

  • FreeBSD Handbook

    作者:Murray Stokely,Nik C

  • UNIX 入门经典


    Unix操作系统是目前一些常用平台(如Mac OS X 和Linux)的基础。本书将讨论Unix的基础知识以及日益流行的Sun Solaris和BSD平台的基础知识。 首先,读者将学习Unix术语、核心概念、方法以及怎样登陆和退出系统,然后开始定制工作环境并学习命令,最后将学习如何管理进程、处理安全事务、使用Perl脚本自动处理任务,以及如何安装Unix程序和备份数据等内容。 本书涵盖了Unix操作系统的各个方面的内容,其独特之处在于包含了Unix的派生系统和一个独有的转换章节,深入讨论了Unix的基础知识以及日益流行的Sun Solaris和BSD平台的基础知识。 本书适用于任何对Unix操作系统感兴趣的读者。虽然本书是一本入门级图书,但对于那些已经具有一定Unix知识的读者,仍颇具实用价值,另外,如果读者希望将Mac OS或Windows中的相关知识转换到Unix或其派生版本中,本书也可以作为一本优秀的参考手册。
  • Unix Network Programming, Volume 1

    作者:W. Richard Stevens,B

    This is THE guide to UNIX network programming APIs. Whether you write Web servers, client/server applications, or any other network software, you need to understand networking APIS-especially sockets in greater detail than ever before. You need UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1, Third Edition. In this book, the Authors offer unprecedented, start-to-finish guidance on making the most of sockets, the de facto standard for UNIX network programming with APIs - as well as extensive coverage of the X/Open Transport Interface (XTI).
  • Unix Network Programming, Volume 1

    作者:W. Richard Stevens,B

    This is THE guide to UNIX network programming APIs. Whether you write Web servers, client/server applications, or any other network software, you need to understand networking APIS-especially sockets in greater detail than ever before. You need UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1, Third Edition. In this book, the Authors offer unprecedented, start-to-finish guidance on making the most of sockets, the de facto standard for UNIX network programming with APIs - as well as extensive coverage of the X/Open Transport Interface (XTI).
  • Bash Cookbook

    作者:Carl Albing,JP Vosse

    The key to mastering any Unix system, especially Linux and Mac OS X, is a thorough knowledge of shell scripting. Scripting is a way to harness and customize the power of any Unix system, and it's an essential skill for any Unix users, including system administrators and professional OS X developers. But beneath this simple promise lies a treacherous ocean of variations in Unix commands and standards. bash Cookbook teaches shell scripting the way Unix masters practice the craft. It presents a variety of recipes and tricks for all levels of shell programmers so that anyone can become a proficient user of the most common Unix shell -- the bash shell -- and cygwin or other popular Unix emulation packages. Packed full of useful scripts, along with examples that explain how to create better scripts, this new cookbook gives professionals and power users everything they need to automate routine tasks and enable them to truly manage their systems -- rather than have their systems manage them.
  • UNIX 高级教程--系统技术内幕

    作者:(美)Uresh Vahalia

    内容提要 本书从系统设计的角度讲述UNIX操作系统技术内幕。 全书介绍了各种商用的和研究性的UNIX变体,对每一个核心部件,探究其结构和设计,然 后讲述大部分的系统是如何实现这些部件的以及各种实现方案的优缺点。它使读者以一种审视 的眼光考察系统,这种比较方法是本书的独到之处。 全书内容共分17章。第1章~第2章追溯UNIX系统的发展,介绍传统UNIX的进程和内 核结构。第3章~第7章介绍SVR4,4.4BSD,Solaris2.x及DigitalUNIX等现代UNIX系统的 特征。第8章~第11章讨论文件系统。第12章~第15章介绍内存管理。最后两章讨论I/o系 统。本书每一章都附有练习和参考文献,启发读者进一步的思考和研究,加深了解系统设计。 本书适于作为高年级本科生和研究生操作系统课教材,也可供操作系统开发人员及系统管 理员参考使用。
  • UNIX程序设计艺术


