

  • 网络科学导论

    作者:汪小帆,李 翔,陈关荣

    对各种复杂网络的定量与定性特征的科学理解已成为网络时代科学研究中一个极其重要的挑战性课题,网络科学就是一门正在兴起的面对这一挑战的交叉性学科。本书致力于系统地介绍网络科学的基本概念、思想和方法,使得具有高等数学基础的读者都能够看懂,并具备把网络科学方法用于实际网络分析的能力。为此,本书没有过多地陷入数学和物理推导,而是更为关注网络科学的思维习惯和研究方式。本书在概要介绍了网络科学的背景和研究意义之后,分为四个部分详细介绍了网络基本概念、网络拓扑性质、网络拓扑模型和网络动力学。 本书适合作为研究生和高年级本科生的网络科学教材,也可供自然科学、工程技术科学和社会科学领域的研究人员与学生参考。
  • The Structure and Dynamics of Networks

    作者:Mark Newman,Albert-L

    From the Internet to networks of friendship, disease transmission, and even terrorism, the concept - and the reality - of networks has come to pervade modern society. But what exactly is a network? What different types of networks are there? Why are they interesting, and what can they tell us? In recent years, scientists from a range of fields - including mathematics, physics, computer science, sociology, and biology - have been pursuing these questions and building a new 'science of networks.' This book brings together, for the first time, a set of seminal articles representing research from across these disciplines. It is an ideal sourcebook for the key research in this fast-growing field. The book is organized into four sections, each preceded by an editors' introduction summarizing its contents and general theme. The first section sets the stage by discussing some of the historical antecedents of contemporary research in the area. From there the book moves to the empirical side of the science of networks before turning to the foundational modeling ideas that have been the focus of much subsequent activity. The book closes by taking the reader to the cutting edge of network science - the relationship between network structure and system dynamics. From network robustness to the spread of disease, this section offers a potpourri of topics on this rapidly expanding frontier of the new science.
  • Social Network Analysis

    作者:John P Scott

    The revised and updated edition of this bestselling text provides an accessible introduction to the theory and practice of network analysis in the social sciences. It gives a clear and authoritative guide to the general framework of network analysis, explaining the basic concepts, technical measures and reviewing the available computer programs.

    The book outlines both the theoretical basis of network analysis and the key techniques for using it as a research tool. Building upon definitions of points, lines and paths, John Scott demonstrates their use in clarifying such measures as density, fragmentation and centralization. He identifies the various cliques, components and circles into which networks are formed, and outlines an approach to the study of socially structured positions. He also discusses the use of multidimensional methods for investigating social networks.

    Social Network Analysis is an invaluable resource for researchers across the social sciences and for students of social theory and research methods.
  • The Filter Bubble

    作者:Eli Pariser

    In December 2009, Google began customizing its search results for each user. Instead of giving you the most broadly popular result, Google now tries to predict what you are most likely to click on. According to MoveOn.org board president Eli Pariser, Google's change in policy is symptomatic of the most significant shift to take place on the Web in recent years-the rise of personalization. In this groundbreaking investigation of the new hidden Web, Pariser uncovers how this growing trend threatens to control how we consume and share information as a society-and reveals what we can do about it.Though the phenomenon has gone largely undetected until now, personalized filters are sweeping the Web, creating individual universes of information for each of us. Facebook-the primary news source for an increasing number of Americans-prioritizes the links it believes will appeal to you so that if you are a liberal, you can expect to see only progressive links. Even an old-media bastion like T
  • Social and Economic Networks

    作者:Matthew O. Jackson

    Review Lucid and comprehensive, Jackson's book elegantly synthesizes several important strands of network science from sociology, physics, mathematics, computer science, and economics. It will be an immensely useful reference for researchers and students alike. (Duncan Watts, Columbia University ) Product Description Networks of relationships help determine the careers that people choose, the jobs they obtain, the products they buy, and how they vote. The many aspects of our lives that are governed by social networks make it critical to understand how they impact behavior, which network structures are likely to emerge in a society, and why we organize ourselves as we do. In Social and Economic Networks, Matthew Jackson offers a comprehensive introduction to social and economic networks, drawing on the latest findings in economics, sociology, computer science, physics, and mathematics. He provides empirical background on networks and the regularities that they exhibit, and discusses random graph-based models and strategic models of network formation. He helps readers to understand behavior in networked societies, with a detailed analysis of learning and diffusion in networks, decision making by individuals who are influenced by their social neighbors, game theory and markets on networks, and a host of related subjects. Jackson also describes the varied statistical and modeling techniques used to analyze social networks. Each chapter includes exercises to aid students in their analysis of how networks function. This book is an indispensable resource for students and researchers in economics, mathematics, physics, sociology, and business.
  • Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences)

