

  • Hear the Wind Sing

    作者:Haruki Murakami

  • The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

    作者:Haruki Murakami

    在线阅读本书 Japan's most highly regarded novelist now vaults into the first ranks of international fiction writers with this heroically imaginative novel, which is at once a detective story, an account of a disintegrating marriage, and an excavation of the buried secrets of World War II. In a Tokyo suburb a young man named Toru Okada searches for his wife's missing cat.Soon he finds himself looking for his wife as well in a netherworld that lies beneath the placid surface of Tokyo.As these searches intersect, Okada encounters a bizarre group of allies and antagonists: a psychic prostitute; a malevolent yet mediagenic politician; a cheerfully morbid sixteen-year-old-girl; and an aging war veteran who has been permanently changed by the hideous things he witnessed during Japan's forgotten campaign in Manchuria. Gripping, prophetic, suffused with comedy and menace, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle is a tour de force equal in scope to the masterpieces of Mishima and Pynchon.
  • The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

    作者:Haruki Murakami

    Toru Okada's cat has disappeared and this has unsettled his wife, who is herself growing more distant every day. Then there are the increasingly explicit telephone calls he has started receiving. As this compelling story unfolds, the tidy suburban realities of Okada's vague and blameless life, spent cooking, reading, listening to jazz and opera and drinking beer at the kitchen table, are turned inside out, and he embarks on a bizarre journey, guided (however obscurely) by a succession of characters, each with a tale to tell. (20021018)
  • 「象の消滅」 短篇選集 1980-1991

    作者:村上 春樹

    ニューヨークが選んだ村上春樹の短篇集、2005年3月31日、日本上陸! 1993年Knopf 社で編集、出版された短篇選集『The Elephant Vanishes』は英語圏で好評を博し、ロング・セラーとなっている。その日本語版がついに刊行! 英語版から著者みずから翻訳を試みた、新バージョンの「レーダーホーゼン」など初期短篇17作品。更にNew Yorkerデビュー当時を振り返る書下ろしエッセイも収録した話題作。 ニューヨーカーに選ばれ、世界で読まれ、日本に再上陸した初期短篇の数々。アメリカデビュー当時を語るエッセイなど話題満載の短篇集。 「村上春樹はまずなにを読めばいい?」「短篇をいくつか読みたい。」そんなあなたへ贈る、ニューヨーカーが選んだ村上春樹の初期短篇集。
  • South of the Border, West of the Sun

    作者:Haruki Murakami

    Growing up in the suburbs in post-war Japan, it seemed to Hajime that everyone but him had brothers and sisters. His sole companion was Shimamoto, also an only child. Together they spent long afternoons listening to her father's record collection. But when his family moved away, the two lost touch. Now Hajime is in his thirties. After a decade of drifting he has found happiness with his loving wife and two daughters, and success running a jazz bar. Then Shimamoto reappears. She is beautiful, intense, enveloped in mystery. Hajime is catapulted into the past, putting at risk all he has in the present.
  • 人造卫星情人


  • おおきなかぶ、むずかしいアボカド 村上ラヂオ2


    1、人の悪口を具体的に書かない 2、言い訳や自慢をなるべく書かない 3、時事的な話題は避ける。これが村上春樹さんがエッセイを書く時に自ら課したルールだそうです。そんな法則に則って書かれた、どうでもいいようだけど、やっぱりどうにも読み過ごすことが出来ない、心に沁みる興味津々のエピソード。究極のジョギング・コース、オキーフのパイナップル、ギリシアの幽霊、あざらしのくちづけ、、、、うーん、なるほど。いやあ、ほんとに。マッサージのように、心のこりをときほぐしてくれるハートウォーミングな語り口。それに彩りを添えてくれるのは、大橋さんの美しい銅版画。10年ぶりに帰ってきた、アンアン連載の伝説のエッセイ『おおきなかぶ、むずかしいアボカド 村上ラヂオ2』。村上さん曰く「“日本でいちばんおいしいウーロン茶”を目指して書いた」エッセイ。肩の力を抜いて、気楽にご賞味ください。
  • Norwegian Wood. Haruki Murakami

