

  • 哈利·波特与凤凰社

    作者:[英] J. K. 罗琳

    《哈利·波特与凤凰社》内容简介:漫长的暑假,哈利·波特被困在女贞路4号,意外地遭到摄魂怪的袭击……逃过一劫的哈利被护送到伦敦一个秘密的地方,在那里他见到了自己的教父小天狼星布莱克、前任黑魔法防御术课教师卢平、疯眼汉穆迪以及他的朋友赫敏和罗恩。他只是知道好布利多与凤凰社成员正在加紧秘密活动,以对抗日益强大的伏地魔。但是,所有的人都不愿向他透露更多的情况…… 哈利在茫然与愤怒中来到霍格沃茨,然而令他不解的是,邓布利多不愿见他,海格不知去向。更糟糕的是,哈利越来越频繁地在梦中看见一道长长的走廊,每当他快要走进长廊尽头的一扇门时,他都会头痛欲裂地从梦中惊醒,觉得自己身体里蠕动着一条大蛇…… 魔法部派来了一位专横跋扈的高级调查官,对学校各项事务横加干涉,并最终赶走了邓布利多校长,打伤了麦格教授,整个学校乱转在一片混乱和压抑之中…… 大蛇的影子在哈利的脑海里越来越清晰,伏地魔走近了哈利……这时,邓布利多告诉他一个天大的秘密……
  • 我的哈利·波特


  • 哈利·波特精装全集(套装全7册)

    作者:[英] J. K. 罗琳

  • 哈利·波特的哲学世界

    作者:[美] 大卫·巴格特,肖恩·克莱因 编

    打开手边的这本书,17位哲学家将为你开启霍格沃茨的秘密护墙,书中那令人耳目一新的见解会给你许多启迪,即使你是个麻瓜: 真正的勇气意味着什么? 预言是否关乎自由选择? 伦理学如何适用于魔法技术? 厄里斯魔镜为何不能取代真实生活? 灵魂,摄魂怪和幻形怪的故事能给我们什么启示? …… 《哈利·波特的哲学世界》是我读过的既有趣又有益的书。它的每一篇章都思路清晰、学问扎实、反思深沉,甚至我不时要忍不住读出声来。我们全家已经计划好聚在餐桌边一起细品这来自魔法世界的哲学小点…… ——康妮·尼尔(Connie Neal),著有The Gospel According to Harry Potter 有见地、幽默,风格和结构既契合真实世界,又忠实于霍格沃茨的人物。从斯莱特林到霍格沃茨、从野心作为美德到女性主义,读者们得到的智识上的愉悦超越了寻常麻瓜课堂的边界。 ——罗德里克·欧文(Roderic Owen),玛丽鲍德温学院教授
  • HARRY POTTER and the Philosopher s Stone(1-6)

    作者:J.K. Rowling

    This is a fabulous opportunity to own all six "Harry Potter" titles - "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" and "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" - in a delightful paperback package. Height (cm) 19.8       Width (cm) 12.9
  • 霍格沃茨的中国留学生-哈利波特


    哈利·波特联袂中国留学生,大战伏地魔,中国奇幻玄术与西方魔法。惊天大PK……   当哈利·波特三人组遇到六位来自中国魔法学院的留学生,他们的生命轨迹将会出现怎样的转变?这些玄术奇异的中国留学生究竟身负何种神秘的责任?   德拉科·马尔福与中国留学生中最美丽动人的绛萼互生情愫,是否会有结果?哈利、罗恩和赫敏又将怎样面对来自朋友与敌人的重重考验?   在罪恶与救赎的对决中,他们中每一位究竟会面临怎样残酷的抉择?西方魔法与东方玄术的第一次惊天碰撞,魔幻世界的命运将会被引向何处?   你不可不读的经典网络魔幻互动小说,“中国罗琳”青出于蓝的原创佳作,骨灰级哈迷必看的哈利·波特全新历险!   在神秘的魔法世界,不止有欧洲大陆上的霍格沃茨、德姆斯特朗和布斯巴顿三所魔法学校。在历史悠远的东方圣土中国,也存在着一所古老而神秘的魔法学校——九玄,这个曾经是全球魔法界泰斗的学校现在却由于某种未知的原因隐藏于山清水秀的世外桃源,过着与世隔绝的平静生活。   眼看着邪恶的黑魔再次降临魔法界,邓布利多费尽心力找到了九玄寻求帮助,然而已经对外界深存戒心的九玄只是尝试性地派出了六名十四五岁的学子作为留学生前往探路——
  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

