

  • The Art and Craft of Feature Writing

    作者:William E. Blundell

  • 学术论文写作手册

    作者:Anthony C. Winkler,J

  • 英文写作指南


  • Reading Like a Writer

    作者:Francine Prose

    This book presents an inside look at how the professionals read and write. Long before there were creative writing workshops and degrees, how did aspiring writers learn to write? By reading the work of their predecessors and contemporaries, says the author. In "Reading Like a Writer", Prose invites you to sit by her side and take a guided tour of the tools and the tricks of the masters. She reads the work of the very best writers, Dostoyevsky, Flaubert, Kafka, Austen, Dickens, Woolf, Chekhov, and discovers why these writers endure. She takes pleasure in the long and magnificent sentences of Philip Roth and the breath-taking paragraphs of Isaac Babel; she is deeply moved by the brilliant characterization in George Eliot's "Middlemarch". She looks to John Le Carre for a lesson in how to advance plot through dialogue, to Flannery O'Connor for the cunning use of the telling detail, and to James Joyce and Katherine Mansfield who offer clever examples of how to employ gesture to create character. She cautions readers to slow down and pay attention to words, the raw material out of which literature is crafted. Written with passion, humor, and wisdom, "Reading Like a Writer" will inspire readers to return to literature with a fresh eye and an eager heart. In this entertaining and edifying New York Times best-seller, acclaimed author Francine Prose invites you to sit by her side and take a guided tour of the tools and tricks of the masters and to discover why their work has endured. Written with passion, humor, and wisdom, Reading Like a Writer will inspire listeners to return to literature with a fresh eye and an eager heart; to take pleasure in the long and magnificent sentences of Philip Roth and the breathtaking paragraphs of Isaac Babel; to look to John le Carre for a lesson in how to advance plot through dialogue; and to Flannery O'Connor for the cunning use of the telling detail. And, most importantly, she cautions listeners to slow down and pay attention to words, the raw material out of which all literature is crafted.
  • Economical Writing 2ed

    作者:Deirdre McCloskey

  • 给大学新教员的建议


    《给大学新教员的建议》是享有盛誉的大学青年教师职业发展指南,是献给刚刚开始职业生涯的青年教师的建议。《给大学新教员的建议》基于广泛可靠的实证研究,针对成功的大学新教员与“苦苦挣扎” 的大学新教员之间的巨大反差,总结出十条明确、实用的职业发展建议。本书倡导“恰到好处”工作法,通过这十条具体,实用、简捷、明晰的建议,帮助大学新教员在教学、学术写作与发表、社交与服务三个方面获得迅速的进展。
  • 学会引用


  • 美国大学英语写作


  • The Sense of Style

    作者:Steven Pinker

    Why is so much writing so bad, and how can we make it better? Is the English language being corrupted by texting and social media? Do the kids today even care about good writing? Why should any of us care? In The Sense of Style, the bestselling linguist and cognitive scientist Steven Pinker answers these questions and more. Rethinking the usage guide for the twenty-first century, Pinker doesn’t carp about the decline of language or recycle pet peeves from the rulebooks of a century ago. Instead, he applies insights from the sciences of language and mind to the challenge of crafting clear, coherent, and stylish prose. In this short, cheerful, and eminently practical book, Pinker shows how writing depends on imagination, empathy, coherence, grammatical knowhow, and an ability to savor and reverse engineer the good prose of others. He replaces dogma about usage with reason and evidence, allowing writers and editors to apply the guidelines judiciously, rather than robotically, being mindful of what they are designed to accomplish. Filled with examples of great and gruesome prose, Pinker shows us how the art of writing can be a form of pleasurable mastery and a fascinating intellectual topic in its own right.
  • 修辞认识


  • 身為職業小說家


    村上春樹的自傳性隨筆,首度面對全世界 「本書是村上春樹自述如何寫小說的書。幾乎等於他的生活自述。」 ──知名文學翻譯.評論家柴田元幸 一個人,三十五年,十三部長篇小說 為誰寫? 如何寫?為什麼繼續寫? 寫小說心要多強? 村上春樹第一次真正面對全世界讀者,深入思考、詳盡敘述自己所寫小說的現場,和背後文學涵養。出乎讀者預期的一本書,終於出現! 雖然擁有享譽全世界的高知名度,但許多事情始終包覆在神秘的面紗中,全書十二章變化豐富的結構,滿載自傳性故事,伴隨趣味幽默,坦誠揭開秘密。 村上的讀者是誰,男女各半,還是美女居多呢?收到多少讀者來信?芥川獎、諾貝爾獎等時常圍繞作家身邊的「文學獎」,村上怎麼想?為什麼,以什麼形式,從什麼時候開始離開日本,經過什麼樣的惡戰苦鬥之後,朝世界出走?一度視為「可逃場所不足」的學校,如今如何看待求學?對於經歷過311福島核災的日本,看出什麼樣的問題?當初為什麼選擇小說家這樣不可思議的職業,此後,近四十年漫長歲月,如何能以不衰退的創造力直到現在繼續寫下去? 上述一切問題,關於「作家-村上春樹」的種種,誠實而強壯的思考軌跡,盡在於此。村上說:「寫小說時最重要的寶藏,就是具體細節的豐富收藏。」寫作像人生一樣,不要失去健全的野心。
  • 博士论文写作技巧


