

  • A Student's Guide to Political Philosophy

    作者:Harvey C. Mansfield

    The ISI Guides to the Major Disciplines are reader-friendly introductions to the most important fields of knowledge in the liberal arts. Written by leading scholars for both students and the general public, they will be appreciated by anyone desiring a reliable and informative tour of important subject matter. Each title offers an historical overview of a particular discipline, explains the central ideas of each subject, and evaluates the works of thinkers whose ideas have shaped our world. They will aid students seeking to make better decisions about their course of study as well as general readers who wish to supplement their education. All who treasure the world of ideas and liberal learning will be motivated by these original and stimulating presentations.
  • 男性气概


    男性气概,主要见于男性,恶男与绅士均可具备,亦常与偏激、无理性和野心联系在一起。我们的“性别中立社会”不喜欢这种东西,却又无法摆脱它。本书被称为首部研究男性气概的专著,博采科学、文学和哲学论述,考察了男性气概的多种层面,从粗鲁到暴虐,从骄傲自大到老谋深算,兼及它在不同的历史名人身上的表现,以至女权主义运动对它的重新诠释。 什么是男性气概?男性气概的核心特征是什么?本书作者从科学、文学、政治学和哲学等多种角度审视这一人类特质,为男性气概寻求定义,探索男性气概的丰富含义,是首部研究男性气概的专著。具有男性气概或者有这种倾向的男性当然应该读这本书;本身就喜爱或同情男性气概的女性当然也应该读这本书;与此同时,那些女性主义者或女性运动的同情者也不该拒斥它,因为它向我们指出了很多通常的女性主义者或性别问题的研究者忽略或者不愿指出的问题。