    作者:J. K. Rowling

    Book Description When a letter arrives for unhappy but ordinary Harry Potter, a decade-old secret is revealed to him that apparently he's the last to know. His parents were wizards, killed by a Dark Lord's curse when Harry was just a baby, and which he somehow survived. Escaping his hideous Muggle guardians for Hogwarts, a wizarding school brimming with ghosts and enchantments, Harry stumbles upon a sinister adventure when he finds a three-headed dog guarding a room on the third floor. Then he hears of a missing stone with astonishing powers which could be valuable, dangerous, or both. From Amazon.co.uk Say you've spent the first 10 years of your life sleeping under the stairs of a family who loathes you. Then, in an absurd, magical twist of fate you find yourself surrounded by wizards, a caged snowy owl, a phoenix-feather wand and jellybeans that come in every flavour, including strawberry, curry, grass and sardine. Not only that, but you discover that you are a wizard yourself! This is exactly what happens to young Harry Potter in J K Rowling's enchanting, funny debut novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. In the non-magical human world--the world of "Muggles"--Harry is a nobody, treated like dirt by the aunt and uncle who begrudgingly inherited him when his parents were killed by the evil Voldemort. But in the world of wizards, small, skinny Harry is renowned as a survivor of the wizard who tried to kill him. He is left only with a lightning-bolt scar on his forehead, curiously refined sensibilities and a host of mysterious powers to remind him that he's quite, yes, altogether different from his aunt, uncle, and spoilt, pig-like cousin Dudley. A mysterious letter, delivered by the friendly giant Hagrid, wrenches Harry from his dreary, Muggle-ridden existence: "We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry". Of course, Uncle Vernon yells most unpleasantly, "I AM NOT PAYING FOR SOME CRACKPOT OLD FOOL TO TEACH HIM MAGIC TRICKS!" Soon enough, however, Harry finds himself at Hogwarts with his owl Hedwig ... and that's where the real adventure--humorous, haunting, and suspenseful--begins. This magical, gripping, brilliant book--a future classic to be sure--will leave children clamouring for a sequel. (Ages 8-13)                           --Karin Snelson Amazon.co.uk Review Just when it seems that there cannot possibly be another twist to the Harry Potter tale, Stephen Fry dons his haughtiest and naughtiest tones to bring Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone to vibrant life on audio. Harry Potter has spent the first 10 years of his life at the mercy of the dreadful Dursleys--the aunt, uncle and fat, spoilt brat of a cousin who reluctantly gave him a home after the death of his mother and father. But on his 11th birthday Harry discovers that he is no ordinary boy, and despite the best efforts of his hideous relatives he escapes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to begin his new life as a trainee wizard. And the rest, as they say, is history... As Harry battles against the evils thrown in his path, Stephen Fry injects the proceedings with a wry, dry and extremely contagious humour that perfectly suits the tale, wringing out the best in Harry and his cohorts as they get to grips with their new lives at the sharp end of Hogwarts. Fry's innate upper-class drone is perfectly suited to the telling of this most magical tale, cracking into the high-pitched squawking of Hermione the swat, or the gentle tones of the firm but fair Dumbledore, or the evil sniping of slimey Snape at precisely the right moments, adding further atmosphere and intensity to the story Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is a fine story and much has been written about its success but until you have heard Fry's cracking reading of this most magical of stories then you simply haven't lived. As with any audio book, this one is perfect for car journeys and an ideal way of introducing reluctant readers to the magic that is Harry Potter. (Age 9 and over)                          --Susan Harrison Book Dimension length: (cm)17.8                 width:(cm)11.1
  • 梅花引


    《梅花引》包括以无生、赫敏和德拉科等为主角的《梅花引》和以卢修斯为主角的《纯白年代》两部哈利·波特同人作品,是网络上人气最高的哈利·波特同人小说之一。同人小说,英文为fan fictinn,是指假借原著中的人物和基本设定,另行创作的全新的文学作品。 《梅花引》 神秘的东方女子、霍格沃茨黑魔法防御术教授霏儿 无生将博大精深的中国玄术引入哈利 波特神奇的西方魔法世界。她的智慧与爱心将怎样化解格兰芬多铁和斯莱特林的德拉科之间的矛盾?阴郁的斯内普、狡猾的卢修斯、邪恶的伏地魔和无生之间似乎也都暗藏纠葛,让她的身份越发扑朔迷离。作者无生用中国古典文学的笔调,以中西合璧的方式向我们展示了一段交织着友情、爱情和亲情的传奇。小说跌宕起伏,诸多层面的人物,构思精妙的悬念,引人入胜的推理,出乎意料的结局,令人手不释卷。 《纯白年代》 卢修斯 马尔福生长在纯血统的魔法世家,一直得到青梅竹马的玩伴布莱克三姐妹的垂青。他骄傲而美好的青年时代因为未婚妻贝拉与伏地魔的私奔而草率结束,从此他被复仇与欲望交织的罗网所牵绊。父亲自杀、家庭败落以及与安多米达的失败恋情使他出卖了灵魂,倒向伏地魔的阵营。对理想的珍视也令他娶了誓与自己患难与共的三小姐纳西莎为妻,自此妻子血统中的遗传病阴影开始笼罩在他的婚姻之中。当纳西莎为了婴儿的健康而奉献出灵魂时,卢修斯心中的纯白世界彻底崩溃了。高贵古老的纯血家庭在宠儿卢修斯的沦落人生中走向灭亡的道路,而掌控全局的伏地魔也最终陷入了颓唐尴尬的境地。在一个理想被扼杀的时代,没有谁是最后的赢家。
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

