

  • Warriors

    作者:George R. R. Martin,

    http://rapidshare.com/#!download|950tl4|386256954|GRRM-The-Mystery-Knight.pdf|665 The title of this massive anthology implies a binding military-sf theme, but actually the book is an essay in providing lots of different genres between one set of covers. Happily, it’s entirely successful. There really is something for everybody in it. Joe R. Lansdale has a straight history-cum-mystery about the Buffalo Soldiers, among other things. Naomi Novik eschews dragons in favor of bioengineering on a distant planet—too distant for the characters’ comfort. Steven Saylor goes back before Gordianus the Finder’s era to the fall of Carthage, regarded from the Carthaginian perspective. Lawrence Block forsakes Matthew Scudder to present a very odd young lady of easy virtue. Likewise, Carrie Vaughan’s character herein isn’t really a werewolf but a member of the WWII WASP. Both S. M. Stirling and David Weber hew closer to standard military-sf than many others; both are complete masters of it, of course, who have ever so slightly pushed its limits. And both editors contribute, Dozois a classy last-survivor piece, and Martin a sidebar to his Ice and Fire saga. --Roland Green
  • A Game of Thrones

    作者:George R.R. Martin

    Here is the first volume in George R. R. Martin’s magnificent cycle of novels that includes A Clash of Kings and A Storm of Swords . As a whole, this series comprises a genuine masterpiece of modern fantasy, bringing together the best the genre has to offer. Magic, mystery, intrigue, romance, and adventure fill these pages and transport us to a world unlike any we have ever experienced. Already hailed as a classic, George R. R. Martin’s stunning series is destined to stand as one of the great achievements of imaginative fiction. A Game of Thrones Long ago, in a time forgotten, a preternatural event threw the seasons out of balance. In a land where summers can last decades and winters a lifetime, trouble is brewing. The cold is returning, and in the frozen wastes to the north of Winterfell, sinister and supernatural forces are massing beyond the kingdom’s protective Wall. At the center of the conflict lie the Starks of Winterfell, a family as harsh and unyielding as the land they were born to. Sweeping from a land of brutal cold to a distant summertime kingdom of epicurean plenty, here is a tale of lords and ladies, soldiers and sorcerers, assassins and bastards, who come together in a time of grim omens. Here an enigmatic band of warriors bear swords of no human metal; a tribe of fierce wildlings carry men off into madness; a cruel young dragon prince barters his sister to win back his throne; and a determined woman undertakes the most treacherous of journeys. Amid plots and counterplots, tragedy and betrayal, victory and terror, the fate of the Starks, their allies, and their enemies hangs perilously in the balance, as each endeavors to win that deadliest of conflicts: the game of thrones. From the Paperback edition.
  • 冰與火之歌首部曲(卷三)絕地接觸


    勞勃國王驟然崩逝,原本欲拆穿皇后瑟曦詭計的艾德公爵被出賣,慘遭殺害。他的女兒艾莉亞與珊莎現身在君臨城,她們有辦法逃出蘭尼斯特家族的勢力嗎? 艾德的長子羅柏毅然率軍南下與蘭尼斯特家族作戰;勞柏的弟弟藍禮公爵則前往南境尋求提利爾家族援助;史坦尼斯公爵依舊坐鎮龍石島;戰火已經燃起,蔓延七國之境。 在遙遠的異鄉,韋賽里斯慘死於卓戈卡奧之手,丹妮莉絲雖然簡璁h年來的家國夢魘,卻也徹底孤單,舉目無親。卡奧果真會履行諾言率軍西進,還是繼續馳騁東遙諸邦?龍族的最後傳人能否如願取回失土?巫女的魔咒又會帶來什麼樣的禍害? 傳說中的怪物一一現身,是否預言著王國的動亂?身處於北方的私生子瓊恩幾乎命喪於屍鬼之手,長城之外的北疆,究竟隱藏了什麼樣的危機? 戰火已經點燃了……
  • The Sworn Sword

    作者:George R. R. Martin,

  • 冰与火之歌漫画:权力的游戏(第2卷)


