

  • 剑桥五重奏


  • I Am a Strange Loop

    作者:Douglas Hofstadter

    Douglas Hofstadter's long-awaited return to the themes of Gödel, Escher, Bach--an original and controversial view of the nature of consciousness and identity. Can thought arise out of matter? Can self, a soul, a consciousness, an "I" arise out of mere matter? If it cannot, then how can you or I be here? I Am a Strange Loop argues that the key to understanding selves and consciousness is the "strange loop"--a special kind of abstract feedback loop inhabiting our brains. The most central and complex symbol in your brain or mine is the one called "I." The "I" is the nexus in our brain, one of many symbols seeming to have free will and to have gained the paradoxical ability to push particles around, rather than the reverse. How can a mysterious abstraction be real--or is our "I" merely a convenient fiction? Does an "I" exert genuine power over the particles in our brain, or is it helplessly pushed around by the laws of physics? These are the mysteries tackled in I Am a Strange Loop, Douglas R. Hofstadter's first book-length journey into philosophy since Gödel, Escher, Bach. Compulsively readable and endlessly thought-provoking, this is the book Hofstadter's many readers have been waiting for.
  • 塔尖的恋人啊


  • Only the Strong Survive

    作者:Larry Platt

    Part sports star, part antihero, part hip-hop icon, Allen Iverson has managed to cross over into the mainstream of American culture -- without compromise. Defiantly tattooed, with his hair in cornrows, the six-foot Philadelphia 76ers point guard is one of the most recognizable and controversial stars of the sports world. His meteoric rise from a troubled childhood in the ghetto to NBA superstardom has been marked by five straight playoff appearances, including a finals berth in 2001 and an MVP award. From his rap sheet to his rap album, fans and journalists alike hound his every move. But never before has a biographer presented a full portrait of this complicated and intensely private star -- a man whose loyalty to his family, the streets, and his friends trumps any other concern. Filled with exclusive interview material and unprecedented access to many of Iverson's inner circle, Only the Strong Survive is the first in-depth look at the truth behind this newly minted legend.
  • The Answer:阿伦·艾弗森传


    《The Answer-阿伦•艾弗森传》是介绍NBA篮球明星阿伦•艾弗森的名人传记类图书。人称“答案”的阿伦•艾弗森出生于20世纪70年代的美国汉普顿黑人街区,并不幸福的童年记忆,塑造了他狂放不羁、自由随性的性格。1996年成为NBA选秀状元拉开了阿伦•艾弗森征战NBA的精彩战幕。从贫寒的家庭身世、充满挫折的成长过程、到后来光芒耀目的成功,铸就辉煌的NBA职业生涯经历,这位从入行以来就充满争议的黑人球员,成就了一个美国式的成功梦想,激励着许多热爱体育的年轻人。本书由著名NBA作家张佳玮先生历时一年,倾心写作而成。写作过程中查阅了大量翔实的赛事史料和技术数据统计资料,书中收集了上百张艾弗森从高中至今的珍贵图片,对艾弗森生平重要的历史时刻做了完整记录,超强图文展现艾弗森的传奇人生路。
  • The Answer:阿伦•艾弗森传


    2014年3月1日,在两万球迷的见证下,“答案”阿伦•艾弗森的3号球衣正式退役。他的球衣如旗帜般升起,永远悬挂在费城76人队主场上空。艾弗森的传说燃烧殆尽,他的篮球生涯到此终结。如他自己所说: “这是一段伟大的旅程。” 一代篮球传奇巨星已经谢幕,但对艾弗森的怀念才刚刚开 始。 著名篮球专栏作家张佳玮倾心写作著成《The Answer:阿伦•艾弗森传》,向传奇致敬。写作过程中,他查阅了大量翔实的赛事史料和数据统计,精选了上百张艾弗森从高中至今的典藏级珍贵照片。 而著名篮球解说员于嘉老师特地为本书作序推荐。 在书中,你会看到这样一个艾弗森: 乔治城大学的闪电、费城的孤胆游侠、3号的神话、NBA史上最矮的得分王、嘻哈文化之王、愿意终老丹佛的掘金3号、以350万年薪签约孟菲斯的老将、落叶归根回到费城的费城之子,一个被世界误解、苛求、责备、赞叹、敬畏、怀念的人。这位坚持做自己、个性自由随性狂放不羁、从入行以来就充满争议的黑人球员,铸就了辉煌的NBA职业生涯,激励着亿万热爱体育的年轻人。 虽然阿伦•艾弗森的那些辉煌已成往事,但他的身影横亘在NBA的历史上,再苛刻的历史学家也无法将其抹去,因为他与世界为敌的身影过于高大以至于无法忽略。他在篮球史中的形象便是如此:永远年轻,永远让人热泪盈眶。 珍藏小艾,再会青春。 现在,就让我们跟着张佳玮一起,带着对青春的回忆,走进阿伦•艾弗森的人生。