    编写更好的软件:30年UNIX开发经验的结晶! 本书是作者封笔30年后历时5年创作而成,是一部难得的软件工程方面的佳作。作者首次将哲学、设计模式、工具、文化和传统结合在一起,使得UNIX成为世界上最好且最创新意义的软件,并展示了如何将其拓展到Linux和当今的开源(open-source)运动中。通过取自最主要的开源项目中的示例,作者向UNIX和Linux编程人员展示了如何更巧妙地创建软件,使其更雅致、更灵巧、更具可重用性且具有更长的生命期。 Raymond借鉴了以下13位UNIX先锋人物的观点: Ken Thompson,UNIX的发明者 Ken Arnold,4BSD UNIX的创建者之一,也是《The Java Programming Language》的作者之一。 Steven M.Bellovin,Usenet的创始人之一,也是《Firewalls and Internel Security》的作者之一。 Stuart Feldman,贝尔实验室UNIX开发组成员,也是《make》和《f77》的作者。 Jim gettys和Keith Packard,X视窗系统的主创人员。 Steve Johnson,《yacc》和《Portable C Compiler》两书的作者。 Brian Kernighan《The C Programming Language》、《The UNIX Programming Environment》及《The Practice of Programming》等几本书的作者之一,也是awk编程语言的作者之一。 David Korn,korn shell的创始人,也是《The New Korn Shell Command and Programming Language》的作者。 Mike Lesk,贝尔实验室开发组成员,ms宏包、tbl和refer工具以及lex与UUCP的作者 Doug Mcllroy,贝尔实验室研究组主任,UNIX即诞生于此;同时他还是UNIX管道的发明者。 Marshall Kirk McKusick,4.2BSD快速文件系统的开发者,4.3BSD和4.4BSD开发组的领导。 Henry Spencer,早期UNIX开发者中的佼佼者,他创建了getopt、第一个开源字符串库以及用于4.4BSD的正则表达式引擎。 “Reading this book has filled a gap in my education. I feel a sense of completion, understand that UNIX is really a style of community. Now I get it, at least I get it one level deeper than I ever did before. This book came at a perfect moment for me, a moment when I shifted from visualizing programs as things to programs as the shadows cast by communities. From this perspective, Eric makes UNIX make perfect sense。” 作者简介: Eric S.Raymond多年前即从事NUIX开发。他以开源社区巡回大使的身份而著称。他在著名的《The Cathedral and the Bazaar》、《大教堂和市集》中发表了开源运动的宣言,并且还编著了《The New Hacker's Dictionary》一书。
  • FreeBSD操作系统设计与实现


    FreeBSD操作系统设计与实现,ISBN:9787115136855,作者:(美)(Marshall, K.M.)著
  • Unix/Linux编程实践教程

    作者:Bruce Molay,杨宗源,黄海涛

    操作系统是计算机最重要的系统软件。Unix操作系统历经了几十年,至今仍是主流的操作系统。本书通过解释Unix的工作原理,循序渐进地讲解实现Unix中系统命令的方法,让读者理解并逐步精通Unix系统编程,进而具有编制Unix应用程序的能力。书中采用启发式、举一反三、图示讲解等多种方法讲授,语言生动、结构合理、易于理解。每一章后均附有大量的习题和编程练习,以供参考。 本书适合作为高等院校计算机及相关专业的教材和教学参考书,亦可作为有一定系统编程基础的开发人员的自学教材和参考手册。
  • Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment (2nd Edition)