    《冰与火之歌漫画 : 权力的游戏》讲述了一个充满中世纪、魔幻、宫廷、战争、仇恨、爱情、亲情元素的血色史诗。《冰与火之歌漫画 : 权力的游戏》源自全球销量超过1200万册的超级畅销奇幻小说《冰与火之歌》,该书获得过奇幻文学最高成就的雨果奖、奇幻科幻杂志泰斗《轨迹》所颁发的轨迹奖和无数奖项提名。《冰与火之歌漫画 : 权力的游戏》是最忠于原著的读本,不但情节和人物一笔未改,而且用纯正精美的画风诠释了原著的精神,呈现了与美剧多处情节不同!《冰与火之歌漫画:权力的游戏(第2卷)》由知名漫画家执笔,进口超厚铜版纸全彩印刷,高品质设计。本书由指文图书、百度冰与火之歌贴吧衣柜军团、奥德赛公会耗尽一年心力联手策划引进、翻译制作!《冰与火之歌漫画:权力的游戏(第1卷)》具有强大翻译阵容:小说《冰与火之歌》译者屈畅领衔,知名科幻评论人Pksunking、美女译者唐朝栗子联手翻译!本书每一句话每一张图都经过原著作者乔治 R·R·马丁的亲自审核!
  • 冰與火之歌首部曲(卷一)魔幻冰原


    故事揭幕於夏末暖陽將逝的年代,遠在南方的國王勞勃勞師北行,親訪臨冬城主艾德.史塔克公爵。他們是自小一起長大的摯友,十五年前曾並肩推翻暴政。戰後勞勃成為一國之君,艾德則回到終年冰雪的北國遙荒,守著妻子兒女,以及世代相傳的家族古堡。 如今,國王請他南下擔任一人之下,萬人之上的御前首相。一個看似單純的請求,背後實則暗潮洶湧。前任首相待勞勃和艾德親如生父,他的神秘猝死,為整件事情蒙上一層疑雲,也逼使艾德不得不放棄平靜的北國生活,投入宮廷鬥爭的漩渦之中。 在隔海對岸的東方大陸,前朝流亡公主丹妮莉絲被哥哥當作招兵買馬籌碼賣婚給草原遊牧部落酋長卓戈,芳齡十三就得肩負起國族興亡重擔;艾德的私生子瓊恩志願前往戍守北疆的絕境長城加入守夜人部隊,誓死守護王國免於牆外異鬼侵襲;艾德長女珊莎被國王許給王子喬佛里,王子殘酷頑劣成性,她卻痴迷於他的英挺容貌。而出身王國第一望族蘭尼斯特家的皇后瑟曦,與勞勃似乎貌合神離。
  • 冰与火之歌的世界

    作者:[美] 乔治·R.R.马丁,艾里奥·M.

  • 冰與火之歌 第一部

    作者:喬治.馬汀,George R. R. M

    時代雜誌封喬治馬汀是「美國托爾金」:「當今的奇幻史詩書寫者,喬治.馬汀毫無疑問是箇中翹楚。事實上,我們現在大可稱他是『美國的托爾金』。」 究竟是什麼樣的奇幻小說,能吸引全球無數的讀者瘋狂追,作者拖稿拖越久、讀者越是忠心耿耿,還讓作者被《時代雜誌》封為「美國的托爾金」,更影響了一整個世代的年輕奇幻作家? 喬治.馬汀是當代重量級的奇幻小說大師,累積三十年寫作編劇經驗的顛峰代表作《冰與火之歌》,以莊嚴壯闊的架構,歷史小說般的寫實筆觸,恢弘的布局,嶄新的手法和深具創意的背景,模糊難辨的善惡分野,顛覆了奇幻小說的傳統。本書震撼了歐美文壇,獲得壓倒性的好評,更連續被專業雜誌評選為年度最佳奇幻小說。 Winter is coming! 凜冬將至 這是一個四季時序紊亂、溽暑跟寒冬動輒長達十餘載的世界。 時屆夏末暖陽將逝之際,遠在南方的七大王國國王勞勃.拜拉席恩,於此時造訪北方的臨冬城,會見城主艾德.史塔克公爵。他們倆是從小一同長大的摯友,曾在十五年前並肩推翻了暴政。戰後勞勃成為一國之君,艾德則回到終年冰封的北境,守著妻子兒女,以及家族世代相傳的古堡。 只是,國王這次不遠千里地親自來訪並非為了敘舊,而是為了任命艾德擔任七大王國的御前首相;勞師動眾、大張旗鼓北上的國王顯然不會允許艾德推辭。 艾德此前已風聞前首相瓊恩.艾林猝逝的消息。他本以為瓊恩年事已高,猝然過世不足為奇,但一封祕密的書信卻指出瓊恩是被謀殺的,而元凶正是勞勃的皇后,出身王國第一望族的瑟曦.蘭尼斯特。 為了支援處於蘭尼斯特家環伺之下的勞勃國王,更為了北境的安寧,艾德毅然放棄在臨冬城的平靜生活,投入宮廷鬥爭的漩渦之中。 夏日將盡,凜冬將至。象徵史塔克家族的冰原奔狼,代表拜拉席恩家族的寶冠雄鹿,和標誌著蘭尼斯特家的怒吼雄獅,即將齊聚一堂,究竟誰才是最後的贏家? Facebook:《冰與火之歌》全球粉絲團 (www.facebook.com/IceandFireCH) HBO官網:www.hbo.com/game-of-thrones/index.html
  • 冰龙