    作者:J. K. Rowling

    Book Description In a brief statement on Friday night, Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge confirmed that He Who Must Not Be Named has returned to this country and is once more active. "It is with great regret that I must confirm that the wizard styling himself Lord - well, you know who I mean - is alive and among us again," said Fudge." These dramatic words appeared in the final pages of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". In the midst of this battle of good and evil, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" takes up the story of Harry Potter's sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, with Voldemort's power and followers increasing day-by-day. Amazon.co.uk Review Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the sixth book in J.K. Rowling’s bestselling series, picks up shortly after we left Harry at the end of The Order of the Phoenix. Lord Voldemort is acting out in the open, continuing his reign of terror which was temporarily stopped almost 15 years beforehand. Harry is again at the Dursleys, where the events of the previous month continue to weigh on his mind, although not as much as the impending visit from his Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. Given their last meeting, Harry is understandably confused as to why the old wizard would want to visit him at home. Rowling opens with a chapter she had wanted to use for the first book, of The Philosopher’s Stone --Lord Voldemort has been creating chaos in the Wizard and Muggle communities alike, the war is in full swing and the Wizarding community now lives in fear. The press have been questioning the events at the Ministry which led to the admission of Voldemort’s return, and of course Harry’s name is mentioned a number of times. Harry’s got his problems, but his anxiety is nothing compared to Hermione’s when the OWL results are delivered. There’s a new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher, an assortment of new characters and creatures, and startling revelations about past characters and events. Gone is the rage-filled Harry of The Order of the Phoenix --he’s not being kept in the dark any more, his unjustified Quidditch ban has been lifted and he has matured considerably in his short time out of school. Half-Blood Prince follows Harry into the world of late-teens, and his realisation that nobody is infallible has made his growth that much easier. Accepting his destiny, Harry continues to behave as teenagers do, enjoying his time with his friends, developing his relationships outside of his usual circle, and learning more about how he must, eventually, do what he is destined to do. J.K. Rowling delivers another fantastic tale which will have the readers gasping for more, capturing the characters perfectly and continuing a tale which readers will enjoy over and over again.                             --Ziggy Morbi Book Dimension length: (cm)19.8                 width:(cm)12.9 点击链接进入中文版: 哈利•波特与混血王子(简体中文版)
  • 孤独的心


    《孤独的心》包括以斯内普为主角的《孤独的心》和以小天狼星即西里斯为主角的《触摸不到的爱》两部哈利·波特同人作品,是网络上人气最高的哈利·波特同人小说之一。 《孤独的心》 平安夜,斯莱特林女孩伊芙琳在魔药课教授斯内普的命令下喝下孤独姜汤,一个邪恶巫婆用读心术让伊芙琳意识到自己对斯内普教授难以言表的情感,并为她虚构出斯内普的一段关于孤独与爱的往事。 故事发生在伏地魔第一次掀起魔法世界灾难的时代。孤女梅在开学第一天被毕业生斯内普搭救,五年后斯内普重回魔法学校任职魔药课教授。曾经的一面之缘唤起了梅的隐隐情愫,梅在师生的遥望问跳起暗恋的舞蹈,她的炽热与斯内普的冷漠碰撞交锋。而此刻一个关乎她身世的秘密渐渐揭开,斯内普也神秘地从霍格沃茨消失了…… 伊芙琳通过故事中这段无疾而终的爱情,终于读懂了严厉的斯内普教授的隐衷,而故事中无迹可求的生死契阔,也终于在平安夜结束的那一刻,随着巫婆含笑隐去。 《触摸不到的爱》 因为不满家族偏执的血统狂热和正邪不分立场而与之决裂的少年西里斯 ·布莱克,遇见了弟弟的未婚妻,一个为了保护家族地位而一心想要嫁入他家的法国女孩贝丝·纽曼。两个人从最初的敌对到后来的相知相惜,一切都来得那般地自然而无法控制。 然而历经种种,两人都逐渐明白,他们不过是两条平行线,即使奇迹般地擦出爱的火花,却最终无法相交。 当时光流逝,伊人远去,留在世间的人,只能在回忆与承诺中活下去,坚守着那份属于他却触摸不到的爱。
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

    作者:J. K. Rowling

    The summer holidays are dragging on and Harry Potter can't wait for the start of the school year. It is his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and there are spells to be learnt and (unluckily) Potions and Divination lessons to be attended. But Harry can't know that the atmosphere is darkening around him, and his worst enemy is preparing a fate that it seems will be inescapable ...With characteristic wit, fast-paced humour and marvellous emotional depth, J.K. Rowling has proved herself yet again to be a master story-teller.
  • The Complete Harry Potter Collection Box Set

