

  • From Calculus to Cohomology

    作者:Ib H. Madsen,Jxrgen

    De Rham cohomology is the cohomology of differential forms. This book offers a self-contained exposition to this subject and to the theory of characteristic classes from the curvature point of view. It requires no prior knowledge of the concepts of algebraic topology or cohomology. The first 10 chapters study cohomology of open sets in Euclidean space, treat smooth manifolds and their cohomology and end with integration on manifolds. The last 11 chapters cover Morse theory, index of vector fields, Poincare duality, vector bundles, connections and curvature, Chern and Euler classes, and Thom isomorphism, and the book ends with the general Gauss-Bonnet theorem. The text includes well over 150 exercises, and gives the background necessary for the modern developments in gauge theory and geometry in four dimensions, but it also serves as an introductory course in algebraic topology. It will be invaluable to anyone who wishes to know about cohomology, curvature, and their applications.
  • Basic Topology

    作者:M.A. Armstrong

    In this broad introduction to topology, the author searches for topological invariants of spaces, together with techniques for their calculating. Students with knowledge of real analysis, elementary group theory, and linear algebra will quickly become familiar with a wide variety of techniques and applications involving point-set, geometric, and algebraic topology. Over 139 illustrations and more than 350 problems of various difficulties help students gain a thorough understanding of the subject.
  • The Knot Book

    作者:Colin Adams

    Knots are familiar objects. We use them to moor our boats, to wrap our packages, to tie our shoes. Yet the mathematical theory of knots quickly leads to deep results in topology and geometry. "The Knot Book" is an introduction to this rich theory, starting with our familiar understanding of knots and a bit of college algebra and finishing with exciting topics of current research. "The Knot Book" is also about the excitement of doing mathematics. Colin Adams engages the reader with fascinating examples, superb figures, and thought-provoking ideas. He also presents the remarkable applications of knot theory to modern chemistry, biology, and physics. This is a compelling book that will comfortably escort you into the marvelous world of knot theory. Whether you are a mathematics student, someone working in a related field, or an amateur mathematician, you will find much of interest in "The Knot Book".Colin Adams received the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Award for Distinguished Teaching and has been an MAA Polya Lecturer and a Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer. Other key books of interest available from the "AMS" are "Knots and Links" and "The Shoelace Book: A Mathematical Guide to the Best (and Worst) Ways to Lace your Shoes".
  • 几何与拓扑的概念导引


  • 流形的拓扑学


  • 拓扑学教程

    作者:[法国]G.肖盖(Gustave Cho

  • 点集拓扑讲义


  • 拓扑空间论


    《拓扑空间论》是点集拓扑学方面的一本经典著作,《拓扑空间论》共十章,内容为:拓扑空间、积空间、仿紧空间、紧空间、一致空间、复形和扩张子、逆极限和展开定理、Arhangelskii空间、商空间和映射空间、可数可乘的空间族.正文前的绪论简要地叙述了阅读本书所需的集合论的基本知识。书中有大量的例题和习题,有益于加强基本训练。 《拓扑空间论》可供大学数学系高年级学生、研究生、教师及有关方面的研究人员参考。
  • Morse Theory (Annals of Mathematic Studies AM-51)

    作者:[美]John W.Milnor

    One of the most cited books in mathematics, John Milnor's exposition of Morse theory has been the most important book on the subject for more than forty years. Morse theory was developed in the 1920s by mathematician Marston Morse. (Morse was on the faculty of the Institute for Advanced Study, and Princeton published his "Topological Methods in the Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable" in the "Annals of Mathematics Studies" series in 1947.) One classical application of Morse theory includes the attempt to understand, with only limited information, the large-scale structure of an object. This kind of problem occurs in mathematical physics, dynamic systems, and mechanical engineering. Morse theory has received much attention in the last two decades as a result of a famous paper in which theoretical physicist Edward Witten relates Morse theory to quantum field theory. Milnor was awarded the Fields Medal (the mathematical equivalent of a Nobel Prize) in 1962 for his work in differential topology. He has since received the National Medal of Science (1967) and the Steele Prize from the American Mathematical Society twice (1982 and 2004) in recognition of his explanations of mathematical concepts across a wide range of scientific.c disciplines. The citation reads, "The phrase sublime elegance is rarely associated with mathematical exposition, but it applies to all of Milnor's writings. Reading his books, one is struck with the ease with which the subject is unfolding and it only becomes apparent after re.ection that this ease is the mark of a master." Milnor has published five books with Princeton University Press.
  • 现代几何学(第二卷)


