

  • GRE

    作者:Educational Testing

  • GRE数学高分快速突破

    作者:陈向东 编著

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  • Sociology. John J. Macionis

    作者:Macionis, John J.

    Seeing Sociology in Everyday Life John Macionis shares his enthusiasm, excitement and teaching experience with a clear and engaging writing style that connects with students. Macionis', Sociology, 13th edition is designed to help students see the relevance of the sociological theories and ideas that inform their own lives. Four main themes are found throughout the text: Seeing Sociology in Everyday Life Social Diversity Global Comparisons Critical Thinking The new edition has an innovate new design, contemporary and compelling student applications, plus a wealth of author-written and author-managed supplemental material. This revision elevates Sociology's high standard of excellence, ensuring that it remains one of the foremost introductory sociology resources for students and instructors alike. MyLab或是Mastering系列是在线作业系统。Access Code Card是在线作业系统的访问码,是老师和学生课堂之外网络互动及交流的平台,个人是无法使用这个平台的。请读者注意您购买的这个ISBN是不带Access Code Card的。
  • GRE词汇精选


  • 词以类记:GRE词汇


    GRE单词由于数量众多,在一场考试中出现的概率也有高有低,人们能够获得的数据就是以往考试中出现的次数,即词频。词频同然重要,但近些年被神话得太多,甚至误导一些同学,以致于大家把精力都放在那些所谓高频词上面。实际上,对考试分数真正起作用的词汇不是那些词频超过6、7次的单词,那些词基本上大家都会,而恰恰是那些出现过l、2次的单词。它们是构成分数区分度的同汇。 本书只标出普通词和高频词,而不是传统的用角标来标注词频从而让考生产生对单词不必要的歧视。背诵后期尤其希望对高频(词频≥1)词汇共4841个有比较清晰的认识,具体请参考附录,附录中以蓝色标注出了这些高频词汇。 为精确理解词义而编排的英文解释对一些单词比较适用,但对于很多名词或汉语含义非常清晰明确的词汇,再配以英文解释有蛇足之嫌,顾而本书只对需要快速精确理解词义的词汇给出了英文解释。 本书根据GRE词汇考核的特点设计了反义词连线题,凡是在正文词条中给出反义词的词汇学习者应该特别注意,背诵的时候需要重点记忆。在某些List的练习中也会有词义连线题。另有一些词对于阅读理解和填空有重要的意义,我们特地设计了选词填空练习,来帮助大家快速应用刚学习的单词,实验结果表明,经过练习的词汇,记忆效果更清晰、更长久。 本书因按照学科和意群分类,所采用分类多为原创,大家想找寻某个单词恐怕不能一下子翻到,这时请使用附录中的词汇表来检索。为提高纸面的表现效率,此词汇表和前面提到的词频表为同一个附录。
  • Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition

    作者:Inc. Merriam-Webster

    Merriam Webster is proud to announce the arrival of its most famous dictionary, now completely revised and updated. The features of the dictionary now include: 225,000 clear and precise definitions More than 40,000 word-use examples More than 7500 phrases and idions The Merriam Webster Collegiate is a great learning too: It features a comprehensive coverage of all fields of knowledge 165,000 entries with correct spellings and pronunciations More than 700 illustrations, tables and diagrams for at-a-glance information The CD edition comes complete with the book and a free one year subscription to Merriam-WebsterCollegiate.com. The new Eleventh Edition of America's best-selling dictionary merges print, CD-ROM, and Internet-based formats to deliver unprecedented accessibility and flexibility at one affordable price. Fully revised print content features more than 225,000 clear and precise definitions and more than 10,000 words and meanings. Includes easily installable CD-ROM and free one-year subscription to new Collegiate Web site. The first Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (M-W) was published in 1898, and the tenth edition had a copyright date of 1993. The eleventh edition brings many new words, a CD-ROM, and a free one-year subscription to Merriam-Webster Collegiate.com, which includes the text of the dictionary as well as the Collegiate Thesaurus, Collegiate Encyclopedia, and Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary. Now for the numbers. M-W has a paper file of 15,700,000 citations from which their lexicographers chose 10,000 new words, for a total of 165,000 entries and 225,000 definitions. There are 100,000 "changes" from the tenth edition. Users asked for more usage examples and idioms and phrases, so there are now 40,000 examples and a "significant" increase in idioms. There are 91,000 pronunciations, 33,000 etymologies, 2,700 illustrative quotations, 650 foreign words and phrases, and 700 illustrations. As the world rushes on, so does the time taken for words to become accepted. It used to be at least ten years before a new word was considered for inclusion; now it may take as few as four years. M-W staff certainly have become the purveyors of the words that we use. Terms added to this edition include Botox, comb-over, crunch-exercise, dead-cat bounce, dead presidents, dead tree, def, exfoliant, gimme cap, identity theft, phat, and tweener. As would be expected, some entries had to be eliminated because words are invented faster than they go out of favor. Anyone seeking definitions of record changer and pantdress will need an unabridged or older dictionary. M-W still includes separate sections for geographical and biographical names, but abbreviations are now interfiled in the main section. Perhaps the next edition will interfile the other two sections. Criticisms of the eleventh edition are mostly cosmetic. The use of photographs and shaded boxes for usage notes would make it more attractive to users. There are, however, more than 200 new black-and-white line drawings. The Col legiate Dictionary's closest competitor, the American Heritage College Dictionary (4th ed.), published last year, makes good use of photographs and illustrations in the margins. It contains a number of words (gangsta, goth) that are also new to this edition of M-W. The online version has a number of search options, including a reverse dictionary (if you can think of the correct words), the etymology of words, and those that are the same part of speech. The most interesting option is the date feature. Paging through the words attributed to a particular year is a definite retrospective of recollections. Words of 1980 include balsamic vinegar, exit poll, NIMBY, and ziplock. An improvement to the online version would be a search button so the back button doesn't need to be used as much. It would be less cumbersome if the illustrations were included with the definitions rather than requiring another click. Because the one-year free subscription to the online version is only mentioned on the dust jacket, some users will fail to see it. Unfortunately, the free subscription is not available free to libraries or schools. One wonders if the CD-ROM is really necessary because it provides only basic searching. For serious dictionary collections and fans of dictionaries from this venerable publisher, now in partnership with Britannica, the eleventh edition is a definite buy. With a list price of $25.95, it is a bargain for individuals. Libraries with limited budgets that purchased the American Heritage College Dictionary in 2002 may not need another college dictionary this year. RBB Since 1937. Merriam-Webster is America's foremost publisher of language-related reference works. The company publishes a diverse array of print and electronic products, including Merriam-Webster's Collegiate? Dictionary, Eleventh Edition – America's best-selling desk dictionary – and Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Merriam-Webster can be considered the direct lexicographical heir of Noah Webster. In 1843, the company bought the rights to the 1841 edition of Webster's magnum opus, An American Dictionary of the English Language, Corrected and Enlarged. At the same time, they secured the rights to create revised editions of the work. Since that time, Merriam-Webster editors have carried forward Noah Webster's work, creating some of the most widely used and respected dictionaries and reference books in the world. length: (cm)25.1            width:(cm) 18.5
  • GRE阅读制胜法则


