

  • 算法:C语言实现


    本书是Sedgewick彻底修订和重写的丛书中的第二本,集中讲解图算法。全书共有6章(第17-22章)。第17章详细讨论图性质和类型,第18-22章分别讲解图搜索、有向图和DAG、最小生成树、最短路径以及网络流。   书中提供了用C语言描述的完整算法源程序,并且配有丰富插图和练习。作者用简洁的实现将理论和实践成功地结合了起来,这些实现均可在真实应用上测试,使得本书自问世以来备受程序员的欢迎。 本书可作为高等院校计算机相关专业算法与数据结构课程的教材和补充读物,也可供自学之用。
  • 图论算法理论、实现及应用


    《图论算法理论、实现及应用》系统地介绍了图论算法理论,并选取经典的ACM/ICPC竞赛题目为例题阐述图论算法思想,侧重于图论算法的程序实现及应用。《图论算法理论、实现及应用》第1章介绍图的基本概念和图的两种存储表示方法:邻接矩阵和邻接表,第2~9章分别讨论图的遍历与活动网络问题,树与图的生成树,最短路径问题,可行遍性问题,网络流问题,支配集、覆盖集、独立集与匹配,图的连通性问题,平面图及图的着色问题等。 《图论算法理论、实现及应用》可以作为高等院校计算机(或相关专业)图论等相关课程的主教材,也可作为ACM/ICPC竞赛的辅导教材。
  • Algebraic Graph Theory

    作者:Chris Godsil,Gordon

    Algebraic graph theory is a combination of two strands. The first is the study of algebraic objects associated with graphs. The second is the use of tools from algebra to derive properties of graphs. The authors' goal has been to present and illustrate the main tools and ideas of algebraic graph theory, with an emphasis on current rather than classical topics. While placing a strong emphasis on concrete examples, the authors tried to keep the treatment self-contained.
  • 图论算法及其MATLAB实现


    《图论算法及其MATLAB实现》系统介绍了图论重要算法的思想及其MATLAB实现。全书分为相对独立的9章,每章都是解决一类问题的算法思想及其MATLAB实现,首先介绍有关基础知识,然后给出相关著名实际问题及解决此问题的算法思想,最后给出MATLAB实现。第1章主要介绍图论的基础知识,同时也给出了可达矩阵的计算,以及关联矩阵和邻接矩阵的相互转换等重要算法及其MATLAB实现;第2~8章分别介绍最短路、连通图、树、Euler图和Hamilton图、匹配、网络中的流、最小费用流等相关问题,而且均给出了有关问题的解决算法及其MATLAB实现;第9章主要介绍染色问题,本章不仅介绍了几种传统的染色思想,而且还给出了当今研究领域中非常活跃的非传统染色思想,并分别给出其MATLAB实现。 《图论算法及其MATLAB实现》可供数学、计算机科学、工程科学等学科中相关专业的大学生、研究生阅读,也可供相关专业研究人员参考。
  • 图论及其应用


    《图论及其应用》是一本有一定学术参考价值的理工科研究生教学用书。它是根据作者多年从事研究生图论教学的经验,并结合国内外优秀教材的长处和图论的新近发展状况编写而成。《图论及其应用》共十章,分别讨论图的基本概念、树、图的连通度、Enler图与Hamilton图、匹配与因子分解、平面图、图的着色、Ramsey定理、有向图以及代数图论中的一些内容。其内容详尽,既有基本内容,又有提高内容;不仅较为全面地介绍了图论中的一些基本概念,基本理论和基本方法,而且还反映了近期图论及其应用中的一些研究课题和结论。 《图论及其应用》论证简明,叙述清晰,内容深入浅出,循序渐进,便于教学。书中还配有较多数量的典型例题和习题,既可作为研究生教学用书,也可作为本科高年级学生的教材以及有关科技工作者的参考书。
  • Graph Theory