    作者:J.K. Rowling

    08岁首,亚马逊为广大哈利迷诚挚奉上英国成人版精装哈利波特全套图书。7个精彩故事一并收于其中,让您尽享哈利精彩绝伦的神奇魔法故事! ' A fabulous opportunity to own all seven Harry Potter titles - "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" - in a fantastic boxed set.
  • 神奇动物在哪里


    《神奇动物在哪里》是哈利·波特在霍格沃茨魔法学校的课本,由“哈利·波特”系列的作者J.K.罗琳(化名为纽特·斯卡曼)所著。 在这个国家,几乎每一户巫师家庭都有一本《神奇动物在哪里》。纽特·斯卡曼的这部杰出作品一问世,就被指定为霍格沃茨魔法学校的教科书。现在,麻瓜们也有机会弄清楚这样一些问题:五足怪生活在哪里?蒲绒绒吃什么东西?为什么最好不要把牛奶留在屋外给刺佬儿吃? 你手中拿着的是本书的特别版——哈利·波特自己的《神奇动物在哪里》的复制版,页边空白的地方有他和朋友们写下的有趣笔记。
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

    作者:J.K. Rowling

    Book Description Harry Potter is lucky to reach the age of thirteen, since he has survived the murderous attacks of the feared Dark Wizard Voldemort three times. But his hopes for a quiet term concentrating on Quidditch are dashed when a maniacal mass-murderer escapes from Azkaban, pursued by the soul-sucking Dementors who guard the prison. It's assumed that Hogwarts is the safest place for Harry to be. But is it a coincidence that he can feel eyes watching him in the dark, and should he be taking Professor Trelawney's ghoulish predictions seriously? From Amazon.co.uk The worry, when faced with the follow-up to books as good as Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (both winners of the Nestlé Smarties Prize Gold Award), is that it won't be as good. With J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban any concerns are banished from page one. This, the third in the series, continues where the previous two left off and is a fantastic adventure of mystery, magic and mayhem combined with liberal doses of humour and plenty of suspense. Forced to do his homework in the dead of night and forbidden to refer to his magic skills or his life at Hogwarts school, Harry Potter is forced to endure the summer holidays with the dreaded Dursleys. The arrival of Aunt Marge is the final straw and, in a fit of anger, Harry breaks all the rules and casts a spell on her, causing her to blow up like a balloon. Running away from his dreaded relatives, Harry expects to be expelled from Hogwarts for his blatant flaunting of the rule not to use magic outside term time. However, the arrival of the mysterious Knight Bus and a meeting with Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, result in Harry enjoying the rest of the holidays in the wonderful surroundings of the Leaky Cauldron. The escape of Sirius Black--one time friend of Harry's parents, implicated in their murder and follower of "You- Know-Who"--from Azkaban, has serious implications for Harry for it would appear that Black is bent on revenge against Harry for thwarting "You-Know-Who". Back at Hogwarts, Harry's movements are restricted by the presence of the Dementors--guards from Azkaban on the look out for Black--however, this doesn't stop him throwing himself into the new Quidditch season and going about his normal business--or at least attempting to. Despite warnings Harry is determined to get to the bottom of the mystery surrounding Sirius Black--how could this one-time close friend of his parents become the cause of their deaths? And why does the presence of the Dementors have such a devastating effect on him, causing him to hear the last moments of his mother's life? With another four Harry Potter novels planned, Jo Rowling is creating a series of books which will become classics to rival C.S. Lewis'Chronicles of Narnia--books written for children but loved by adults too. (Ages 9 and up)                            --Philippa Reece Book Dimension length: (cm)17.8                 width:(cm)11.1
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