    作者:W. Richard Stevens,S

    "Stephen Rago's update is a long overdue benefit to the community of professionals using the versatile family of UNIX and UNIX-like operating environments. It removes obsolescence and includes newer developments. It also thoroughly updates the context of all topics, examples, and applications to recent releases of popular implementations of UNIX and UNIX-like environments. And yet, it does all this while retaining the style and taste of the original classic."--Mukesh Kacker, cofounder and former CTO of Pronto Networks, Inc."One of the essential classics of UNIX programming."--Eric S. Raymond, author of The Art of UNIX Programming"This is the definitive reference book for any serious or professional UNIX systems programmer. Rago has updated and extended the classic Stevens text while keeping true to the original. The APIs are illuminated by clear examples of their use. He also mentions many of the pitfalls to look out for when programming across different UNIX system implementations and points out how to avoid these pitfalls using relevant standards such as POSIX 1003.1, 2004 edition and the Single UNIX Specification, Version 3."--Andrew Josey, Director, Certification, The Open Group, and Chair of the POSIX 1003.1 Working Group"Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment, Second Edition, is an essential reference for anyone writing programs for a UNIX system. It's the first book I turn to when I want to understand or re-learn any of the various system interfaces. Stephen Rago has successfully revised this book to incorporate newer operating systems such as GNU/Linux and Apple's OS X while keeping true to the first edition in terms of both readability and usefulness. It will always have a place right next to my computer."--Dr. Benjamin Kuperman, Swarthmore CollegePraise for the First Edition"Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment is a must-have for any serious C programmer who works under UNIX. Its depth, thoroughness, and clarity of explana-tion are unmatched."--UniForum Monthly"Numerous readers recommended Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment by W. Richard Stevens (Addison-Wesley), and I'm glad they did; I hadn't even heard of this book, and it's been out since 1992. I just got my hands on a copy, and the first few chapters have been fascinating."--Open Systems Today"A much more readable and detailed treatment of UNIX internals can be found in Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment by W. Richard Stevens (Addison-Wesley). This book includes lots of realistic examples, and I find it quite helpful when I have systems programming tasks to do."--RS/Magazine"This is the definitive reference book for any serious or professional UNIX systems programmer. Rago has updated and extended the original Stevens classic while keeping true to the original."--Andrew Josey, Director, Certification, The Open Group, and Chair of the POSIX 1003.1 Working GroupFor over a decade, serious C programmers have relied on one book for practical, in-depth knowledge of the programming interfaces that drive the UNIX and Linux kernels: W. Richard Stevens' Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment. Now, Stevens' colleague Stephen Rago has thoroughly updated this classic to reflect the latest technical advances and add support for today's leading UNIX and Linux platforms.Rago carefully retains the spirit and approach that made this book a classic. Building on Stevens' work, he begins with basic topics such as files, directories, and processes, carefully laying the groundwork for understanding more advanced techniques, such as signal handling and terminal I/O.Substantial new material includes chapters on threads and multithreaded programming, using the socket interface to drive interprocess communication (IPC), and extensive coverage of the interfaces added to the latest version of the POSIX.1 standard. Nearly all examples have been tested on four of today's most widely used UNIX/Linux platforms: FreeBSD 5.2.1; the Linux 2.4.22 kernel; Solaris 9; and Darwin 7.4.0, the FreeBSD/Mach hybrid underlying Apple's Mac OS X 10.3.As in the first edition, you'll learn through example, including more than 10,000 lines of downloadable, ANSI C source code. More than 400 system calls and functions are demonstrated with concise, complete programs that clearly illustrate their usage, arguments, and return values. To tie together what you've learned, the book presents several chapter-length case studies, each fully updated for contemporary environments.Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment has helped a generation of programmers write code with exceptional power, performance, and reliability. Now updated for today's UNIX/Linux systems, this second edition will be even more indispensable.
  • Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment (2nd Edition)

    作者:W. Richard Stevens,S

    "Stephen Rago's update is a long overdue benefit to the community of professionals using the versatile family of UNIX and UNIX-like operating environments. It removes obsolescence and includes newer developments. It also thoroughly updates the context of all topics, examples, and applications to recent releases of popular implementations of UNIX and UNIX-like environments. And yet, it does all this while retaining the style and taste of the original classic."--Mukesh Kacker, cofounder and former CTO of Pronto Networks, Inc."One of the essential classics of UNIX programming."--Eric S. Raymond, author of The Art of UNIX Programming"This is the definitive reference book for any serious or professional UNIX systems programmer. Rago has updated and extended the classic Stevens text while keeping true to the original. The APIs are illuminated by clear examples of their use. He also mentions many of the pitfalls to look out for when programming across different UNIX system implementations and points out how to avoid these pitfalls using relevant standards such as POSIX 1003.1, 2004 edition and the Single UNIX Specification, Version 3."--Andrew Josey, Director, Certification, The Open Group, and Chair of the POSIX 1003.1 Working Group"Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment, Second Edition, is an essential reference for anyone writing programs for a UNIX system. It's the first book I turn to when I want to understand or re-learn any of the various system interfaces. Stephen Rago has successfully revised this book to incorporate newer operating systems such as GNU/Linux and Apple's OS X while keeping true to the first edition in terms of both readability and usefulness. It will always have a place right next to my computer."--Dr. Benjamin Kuperman, Swarthmore CollegePraise for the First Edition"Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment is a must-have for any serious C programmer who works under UNIX. Its depth, thoroughness, and clarity of explana-tion are unmatched."--UniForum Monthly"Numerous readers recommended Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment by W. Richard Stevens (Addison-Wesley), and I'm glad they did; I hadn't even heard of this book, and it's been out since 1992. I just got my hands on a copy, and the first few chapters have been fascinating."--Open Systems Today"A much more readable and detailed treatment of UNIX internals can be found in Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment by W. Richard Stevens (Addison-Wesley). This book includes lots of realistic examples, and I find it quite helpful when I have systems programming tasks to do."--RS/Magazine"This is the definitive reference book for any serious or professional UNIX systems programmer. Rago has updated and extended the original Stevens classic while keeping true to the original."--Andrew Josey, Director, Certification, The Open Group, and Chair of the POSIX 1003.1 Working GroupFor over a decade, serious C programmers have relied on one book for practical, in-depth knowledge of the programming interfaces that drive the UNIX and Linux kernels: W. Richard Stevens' Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment. Now, Stevens' colleague Stephen Rago has thoroughly updated this classic to reflect the latest technical advances and add support for today's leading UNIX and Linux platforms.Rago carefully retains the spirit and approach that made this book a classic. Building on Stevens' work, he begins with basic topics such as files, directories, and processes, carefully laying the groundwork for understanding more advanced techniques, such as signal handling and terminal I/O.Substantial new material includes chapters on threads and multithreaded programming, using the socket interface to drive interprocess communication (IPC), and extensive coverage of the interfaces added to the latest version of the POSIX.1 standard. Nearly all examples have been tested on four of today's most widely used UNIX/Linux platforms: FreeBSD 5.2.1; the Linux 2.4.22 kernel; Solaris 9; and Darwin 7.4.0, the FreeBSD/Mach hybrid underlying Apple's Mac OS X 10.3.As in the first edition, you'll learn through example, including more than 10,000 lines of downloadable, ANSI C source code. More than 400 system calls and functions are demonstrated with concise, complete programs that clearly illustrate their usage, arguments, and return values. To tie together what you've learned, the book presents several chapter-length case studies, each fully updated for contemporary environments.Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment has helped a generation of programmers write code with exceptional power, performance, and reliability. Now updated for today's UNIX/Linux systems, this second edition will be even more indispensable.
  • UNIX网络编程 : 第2版. 第2卷, 进程间通信(中文版)