    作者:[美] 乔治·马丁,路易斯·罗伊 绘

    冰龙是传说中的一种令人畏惧的生物,没有人驯服过它。当它凌空而过,可怕的寒冷和冰冻就在它身后的大地上蔓延开来。只有阿达拉无所畏惧,她是一个冬孩子,降生于那场可怕的连年迈的老劳拉也记忆犹新的大冰冻中。 阿达拉不记得自己第一次遇见冰龙是什么时候。它似乎一直存在于她的生命中,在远方久久地凝视她独自一人在雪地里玩耍,别的孩子都因为受不了寒冷回家去了。在阿达拉四岁的时候,她第一次触摸到了冰龙,过了一年,她终于骑到了冰龙宽阔冰冷的背上。然而,在阿达拉七岁那一年的一个平静的夏日,从北方飞来的火龙突袭了这片宁谧的土地——阿达拉她的家园。只有冬孩子和挚爱她的冰龙能够拯救她的世界免遭毁灭。 透过《冰龙》,你会窥见整个当代正统奇幻世界的雏形:季节的纷乱、列王的争斗、英雄与魔龙、日渐成长的女孩和最终迎来的春晓的梦想……极富盛名的奇幻插画大师路易斯•罗伊气势恢宏的插图更是给这个发生在冬孩子阿达拉和她的冰龙之间的暖心故事带来震撼的视觉效果。
  • 冰与火之歌官方地图集

    作者:(美)乔治·R. R. 马丁

    积雪的山峰、海中的群岛、荒芜的沙漠、酷热的城镇……乔治•R.R.马丁成名作、美国HBO有线电视热播的连续剧《权力的游戏》原作“冰与火之歌”系列,创造出了一个独一无二的世界。《冰与火之歌官方地图集》用12张650mmX950mm的全彩大幅地图忠实还原了马丁笔下的世界,并初次揭露从维斯特洛到东方世界之间的地况全貌,布拉佛斯和多斯拉克海的地图也是首次出现在读者面前,甚至还标记出了主要角色的活动轨迹。由乔纳森•罗伯茨绘制的图片既真实又优美,让人觉得自己似乎化为了飞龙俯瞰着冰与火的世界,极具收藏价值。 •此盒装包含: 1、12张地图。采用独特悬挂式设计,可作墙面装饰之用;采用复古特种纸质,增加地图年代感并可长期使用。地图包含:已知世界、维斯特洛、西方世界、自由贸易城邦、塞外、远东、厄斯索斯中部、多斯拉克海、奴隶湾、路线图、君临、布拉佛斯。(布拉佛斯和多斯拉克海的地图是首次出现在读者面前,甚至还标记出了主要角色的活动轨迹,令人无比期待!) 2、盒子。盒子为铁质,精致美观大气,便于收藏与礼赠。内部装有12张地图、2根实木轴、1本厚达170页内容丰富、见解专业的精装全彩《冰与火之歌官方地图指南》。如此丰富的内容加高质量的制作设计,绝对是全世界粉丝梦寐以求的收藏佳品。
  • 冰與火之歌四部曲·群鴉盛宴(下)


    作為這個系列作品的第四部,《群鴉盛宴》依舊繼承了冰與火之歌恢宏的結構與龐大的世界觀,卻具體將前三部曲中的疑點一一提出,不啻是這系列目前為止最為精采的一部! 在本書的一開始,塔斯的布琳正在尋找凱特琳夫人的女兒們,瑟曦太后變得喪心病狂,艾莉亞正在接受布拉佛西一位遮住臉的神祕怪客的訓練;以這三個人的故事為主軸,開展了一篇蕩氣迴腸的冒險之旅。 當然,我們也可看到前三部曲中出現過的老面孔:瓊恩‧雪諾、泰溫‧蘭尼斯特、丹妮麗絲‧坦格利安等露臉;雖短暫有如驚鴻一瞥,不過我們會在第五部曲時再見到他們。(第四部曲與第五部曲原是一書,但由於篇牘過於長大,作者不得已將它拆作二書。)
  • Fever Dreams