    作者:Peter J. Carrington,

    Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis presents the most important developments in quantitative models and methods for analyzing social network data that have appeared during the 1990s. Intended as a complement to Wasserman and Faust's Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications, it is a collection of articles by leading methodologists reviewing advances in their particular areas of network methods. Reviewed are advances in network measurement, network sampling, the analysis of centrality, positional analysis or blockmodelling, the analysis of diffusion through networks, the analysis of affiliation or 'two-mode' networks, the theory of random graphs, dependence graphs, exponential families of random graphs, the analysis of longitudinal network data, graphical techniques for exploring network data, and software for the analysis of social networks.
  • C++ Network Programming, Volume I

    作者:Douglas C. Schmidt,S

    As networks, devices, and systems continue to evolve, software engineers face the unique challenge of creating reliable distributed applications within frequently changing environments. C++ Network Programming, Volume 1, provides practical solutions for developing and optimizing complex distributed systems using the ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE), a revolutionary open-source framework that runs on dozens of hardware platforms and operating systems. This book guides software professionals through the traps and pitfalls of developing efficient, portable, and flexible networked applications. It explores the inherent design complexities of concurrent networked applications and the tradeoffs that must be considered when working to master them. C++ Network Programming begins with an overview of the issues and tools involved in writing distributed concurrent applications. The book then provides the essential design dimensions, patterns, and principles needed to develop flexible and efficient concurrent networked applications. The book's expert author team shows you how to enhance design skills while applying C++ and patterns effectively to develop object-oriented networked applications. Readers will find coverage of: * C++ network programming, including an overview and strategies for addressing common development challenges The ACE Toolkit * Connection protocols, message exchange, and message-passing versus shared memory * Implementation methods for reusable networked application services * Concurrency in object-oriented network programming * Design principles and patterns for ACE wrapper facades With this book, C++ developers have at their disposal the most complete toolkit available for developing successful, multiplatform, concurrent networked applications with ease and efficiency.
  • 社会网络分析发展史

    作者:Linton C.Freeman

    本书从科学社会学的角度,系统讲述了社会网络分析如何脱胎于不同的学科,经历了起伏的发展阶段,最后经过学科共同体的努力,会聚和融合成一个统一的。跨学科的、成为现代科学主流的研究领域。这是社会网络分析研究第一本最全面的学科发展史。 第一章 绪论 第二章 史前史:社会网络思想与实践的起源 第三章 社会网络分析的诞生(I):社会计量学 第四章 社会网络分析的诞生(II):哈佛大学的第一次推动 第五章 黑暗时代的社会网络分析(I):20世纪40年代 第六章 黑暗时代的社会网络分析(II):20世纪50年代 第七章 黑暗时期的社会网络分析(III):20世纪60年代 第八章 在哈佛的复兴 第九章 组织起来了 第十章 总结与发现 致谢 参考文献 索引
  • Linux网络体系结构


    编写本书是为了向学生和专业人员提供在Linux内核中实现网络功能时所需的基础知识,本书也适合所有希望深入理解操作系统内部网络特定进程的人。本书介绍了Linux内核的关键网络组件及机制,同时也介绍了通信系统的设计。 本书详细地描述了新近Linux内核版本中的网络子系统。 这里解释了协议的工作方式,建立了Linux网络体系结构中的多种重要概念——从设备驱动程序概念一直到应用程序接口概念。 除了PPP、IP、防火墙、路由、TCP、NAT、UDP及套接字等核心问题外,本书还讨论了最新的协议及协议扩展,譬如各种DSL访问技术中用到的PPPoE协议、Bluetooth(蓝牙)?驱动程序及QoS(Quality-of-Service,服务质量)支持等。
  • 用TCP/IP进行网际互联 第一卷:原理、协议与结构(第四版)

    作者:Douglas E.Comer

  • Networks, Crowds, and Markets

    作者:Jon Kleinberg,David

    Are all film stars linked to Kevin Bacon? Why do the stock markets rise and fall sharply on the strength of a vague rumour? How does gossip spread so quickly? Are we all related through six degrees of separation? There is a growing awareness of the complex networks that pervade modern society. We see them in the rapid growth of the Internet, the ease of global communication, the swift spread of news and information, and in the way epidemics and financial crises develop with startling speed and intensity. This introductory book on the new science of networks takes an interdisciplinary approach, using economics, sociology, computing, information science and applied mathematics to address fundamental questions about the links that connect us, and the ways that our decisions can have consequences for others.
  • UNIX网络编程第2卷


