

  • 平安小猪

    作者:[英] J.K.罗琳 著 / [英] 吉姆·菲尔德 绘




  • 哈利波特的哲學世界


    當哈利遇上哲學,會擦出什麼火花? 哈利常常嚇得胃部抽筋,他到底膽小還是勇敢? 陰森森的史萊哲林為何會出現在霍格華茲? 哈利和妙麗常常說謊,為何不用受罰? 你思考過這些問題嗎? 卜大中、李家同、孫中興、詹宏志、蔡詩萍 各界麻瓜翹楚施展「必讀咒」熱烈推薦! 哈利波特真的勇敢嗎?勇敢與魯莽有什麼差別? 霍格華茲不是標榜美德嗎?陰森森的史萊哲林為何會出現在霍格華茲? 永遠都是「結屎臉」的石內卜到底是好人還是壞人? 鄧不利多不是說不能說謊嗎?怎麼哈利與妙麗常常說謊卻不用受罰? 甚至連為人正直的鄧不利多和麥教授也跳下來跟著說謊呢? 家庭小精靈天生是奴隸嗎?他們喜歡當奴隸嗎? 為了最重要的目標──打敗佛地魔──可以忽略家庭小精靈被迫為奴的不公不義嗎? 原來,讀哈利波特也可以思考哲學問題,成為小小哲學家! 敬邀以下四種讀者: 1.哈利迷兼哲學迷:希望本書調出來的心靈美酒比例恰到好處。 2.單純的哈利迷:希望本書能讓你將閱讀小說的興趣觸角延伸到哲學世界。 3.單純的哲學迷:看看本書如何巧妙地將哲學分析應用在流行文化上。 4.至今仍對哈利或哲學興趣缺缺的人:希望本書能讓你發現兩者各自的趣味與價值所在。 這個如迷宮般的哈利波特世界,埋藏著許多不可思議的秘密,保證令你目瞪口呆、驚異連連。你不需拿到算命學的證書,也不用和鷹馬交朋友,甚至連霍格華茲的圖書證也不用。直接打開書本,一切就會展現在你面前。 現在你手上的這本書(或許,有些進階班學生可以一邊餵貓頭鷹吃點心,一邊讓書本飄浮到適當位置),裡頭有十七位哲學老師分別打開了霍格華茲的秘密鑲板,裡頭呈現的新奇洞見不僅可以嘉惠巫師,某些眼光獨到的麻瓜更能從中獲得寶貴啟示。 本書以神秘的魔法國度為背景,談到許多既有趣又引人深思的課題。例如,如何培養真正的勇氣?自欺為何不能帶來快樂?魔法做為科技的一門分支,道德要如何應用在這個神秘領域上?意若思鏡為何不能取代真實人生?我們可以從催狂魔和幻形怪身上學到什麼與快樂、恐懼及靈魂有關的事? 從頭到尾,本書沒有任何尖刻話語,每一章都個別施予反昏迷咒。記得準備好你的魔杖,好好「領悟言外之意」;不注意這些警告,邪惡力量就有機會趁虛而入,就是那個佛……。抱歉,不能說出那個人的名字。
  • The Complete Harry Potter Collection

    作者:J. K. Rowling

    本套装书为 “ 哈利波特 ” 系列成人版套装。将 7 本哈利波特一网打尽,绝佳的收藏机会,不要错过哦! This is a fabulous opportunity to finally own all seven Harry Potter titles - "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" - in a fantastic boxed set.
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

    作者:J.K. Rowling

    In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, J.K. Rowling offers up equal parts danger and delight--and any number of dragons, house-elves, and death-defying challenges. Now 14, her orphan hero has only two more weeks with his Muggle relatives before returning to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Yet one night a vision harrowing enough to make his lightning-bolt-shaped scar burn has Harry on edge and contacting his godfather-in-hiding, Sirius Black. Happily, the prospect of attending the season's premier sporting event, the Quidditch World Cup, is enough to make Harry momentarily forget that Lord Voldemort and his sinister familiars--the Death Eaters--are out for murder. Readers, we will cast a giant invisibility cloak over any more plot and reveal only that You-Know-Who is very much after Harry and that this year there will be no Quidditch matches between Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Instead, Hogwarts will vie with two other magicians' schools, the stylish Beauxbatons and the icy Durmstrang, in a Triwizard Tournament. Those chosen to compete will undergo three supreme tests. Could Harry be one of the lucky contenders? But Quidditch buffs need not go into mourning: we get our share of this great game at the World Cup. Attempting to go incognito as Muggles, 100,000 witches and wizards converge on a "nice deserted moor." As ever, Rowling magicks up the details that make her world so vivid, and so comic. Several spectators' tents, for instance, are entirely unquotidian. One is a minipalace, complete with live peacocks; another has three floors and multiple turrets. And the sports paraphernalia on offer includes rosettes "squealing the names of the players" as well as "tiny models of Firebolts that really flew, and collectible figures of famous players, which strolled across the palm of your hand, preening themselves." Needless to say, the two teams are decidedly different, down to their mascots. Bulgaria is supported by the beautiful veela, who instantly enchant everyone--including Ireland's supporters--over to their side. Until, that is, thousands of tiny cheerleaders engage in some pyrotechnics of their own: "The leprechauns had risen into the air again, and this time, they formed a giant hand, which was making a very rude sign indeed at the veela across the field." Long before her fourth installment appeared, Rowling warned that it would be darker, and it's true that every exhilaration is equaled by a moment that has us fearing for Harry's life, the book's emotions running as deep as its dangers. Along the way, though, she conjures up such new characters as Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, a Dark Wizard catcher who may or may not be getting paranoid in his old age, and Rita Skeeter, who beetles around Hogwarts in search of stories. (This Daily Prophet scoop artist has a Quick-Quotes Quill that turns even the most innocent assertion into tabloid innuendo.) And at her bedazzling close, Rowling leaves several plot strands open, awaiting book 5. This fan is ready to wager that the author herself is part veela--her pen her wand, her commitment to her world complete. (Ages 9 and older) --Kerry Fried
  • 臨時空缺