    作者:Jordan, Nicole

    Once again Nicole Jordan thrills and enchants with this fabulously seductive Regency romance, the next installment in the Paradise series. She is the woman of his dreams . . . and he will pay any price to possess her. From the moment he met the lovely Lady Eve, soldier of fortune Alex Ryder set his sights on winning the spirited beauty. But fate intervened, making Eve another man’s wife then a widow. Now, despite Eve’s ardent vow never to marry again, Ryder aims to use every seductive weapon in his arsenal to woo her. A renowned matchmaker for the ton, Eve defies Ryder’s wicked allure but cannot resist his challenge to find him a suitable bride–never dreaming that she is the only woman he will ever desire for his bride, or that his breathtaking sensuality will awaken her to soul-searing passion. But as their delicious mating dance begins, an assailant threatens Eve’s life. Now Ryder must protect Eve while striving to convince his beloved that he alone is her perfect match in the tantalizing game of love.
  • 热夜之梦

    作者:[美] 乔治·R.R.马丁

    她走在美的光彩中,像夜晚 皎洁无云而且繁星满天;明与暗的最美妙的色泽在她的仪容和秋波里呈现;耀目的白天只嫌光太强,她比那光亮柔和而幽暗。 马什船长永远不会忘记他和约书亚的初次见面——他的新赞助人个子很高,有张冷淡的长脸,手指有力,像三角钢琴上的白键。而他的眼睛,是暗夜中河上的迷雾,充斥着笑意、孤独与残酷的激情。 他为马什带来了世界上最美丽,最迅捷的“热夜之梦”号,紧接着是财富,荣誉,和鲜血……古老的血族带着对人类深深的恨意,沿着密西西比河蜿蜒狂奔,掀起夏日里一场宛如瘟疫的噩梦。 光明远遁,黑夜深重。星之所在枯萎,碎裂,爬满青苔,慢慢沉眠于死寂的深渊。 马什对自己发誓,他必将夺回他的船,他的友人,以及日之子民与夜之子民间跨越千年的悲愿……
  • The Hedge Knight

    作者:George R. R. Martin,

  • 冰與火之歌四部曲·群鴉盛宴(上)


    作為這個系列作品的第四部,《群鴉盛宴》依舊繼承了冰與火之歌恢宏的結構與龐大的世界觀,卻具體將前三部曲中的疑點一一提出,不啻是這系列目前為止最為精采的一部! 在本書的一開始,塔斯的布琳正在尋找凱特琳夫人的女兒們,瑟曦太后變得喪心病狂,艾莉亞正在接受布拉佛西一位遮住臉的神祕怪客的訓練;以這三個人的故事為主軸,開展了一篇蕩氣迴腸的冒險之旅。 當然,我們也可看到前三部曲中出現過的老面孔:瓊恩‧雪諾、泰溫‧蘭尼斯特、丹妮麗絲‧坦格利安等露臉;雖短暫有如驚鴻一瞥,不過我們會在第五部曲時再見到他們。(第四部曲與第五部曲原是一書,但由於篇牘過於長大,作者不得已將它拆作二書。)
  • 冰與火之歌四部曲·群鴉盛宴(中)


    作為這個系列作品的第四部,《群鴉盛宴》依舊繼承了冰與火之歌恢宏的結構與龐大的世界觀,卻具體將前三部曲中的疑點一一提出,不啻是這系列目前為止最為精采的一部! 在本書的一開始,塔斯的布琳正在尋找凱特琳夫人的女兒們,瑟曦太后變得喪心病狂,艾莉亞正在接受布拉佛西一位遮住臉的神祕怪客的訓練;以這三個人的故事為主軸,開展了一篇蕩氣迴腸的冒險之旅。 當然,我們也可看到前三部曲中出現過的老面孔:瓊恩‧雪諾、泰溫‧蘭尼斯特、丹妮麗絲‧坦格利安等露臉;雖短暫有如驚鴻一瞥,不過我們會在第五部曲時再見到他們。(第四部曲與第五部曲原是一書,但由於篇牘過於長大,作者不得已將它拆作二書。)
  • A Feast for Crows

