

  • Web设计禁忌

    作者:Jeff Johnson

    本书作者曾写过GUI设计禁忌,这本书在总结那本书的经验基础E,以大量实例详细讨论了60个最常见和最严童的Web设计错误。作者紧紧围绕可用性问题,指出了人们在网站设计中常犯的错误或容易忽视的问题。本书没有长篇大论地描述Web设计错误,而是指出问题所在,并提供r合理的解决方法。本书涵盖了Web设计中的重要主题,包括内容、任务驱动、导航、表单、搜索、文字牺写、链接外观、图形设计和布局等,阅读本书有助于把网站设计得更完美。本书适合Web设计、开发及评估人员阅读,也适合相关专业的师生参考。 作者简介: Jeff Johnson是UL Wizards有限公司的一名顾问,该公司是一家产品可用性咨询公司(www.uiwizards.com)。1978年,他开始从事人机交互方面的工作。并在许多知名公司任过软件设计人员、可用性测试人员、管理人员研究人员。他也是《GUL Bloopers:Dont's for Software Developers and Web Designers》(GUL设计禁忌)一书的作者。
  • 用眼动追踪提升网站可用性


    用眼动追踪提升网站可用性(全彩),ISBN:9787121132605,作者:冉令华 著
  • 妙手回春

    作者:(美)Steve Krug

    本书是作者Steve Krug继畅销书《点石成金:访客至上的网页设计秘笈》(Don't Make Me Think)后推出的又一力作。多年来,人们就认识到网站可用性测试可以极大地改善产品质量,但鉴于正规的可用性测试流程复杂、费用高昂,很少人这样做。在本书中,作者详细阐述了一种简化的网站可用性测试方法,让任何人都能够尽早并频繁地对其网站、应用程序和其他产品进行可用性测试,从而将最严重的可用性问题消灭在萌芽状态。 本书短小精悍,语言轻松幽默,任何从事产品设计或对可用性测试感兴趣的读者都将受益匪浅。
  • 用户体验面面观

    作者:[美] 库涅夫斯基(Mike Kunia

    这是一本专注于用户研究和用户体验的经典读物,同时也是一本容易上手的实战手册,从实践者的角度,着重讨论和阐述了用户研究的重要性、主要的用户研究方法和工具,同时借助于实例介绍了相关的应用。全书共3部分18章,深度剖析了何为优秀的用户设计,用户体验包括哪些研究方法和工具,如何 得出和分析用户体验调查结果等。
  • Don't Make Me Think

    作者:Steve Krug

    People won't use your web site if they can't find their way around it. Whether you call it usability, ease-of-use, or just good design, companies staking their fortunes and their futures on their Web sites are starting to recognize that it's a bottom-line issue. In Don't Make Me Think, usability expert Steve Krug distills his years of experience and observation into clear, practical--and often amusing--common sense advice for the people in the trenches (the designers, programmers, writers, editors, and Webmasters), the people who tell them what to do (project managers, business planners, and marketing people), and even the people who sign the checks.

    Krug's clearly explained, easily absorbed principles will help you sleep better at night knowing that all the hard work going into your site is producing something that people will actually want to use.