    作者:Haruki Murakami

    When he hears her favourite Beatles song, Toru Watanabe recalls his first love Naoko, the girlfriend of his best friend Kizuki. Immediately he is transported back almost twenty years to his student days in Tokyo, adrift in a world of uneasy friendships, casual sex, passion, loss and desire - to a time when an impetuous young woman called Midori marches into his life and he has to choose between the future and the past.
  • 高墙与鸡蛋


  • 村上春樹 雑文集

    作者:村上 春樹

  • 和小澤征爾先生談音樂


    小說家向音樂大師討教 「這麼說來,我從來沒有好好談過這些事。」 對於貝多芬和馬勒的新詮釋、卡內基廳的戲劇性復活音樂會、分別與卡拉揚和伯恩斯坦共度的歲月,以及,為年輕世代所做的薪火傳承。 面對一心追求「心聲」的小說家,指揮家坦率地就音樂侃侃而談。 在東京、在世界各地、不同場所, 一起聽音樂,愉快地共度一段時光。 和舉世無雙的指揮家、輝煌的心靈深刻接觸 小說家謹記整理,留住珍貴的談話 好的音樂究竟是什麼?《和小澤征爾先生談音樂》一書,為村上春樹與小澤征爾圍繞著音樂這個主題之間的對談。他們談到了貝多芬第三號鋼琴協奏曲、歌劇、馬勒的音樂、小澤征爾的恩師齋藤秀雄,與卡拉揚、伯恩斯坦的過往回憶等。 本書是作為小澤征爾頭號粉絲的作家村上春樹,從二○一○年十一月開始到隔年七月,對小澤征爾所做的訪談文章;從日本東京、神奈川村上春樹的家中,到夏威夷、瑞士、日內瓦往巴黎的列車中,都有兩位名家對談音樂的軌跡。村上春樹就按著對談時的錄音,以及當時的記憶,動筆將兩人的談話化為文字。 但這既不是報導文學,也不是人物論,而是村上只想以「一個音樂愛好者,和小澤征爾這一位音樂家,盡可能直率、坦白地談出彼此對音樂的內心話。」另外,也寫到如今是頂尖指揮家也曾只能睡在電影院、在歌劇院指揮還被喝倒采的過往、唱片錄音的幕後花絮、法國號換氣的真相,以及,好的音樂和好的文章之間究竟有什麼共通的地方。 讀畢本書,看見一流指揮家那閃耀輝煌的心靈之時,彷彿也經歷了一場洗禮,享受了「美好的音樂」。
  • 村上春树的文学迷宫

    作者:日本洋泉社 编

    《村上春树的文学迷宫》全面盘点了村上春树出道三十余年来的创作,从小说、散文、翻译作品、游记、绘本到村上春树的采访等全部作品。从创作背景、创作趣闻、内容速读、重要语句、重要观点、解析到评论、关键词解惑等等,提炼和总结出了全部重点信息,可以帮助读者快速了解村上春树的创作脉络,快速看懂村上春树的作品,全面理解村上春树的作品。 本书文笔简洁有趣,大量的创作背景故事、趣闻以及对村上春树本人的喜好分析、相关知识线索的介绍丰富好看。在这本书中,你不仅可以看到村上春树,还可以看到爵士乐,看到卡佛,看到塞林格,看到菲茨杰拉德。看看人进中年才开始写小说的村上春树,是怎么从一个小小爵士乐酒吧老板变成世界顶级小说家的。
  • 后现代语境中的村上春树