    GRE阅读制胜法则:多层结构法,ISBN:9787802563520,作者:陈虎平 编著
  • A History of Knowledge

    作者:Charles Van Doren

    A one-voume reference to the history of ideas that is a compendium of everything that humankind has thought, invented, created, considered, and perfected from the beginning of civilization into the twenty-first century. Massive in its scope, and yet totally accessible, A HISTORY OF KNOWLEDGE covers not only all the great theories and discoveries of the human race, but also explores the social conditions, political climates, and individual men and women of genius that brought ideas to fruition throughout history. "Crystal clear and concise...Explains how humankind got to know what it knows." Clifton Fadiman Selected by the Book-of-the-Month Club and the History Book Club
  • GRE & GMAT阅读难句教程


  • GRE&GMAT阅读难句教程


    《GRE & GMAT阅读难句教程》讲述了:任何一本以考试学习为目的的教学书籍,如果不能贴近实战,必为废品。《GRE & GMAT阅读难句教程》有两个目的:第一,训练读者在现场迅速读懂GRE和GMAT考试中出现的难句子的能力。第二,《GRE & GMAT阅读难句教程》也可以用作复习GRE和GMAT考试阅读部分的参考书,同学们可以在此查找到在文章中最难以理解的句子的详细解释(包括中文翻译和语法分析)。
  • GRE&GMAT阅读难句教程


    《GRE & GMAT阅读难句教程》讲述了:任何一本以考试学习为目的的教学书籍,如果不能贴近实战,必为废品。《GRE & GMAT阅读难句教程》有两个目的:第一,训练读者在现场迅速读懂GRE和GMAT考试中出现的难句子的能力。第二,《GRE & GMAT阅读难句教程》也可以用作复习GRE和GMAT考试阅读部分的参考书,同学们可以在此查找到在文章中最难以理解的句子的详细解释(包括中文翻译和语法分析)。
  • Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder

    作者:Mary W. Cornog

    Designed to achieve two goals: to add a large number of words to your permanent working vocabulary, and to teach the most useful of the classical word-building roots to help you continue expanding your vocabulary in the future. Greek and Latin have been the sources of most of the words in the English Language. You could find much fun in this book that some of the fashion words are come from an elegent sources dated back to thousands of years. Also, you could enjoy the infinite discovery through reading it, which is not merely a dictionary, but a wonderful educational and enlightening book.
  • 北美GRE范文精讲


    本书提供200多道GRE作文真题及其范文,精讲其中的近100篇,并分析总结了Issue和Argument高分写作技巧,指导你立竿见影地提高作文成绩。同时还帮助你揣摩评卷人的心理,使你真正做到知已知彼,百战不殆。 ·GRE写作备考方略 ·GRE写作的建议与禁忌 ·Issue特征、要则与写作流程 ·Argumrnt逻辑错误及应对策略 ·GRE写作评分、成绩通知和成绩评估
  • 北美GRE范文精讲


    本书提供200多道GRE作文真题及其范文,精讲其中的近100篇,并分析总结了Issue和Argument高分写作技巧,指导你立竿见影地提高作文成绩。同时还帮助你揣摩评卷人的心理,使你真正做到知已知彼,百战不殆。 ·GRE写作备考方略 ·GRE写作的建议与禁忌 ·Issue特征、要则与写作流程 ·Argumrnt逻辑错误及应对策略 ·GRE写作评分、成绩通知和成绩评估