

  • Business Communication Today (8th Edition)

    作者:Courtland L. Bovee,J

    A book that addresses the need for skills-building in today’s competitive business environment, Business Communication Today has been completely revised and reworked to provide the most cutting-edge information available on the market. Combining a solid foundation of communication fundamentals with practical advice and insights, readers will be effectively prepared for the challenges they’ll face when entering the job market. Thorough coverage and thoughtful integration of business communication technology sets this book apart from the competition. Every essential technology is covered, successfully demonstrating the importance of business etiquette, teamwork, proper short communication (memos, email, instant messaging, etc.), and effective business reports and proposals. An especially useful tool for those entering the job market, this book is also a must-read for corporate trainers, office managers, and others that need to utilize effective communications on a day-to-day basis.

  • Difficult Conversations

    作者:Douglas Stone,Bruce

    The 10th-anniversary edition of the New York Times business bestseller-now updated with "Answers to Ten Questions People Ask" We attempt or avoid difficult conversations every day-whether dealing with an underperforming employee, disagreeing with a spouse, or negotiating with a client. From the Harvard Negotiation Project, the organization that brought you Getting to Yes, Difficult Conversations provides a step-by-step approach to having those tough conversations with less stress and more success. you'll learn how to: • Decipher the underlying structure of every difficult conversation • Start a conversation without defensiveness • Listen for the meaning of what is not said • Stay balanced in the face of attacks and accusations • Move from emotion to productive problem solving
  • Crucial Conversations

    作者:Patterson, Kerry,Gre

  • The Fine Art of Small Talk

    作者:Debra Fine

    Nationally recognized communication expert Debra Fine reveals the techniques and strategies anyone can use to make small talk-in any situationDo you spend an abnormal amount of time hiding out in the bathroom or hanging out at the buffet table at social gatherings? Does the thought of striking up a conversation with a stranger make your stomach do flip-flops? Do you sit nervously through job interviews waiting for the other person to speak? Are you a -Nervous Ned or Nellie+ when it comes to networking? Then it+s time you mastered The Fine Art of Small Talk.With practical advice and conversation -cheat sheets,+ The Fine Art of Small Talk will help you learn to feel more comfortable in any type of social situation, from lunch with the boss to an association event to a cocktail party where you don+t know a soul.
  • The Fine Art of Small Talk

    作者:Debra Fine

    Nationally recognized communication expert Debra Fine reveals the techniques and strategies anyone can use to make small talk-in any situationDo you spend an abnormal amount of time hiding out in the bathroom or hanging out at the buffet table at social gatherings? Does the thought of striking up a conversation with a stranger make your stomach do flip-flops? Do you sit nervously through job interviews waiting for the other person to speak? Are you a -Nervous Ned or Nellie+ when it comes to networking? Then it+s time you mastered The Fine Art of Small Talk.With practical advice and conversation -cheat sheets,+ The Fine Art of Small Talk will help you learn to feel more comfortable in any type of social situation, from lunch with the boss to an association event to a cocktail party where you don+t know a soul.
  • Talk Like TED

    作者:Carmine Gallo

  • Comparing Media Systems

    作者:Daniel C. Hallin,Pao

    Building on a survey of media institutions in eighteen West European and North American democracies, Hallin and Mancini identify the principal dimensions of variation in media systems and the political variables which have shaped their evolution. They go on to identify three major models of media system development (the Polarized Pluralist, Democratic Corporatist and Liberal models) to explain why the media have played a different role in politics in each of these systems, and to explore the forces of change that are currently transforming them. It provides a key theoretical statement about the relation between media and political systems, a key statement about the methodology of comparative analysis in political communication and a clear overview of the variety of media institutions that have developed in the West, understood within their political and historical context.
  • We the Media