  • Designing Interactions

    作者:Bill Moggridge

    Digital technology has changed the way we interact with everything from the games we play to the tools we use at work. Designers of digital technology products no longer regard their job as designing a physical object--beautiful or utilitarian--but as designing our interactions with it. In Designing Interactions, award-winning designer Bill Moggridge introduces us to forty influential designers who have shaped our interaction with technology. Moggridge, designer of the first laptop computer (the GRiD Compass, 1981) and a founder of the design firm IDEO, tells us these stories from an industry insider's viewpoint, tracing the evolution of ideas from inspiration to outcome. The innovators he interviews--including Will Wright, creator of The Sims, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Google, and Doug Engelbart, Bill Atkinson, and others involved in the invention and development of the mouse and the desktop--have been instrumental in making a difference in the design of interactions. Their stories chart the history of entrepreneurial design development for technology. Moggridge and his interviewees discuss such questions as why a personal computer has a window in a desktop, what made Palm's handheld organizers so successful, what turns a game into a hobby, why Google is the search engine of choice, and why 30 million people in Japan choose the i-mode service for their cell phones. And Moggridge tells the story of his own design process and explains the focus on people and prototypes that has been successful at IDEO--how the needs and desires of people can inspire innovative designs and how prototyping methods are evolving for the design of digital technology. Designing Interactions is illustrated with more than 700 images, with color throughout. Accompanying the book is a DVD that contains segments from all the interviews intercut with examples of the interactions under discussion. Interviews with: Bill Atkinson, Durrell Bishop, Brendan Boyle, Dennis Boyle, Paul Bradley, Duane Bray, Sergey Brin, Stu Card, Gillian Crampton Smith, Chris Downs, Tony Dunne, John Ellenby, Doug Englebart, Jane Fulton Suri, Bill Gaver, Bing Gordon, Rob Haitani, Jeff Hawkins, Matt Hunter, Hiroshi Ishii, Bert Keely, David Kelley, Rikako Kojima, Brenda Laurel, David Liddle, Lavrans Løvlie, John Maeda, Paul Mercer, Tim Mott, Joy Mountford, Takeshi Natsuno, Larry Page, Mark Podlaseck, Fiona Raby, Cordell Ratzlaff, Ben Reason, Jun Rekimoto, Steve Rogers, Fran Samalionis, Larry Tesler, Bill Verplank, Terry Winograd, and Will Wright
  • 重塑用户体验

    作者:[美] 威尔森(Chauncey Wil

    本书为用户体验过程提供了一种易于传承的导览——从定义用户需求到实际的设计、模型制作以及最终的评估。 卓越的用户界面设计并非仅仅与美学有关,也不只是使用最先进的技术——设计师还必须确保他们设计的产品能够提供一种令人意想不到的用户体验。这就需要经历用户需求分析、可用性测试、人物角色创建、原型化、设计草图绘制和最终产品评估的完整过程。 本书汲取了YMorgarl Kaufmann出版公司交互技术系列最畅销书中久经考验和最可信赖的精华部分,并以一种典型的项目结构展现给大家。ChaunceyWilsorl带领每位读者穿越各个章节,引领每一阶段,解释其中的情境,着重阐述它们在用户体验生命周期中的重要意义,为读者提供了创建有用、易用和人们实际想用的网页与网站的实用操作指南。
  • 交互设计


  • 人本界面

    作者:Jef Raskin

  • 面向使用的软件设计

    作者:Larry L.Constantine,

    面向使用的软件设计,ISBN:9787111140580,作者:Larry L.Constantine,Lucy A.D.Lockwood著;刘正捷等译;刘正捷译
  • 用户体验度量

    作者:[美] 特里斯(Tullis.T.),[

    有效地测量任何产品的可用性都需要选择和使用正确的度量.并要有效地利用它所揭 示出来的信息。《用户体验度量》首次介绍了相关实用资料.可以使可用性从业人员和产品开发人员完成这种测量。作者把几十个种度量整理成六类:绩效、基于问题的、自我报告式的、Web导航、综合性的/派生的, 以及生理/行为的。他们对每一种度量都进行了考察,并认真考虑了收集、分析和呈现这些数据的最佳方法。他们对使用任何技术来测量任何类型产品的可用性都提供了步进式指导。
  • 可用性工程


  • 点石成金

    作者:[美] 史蒂夫·克鲁克

    可用性设计是Web设计中最重要也是最困难的一项任务。《点石成金》的作者根据自己多年从业的经验,剖析用户的心理,在用户使用的模式、为浏览进行设计、导航设计、主页布局、可用性测试等方面提出了许多独特的观点,并给出了大量简单、易行的可用性设计的建议。这本书短小精悍,语言轻松诙谐,书中穿插大量色彩丰富的屏幕截图、趣味丛生的卡通插图以及包含大量信息的图表,使枯燥的设计原理变得平易近人。 此书适合从事Web设计和Web开发的技术人员阅读,特别适合为如何留住访问者而苦恼的网站/网页设计人员阅读。