, the institutional frameworks of cultural practice, the social role of intellectuals and artists, and structures of literary and artistic authority. Bourdieu elaborates a theory of the cultural field which situates artistic works within the social conditions of their production, circulation, and consumption. He examines the individuals and institutions involved in making cultural products what they are: not only the writers and artists, but also the publishers, critics, dealers, galleries, and academies. He analyzes the structure of the cultural field itself as well as its position within the broader social structures of power. The essays in his volume examine such diverse topics as Flaubert's point of view, Manet's aesthetic revolution, the historical creation of the pure gaze, and the relationship between art and power. The Field of Cultural Porduction will be of interest to students and scholars from a wide range of disciplines: sociology and social theory, literature, art, and cultural studies.
  • Gender Trouble

    作者:Judith Butler

    "For the most part, feminist theory has assumed that there is some existing identity, understood through the category of women, who not only initiates feminist interests and goals within discourse, but constitutes the subject for whom political representation is pursued."
  • 見樹又見林

    作者:Allan Johnso

    社會學帶給我們最重要的東西並不是一套特殊的事實或理論,而是一種威力無窮的方式,讓我們能夠觀察世界、思考世界、思考我們和世界的關係。社會學為我們開了一扇通往世界的窗,也給了我們一面鏡子,反映出在與世界的關係中,我們是誰。這本小書就是關於認識這扇窗和這面鏡子,以及如何學著使用他們,使我們看得更清楚。三位學界知名的社會學學者,為何選譯這本小書?光是這一點就讓人很好奇。說穿了,這是一本「反教科書」的教科書,或稱為新教育方向下的教科書。新的方向不強調知識的背誦,而重視引起學生的熱情與對於這種學問的鑽研興趣。本書從生活出發,娓娓述說社會學的點點滴滴,不吊書袋子,幾乎找不到多少術語,但最後你會發現,你也能像社會學家一樣地思考問題了。對於念過社會學的人,因此又是一本讓你「融會貫通」的書。譯者成令方教授稱這本書是一本「開胃書」,頗為生動。 作者簡介 亞倫.強森 (Allan G. Johnson) 社會學家、作家,和訓練師/顧問任教於哈特福女子學院並於各大企業及大學擔任性別、多元化議題方面的工作主要著作包括: Human Arrangements: An Introduction to Sociology (McGraw-Hill, 1995) The Blackwell Dictionary of Sociology: A User's Guide to Sociological Language (Blackwell, 2000) The Gender Knot: Unraveling Our Patriarchal Legacy (Temple University Press, 2001) 譯者簡介 成令方 學歷:英國Essex大學社會學博士;經歷:高雄醫學大學性別研究所助理教授;研究興趣:性別研究、醫療社會學、工作和專業社會學 林鶴玲 學歷:美國加州大學Davis分校社會學博士;經歷:台灣大學新聞研究所副教授;研究興趣:兩性、工作,及資訊社會 吳嘉苓 學歷:美國伊利諾大學香檳校區社會學博士;經歷:台灣大學社會學系助理教授;研究興趣:性別研究、醫療社會學
  • Six Degrees

    作者:Duncan J Watts

    In this remarkable book, Duncan Watts, one of the principal architects of network theory, sets out to explain the innovative research that he and other scientists are spearheading to create a blueprint of our connected planet. Whether they bind computers, economies, or terrorist organizations, networks are everywhere in the real world, yet only recently have scientists attempted to explain their mysterious workings. From epidemics of disease to outbreaks of market madness, from people searching for information to firms surviving crisis and change, from the structure of personal relationships to the technological and social choices of entire societies, Watts weaves together a network of discoveries across an array of disciplines to tell the story of an explosive new field of knowledge, the people who are building it, and his own peculiar path in forging this new science.