    最新消息 罗琳于2月1日更新了她的官方网站,里面登出了Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 《哈利波特与死圣》的出版日期。哈利波特7将于今年7月21日英国夏令时间00:01分开始发售。当然,今年也是《哈利波特与魔法石》的发售十周年纪念。 太阳报消息,罗琳在 Balmoral 旅馆的大理石像后边写下了下面的内容:“罗琳于2007年1月11日在此房间(652) 内完成Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 《哈利波特与死圣》的写作。”现在这条消息目前已经得到了BBC的证实。 The latest news about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows March 29th Bloomsbury Publishing Plc is delighted to release the book jacket images for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K.Rowling, to be published on 21st July 2007. The cover illustration for the children’s edition is by Jason Cockcroft, who drew the cover illustrations for the previous two Harry Potter books: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The cover design for the adult edition is from a photograph by Michael Wildsmith, who has photographed all the adult edition jackets. These covers will be used throughout the world on the English language editions excluding the USA. Scholastic US have also released their cover images of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Bloomsbury will publish the children’s edition, adult edition, special edition, audio (read by Stephen Fry) and large print editions on 21st July 2007. The RNIB will publish the Braille edition simultaneously. The book jackets and all the pages will be printed on 100% Ancient Forest Friendly pulp, made from a mixture of FSC pulp and Post-Consumer Waste recycled pulp. Fast Fact About Harry Potter 7 * The last chapter was written back in 1999; it dealt with "what happens to the survivors afterward"; the last word is scar; this chapter will still be tweaked * The book will contain a lot of the back story of the Potters * Aunt Petunia has never performed magic, and never will, but there's more to her than meets the eye; the letter left with Harry on the doorstep was not the first one Dumbledore sent Petunia * The Sorting Hat is not a horcrux, but there's more to it than what we've read in the first books * "Ravenclaw will have their day" * No book character has returned from the future * There is significance to the fact that Harry has his mother's eyes * Book 7 will be released on July 21, 2007 * There is a frighteningly large universe of Harry Potter fan sites which, among other things, collect and analyze interviews with JK Rowling Publisher Comments : New York, NY (February 1, 2007) — Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the seventh and final book in the bestselling series by J. K. Rowling, has been scheduled for release at 12:01 a.m. on July 21, 2007, it was announced today by Scholastic, the global children's publishing, education, and media company. In making the announcement, Lisa Holton, President of Scholastic Children's Books said, "We are thrilled to announce the publication date of the seventh installment in this remarkable series. We join J. K. Rowling's millions of readers — young and old, veterans and newcomers — in anticipating what lies ahead." Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Rowling's sixth Harry Potter book, was released on July 16, 2005, and was the fastest-selling book in history, with 6.9 million copies sold in the first 24 hours. All six Harry Potter books, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince have been number one bestsellers in the United States, the U.K., and around the world. There are currently over 120 million copies of the Harry Potter books in print in the United States alone. Wikipedia Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be the seventh book in the Harry Potter series of novels by J. K. Rowling. It will feature the final adventures of Harry Potter as he attempts to bring an end to his nemesis, Lord Voldemort. The book title was announced on 21 December, 2006 via the publisher and a special Christmas-themed "hangman" puzzle on J.K. Rowling's website. Rowling has stated that the final volume relates so closely to the previous book in the series, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, that "I feel almost as though they are two halves of the same novel." Rowling has also stated that she has no intention of writing any further stories about the Harry Potter characters. However, she might produce an encyclopedia of the Wizarding world based on her copious notes, possibly for charity as in the case of her two other Harry Potter books (Quidditch Through the Ages and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them). As of 2007, she has been working on the Harry Potter stories for over 17 years. On 1 February, 2007, it was officially announced that Book 7 will be released in English-speaking countries around the world at 00:01 British Summer Time on 21 July, 2007. In the USA, however, the book will be released at 00:01 local time. Rowling left a signed statement written on a marble bust of Hermes in her room at the Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh saying; "JK Rowling finished writing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in this room (652) on 11th Jan 2007". The book reached the top spot on both the Amazon and Barnes and Noble best-seller lists just a few hours after the date was announced. The meaning of hallows Hallow is a word usually used as a verb, meaning "to make holy or sacred, to sanctify or consecrate, to venerate". However, in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the word hallows appears as a noun. In modern English, the word is used as a noun in "All Hallows' Day" or "All Saints' Day," which is the day after Hallowe'en or "All Hallows' Eve". Hallows can refer to saints, the relics of saints, or the relics of gods. One story where hallows play a crucial role is in the grail legend, where the Fisher King is the guardian of the four hallows, which include the Grail itself, the serving dish/or stone, the sword or dagger, and the spear. Many scholars have since identified the connection of these four hallows with four treasures of the Tuatha de Danaan, which include a chalice (Grail), a baton or wand (spear), a pentacle (serving dish), and a sword. There has been much speculation from many Harry Potter fans about whether the grail legend might play a part in the final Harry Potter book. Many Harry Potter fans have seen a connection between the four founders of Hogwarts, their relics, and the four hallows in the grail legend. It is known from the books that Godric Gryffindor's relic is a sword, Helga Hufflepuff's relic is a cup (chalice), and Salazar Slytherin's relic is a locket (pentacle), presumably leaving Rowena Ravenclaw's relic as a spear or wand. In addition, many scholars have argued that the four hallows in the Grail legend symbolize the four natural elements (earth, fire, water, and air). J. K. Rowling has explicitly stated that the four Hogwarts founders represent the four natural elements. Presumably Helga Hufflepuff and her house Hufflepuff connects with earth (the house's symbol is a Badger), Rowena Ravenclaw and Ravenclaw with air (the symbol is a bird), Salazar Slytherin and Slytherin with water and Godric Gryffindor and Gryffindor with fire (fire is often associated with protection from evil in Harry Potter, for example it is