    本书从目前国内外村上春树文学研究现状中所存在的问题出发,尝试结合宏观与微观视角,分析村上文学的思想内容与艺术形式。在梳理后现代语境中村上春树的成长及整体创作的基础上,将其重要作品放到村上文学的整体脉络中,以个案研究的方式,揭示村上小说在思想内容上的后现代特征以及艺术手法上的突破。 目录 : 中国“70后”的村上春树论 绪论 一、问题的缘起 二、村上文学的研究历史与现状 三、本书的目的及研究方法 第一章 后现代语境中的村上春树创作 第一节 村上春树的成长与日本后现代语境的形成 一、爱读书的关西少年 二、经营爵士乐酒吧的青年 第二节 作家村上春树 一、洗练的“都市文学”——第一个十年的创作 二、从“不介入”到“介入”——第二个十年的创作 三、寻求责任与拯救——进入新千年的创作 第三节 翻译家村上春树 一、作为爱好的翻译 二、翻译与创作 小结 第二章 村上春树小说的后现代特征与艺术突破 第一节 村上小说的后现代特征 一、对现代性的反思 二、书写历史的欲望 三、自我主题的承继 第二节 村上小说对日本现代文学的叙事变革 一、二分法与日本现代文学的叙事传统 二、“话语”的叙事变革 三、“故事”的叙事变革 小结 第三章 自我的形象化与他者化 第一节 在形象中探寻自我——论《世界尽头与冷酷仙境》 一、从“失败之作”到探寻自我的鸿篇巨制 二、自我认识的多元化 三、自我形象化的延伸 第二节 向他者投射自我——论《挪威的森林》 一、从“森高羊低”看《挪威的森林》的特殊性 二、在他者的投影中找寻自我 小结 第四章 历史的桥梁化与隐喻化 第一节 历史的桥梁作用——论《奇鸟行状录》 一、连带感与自我主题的深化 二、诺门罕战役的桥梁作用 三、绵谷升——历史与现实的交集点 第二节 历史的隐喻作用——论《海边的卡夫卡》 一、小森阳一的“精读” 二、隐喻——解读《海边的卡夫卡》的钥匙 小结 结论 参考文献 附录 后记
  • What I Talk About When I Talk About Running

    作者:Haruki Murakami

    An intimate look at writing, running, and the incredible way they intersect, from the incomparable, bestselling author Haruki Murakami. While simply training for New York City Marathon would be enough for most people, Haruki Murakami's decided to write about it as well. The result is a beautiful memoir about his intertwined obsessions with running and writing, full of vivid memories and insights, including the eureka moment when he decided to become a writer. By turns funny and sobering, playful and philosophical, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running is rich and revelatory, both for fans of this masterful yet guardedly private writer and for the exploding population of athletes who find similar satisfaction in athletic pursuit.
  • 挪威的森林(下)


  • Norwegian Wood

    作者:Haruki Murakami

  • Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman

    作者:Haruki Murakami

    An eclectic, eccentiric and altogether brain-bending new collection of short stories from the cult Japanese author. A young man accompanies his cousin to the hospital to check an unusual hearing complaint and recalls a story of a woman put to sleep by tiny flies crawling inside her ear; a mirror appears out of nowhere and a nightwatchman is unnerved as his reflection tries to take control of him; a couple’s relationship is unbalanced after dining exclusively on exquisite crab while on holiday; a man follows instructions on the back of a postcard to apply for a job, but an unknown password stands between him and his mysterious employer. In each one of these stories Murakami sidesteps the real and sprints for the surreal. Everyday events are transcended, leaving the reader dazzled by this master of his craft. Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman is Murakami’s most eclectic collection of stories to date, spanning five years of his writing. An introduction explains the diversity of the author's choice.
  • Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman

    作者:Haruki Murakami

    From the bestselling author of Kafka on the Shore and The Wind-up Bird Chronicles comes this superb collection of twenty-four stories that generously expresses Murakami’s mastery of the form.From the surreal to the mundane, these stories exhibit his ability to transform the full range of human experience in ways that are instructive, surprising, and relentlessly entertaining. Here are animated crows, a criminal monkey, and an iceman, as well as the dreams that shape us and the things we might wish for. Whether during a chance reunion in Italy, a romantic exile in Greece, a holiday in Hawaii, or in the grip of everyday life, Murakami’s characters confront grievous loss, or sexuality, or the glow of a firefly, or the impossible distances between those who ought to be closest of all.
  • After Dark

