

  • 机械的心灵



  • 心灵导论


    塞尔写下了一部有力的、清晰的、易懂的与令人着迷的导论性著作。此书比任何别的文献都更为令人信服地解释了塞尔所持有的如下这个离经叛道的颠覆性观点:无论是唯物主义还是二元论,都是谬误的。他以充满活力的姿态探索了那些心灵哲学领域中的重大议题——与此同时,他还一直保持着对于他所聚焦的心灵问题的最深刻的洞见。 译者前言 中译本前言 致谢 导论 我为什么写这本书 第一章 心灵哲学中的12个问题 第二章 转向唯物主义 第三章 反对唯物主义的论证 第四章 意识(上)——意识与身一心问题 第五章 意识(下)——意识的结构与神经生物学 第六章 意向性 第七章 心灵因果关系 第八章 自由意志 第九章 无意识问题以及对于行为的解释 第十章 知觉 第十一章 自我 尾声哲学与科学的世界观 术语索引 人名索引
  • Hidden Resources

    作者:Zahavi, Dan 编

    The essays reflect the interests of the Center for Subjectivity Research and seek to address the following issue: To what extent can the current discussion of consciousness in mainstream cognitive science and analytical philosophy of mind profit from insights drawn from the investigations of subjectivity found in the Kantian and post-Kantian tradition as well as in the phenomenological and hermeneutical tradition. The contributions include some that are philosophical, while others relate to issues in empirical science, such as pscyhopathology, cognitive neuroscience, and developmental psychology.
  • 心灵哲学

    作者:斯蒂芬•P•斯蒂克 特德•A•沃菲尔德

    本书内容广泛,收录了由一流学者撰写的许多具有特殊使命的篇章,它为心灵哲学中的核心主题给出了一种最新的审视。心灵哲学在当代哲学中是最活跃、最重要的分支领域之一,它的地位至少可以归因于两个相关的因素:主题的重要性和领域的多样性。本书收录了由一流学者撰写的许多具有特殊使命的篇章,它为心灵哲学中的核心主题给出了一种最新的审视。 《布莱克韦尔心灵哲学指导》引领读者穿越范围广阔的主题,包括人工智能、意识、二元论、情绪、民间心理学、自由意志、个体主义、人格同一性和心身问题。 总体而言,本书恰逢其时,它对于有兴趣更深入地理解这个领域的任何人都是一部重要的著作。它对大学生是通俗易懂的导论,而对研究生和研究人员也提供了新颖、有趣的见解。
  • Matter and Consciousness

    作者:Paul M. Churchland

    In Matter and Consciousness, Paul Churchland clearly presents the advantages and disadvantages of such difficult issues in philosophy of mind as behaviorism, reductive materialism, functionalism, and eliminative materialism. This new edition incorporates the striking developments that have taken place in neuroscience, cognitive science, and artificial intelligence and notes their expanding relevance to philosophical issues. Churchland organizes and clarifies the new theoretical and experimental results of the natural sciences for a wider philosophical audience, observing that this research bears directly on questions concerning the basic elements of cognitive activity and their implementation in real physical systems. (How is it, he asks, that living creatures perform some cognitive tasks so swiftly and easily, where computers do them only badly or not at all?) Most significant for philosophy, Churchland asserts, is the support these results tend to give to the reductive and the eliminative versions of materialism. A Bradford Book.
  • 意识问题


  • 心身同一论


  • 现代西方心灵哲学


  • Philosophy of Mind

    作者:John Heil

    Philosophy of Mind: A Contemporary Introduction covers the major topics typically studied in philosophy of mind and discusses the dualist, behaviorist, functionalist, interpretationist, and eliminativist accounts of the nature of mind, along with a critical assessment of the recent trends in the subject. This fully revised and updated version of the highly successful first edition builds on the previously addressed themes and expands on central topics. The new edition includes: * A brand new chapter on consciousness * An expansion of the Davidson and Dennett discussions, splitting them into two stand-alone chapters * A chapter looking at general issues associated with present day approaches to the theory of mind
  • Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind

    作者:Wilfrid Sellars

    The most important work by one of America's greatest twentieth-century philosophers, Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind is both the epitome of Wilfrid Sellars' entire philosophical system and a key document in the history of philosophy. First published in essay form in 1956, it helped bring about a sea change in analytic philosophy. It broke the link, which had bound Russell and Ayer to Locke and Hume--the doctrine of "knowledge by acquaintance." Sellars' attack on the Myth of the Given in Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind was a decisive move in turning analytic philosophy away from the foundationalist motives of the logical empiricists and raised doubts about the very idea of "epistemology." With an introduction by Richard Rorty to situate the work within the history of recent philosophy, and with a study guide by Robert Brandom, this publication of Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind makes a difficult but indisputably significant figure in the development of analytic philosophy clear and comprehensible to anyone who would understand that philosophy or its history.
  • Philosophy of Mind

    作者:Kim, Jaegwon

    The philosophy of mind has long been part of the core philosophy curriculum, and this book is the classic, comprehensive survey of the subject. Designed as an introduction to the field for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students, Philosophy of Mind focuses on the mind-body problem and related issues, some touching on the status of psychology and cognitive science. The third edition has been thoroughly updated throughout to reflect developments of the past decade, and it is the only text of its kind that provides a serious and respectful treatment of substance dualism. This edition also includes two new chapters on the nature of consciousness and the status of consciousness. Improved readability and clarity has been one important aim of the new edition. Throughout the text, author Jaegwon Kim allows readers to come to their own terms with the central problems of the mind. At the same time, Kim's own emerging views are on display and serve to move the discussion forward. Comprehensive, clear, and fair, Philosophy of Mind is a model of philosophical exposition and a significant contribution to the field.
  • 实验哲学导论


    为了探讨哲学和元哲学问题,实验哲学借用心理学和认知科学中的实验研究方法。它探讨了关于心理世界的本性的哲学问题——我们关对事物所形成的概念的结构或意义,探讨了关于非心理世界的本性的哲学问题——物自身。它还探索了哲学探究的本性以及探究哲学的合适方法论等元哲学问题。 本书为这一富有创新性的领域提供了一个详实的和令人振奋的导论,聚焦于实验哲学和更加传统的分析哲学的目标与方法之间的关系。本书特别注重详细认真地检视实验哲学中截然不同的哲学计划,实验哲学的独特的优势与不足,以及实验哲学对于我们的哲学理解所能够作出的独特贡献。全书语言清新流畅,可读性强,在当代和历史的语境中定位实验哲学,解释了实验哲学的目标和方法,通过与实验哲学批评者的交战,检视并批判性地评价了实验哲学最富有意义的主张和论证。
  • 在当下


  • 预见


  • 面对


    《面对:闭上眼睛才能看清自己》让你看清生活的本质,本书帮你重塑真实的自己。 打开心量,放下自我。活在当下,奉献真爱。 贤宗法师十年之作,华语世界第一部完整的《禅修六部曲》,都市修行人必读经典。
  • Philosophy of Mind

    作者:Chalmers, David John

    Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings is an ideal text for introductory, advanced undergraduate, and graduate courses in the philosophy of mind and related areas. The most comprehensive collection of its kind, this volume ranges from the classical contributions of Descartes to the leading edge of the discipline. Three of the selections are being published here for the first time, while many other articles have been revised especially for this volume. Extensive sections cover foundational issues, the nature of consciousness, the nature of mental content, and miscellaneous issues. Each section opens with an in-depth introduction by the editor.
  • 物理主义


  • 思想与论证


  • 具身心智