used to combat Inferi). This solidifies the connection between the four founders and the four hallows in the Grail legend. It is also known that Harry Potter must find four horcruxes, and that Voldemort wanted a hallow, or relic, from each of the four founders. The Final Chapter The pubdate of the seventh and final Harry Potter book has been announced, and the rumours are already circulating - what are the Deathly Hallows? Who will make it through to the end? This is set to be the best book out of the series, and we at Amazon.co.uk are so excited that we are giving you the chance to pre-order your copy now! We promise to give you our best price before publication even if you order now and do continue to watch this space, as we will keep you up to date with the latest information and news as soon as we hear it. Why We Love Harry Favorite Moments from the Series There are plenty of reasons to love Rowling's wildly popular series--no doubt you have several dozen of your own. Our list features favorite moments, characters, and artifacts from the first five books. Keep in mind that this list is by no means exhaustive (what we love about Harry could fill ten books!) and does not include any of the spectacular revelatory moments that would spoil the books for those (few) who have not read them. Enjoy. The Series of Harry Potter The Harry Potter series was originally published as a children's book by British publisher Bloomsbury, and American publisher Scholastic Press. However, it rapidly became a phenomenal success amongst children and adults alike. The books each chronicle one year at school for the characters concerned and follows a long tradition of children's series about life in schools. Perhaps unlike some of the traditional series of this format, each book has matured and expanded in complexity and scope compared to the last, approximately developing with the age of the principal characters (later books are also significantly darker in tone than earlier ones). Although the author has said that she comprehensively plotted the entire series of books before the first was published, and that this plot remains unchanged, she has also stated that it has undergone a number of revisions as it has progressed. The books started as relatively slim volumes (223 pages Philosopher's Stone UK ed.), but have grown as the series progressed (766 pages Order of the Phoenix UK ed.). The books contain a significant element of fantasy and magic, but this is combined with a detective-novel approach to the story. Each volume contains a complete problem and task for the heroes to complete, but each has also added to the background information about the wizarding world in general and contains many pieces of information whose importance only becomes apparent in later volumes (known as foreshadowing). Thus a considerable fan following has developed of people wanting to discover how the many loose ends and unfinished adventures in the book will finally be completed. The author has stated that, more than with any other book in the series, the final volume continues the unfinished story in book six. She has also stated that she doesn't have plans for any other novels concerning Harry Potter. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone * Harry's first trip to the zoo with the Dursleys, when a boa constrictor winks at him. * When the Dursleys' house is suddenly besieged by letters for Harry from Hogwarts. Readers learn how much the Dursleys have been keeping from Harry. Rowling does a wonderful job in displaying the lengths to which Uncle Vernon will go to deny that magic exists. * Harry's first visit to Diagon Alley with Hagrid. Full of curiosities and rich with magic and marvel, Harry's first trip includes a trip to Gringotts and Ollivanders, where Harry gets his wand (holly and phoenix feather) and discovers yet another connection to He-Who-Must-No-Be-Named. This moment is the reader's first full introduction to Rowling's world of witchcraft and wizards. * Harry's experience with the Sorting Hat. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets * The de-gnoming of the Weasleys' garden. Harry discovers that even wizards have chores--gnomes must be grabbed (ignoring angry protests "Gerroff me! Gerroff me!"), swung about (to make them too dizzy to come back), and tossed out of the garden--this delightful scene highlights Rowling's clever and witty genius. * Harry's first experience with a Howler, sent to Ron by his mother. * The Dueling Club battle between Harry and Malfoy. Gilderoy Lockhart starts the Dueling Club to help students practice spells on each other, but he is not prepared for the intensity of the animosity between Harry and Draco. Since they are still young, their minibattle is innocent enough, including tickling and dancing charms. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban * Ron's attempt to use a telephone to call Harry at the Dursleys'. * Harry's first encounter with a Dementor on the train (and just about any other encounter with Dementors). Harry's brush with the Dementors is terrifying and prepares Potter fans for a darker, scarier book. * Harry, Ron, and Hermione's behavior in Professor Trelawney's Divination class. Some of the best moments in Rowling's books occur when she reminds us that the wizards-in-training at Hogwarts are, after all, just children. Clearly, even at a school of witchcraft and wizardry, classes can be boring and seem pointless to children. * The Boggart lesson in Professor Lupin's classroom. * Harry, Ron, and Hermione's knock-down confrontation with Snape. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire * Hermione's disgust at the reception for the veela (Bulgarian National Team Mascots) at the Quidditch World Cup. Rowling's fourth book addresses issues about growing up--the dynamic between the boys and girls at Hogwarts starts to change. Nowhere is this more plain than the hilarious scene in which magical cheerleaders nearly convince Harry and Ron to jump from the stands to impress them. * Viktor Krum's crush on Hermione--and Ron's objection to it. * Malfoy's "Potter Stinks" badge. * Hermione's creation of S.P.E.W., the intolerant bigotry of the Death Eaters, and the danger of the Triwizard Tournament. Add in the changing dynamics between girls and boys at Hogwarts, and suddenly Rowling's fourth book has a weight and seriousness not as present in early books in the series. Candy and tickle spells are left behind as the students tackle darker, more serious issues and take on larger responsibilities, including the knowledge of illegal curses. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix * Harry's outburst to his friends at No. 12 Grimmauld Place. A combination of frustration over being kept in the dark and fear that he will be expelled fuels much of Harry's anger, and it all comes out at once, directly aimed at Ron and Hermione. Rowling perfectly portrays Harry's frustration at being too old to shirk responsibility, but too young to be accepted as part of the fight that he knows is coming. * Harry's detention with Professor Umbridge. Rowling shows her darker side, leading readers to believe that Hogwarts is no longer a safe haven for young wizards. Dolores represents a bureaucratic tyrant capable of real evil, and Harry is forced to endure their private battle of wills alone. * Harry and Cho's painfully awkward interactions. Rowling clearly remembers what it was like to be a teenager. * Harry's Occlumency lessons with Snape. * Dumbledore's confession to Harry. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince * The introduction of the Horcrux. * Molly Weasley asking Arthur Weasley about his "dearest ambition." Rowling has always been great at revealing little intriguing bits about her characters at a time, and Arthur’s answer "to find out how airplanes stay up" reminds us about his obsession with Muggles. * Harry's private lessons with Dumbledore, and more time spent with the fascinating and dangerous pensieve, arguably one of Rowling’s most ingenious inventions. * Fred and George Weasley’s Joke Shop, and the slogan: "Why Are You Worrying About You-Know-Who? You Should Be Worrying About U-NO-POO--the Constipation Sensation That's Gripping the Nation!" * Luna's Quidditch commentary. Rowling created scores of Luna Lovegood fans with hilarious and bizarre commentary from the most unlikely Quidditch commentator. * The effects of Felix Felicis. About Author J. K. (Jo) Rowling was born in Chipping Sodbury in the UK in 1965. Such a funny-sounding name for a birthplace may have contributed to her talent for collecting odd names. Jo moved house twice when she was growing up. The first move was from Yate (just outside Bristol in the south west of England) to Winterbourne. Jo, her sister and friends used to play together in her street in Winterbourne. Two of her friends were a brother and sister whose surname just happened to be Potter! The second move was when Jo was nine and she moved to Tutshill near Chepstow in the Forest of Dean. Jo loved living in the countryside and spent most of her time wandering across fields and along the river Wye with her sister. For Jo, the worst thing about her new home was her new school. Tutshill Primary School was a very small and very old-fashioned place. The roll-top desks in the classrooms still had the old ink wells. Jo's teacher, Mrs Morgan, terrified her. On the first day of school, she gave Jo an arithmetic test, which she failed, scoring zero out of ten. It wasn't that Jo was stupid - she had never done fractions before. So Jo was seated in the row of desks far to the right of Mrs Morgan. Jo soon realised that Mrs Morgan seated her pupils according to how clever she thought they were: the brightest sat to her left, and those she thought were dim were seated to her right. Jo was in the 'stupid' row, 'as far right as you could possibly get without sitting in the playground'. From Tutshill Primary, Jo went to Wyedean Comprehensive. She was quiet, freckly, short-sighted and not very good at sports. She even broke her arm playing netball. Her favourite subject by far was English, but she also liked languages. Jo always loved writing more than anything. 'The first story that I ever wrote down, when I was five or six, was about a rabbit called Rabbit. He got the measles and was visited by his friends, including a giant bee called Miss Bee. And ever since Rabbit and Miss Bee, I have wanted to be a writer, though I rarely told anyone so. I was afraid they'd tell me I didn't have a hope.' At school, Jo would entertain her friends at lunchtime with stories. 'I used to tell my equally quiet and studious friends long serial stories at lunchtimes.' In these stories, Jo and her friends would be heroic and daring. As she got older, Jo kept writing but she never showed what she had written to anyone, except for some of her funny stories that featured her friends as heroines. After school, Jo attended the University of Exeter in Devon where she studied French. Her parents hoped that by studying languages, she would enjoy a great career as a bilingual secretary. But as Jo recalls, 'I am one of the most disorganised people in the world and, as I later proved, the worst secretary ever.' She claims that she never paid much attention in meetings because she was too busy scribbling down ideas. 'This is a problem when you are supposed to be taking the minutes of the meeting,' she says. When she was 25, Jo started writing a third novel ('I abandoned the first two when I realised how bad they were'). A year later, she went to Portugal to teach English, which she really enjoyed. Working afternoons and evenings, she had mornings free to write. The new novel was about a boy who was a wizard. When she returned to the UK, Jo had a suitcase full of stories about Harry Potter. She moved to Edinburgh with her young daughter and worked as a French teacher. She also set herself a target: she would finish the 'Harry' novel and get it published. In 1996, one year after finishing the book, Bloomsbury bought Jo's first novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. 'The moment I found out that Harry would be published was one of the best of my life,’ says Jo. A few months after 'Harry' was accepted for publication in Britain, an American publisher bought the rights for enough money to enable Jo to give up teaching and write full time - her life's ambition! 作者简介: J. K. (Jo) Rowling was born in Chipping Sodbury in the UK in 1965. Such a funny-sounding name for a birthplace may have contributed to her talent for collecting odd names. She was quiet, freckly, short-sighted and not very good at sports. She even broke her arm playing netball. Her favourite subject by far was English, but she also liked languages. Jo always loved writing more than anything. 'The first story that I ever wrote down, when I was five or six, was about a rabbit called Rabbit. He got the measles and was visited by his friends, including a giant bee called Miss Bee. And ever since Rabbit and Miss Bee, I have wanted to be a writer, though I rarely told anyone so. I was afraid they'd tell me I didn't have a hope.' As she got older, Jo kept writing but she never showed what she had written to anyone, except for some of her funny stories that featured her friends as heroines. Jo attended the University of Exeter in Devon where she studied French. When she was 25, Jo started writing a third novel ('I abandoned the first two when I realised how bad they were'). A year later, she went to Portugal to teach English, which she really enjoyed. Working afternoons and evenings, she had mornings free to write. The new novel was about a boy who was a wizard. When she returned to the UK, Jo had a suitcase full of stories about Harry Potter. She moved to Edinburgh with her young daughter and worked as a French teacher. She also set herself a target: she would finish the 'Harry' novel and get it published. In 1996, one year after finishing the book, Bloomsbury bought Jo's first novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. 'The moment I found out that Harry would be published was one of the best of my life,’ says Jo. A few months after 'Harry' was accepted for publication in Britain, an American publisher bought the rights for enough money to enable Jo to give up teaching and write full time - her life's ambition!
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