    作者:Dan Gillmor

    Grassroots journalists are dismantling Big Media's monopoly on the news, transforming it from a lecture to a conversation. Not content to accept the news as reported, these readers-turned-reporters are publishing in real time to a worldwide audience via the Internet. The impact of their work is just beginning to be felt by professional journalists and the newsmakers they cover. In We the Media: Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People, nationally known business and technology columnist Dan Gillmor tells the story of this emerging phenomenon, and sheds light on this deep shift in how we make and consume the news. We the Media is essential reading for all participants in the news cycle: Consumers learn how they can become producers of the news. Gillmor lays out the tools of the grassroots journalist's trade, including personal Web journals (called weblogs or blogs), Internet chat groups, email, and cell phones. He also illustrates how, in this age of media consolidation and diminished reporting, to roll your own news, drawing from the array of sources available online and even over the phone. Newsmakers politicians, business executives, celebrities get a wake-up call. The control that newsmakers enjoyed in the top-down world of Big Media is seriously undermined in the Internet Age. Gillmor shows newsmakers how to successfully play by the new rules and shift from control to engagement. Journalists discover that the new grassroots journalism presents opportunity as well as challenge to their profession. One of the first mainstream journalists to have a blog, Gillmor says, "My readers know more than I do, and that's a good thing." In We the Media, he makes the case to his colleagues that, in the face of a plethora of Internet-fueled news vehicles, they must change or become irrelevant. At its core, We the Media is a book about people. People like Glenn Reynolds, a law professor whose blog postings on the intersection of technology and liberty garnered him enough readers and influence that he became a source for professional journalists. Or Ben Chandler, whose upset Congressional victory was fueled by contributions that came in response to ads on a handful of political blogs. Or Iraqi blogger Zayed, whose Healing Irag blog (healingiraq.blogspot.com) scooped Big Media. Or acridrabbit, who inspired an online community to become investigative reporters and discover that the dying Kaycee Nichols sad tale was a hoax. Give the people tools to make the news, We the Media asserts, and they will. Journalism in the 21st century will be fundamentally different from the Big Media that prevails today. We the Media casts light on the future of journalism, and invites us all to be part of it.
  • Historicizing Online Politics

    作者:Yongming Zhou

    It is widely recognized that internet technology has had a profound effect on political participation in China, but this new use of technology is not unprecedented in Chinese history. This is a pioneering work that systematically describes and analyzes the manner in which the Chinese used telegraphy during the late Qing, and the internet in the contemporary period, to participate in politics. Drawing upon insights from the fields of anthropology, history, political science, and media studies, this book historicizes the internet in China and may change the direction of the emergent field of Chinese internet studies. In contrast to previous works, this book is unprecedented in its perspective, in the depth of information and understanding, in the conclusions it reaches, and in its methodology. Written in a clear and engaging style, this book is accessible to a broad audience.
  • Presenting to Win

    作者:Jerry Weissman

    In Presenting to Win: Persuading Your Audience Every Time, the world's #1 presentation consultant shows how to connect with even the toughest, most high-level audiences--and move them to action. Jerry Weissman shows presenters of all kinds how to dump those PowerPoint templates once and for all--and learn to tell compelling stories that focus on what's in it for their listeners. Drawing on dozens of practical examples and real case studies, Weissman shows presenters how to identify their real goals and messages before they even open PowerPoint; how to stay focused on what their listeners really care about; and how to capture their audiences in the first crucial 90 seconds. From bullets and graphics to the effective, sparing use of special effects, Weissman covers all the practical mechanics of effective presentation--and walks readers through every step of building a Power Presentation, from brainstorming through delivery. Unlike the techniques in other presentation books, this book's easy, step-by-step approach has been proven with billions of dollars on the line, in hundreds of IPO road shows before the world's most jaded investors.
  • Understanding Media

    作者:Marshal McLuhan

    在线阅读本书 When Marshall McLuhan first coined the phrases "global village" and "the medium is the message" in 1964, no-one could have predicted today's information-dependent planet. No-one, that is, except for a handful of science fiction writers and Marshall McLuhan. Understanding Media was written twenty years before the PC revolution and thirty years before the rise of the Internet. Yet McLuhan's insights into our engagement with a variety of media led to a complete rethinking of our entire society. He believed that the message of electronic media foretold the end of humanity as it was known. In 1964, this looked like the paranoid babblings of a madman. In our 21st century digital world, the madman looks quite sane. Understanding Media : the most important book ever written on communication. Ignore its message at your peril.
  • 大众传播理论


    本书是最新的大众传播学教材,吸纳了国际传播学界最新的理论和研究成果,比以前的版本更加重视前沿问题,比如媒介角色研究、传播的全球化、受众接受问题、媒介行为的评价等。本书的最大特点是媒介理论放在大众传播理论的中心位置。它按照历史的线索对大众传播理论进行了权威的介绍,描述了大众传播理论两大主要流派——经验学派和文化批判学派的产生和发展过程,对这两种学术传统是如何支持媒介文化运动的发展进行了总结性陈述,同时提出了一种将二者结合起来的新的媒介传播理论。   本书的作者是两位很出色的美国传播学教授。巴兰(Stanley J.Baran)在广播电视和电影研究方面获过很多奖项。戴维斯(Dennis K.Davis)博士是媒体研究的教授,多次获美国的传播学教学奖。这本书的叙述方式和思维逻辑独到、内容表述上简单洁明晰、体例也很新颖,每一章都提供相关的“重要人物及其著作”介绍。   本书适合作为新闻传播专业的大众传播学课程的核心教材或参考书,对广大新闻从业人员也不失为一本很好的案头书。我们推出这套原版教材就是希望学习者能够原汗原味地去理解和把握西方传播学的精髓和妙处。 强力推荐:Mass Communication Theory: Foundations, Ferment, and Future 英文原版火热发售
  • All the News That's Fit to Sell