    作者:George R. R. Martin

    Few books have captivated the imagination and won the devotion and praise of readers and critics everywhere as has George R. R. Martin’s monumental epic cycle of high fantasy. Now, in A Feast for Crows, Martin delivers the long-awaited fourth book of his landmark series, as a kingdom torn asunder finds itself at last on the brink of peace...only to be launched on an even more terrifying course of destruction. A Feast for Crows It seems too good to be true. After centuries of bitter strife and fatal treachery, the seven powers dividing the land have decimated one another into an uneasy truce. Or so it appears....With the death of the monstrous King Joffrey, Cersei is ruling as regent in King’s Landing. Robb Stark’s demise has broken the back of the Northern rebels, and his siblings are scattered throughout the kingdom like seeds on barren soil. Few legitimate claims to the once desperately sought Iron Throne still exist—or they are held in hands too weak or too distant to wield them effectively. The war, which raged out of control for so long, has burned itself out. But as in the aftermath of any climactic struggle, it is not long before the survivors, outlaws, renegades, and carrion eaters start to gather, picking over the bones of the dead and fighting for the spoils of the soon-to-be dead. Now in the Seven Kingdoms, as the human crows assemble over a banquet of ashes, daring new plots and dangerous new alliances are formed, while surprising faces—some familiar, others only just appearing—are seen emerging from an ominous twilight of past struggles and chaos to take up the challenges ahead. It is a time when the wise and the ambitious, the deceitful and the strong will acquire the skills, the power, and the magic to survive the stark and terrible times that lie before them. It is a time for nobles and commoners, soldiers and sorcerers, assassins and sages to come together and stake their fortunes...and their lives. For at a feast for crows, many are the guests—but only a few are the survivors.
  • A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 4)

    作者:George R. R. Martin

    《冰与火之歌》英国版 This work continues the most ambitious and imaginative epic fantasy since "The Lord of the Rings". Bloodthirsty, treacherous and cunning, the Lannisters are in power on the Iron Throne in the name of the boy-king Tommen. But fear and deceit are in the air: their enemies are poised to strike. The Martells of Dorne seek vengeance for their dead, and the heir of King Balon of the Iron Isles, Euron Crow's Eye, is as black a pirate as ever raised a sail. Across the war-torn landscape of the Seven Kingdoms, Brienne the Beauty (thus named in mockery of her great size and strength) seeks for Sansa Stark, having vowed to protect Sansa from the wrath of Queen Cersei, Tommen's power-hungry mother. Meanwhile apprentice Maester, Samwell Tarly brings a mysterious babe in arms south to the Citadel from the cruel frozen north where the sinister Others threaten the Wall! "A Feast for Crows" brings to life dark magic, complex political intrigue and horrific bloodshed. Against a backdrop of incest and fratricide, alchemy and murder, victory may go to the men and women possessed of the coldest steel and the coldest hearts.
  • A Clash of Kings

    作者:George R.R. Martin

    《冰与火之歌》英国版 George R. R. Martin's superb fantasy epic continues in consummate style as bloodshed and alchemy lay waste the Seven Kingdoms in the second volume of A Song of Ice and Fire. The Iron Throne once united the Sunset Lands, but King Robert is dead, his widow is a traitor to his memory, and his surviving brothers are set on a path of war amongst themselves. At King's Landing, the head of Lord Eddard Stark rots on a spike for all to see. His daughter Sansa is betrothed still to his killer's son Joffrey -- Queen Cersei's son, though not the son of her late husband Robert. Even so, Joffrey is now a boy-king, Cersei is his regent, and war is inevitable. In Dragonstone, Robert's brother Stannis has declared himself king, while his other brother Renly proclaims himself king at Storm's End -- and Eddard Stark's fifteen year old son Robb wears the crown of the north at Winterfell. A comet in the night sky, red and malevolent, the colour of blood and flame, can only be an omen of murder and war. Stannis's child Princess Shireen dreams of dragons waking from stone. And a white raven has brought word from the Citadel itself, foretelling summer's end. It has been the longest summer in living memory, lasting ten years, and the smallfolk say it means an even longer winter to come...The first rule of war is never give the enemy his wish. But winter will be the biggest enemy. From beyond the Wall the undead and Others clamour for freedom, and from beyond the sea the long-dead Dragon King's daughter hatches her revenge. Robb Stark will be exceedingly lucky to reach adulthood.