    作者:J. K. Rowling

    Book 6 in the "Harry Potter" seriesA New York Times BestsellerIn the fifth and most recent book, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," the last chapter, titled "The Second War Begins," started: "'In a brief statement Friday night, Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge confirmed that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has returned to this country and is active once more. "It is with great regret that I must confirm that the wizard styling himself Lord -- well, you know who I mean -- is alive among us again," said Fudge.'""Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" takes up the story of Harry Potter's sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at this point in the midst of the storm of this battle of good and evil. The author has already said that the Half-Blood Prince is neither Harry nor Voldemort. And most importantly, the opening chapter of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" has been brewing in J. K. Rowling's mind for 13 years.No Canadian Rights for the Harry Potter SeriesHARRY POTTER and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and (c) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Harry Potter publishing rights (c) J. K. Rowling. (s05)
  • HARRY POTTER and the Prisoner of Azkaban

    作者:J.K. Rowling

    When Harry and his best friends go back for their third year at Hogwarts, the atmosphere is tense. There's an escaped mass-murderer on the loose and the sinister prison guards of Azkaban have been called in to guard the school. Lessons, however, must go on and there are lots of new subjects in third year - Care of Magical Creatures and Divination among others - to take Harry's mind off things!
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    作者:J.K. Rowling

    A remarkable sequel to the best-selling Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Harry Potter is a wizard. He is in his second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Little does he know that this year will be just as eventful as the last even getting there is an adventure in itself! The three firm friends, Harry, Ron and Hermione, are soon immersed in the daily round of Potions, Herbology, Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, and Quidditch. But then horrible and mysterious things begin to happen. Harry keeps hearing strange voices, sinister and dark messages appear on the wall, and then Ron's sister Ginny disappears
  • 哈利·波特秘密档案


    哥伦布先生看见镜头里的丹尼尔,觉得自己好像被一道闪电击中了。他马上意识到:这就是哈利·波特! 原著作者罗琳女士看了丹尼尔的试镜录像带后,说了这样一句话:“我感觉和自己久别的儿子重逢了。” 哥伦布邀请人演员来演出比找小演员要容易多了,在英国演艺圈里如果谁能出演《哈利·波特》那是全家光荣的事,有孩子的演员们被孩子们逼着去参加试镜,没孩子的演员被朋友或者亲戚的孩子逼着去参加试镜。 罗琳的小说里有爱,所以孩子们喜欢,所以大人们喜欢。很多人纳闷为什么这个学历一般的单亲妈妈能写出这样让人着迷的作品,这些人,一定没有认真读过她写的书,没有看到书小真挚无私的爱。 2004年好莱坞排出了“最有钱的年轻明星”的排行榜,丹尼尔排名第二,据说当时身价为1350万美元,现在肯定不止这个价了。而在英国最有钱的少年排行榜中,丹尼尔也是位居第二,第一名是皇室的二王子哈里。他的钱是祖上传下来的,丹尼尔的钱可是自己骑着扫帚挥着魔杖一分分挣的。 不知道韦斯莱太太还有什么小满意的,大儿子娶了全书排名第一的美女,小儿子有望娶回全书排名第一的才女,小女儿更有可能嫁给魔法世界的救世主,两个不成器的双胞胎儿子生意也越做越大。掐指算算,全书的人赢家不是伏地魔不是哈利不是魔法部而是韦斯莱一家人,这世界果然被施了魔法。