    千呼萬喚!我們終於等到了J.K.羅琳! 一個無人能及的說故事天才! 一部無與倫比的超完美傑作! 英文版出版3週即熱賣突破100萬本! 連續6週榮登暢銷排行榜前3名! 入選衛報2012年度推薦好書! 一個空下來的位子, 讓一群人紛紛現出原形。 空虛的人,最寂寞; 寂寞的人,最危險…… 才四十歲出頭的巴利.費柏拉突然過世,這個意外的消息也震撼了整個派格福小鎮。 派格福表面上只是一座平靜的田園小鎮,有著鵝卵石鋪的街道,和一座歷史悠久的教堂,但在美麗的外表下,卻隱藏著暗潮洶湧的緊張狀態:富人與窮人的對立、青少年與父母的衝突、妻子與丈夫的猜忌、老師與學生的鬥智…… 巴利猝逝後所留下的議會空缺,很快便將引發小鎮有史以來最大的一場戰爭!而隨著眾人心底的「空缺」陸續浮現,這場充滿激情、背叛,以及出人意表真相的補選,究竟誰能獲得最後的勝利?
  • 哈利·波特与阿兹卡班囚徒(纪念版)

    作者:[英] J. K. 罗琳

    十二年来,在令人恐惧的要塞阿兹卡班,一直关押着一个著名的囚犯,名叫小天狼星布莱克。他的罪名是用一句咒语杀害了十三个人,据说他还是伏地魔的忠实追随者,哈利的父母被害也与他有关,而现在他逃出了监狱……而且阿兹卡班的守卫还听到布莱克说的梦话:“他在霍格沃茨……他在霍格沃茨……” 小天狼星是不是想来杀掉哈利? 即使在魔法学校里,身边都是朋友,哈利·波特也并不安全。因为最可怕的是,在他们当中也许隐藏着一个背叛者…… “你最恐惧的是——恐惧本身。” ——莱姆斯·卢平
  • 哈利·波特背后的天才


  • 哈利·波特与阿兹卡的囚徒


  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(哈里波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒)

    作者:J.K. Rowling

    Harry Potter has to sneak back to Hogwarts, after accidentally inflating his horrible Aunt Petunia. But once there everyone is whispering about a prizoner who has escaped from the famous wizard prizon, Azkaban. His name is Sirius Black, and as a follower of Lord Voldemort he is determined to track Harry Potter down -- even if it means laying siege to the very walls of Hogwarts! --This text refers to the Mass Market Paperback edition.
  • 怪獸與牠們的產地

    作者:J. K. 羅琳

    《怪獸與牠們的產地》幾乎可以說是每個魔法家庭書架上必備的一本書。即日起,到截止日期之前,麻瓜讀者們也同樣有機會探索Quintaped(五足獸)的產地、Puffskein(胖胖球)吃的食物、以及不能夠在屋外留牛奶給Knarl(魔刺蝟)喝的原因。 本書的銷售所得,將用來改善救助全世界兒童的生活。這表示您所付的每一分錢,不管是新台幣或加隆,都將造就出任何一位巫師都辦不到的魔法。如果您覺得這樣的理由,尚不足以說服您慷慨解囊的話,那麼我只能誠心地祝福,希望當您被人面蠍尾獅攻擊時,哪位路過的巫師會大發慈悲。 --阿不思‧鄧不利多
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

    作者:J.K. Rowling

    'His hand closed automatically around the fake Horcrux, but in spite of everything, in spite of the dark and twisting path he saw stretching ahead for himself, in spite of the final meeting with Voldemort he knew must come, whether in a month, in a year, or in ten, he felt his heart lift at the thought that there was still one last golden day of peace left to enjoy with Ron and Hermione.' With these words "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" draws to a close. And here, in this seventh and final book, Harry discovers what fate truly has in store for him as he inexorably makes his way to that final meeting with Voldemort. In this thrilling climax to the phenomenally bestselling series, J.K. Rowling reveals all to her eagerly waiting readers.
  • 哈利·波特麻瓜魔法学院