    作者:(美)W. Richard Steven

    两卷本的《UNIX网络编程》是已故著名技术作家W. Richard Stevens的传世之作。卷2着重讨论如何让应用程序与在其他机器上的应用程序进行对话。良好的进程间通信(IPC)机制是提高UNIX程序性能的关键。本书全面深入地讲解了各种进程间通信形式,包括消息传递、同步、共享内存及远程调用(RPC)。书中包含了大量经过优化的源代码,帮助读者加深理解。这些源代码可以从图灵网站本书网页免费注册下载。 本书是网络研究和开发人员公认的权威参考书,深入理解本书内容,方能设计出良好的UNIX软件。
  • Software Tools

    作者:Brian W. Kernighan,P

  • TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1 (2nd Edition)

    作者:Kevin W. Fall,W. Ric

    TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1, Second Edition, is a detailed and visual guide to today’s TCP/IP protocol suite. Fully updated for the newest innovations, it demonstrates each protocol in action through realistic examples from modern Linux, Windows, and Mac OS environments. There’s no better way to discover why TCP/IP works as it does, how it reacts to common conditions, and how to apply it in your own applications and networks. Building on the late W. Richard Stevens’ classic first edition, author Kevin R. Fall adds his cutting-edge experience as a leader in TCP/IP protocol research, updating the book to fully reflect the latest protocols and best practices. He first introduces TCP/IP’s core goals and architectural concepts, showing how they can robustly connect diverse networks and support multiple services running concurrently. Next, he carefully explains Internet addressing in both IPv4 and IPv6 networks. Then, he walks through TCP/IP’s structure and function from the bottom up: from link layer protocols–such as Ethernet and Wi-Fi–through network, transport, and application layers. Fall thoroughly introduces ARP, DHCP, NAT, firewalls, ICMPv4/ICMPv6, broadcasting, multicasting, UDP, DNS, and much more. He offers extensive coverage of reliable transport and TCP, including connection management, timeout, retransmission, interactive data flow, and congestion control. Finally, he introduces the basics of security and cryptography, and illuminates the crucial modern protocols for protecting security and privacy, including EAP, IPsec, TLS, DNSSEC, and DKIM. Whatever your TCP/IP experience, this book will help you gain a deeper, more intuitive understanding of the entire protocol suite so you can build better applications and run more reliable, efficient networks.
  • UNIX环境高级编程(第3版)