    作者:Murakami, Haruki

    The midnight hour approaches in an almost empty all-night diner. Mari sips her coffee and glances up from a book as a young man, a musician, intrudes on her solitude. Both have missed the last train home. The musician has plans to rehearse with his jazz band all night, Mari is equally unconcerned and content to read, smoke and drink coffee until dawn. They realise they've been acquainted through Eri, Mari's beautiful sister. The musician soon leaves with a promise to return before dawn. Shortly afterwards Mari will be interrupted a second time by a girl from the Alphaville Hotel; a Chinese prostitute has been hurt by a client, the girl has heard Mari speaks fluent Chinese and requests her help. Meanwhile Eri is at home and sleeps a deep, heavy sleep that is 'too perfect, too pure' to be normal; pulse and respiration at the lowest required level. She has been in this soporfic state for two months; Eri has become the classic myth - a sleeping beauty. But tonight as the digital clock displays 00:00 a faint electrical crackle is perceptible, a hint of life flickers across the TV screen, though the television's plug has been pulled. Murakami, acclaimed master of the surreal, returns with a stunning new novel, where the familiar can become unfamiliar after midnight, even to those that thrive in small hours. With "After Dark", we journey beyond the twilight, strange nocturnal happenings, or a trick of the night?
  • Birthday Stories

    作者:Haruki Murakami

    Birthday Stories, edited by Haruki Murakami, is a slight dose of morphine for those who are waiting for the English translation of his latest novel, Kafka on Shore. This "timeless anthology" of short stories brings the readers to see birthdays at different angles. There are sober birthdays, and also sweet ones. Stories are selected to provide a wide range of writing styles, from contemporary writer Andrea Lee and Ethan Canin to the famous Raymond Craver, Paul Theroux and Murakami himself. Personally, my favourite picks in the book include: "The Moor" by Russell Banks (a man meeting a woman accidentally on her birthday thirty years later and a love affair involving an age difference of decades is revisited); "Timothy's Birthday" (about how Timothy draws away from his parents after his homoosexual partner died in the previous year); "The Birthday Cake" by Daniel Lyons (a mother who insists on not giving away a cake for their children who are not coming home for celebration); "The Bath" by Raymond Craver (the parental worries on concern on the car accdient of their beloved birthday son; the ending is particularly thought-provoking) and "Close to the Water's Edge" by Claire Keegan (an eminent Harvard student failing to change his lifestyle on his birthday). The first book I picked up by Ethan Canin was his collection of short stories called The Palace Thief. His writing style already haunted me at that time. What amazes me more in his "Angel of Mercy, Angel of Wrath" is his fast-paced plot and the delicate treatment of the psychology of a paranoid and ignored birthday mother. The dialogues are simple but powerful, short by revealing. Let's talk about the dose of Murakami morphine. His story "Birthday Girl" is simple and consise to bring out the message that no matter what we wish on our birthdays, we are still what we are. Wishes for a change in fact do not, or cannot, change anything at all". This is similar to the everything-happens-for-a-reason theory in Wild Sheel Chase. The birthday girl in the story does not tell the narrator what she wished on her 20th birthday. Does it matter? Her life still goes on like normal.(Remind me of the ending shot in Lost in Translation!) This anthology is a fast-read. All the stories in the anthology are very solid, nothing pretentious. It is definitely one of the books you may pick out if you have no dates on the forthcoming birthday - a great birthday companion. What should be mentioned here is the poem (or lyrics?) written by Paul Simon at the beginning of the anthology - "Have a good time". How many of us really had a good time on our past birthdays? Or how many of us expected so? Will we have a (un)happy birthday next year? We don't know. But the characters in the stories tell us that they have something to grasp on theirs - the readers.