    本书是莫斯科大学数学力学系对几何课程现代化改革的成果,作者之一的诺维可夫是1970年菲尔兹奖和2005年沃尔夫奖得主。全书力求以直观的和物理的视角阐述,是一本难得的现代几何方面的好书。内容包括张量分析、曲线和曲面几何、一维和高维变分法(第一卷),微分流形的拓扑和几何(第二卷),以及同调与上同调理论(第三卷)。 本书可用作数学和理论物理专业高年级和研究生的教学用书,对从事几何和拓扑研究的工作者也极有参考价值。
  • 现代几何学:方法与应用:第一卷:几何曲面、变换群与场


  • 庞加莱猜想


    《庞加莱猜想》主要内容:大部分人也许从未想过一个三维宇宙可能会具有的不同形状。但是,只要你想过这个问题,庞加莱猜想将会是关于这些形状最简单的叙述,并且你会期望它的正确性。提出问题总是要比解决问题容易,一百年来,没有人能指出这个猜想是对还是错。因为它的重要意义,克莱数学研究所在2000年将庞加莱猜想定为新千禧年的七道著名未决难题之一,并给问题的解答提供一百万美元的奖金。 2003年初,一位隐居的俄罗斯数学家格里高利•佩雷尔曼在互联网上张贴了三篇论文,声称证明了该猜想(以及更多的结果)。这位回避媒体的人以将答案张贴在互联网而不是发表于有正式审稿程序杂志的方式震撼了整个数学世界。他的结果经受住了数年、数个数学家小组的严格检验。
  • 从微分观点看拓扑

    作者:[美]John W.Milnor

  • 拓扑学

    作者:[美]James R.Munkres

    《拓扑学》(原书第2版)系统讲解拓扑学理论知识。在美国大学作为教材近20年,最近由原作者进行了全面更新。第一部分为一般拓扑学,讲述点集拓扑学的内容,介绍作为核心题材的集合论、拓扑空问、连通性、紧致性以及可数性公理和分离性公理;第二部分为代数拓扑学,讲述与拓扑学核心题材相关的主题,其中包括基本群和覆叠空问及其应用。   《拓扑学》(原书第2版)最大的特点在于概念引入自然,循序渐进。对于疑难的推理证明,将其分解为简化的步骤,不给读者留下疑惑。此外,书中还提供了大量练习,可以巩固加深学习的效果。严格的论证、清晰的条理、丰富的实例,让深奥的拓扑学变得轻松易学。
  • 基础拓扑学


    这是一本拓扑学的入门书籍。本书的特点是:1.注重培养学生的几何直观能力;2.对于单纯同调的处理重点比较突出,使主要线索不至于被复杂的细节所掩盖;3.注意使抽象理论与具体应用保持平衡。 全书内容包括:引言,连续性,紧致性和连通性,粘合空间,基本群,单纯剖分,曲面,单纯同调,映射度与Leschetz数,纽结与复迭空间。 读者对象为大学数学系学生、研究生,以及需要拓扑学知识的科技人员、教师等。
  • 代数拓扑和微分拓扑简史

    作者:干丹岩 著

  • 拓扑学奇趣


  • 基础拓扑学


    “这是一本不可多得的优秀教材,内容精心选择,阐述出色,图示丰富……对于作者来说,拓扑学首先是一门几何学……” ——数学公报(MATHEMATICAL GAZETTE) 本书是一部拓扑学入门书籍,主要介绍了拓扑空间中的拓扑不变量,以及相应的计算方法。内容涉及点集拓扑、几何拓扑、代数拓扑中的各类方法及其应用,包含139个图示和350个难度各异的思考题,有助于培养学生的几何直观能力,加强对书中内容的理解。本书注重抽象理论与具体应用相结合,要求读者具有实分析、初等群论和线性代数的知识。作者在选材和阐述上都着意体现数学的美,注重培养读者的直觉,经常从历史的观点介绍拓扑学。 本书是许多国外知名高校的拓扑学指定教材,在我国也被许多大学采用。
  • Differential Topology

    作者:Victor Guillemin,Ala

  • 基本拓扑学

    作者:M. A. Armstrong

    《基本拓扑学(英文版)》主要内容:This is a topology book for undergraduates,and in writing it I have had two aims in mind.Firstly,to make sure the student sees a variety of defferent techniques and applications involving point set,geometric,and algebraic topology,without celving too deeply into any particular area.Secondly,to develop the reader's geometrical insight;topology is after all a branch of geometry.