    作者:史蒂文斯 (W.Richard Stev

    《UNIX环境高级编程(第3版)》是被誉为UNIX编程“圣经”的Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment一书的第3版。在本书第2版出版后的8年中,UNIX行业发生了巨大的变化,特别是影响UNIX编程接口的有关标准变化很大。本书在保持前一版风格的基础上,根据最新的标准对内容进行了修订和增补,反映了最新的技术发展。书中除了介绍UNIX文件和目录、标准I/O库、系统数据文件和信息、进程环境、进程控制、进程关系、信号、线程、线程控制、守护进程、各种I/O、进程间通信、网络IPC、伪终端等方面的内容,还在此基础上介绍了众多应用实例,包括如何创建数据库函数库以及如何与网络打印机通信等。此外,还在附录中给出了函数原型和部分习题的答案。 《UNIX环境高级编程(第3版)》内容权威,概念清晰,阐述精辟,对于所有层次UNIX/Linux程序员都是一本不可或缺的参考书。 适读人群 :所有层次UNIX/Linux程序员 20多年来,严谨的C程序员都是依靠一本书来深入了解驱动UNIX和Linux内核的编程接口的实用知识的,这本书就是W. Richard Stevens所著的《UNIX高级环境编程》。现在,Stevens的同事Steve Rago彻底更新了这本经典著作。新的第3版支持当今领先的系统平台,反映了最新技术进展和最佳实践,并且符合最新的Single UNIX Specification第4版(SUSv4)。 Rago保留了使本书前版成为经典之作的精髓和方法。他在Stevens原著的基础上,从基础的文件、目录和进程讲起,并给诸如信号处理和终端I/O之类的先进技术保留较大的篇幅。他还深入讨论了线程和多线程编程、使用套接字接口驱动进程间通信(IPC)等方面的内容。 这一版涵盖了70多个最新版POSIX.1标准的新增接口,包括POSIX异步I/O、旋转锁、屏障(barrier)和POSIX信号量。此外,这一版删除了许多过时的接口,保留了一些广泛使用的接口。书中几乎所有实例都已经在目前最主流的4个平台上测试过,包括Solaris 10、Mac OS X 10.6.8(Darwin 10.8.0)、FressBSD 8.0、Ubuntu 12.04(基于Linux 3.2内核)。 与前两版一样,读者仍可以通过实例学习,这些实例包括了1万多行可下载的ISO C源代码,书中通过简明但完整的程序阐述了400多个系统调用和函数,清楚地说明它们的用法、参数和返回值。为了使读者能融会贯通,书中还提供了几个贯穿整章的案例,每个案例都根据现在的技术环境进行了全面更新。 《UNIX环境高级编程(第3版)》帮助了几代程序员写出强大、高性能、可靠的代码。第3版根据当今主流系统进行更新,更具实用价值。 精彩书评: 本书第1版连同Stevens所著的系列网络技术书籍,被公认为优秀的、匠心独具的名著,成为极其畅销的作品……总之,这是一本弥足珍贵的经典著作的更新版。 ——Dennis Ritchie,图灵奖得主,UNIX操作系统和C语言之父 对任何一个严谨的、专业的UNIX系统程序员而言,本书都是不可或缺的权威参考书。Rago更新和扩展了Stevens的经典著作,并保持了原书的风貌。书中利用清晰的实例演示了API的使用过程,还提到了许多在不同UNIX系统实现上编程时需要注意的陷阱,并指出如何使用相关的标准(如POSIX 1003.1 2004版和Single UNIX Specification第3版)来避免这些错误。 ——Andrew Josey, The Open Group标准部门主管,POSIX 1003.1标准工作组主席 绝对的UNIX编程经典之一。 ——Eric S. Raymond,《UNIX编程艺术》作者 Stephen Rago的更新版本对于使用众多UNIX及相关操作系统环境的广大专业用户来说是一个迟来的喜讯。这一版不仅删除了过时的接口,吸纳了较新的开发接口,还根据UNIX及类UNIX操作系统环境的几种主流实现发布的新版本全面更新了所有主题、实例和应用的背景。难能可贵的是,这一版本还保持了经典的第1版的风格和品位。 ——Mukesh Kacker,Pronto Networks公司联合创始人和前任CTO 本书对于任何在UNIX系统上编写程序的开发人员来说都是非常重要的参考书。当我想要了解或者重新回顾各种系统接口时,这本书是首选的求助工具。Stephen Rago成功地修订了本书,使其与新的操作系统(如GNU/Linux和苹果的OS X)相容,并保持了第1版易读和实用的特质。它将永远摆放在我桌上随手可及的位置。 ——Benjamin Kuperman博士,斯沃斯莫尔学院 这是每一位严谨的UNIX C程序员必备的书籍。它深入、全面、清晰的解释是无可匹敌的。 ——UniForum Monthly 从W. Richard Stevens的这本书中可以找到更多易于理解的、详尽的UNIX系统内部细节。这本书包含了大量实际的例子,对系统编程工作非常有益。 ——RS/Magazine
  • Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment

    作者:W. Richard Stevens,S

    "Stephen Rago's update is a long overdue benefit to the community of professionals using the versatile family of UNIX and UNIX-like operating environments. It removes obsolescence and includes newer developments. It also thoroughly updates the context of all topics, examples, and applications to recent releases of popular implementations of UNIX and UNIX-like environments. And yet, it does all this while retaining the style and taste of the original classic." --Mukesh Kacker, cofounder and former CTO of Pronto Networks, Inc. "One of the essential classics of UNIX programming." --Eric S. Raymond, author of The Art of UNIX Programming "This is the definitive reference book for any serious or professional UNIX systems programmer. Rago has updated and extended the classic Stevens text while keeping true to the original. The APIs are illuminated by clear examples of their use. He also mentions many of the pitfalls to look out for when programming across different UNIX system implementations and points out how to avoid these pitfalls using relevant standards such as POSIX 1003.1, 2004 edition and the Single UNIX Specification, Version 3." --Andrew Josey, Director, Certification, The Open Group, and Chair of the POSIX 1003.1 Working Group "Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment, Second Edition, is an essential reference for anyone writing programs for a UNIX system. It's the first book I turn to when I want to understand or re-learn any of the various system interfaces. Stephen Rago has successfully revised this book to incorporate newer operating systems such as GNU/Linux and Apple's OS X while keeping true to the first edition in terms of both readability and usefulness. It will always have a place right next to my computer." --Dr. Benjamin Kuperman, Swarthmore College Praise for the First Edition "Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment is a must-have for any serious C programmer who works under UNIX. Its depth, thoroughness, and clarity of explana-tion are unmatched." --UniForum Monthly "Numerous readers recommended Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment by W. Richard Stevens (Addison-Wesley), and I'm glad they did; I hadn't even heard of this book, and it's been out since 1992. I just got my hands on a copy, and the first few chapters have been fascinating." --Open Systems Today "A much more readable and detailed treatment of UNIX internals can be found in Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment by W. Richard Stevens (Addison-Wesley). This book includes lots of realistic examples, and I find it quite helpful when I have systems programming tasks to do." --RS/Magazine "This is the definitive reference book for any serious or professional UNIX systems programmer. Rago has updated and extended the original Stevens classic while keeping true to the original." --Andrew Josey, Director, Certification, The Open Group, and Chair of the POSIX 1003.1 Working Group For over a decade, serious C programmers have relied on one book for practical, in-depth knowledge of the programming interfaces that drive the UNIX and Linux kernels: W. Richard Stevens' Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment. Now, Stevens' colleague Stephen Rago has thoroughly updated this classic to reflect the latest technical advances and add support for today's leading UNIX and Linux platforms. Rago carefully retains the spirit and approach that made this book a classic. Building on Stevens' work, he begins with basic topics such as files, directories, and processes, carefully laying the groundwork for understanding more advanced techniques, such as signal handling and terminal I/O. Substantial new material includes chapters on threads and multithreaded programming, using the socket interface to drive interprocess communication (IPC), and extensive coverage of the interfaces added to the latest version of the POSIX.1 standard. Nearly all examples have been tested on four of today's most widely used UNIX/Linux platforms: FreeBSD 5.2.1; the Linux 2.4.22 kernel; Solaris 9; and Darwin 7.4.0, the FreeBSD/Mach hybrid underlying Apple's Mac OS X 10.3. As in the first edition, you'll learn through example, including more than 10,000 lines of downloadable, ANSI C source code. More than 400 system calls and functions are demonstrated with concise, complete programs that clearly illustrate their usage, arguments, and return values. To tie together what you've learned, the book presents several chapter-length case studies, each fully updated for contemporary environments. Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment h
  • Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment

