

  • Perfumes

    作者:Luca Turin,Tania San

    Turin, a renowned scientist and Sanchez, a longtime perfume critic, are experts in the world of scent. They have spent years sniffing the world's most elegant and beautiful - as well as some truly terrible - perfumes. In this authoritative, one of a kind book, they combine talents and experience to review over 1200 fragrances, separating the divine from the good from the awful. Also includes introductions to fragrances for men and women, as well as a comprehensive FAQ section. The essential guide to shopping for fragrances.
  • 調香師日記


    一位嗅覺詩人的365天,一名世界級藝匠的思考筆記 艾連納之於香水,就像莫扎特之於音樂。--《金融時報》 莊卉家(前 Ralph Lauren 香水部門藝術總監、Tom Ford 美容特約設計顧問,現於瑞士主持Della Chuang Creatives) 專文推薦 「氣味一旦融合思想,我就是調香師了。」--尚-克羅德.艾連納 投身香水創作這一行將近五十年,愛馬仕專屬調香師艾連納不只是位技藝精湛的匠人,更是位藝術家。從各種氣味中物色新的面貌,讓他得以沉迷在試驗與新發現的趣味。「我要用尋常氣味讓人驚嘆不絕」他說。 艾連納形容自己是「氣味的作家」。他把日常生活的所見所思,包括在工作室裡的香氣試驗、外出尋訪素材、參與香水命名與產品發表會等等,寫入一整年的日記裡,揭露唯有調香師才能破解的密碼。 艾連納簡潔的文字,記錄了他漫步花園、市集,欣賞爵士樂、浮世繪、中國書畫時獲得的觸動與思考,也分享他運用符號喚起氣味,用故事來鋪陳延展香水,創造不同的氣味幻象之獨家法門。 艾連納認為,香水從不只是喚起一種感官,而是刺激著所有的感官。他的創造不是要堆疊氣味,而是企圖讓氣味保持曖昧不明。「『如幻似真』這詞漠視現實與表象,將我的作品完整扼要的表達出來。」 這本日記既是他別具觀點的嗅覺經驗結晶,同時領我們進入充滿想像的氣味宇宙,窺見大師級的創意心靈。書末收錄了琥珀、櫻桃、葡萄柚、焦糖、梔子花等20種自然氣味的配方摘要,滿足讀者悠遊氣味遊戲的可能。
  • Perfume

    作者:Patrick Suskind

  • Perfume

    作者:Patrick Suskind

    An acclaimed bestseller and international sensation, Patrick Suskind's classic novel provokes a terrifying examination of what happens when one man's indulgence in his greatest passion—his sense of smell—leads to murder. In the slums of eighteenth-century France, the infant Jean-Baptiste Grenouille is born with one sublime gift-an absolute sense of smell. As a boy, he lives to decipher the odors of Paris, and apprentices himself to a prominent perfumer who teaches him the ancient art of mixing precious oils and herbs. But Grenouille's genius is such that he is not satisfied to stop there, and he becomes obsessed with capturing the smells of objects such as brass doorknobs and frest-cut wood. Then one day he catches a hint of a scent that will drive him on an ever-more-terrifying quest to create the "ultimate perfume"—the scent of a beautiful young virgin. Told with dazzling narrative brillance, Perfume is a hauntingly powerful tale of murder and sensual depravity. Translated from the German by John E. Woods.
  • Perfume

    作者:Patrick Suskind

    An acclaimed bestseller and international sensation, Patrick Suskind's classic novel provokes a terrifying examination of what happens when one man's indulgence in his greatest passion—his sense of smell—leads to murder. In the slums of eighteenth-century France, the infant Jean-Baptiste Grenouille is born with one sublime gift-an absolute sense of smell. As a boy, he lives to decipher the odors of Paris, and apprentices himself to a prominent perfumer who teaches him the ancient art of mixing precious oils and herbs. But Grenouille's genius is such that he is not satisfied to stop there, and he becomes obsessed with capturing the smells of objects such as brass doorknobs and frest-cut wood. Then one day he catches a hint of a scent that will drive him on an ever-more-terrifying quest to create the "ultimate perfume"—the scent of a beautiful young virgin. Told with dazzling narrative brillance, Perfume is a hauntingly powerful tale of murder and sensual depravity. Translated from the German by John E. Woods.