    《博士论文写作技巧》就撰写博士论文的整个过程——从最初的构思阶段直至成功地完成并发表论文——提供了系统而全面的方法。《博士论文写作技巧》的作者帕特里克·邓利维教授是一位资深的博士生导师及学术作者他强调学术为先原则的重要性。如果掌握了这些原则对于每一位作者都必须要做的各种决定和必须面临的进退维谷的状况便都可以轻松应对了。同时、他还提出了大量切实可行的建议和技巧、你可以根据自己的研究需要和个人的原则方式对此加以灵活应用。《博士论文写作技巧》并非一本提供现成解决方法的手册但阅读此书会有助你拓展思路 并勇于接受挑战进行创作。
  • 写作词库


    写作词库,ISBN:9787508254098,作者:邓业权 编著
  • Letters to a Young Novelist

    作者:Mario Vargas Llosa

    Mario Vargas Llosa condenses a lifetime of writing, reading, and thought into an essential manual for aspiring writers. Drawing on the stories and novels of writers from around the globe--Borges, Bierce, Celine, Cortazar, Faulkner, Kafka, Robbe-Grillet--he lays bare the inner workings of fiction, all the while urging young novelists not to lose touch with the elemental urge to create. Conversational, eloquent, and effortlessly erudite, this little book is destined to be read and re-read by young writers, old writers, would-be writers, and all those with a stake in the world of letters.
  • Writing That Works

    作者:Roman, Kenneth,Rapha

    Writing That Works will help you say what you want to say, with less difficulty and more confidence. Now in its third edition, this completely updated classic has been expanded to included all new advice on e-mail and the e-writing world, plus a fresh point of view on political correctness. With dozens of examples, many of them new, and useful tips for writing as well as faster on a computer, Writing That Works will show you how to inprove anything you write: Presentations that move ideas and action Memos and letters that get things done Plans and reports that make things happen Fund-raising and sales letters that produce results Resumes and letters thar lead to interviews Speeches that make a point
  • Telling True Stories

    作者:Kramer, Mark (EDT)/

    Inspiring stories and practical advice from America’s most respected journalists The country’s most prominent journalists and nonfiction authors gather each year at Harvard’s Nieman Conference on Narrative Journalism. Telling True Stories presents their best advice—covering everything from finding a good topic, to structuring narrative stories, to writing and selling your first book. More than fifty well-known writers offer their most powerful tips, including: • Tom Wolfe on the emotional core of the story • Gay Talese on writing about private lives • Malcolm Gladwell on the limits of profiles • Nora Ephron on narrative writing and screenwriters • Alma Guillermoprieto on telling the story and telling the truth • Dozens of Pulitzer Prize–winning journalists from the Atlantic Monthly, New Yorker, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post and more . . . The essays contain important counsel for new and career journalists, as well as for freelance writers, radio producers, and memoirists. Packed with refreshingly candid and insightful recommendations, Telling True Stories will show anyone fascinated by the art of writing nonfiction how to bring people, scenes, and ideas to life on the page.
  • 文言尺牍示范

    作者:程显生 等

    目录 家庭亲族类 子禀母 孙禀祖父母在外家情况 祖谕孙 夫寄妻 妻答夫 禀报学校情形 戒子不可浪费 戒子读书明理勤俭自持 与侄询营业状况 致表侄商捐慈善经费 祝颂庆贺类 贺新居落成 谢贺新居 贺迁居 贺开肆 贺开店兼荐友 贺营业开张 贺学者荣寿 贺友父寿 贺友寿 贺生子 贺生女 贺友新婚 贺娶媳 恳托荐聘类 恳友荐事 答荐事可成 促友早日来局 报病请假 介绍律师 介绍同学参观学校 推荐商店司帐 推荐商店伙友 推荐并愿切实担保 介绍谒见 答荐友 荐西席 馈赠唁慰类 通候约邀类 答允辞却类 诘责劝勉类 借贷索还类 论事婉辩类 商务市情类 商贸交易类 便条短札类 附录一、文言尺牍的源流 附录二、文言尺牍的格式 附录三、文言尺牍的用语 ……
  • Practical English Usage

    作者:Michael Swan

    Teachers describe Michael Swan's book on English language problems as 'indispensable'. 600+ A-Z entries explain common problems with clear, concise information.
  • 新闻写作与报道训练教程


  • Writers on Writing

    作者:The New York Times

    Now in paperback, today's most celebrated writers explore literature and the literary life in an inspirational collection of original essays. By turns poignant, hilarious, and practical, Writers on Writing brings together more than forty of contemporary literature's finest voices. Pieces range from reflections on the daily craft of writing to the intersection of art's and life's consequential moments. Authors discuss what impels them to write: creating a sense of control in a turbulent universe; bearing witness to events that would otherwise be lost in history or within the writer's soul; recapturing a fragment of time. Others praise mentors and lessons, whether from the classroom, daily circumstances, or the pages of a favorite writer. For anyone interested in the art and rewards of writing, Writers on Writing offers an uncommon and revealing view of a writer's world. Contributors include Russell Banks, Saul Bellow, E. L. Doctorow, Richard Ford, Kent Haruf, Carl Hiaasen, Alice Hoffman, Jamaica Kincaid, Barbara Kingsolver, Sue Miller, Walter Mosley, Joyce Carol Oates, Annie Proulx, Carol Shields, Jane Smiley, Susan Sontag, John Updike, Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Alice Walker, and Elie Wiesel.