    作者:James T. Hamilton

    That market forces drive the news is not news. Whether a story appears in print, on television, or on the Internet depends on who is interested, its value to advertisers, the costs of assembling the details, and competitors' products. But in All the News That's Fit to Sell, economist James Hamilton shows just how this happens. Furthermore, many complaints about journalism--media bias, soft news, and pundits as celebrities--arise from the impact of this economic logic on news judgments. This is the first book to develop an economic theory of news, analyze evidence across a wide range of media markets on how incentives affect news content, and offer policy conclusions. Media bias, for instance, was long a staple of the news. Hamilton's analysis of newspapers from 1870 to 1900 reveals how nonpartisan reporting became the norm. A hundred years later, some partisan elements reemerged as, for example, evening news broadcasts tried to retain young female viewers with stories aimed at their (Democratic) political interests. Examination of story selection on the network evening news programs from 1969 to 1998 shows how cable competition, deregulation, and ownership changes encouraged a shift from hard news about politics toward more soft news about entertainers.
  • 批判的传播理论


    《批判的传播理论:权力媒介社会性别和科技》着重关注在自由民主的政治体制中,美国主流意识形态在媒体中的形成及合法化的机制,分析了国际社会的传播资源和话语权,以专题形式探究了国际新闻、橄榄球运动、人工智能、科学、信息、新世界秩序等领域中彰显的社会性别不平等。 《批判的传播理论:权力媒介社会性别和科技》代表了当今国际传播学界的顶尖水准。作为受过极好德国古典哲学训练的思想者,作为一名女性主义研究者,詹森的睿智和洞见,她的质疑和批判,她追求社会公平和正义的立场,都使《批判的传播理论:权力媒介社会性别和科技》洋溢着浓厚的马克思主义色彩。也为传播学研究者提供了一个治学和做人的范本。
  • 信息社会理论


  • Communication in China

    作者:Yuezhi Zhao

    This authoritative study explores China's rapidly evolving polity, economy, and society through the prism of its communication system. Yuezhi Zhao offers a multifaceted, interdisciplinary analysis of communication in China and its central role in the struggle for control during the country's rise to global power. The industry in all its forms-ranging from the news media to entertainment outlets to the Internet-has been a critical battleground among different social forces in this period of wrenching change. The author explores alterations in the structure and content of Chinese communication in light of the rapid evolution of state-society relations to reveal the profoundly contradictory, conflicted, and uncertain nature of China's ongoing transformation.
  • Texture

    作者:Richard H. R. Harper

    Our workdays are so filled with emails, instant messaging, and RSS feeds that we complain that there's not enough time to get our actual work done. At home, we are besieged by telephone calls on landlines and cell phones, the beeps that signal text messages, and work emails on our BlackBerrys. It's too much, we cry (or type) as we update our Facebook pages, compose a blog post, or check to see what Shaquille O'Neal has to say on Twitter. In Texture, Richard Harper asks why we seek out new ways of communicating even as we complain about communication overload. Harper describes the mistaken assumptions of developers that "more" is always better and argues that users prefer simpler technologies that allow them to create social bonds. Communication is not just the exchange of information. There is a texture to our communicative practices, manifest in the different means we choose to communicate (quick or slow, permanent or ephemeral).
  • 传播政治经济学英文读本(全二册)


  • Understanding Media

    作者:Marshal McLuhan

    When Marshall McLuhan first coined the phrases global village and the medium is the message in 1964, no-one could have predicted today's information-dependent planet. No-one, that is, except for a handful of science fiction writers and Marshall McLuhan. Understanding Media was written twenty years before the PC revolution and thirty years before the rise of the Internet. Yet McLuhan's insights into our engagement with a variety of media led to a complete rethinking of our entire society. He believed that the message of electronic media foretold the end of humanity as it was known. In 1964, this looked like the paranoid babblings of a madman. In our twenty-first century digital world, the madman looks quite sane. Understanding Media: the most important book ever written on communication. Ignore its message at your peril.