    作者:W. Richard Stevens,S

    "Stephen Rago's update is a long overdue benefit to the community of professionals using the versatile family of UNIX and UNIX-like operating environments. It removes obsolescence and includes newer developments. It also thoroughly updates the context of all topics, examples, and applications to recent releases of popular implementations of UNIX and UNIX-like environments. And yet, it does all this while retaining the style and taste of the original classic." --Mukesh Kacker, cofounder and former CTO of Pronto Networks, Inc. "One of the essential classics of UNIX programming." --Eric S. Raymond, author of The Art of UNIX Programming "This is the definitive reference book for any serious or professional UNIX systems programmer. Rago has updated and extended the classic Stevens text while keeping true to the original. The APIs are illuminated by clear examples of their use. He also mentions many of the pitfalls to look out for when programming across different UNIX system implementations and points out how to avoid these pitfalls using relevant standards such as POSIX 1003.1, 2004 edition and the Single UNIX Specification, Version 3." --Andrew Josey, Director, Certification, The Open Group, and Chair of the POSIX 1003.1 Working Group "Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment, Second Edition, is an essential reference for anyone writing programs for a UNIX system. It's the first book I turn to when I want to understand or re-learn any of the various system interfaces. Stephen Rago has successfully revised this book to incorporate newer operating systems such as GNU/Linux and Apple's OS X while keeping true to the first edition in terms of both readability and usefulness. It will always have a place right next to my computer." --Dr. Benjamin Kuperman, Swarthmore College Praise for the First Edition "Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment is a must-have for any serious C programmer who works under UNIX. Its depth, thoroughness, and clarity of explana-tion are unmatched." --UniForum Monthly "Numerous readers recommended Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment by W. Richard Stevens (Addison-Wesley), and I'm glad they did; I hadn't even heard of this book, and it's been out since 1992. I just got my hands on a copy, and the first few chapters have been fascinating." --Open Systems Today "A much more readable and detailed treatment of UNIX internals can be found in Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment by W. Richard Stevens (Addison-Wesley). This book includes lots of realistic examples, and I find it quite helpful when I have systems programming tasks to do." --RS/Magazine "This is the definitive reference book for any serious or professional UNIX systems programmer. Rago has updated and extended the original Stevens classic while keeping true to the original." --Andrew Josey, Director, Certification, The Open Group, and Chair of the POSIX 1003.1 Working Group For over a decade, serious C programmers have relied on one book for practical, in-depth knowledge of the programming interfaces that drive the UNIX and Linux kernels: W. Richard Stevens' Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment. Now, Stevens' colleague Stephen Rago has thoroughly updated this classic to reflect the latest technical advances and add support for today's leading UNIX and Linux platforms. Rago carefully retains the spirit and approach that made this book a classic. Building on Stevens' work, he begins with basic topics such as files, directories, and processes, carefully laying the groundwork for understanding more advanced techniques, such as signal handling and terminal I/O. Substantial new material includes chapters on threads and multithreaded programming, using the socket interface to drive interprocess communication (IPC), and extensive coverage of the interfaces added to the latest version of the POSIX.1 standard. Nearly all examples have been tested on four of today's most widely used UNIX/Linux platforms: FreeBSD 5.2.1; the Linux 2.4.22 kernel; Solaris 9; and Darwin 7.4.0, the FreeBSD/Mach hybrid underlying Apple's Mac OS X 10.3. As in the first edition, you'll learn through example, including more than 10,000 lines of downloadable, ANSI C source code. More than 400 system calls and functions are demonstrated with concise, complete programs that clearly illustrate their usage, arguments, and return values. To tie together what you've learned, the book presents several chapter-length case studies, each fully updated for contemporary environments. Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment h
  • Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment

    作者:W. Richard Stevens,S

    "Stephen Rago's update is a long overdue benefit to the community of professionals using the versatile family of UNIX and UNIX-like operating environments. It removes obsolescence and includes newer developments. It also thoroughly updates the context of all topics, examples, and applications to recent releases of popular implementations of UNIX and UNIX-like environments. And yet, it does all this while retaining the style and taste of the original classic." --Mukesh Kacker, cofounder and former CTO of Pronto Networks, Inc. "One of the essential classics of UNIX programming." --Eric S. Raymond, author of The Art of UNIX Programming "This is the definitive reference book for any serious or professional UNIX systems programmer. Rago has updated and extended the classic Stevens text while keeping true to the original. The APIs are illuminated by clear examples of their use. He also mentions many of the pitfalls to look out for when programming across different UNIX system implementations and points out how to avoid these pitfalls using relevant standards such as POSIX 1003.1, 2004 edition and the Single UNIX Specification, Version 3." --Andrew Josey, Director, Certification, The Open Group, and Chair of the POSIX 1003.1 Working Group "Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment, Second Edition, is an essential reference for anyone writing programs for a UNIX system. It's the first book I turn to when I want to understand or re-learn any of the various system interfaces. Stephen Rago has successfully revised this book to incorporate newer operating systems such as GNU/Linux and Apple's OS X while keeping true to the first edition in terms of both readability and usefulness. It will always have a place right next to my computer." --Dr. Benjamin Kuperman, Swarthmore College Praise for the First Edition "Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment is a must-have for any serious C programmer who works under UNIX. Its depth, thoroughness, and clarity of explana-tion are unmatched." --UniForum Monthly "Numerous readers recommended Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment by W. Richard Stevens (Addison-Wesley), and I'm glad they did; I hadn't even heard of this book, and it's been out since 1992. I just got my hands on a copy, and the first few chapters have been fascinating." --Open Systems Today "A much more readable and detailed treatment of UNIX internals can be found in Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment by W. Richard Stevens (Addison-Wesley). This book includes lots of realistic examples, and I find it quite helpful when I have systems programming tasks to do." --RS/Magazine "This is the definitive reference book for any serious or professional UNIX systems programmer. Rago has updated and extended the original Stevens classic while keeping true to the original." --Andrew Josey, Director, Certification, The Open Group, and Chair of the POSIX 1003.1 Working Group For over a decade, serious C programmers have relied on one book for practical, in-depth knowledge of the programming interfaces that drive the UNIX and Linux kernels: W. Richard Stevens' Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment. Now, Stevens' colleague Stephen Rago has thoroughly updated this classic to reflect the latest technical advances and add support for today's leading UNIX and Linux platforms. Rago carefully retains the spirit and approach that made this book a classic. Building on Stevens' work, he begins with basic topics such as files, directories, and processes, carefully laying the groundwork for understanding more advanced techniques, such as signal handling and terminal I/O. Substantial new material includes chapters on threads and multithreaded programming, using the socket interface to drive interprocess communication (IPC), and extensive coverage of the interfaces added to the latest version of the POSIX.1 standard. Nearly all examples have been tested on four of today's most widely used UNIX/Linux platforms: FreeBSD 5.2.1; the Linux 2.4.22 kernel; Solaris 9; and Darwin 7.4.0, the FreeBSD/Mach hybrid underlying Apple's Mac OS X 10.3. As in the first edition, you'll learn through example, including more than 10,000 lines of downloadable, ANSI C source code. More than 400 system calls and functions are demonstrated with concise, complete programs that clearly illustrate their usage, arguments, and return values. To tie together what you've learned, the book presents several chapter-length case studies, each fully updated for contemporary environments. Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment h
  • UNIX环境高级编程

    作者:W.Richard Stevens

        If you are an experienced C programmer with a working knowledge of UNIX, you cannot afford to be without this up-to -date tutorial on the system call interface and the most important functions found in the ANSI C library. Richard Stevens describes more than 200 system calls and functions; since he believes the best way to learn code is to read code,a brief example accompanies each description. Building upon information presented in the first 15 chapters, the author offers chapter-long examples teaching you how to create a database library, a PostScript printer driver, a modem dialer, and a program that runs other programs under a pseudo terminal. To make your analysis and understanding ofthis code even easier, and to allow you to modify it, all of the code in the book is available via UUNET. Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment is applicable to all major UNIX releases, especially System V Release the latest release of 4.3BSD, including 386BSD. These real-world implementations allow you to more clearly understand the status of the current and future standards,including IEEE POSIX and XPG3.
  • UNIX网络编程(第1卷)

    作者:[美] W. Richard Steve

    本书全面深入地讲述了套接口API网络编程的既成事实标准,对X/open传输接口API也作了广泛的介绍。本书从对套接口API的综合讨论开始,论述了基本编程内容后,即转入高级套接口编程的相关主题,包括IPv4与IPv6的互操作性;UNIX域协议、非阻塞I/O、路由套接口、广播、多播、线程、原始套接口、数据链路访向等,对于客户一服务程序的各种设计方法也作了完整的探讨。在叙述X/Open传输接口API时,还对记这种设备驱动机制作了深入分析。在附录中又给出了IPv6、ICMPV6、虚拟网络等新内容。 本书内容详尽且具权威性,几乎每章都提供精选的习题,是计算机和网络专业高年级本科生和研究生的首选教材。本书也可作为网络研究和开发人员的自学教材和参考书。