    作者:Reinhard Diestel

    The fourth edition of this standard textbook of modern graph theory has been carefully revised, updated, and substantially extended. Covering all its major recent developments it can be used both as a reliable textbook for an introductory course and as a graduate text: on each topic it covers all the basic material in full detail, and adds one or two deeper results (again with detailed proofs) to illustrate the more advanced methods of that field. electronic edition: diestel-graph-theory.com From the reviews of the first two editions (1997, 2000): "This outstanding book cannot be substituted with any other book on the present textbook market. It has every chance of becoming the standard textbook for graph theory." Acta Scientiarum Mathematiciarum "The book has received a very enthusiastic reception, which it amply deserves. A masterly elucidation of modern graph theory." Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications "A highlight of the book is what is by far the best account in print of the Seymour-Robertson theory of graph minors." Mathematika "...like listening to someone explain mathematics." Bulletin of the AMS
  • 图论


    《图论(第2版)》系统阐述图论与算法图论的基本概念、理论、算法及其应用,建立图的重要矩阵与线性空间,论述计算复杂度理论中的NP完全性理论和著名的一些NPC问题等。《图论(第2版)》概念明确,立论严谨,语言流畅生动,注重算法分析及其有效性;内容全面深入,可读与可教性强,是一部理想的图论基础性著作。 《图论(第2版)》读者对象为高等院校数学、计算机科学、信息与网络等专业的大学生与研究生,以及科研工作者与图论爱好者。
  • Graph Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)

    作者:J.A. Bondy,U.S.R Mur

    The primary aim of this book is to present a coherent introduction to graph theory, suitable as a textbook for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in mathematics and computer science. It provides a systematic treatment of the theory of graphs without sacrificing its intuitive and aesthetic appeal. Commonly used proof techniques are described and illustrated. The book also serves as an introduction to research in graph theory.
  • 图论

    作者:Reinhard Diestel

  • Introduction to Graph Theory

    作者:Richard J. Trudeau

    A stimulating excursion into pure mathematics aimed at "the mathematically traumatized," but great fun for mathematical hobbyists and serious mathematicians as well. This book leads the reader from simple graphs through planar graphs, Euler's formula, Platonic graphs, coloring, the genus of a graph, Euler walks, Hamilton walks, more. Includes exercises. 1976 edition.
  • Introduction to Graph Theory

    作者:Douglas B. West

    For undergraduate or graduate courses in Graph Theory in departments of mathematics or computer science. This text offers a comprehensive and coherent introduction to the fundamental topics of graph theory. It includes basic algorithms and emphasizes the understanding and writing of proofs about graphs. Thought-provoking examples and exercises develop a thorough understanding of the structure of graphs and the techniques used to analyze problems. The first seven chapters form the basic course, with advanced material in Chapter 8.
  • 图论导引

    作者:[美] Gary Chartrand,(

  • 图论导引


    图论起源于著名的哥尼斯堡七桥问题,在计算科学、社会科学和自然科学等各个领域都有广泛应用。本书是本科生或研究生一学期或两学期的图论课程教材。内容全面,证明与应用实例并举,不仅包括对证明技巧的讨论、1200多道习题、400多幅插图以及许多例题,而且对所有定理都给出了详细完整的证明。可以作为高等院校数学系本科生和研究生、计算机专业和其他专业研究生的图论课程教材,也可以作为有关教师和工程技术人员的参考书。   本书全面介绍了图论的基本概念、基本定理和算法,帮助读者理解并掌握图的结构和解决图论问题的技巧。另外,书中包含很多图论的新研究成果,并介绍了一些悬而未决的图论问题,证明与应用并举是本书的一个重要特点,书中对所有定理和命题给出了完整的证明,同时讨论了大量的实例和应用,并提供了120O多道习题。   本书可以作为高等院校数学系本科生和研究生、计算机专业和其他专业研究生的图论课程教材,也可以作为有关教师和工程技术人员的参考书。
  • Graph Theory

    作者:W. T. Tutte

    Designed for the non-specialist, this classic text by a world expert is an invaluable reference tool for those interested in a basic understanding of the subject. Exercises, notes and exhaustive references follow each chapter, making it outstanding both as a text and reference for graduate students and researchers in graph theory and its applications. The author approaches the subject with a lively writing style. The reader will delight to discover that the topics in this book are coherently unified and include some of the deepest and most beautiful developments in graph theory.
  • 网络流

    作者:拉文德拉K.阿胡亚 托马斯L.马南提 詹