    UNIX网络编程:第2版(第2卷 进程间通信),ISBN:9787302038153,作者:(美)[W.R.史蒂文斯]W.Richard Stevens著;杨继张译
  • Unix Network Programming, Volume 1

    作者:W. Richard Stevens,B

    This is THE guide to UNIX network programming APIs. Whether you write Web servers, client/server applications, or any other network software, you need to understand networking APIS-especially sockets in greater detail than ever before. You need UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1, Third Edition. In this book, the Authors offer unprecedented, start-to-finish guidance on making the most of sockets, the de facto standard for UNIX network programming with APIs - as well as extensive coverage of the X/Open Transport Interface (XTI).
  • Social Network Analysis

    作者:Stanley Wasserman,Ka

    Social network analysis is used widely in the social and behavioral sciences, as well as in economics, marketing, and industrial engineering. The social network perspective focuses on relationships among social entities and is an important addition to standard social and behavioral research, which is primarily concerned with attributes of the social units. Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications reviews and discusses methods for the analysis of social networks with a focus on applications of these methods to many substantive examples. It is a reference book that can be used by those who want a comprehensive review of network methods, or by researchers who have gathered network data and want to find the most appropriate method by which to analyze it. It is also intended for use as a textbook as it is the first book to provide comprehensive coverage of the methodology and applications of the field.
  • TCP/IP详解 卷2:实现(英文版)

    作者:Gary R.Wright,,W.Ric

    《TCP/IP 详解·卷2:实现(英文版)》是已故网络专家、著名技术作W.RichardStevens的传世之作,内容详尽且具权威性,被誉为TCP/IP领域的不朽名著。《TCP/IP 详解 卷2:实现(英文版)》是《TCP/IP详解》三卷本的第2卷,重点关注TCP/IP协议的实现问题。书中介绍了一个实际的TCP/IP实现,并给出了这一实现的完整源代码,大约有15000行C代码。此外,几乎每章都提供精选的习题,并在附录中提供了部分习题的答案。 这一卷要求读者对TCP/IP协议的工作原理以及操作系统原理有初步的了解。对TCP/IP协议不是很熟悉的读者应先阅读《TCP/IP详解》的第1卷,该书对TCP/IP协议族有比较透彻的描述。 《TCP/IP详解》对于网络应用的开发人员、网络管理员以及任何想了解TCP/IP协议运行原理的人员来说,都是极好的权威参考书。无论是初学者还是功底深厚的网络领域高手,这套书都应是案头必备。
  • 深入理解LINUX网络内幕

    作者:Christian Benvenuti

  • C++网络编程(卷1)

    作者:[美]Douglas C.Schmidt

  • C++网络编程(卷2)

    作者:Douglas C. Schmidt

    《C++网络编程》系列正是帮助我们进入一个更好的网络化应用开发世界的台阶。在卷1中,两位作者,Douglas C. Schmidt与Stephen D.Huston,从对编写并发网络化应用所涉及的问题和工具进行综述开始,向我们介绍了开发灵活而高效的并发网络化应用所需的各种设计维度、模式和原则。通过对卷1的学习,你将能够了解怎样在将C++和模式有效地应用于开发面向对象网络化应用的同时,增强自己的设计技能。而在卷2中,两位作者将向我们描述ACE框架的设计原理,以及它们可以怎样帮助开发者在较低级的本地操作系统API和较高级的分布式对象计算中间件的局限之间“航行”;前者既不灵活也不可移植,而后者对有着苛刻的QoS和可移植性需求的网络化应用来说,常常缺乏效率和灵活性。传统上,生成和使用网络化应用框架所需的技能被锁在专家开发者的头脑中,或是深深地埋藏在散布于企业或是行业各处的众多项目的源代码中。这两种情况当然都不理想,因为要为每个新的应用或项目重新获取这些知识,既费时又易出错。为解决这一问题,卷2阐释了在ACE框架的结构和功能之下的各种关键模式;这同时也将会帮助我们理解ACE自身的设计、实现,以及有效使用。
  • Computer Networking

    作者:James F. Kurose,Keit

    KEY BENEFIT : An emphasis on application-layer paradigms and application programming interfaces, encourages a lively, hands-on experience with protocols and networking concepts. KEY TOPICS : Computer Networks and the Internet; Application Layer; Transport Layer; Network Layer; Link Layer and LANs; Wireless and Mobile Networks; Multimedia Networking; Security in Computer Networks; Network Management; New discussions of VPN, IPsec, VLAN and updated technology treatment. MARKET : A useful reference for computer networking professionals. 点击进入新版