    若你不甘于只是个麻瓜;若你羡慕哈利·波特的神奇际遇;若你相信自己体内血液中也隐藏着巫师基因,那么热烈的欢迎你来到“哈利波特魔法学院”。在这里,有精心设计过的魔法课程,让你如同哈利进入霍格华兹一般,在这个学院里找到属于你自己的一片天空!本书哈利·波特中国巫师培训班专用教材,将让你成为像哈利·波特一样的魔法小王子!   让你成为像哈利·波特一样的魔法小王子   “哈利·波特麻瓜魔法学院”是一个提供给中国麻瓜学员的霍格沃茨魔法师培训基地,让一个喜欢哈利·波特系列小蜕与电影的中国普通麻瓜学员。彻底变身成为一个无处不在、无所不能的哈利·波特中国巫怖,并像哈利·波特·样成为中国的魔法小王子。当然,只要你不是一枚不折不扣的哑炮。
  • 罗琳


    在2002年的排行榜中,J·K·罗琳因为《哈利·波特》的巨大成功,以难以想象的净值2.26亿英镑的财富已与英国女王相差无几,而成为全英影视与文学界最富有的人。那么,你知道她是怎样一夜成名的呢?她是怎样一步步走向成功的呢?本书为你介绍了她曲折、传奇的人生经历。  本书讲述“哈利·波特之母”——创造出世界最畅销图书的女作家曲折、传奇的人生经历,为“哈迷”们提供了一个认识、接受J.K.罗琳的翔实文本。同时也是一部难得的青少年励志读本。
  • 哈利・波特的“母亲”――J・K・罗琳传


    失业的中年女教师如何成为大不列颠最富有的女人之一?《哈利·波特》为何风靡全球? 当拥有了盛名和财富后,她又在做些什么?本书将追溯罗琳的童年生活;披露罗琳的早期职涯;讲述罗琳成名的故事;揭秘罗琳的神秘爱情。
  • 哈利·波特与“混血王子”(纪念版)

    作者:[英] J. K. 罗琳

    对抗伏地魔的战争进行得并不顺利。赫敏浏览着《预言家日报》的页面,大声读出可怕的消息。邓布利多已经有很长一段时间不在霍格沃茨魔法学校露面,然而…… 就像在所有战争时期一样,生活仍在继续。六年级学生在学习幻影显形——不少人在这个过程中丢掉了眉毛或者受了伤。正当青春时节,他们游戏、争斗、情窦初开,开始恋爱…… 课程很难,但哈利总是从神秘的“混血王子”那里得到一些非凡的帮助…… 哈利一直在调查少年伏地魔的复杂过去,希望能找到这个恶魔的弱点并想法儿战胜他。 “当你找到那最后一块拼图,我希望,一切都会明白的……” ——(霍格沃兹魔法学校校长)阿不思·邓布利多
  • 哈利·波特与火焰杯(纪念版)


    哈利想要逃离恶毒的德思礼一家,还想和赫敏、罗恩还有韦斯莱一家去看魁地奇世界杯赛。他总是希望见到秋·张,一个他暗恋的女孩,渴望与她走进一个美丽的故事,他想搞清楚那场涉及其他两所魔法学校的神秘赛事,以及一场几百年来都没再举办过的三强争霸赛,他更想做个普普通通的魔法学校的学生。但不幸的是,哈利的命运注定了他与众不同——即使是以魔法世界的标准来说。 而在这种情况下,与众不同可能带来生命危险…… “一个人的出身并不重要,重要的是他成长为什么样的人!” ——阿不思·邓布利多
  • Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

    作者:J. K. Rowling

    As featured in the first year set texts reading list in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is an extensive introduction to the magical beasts that exist in the magical, non-Muggle world. Some of the animals featured in the A-Z you will have already met in the existing Harry Potter books: for example Hippogriff, Flobberworm, Kappa - others you certainly won't: read on to find out exactly what a Chizpurfle is, or why one should always beware of the sinister Lethifold ...As Albus Dumbledore says in his introduction, this set text book by Newt Scamander has given the perfect grounding to many a Hogwarts student. It will be helpful to all Muggles out there too ...On reading the book you will also find that Harry, Ron and (in one instance) Hermione - couldn't resist grafittiing the book, and adding their own personal hand-written opinions.
  • 哈利波特与火焰杯(DVD)

    作者:J.K. Rowling

  • 哈利·波特与凤凰社(纪念版)

    作者:[英] J. K. 罗琳

    在一条寂静的走廊尽头有一扇门,这一幕萦绕在哈利·波特的梦中,使他时常在半夜醒来,惊惧尖叫。 哈利·波特面对的不仅是即将到来的O.W.L.考试,他还要面对一位性格就像毒马蜂似的新任校领导,还有一个又恶毒又不满的家养小精灵,以及那个连名字都不能提的魔头日益增长的威胁…… 哈利现在面对的是魔法世界政府的不可信赖,还有霍格沃茨校方的无能为力…… 尽管如此,或者正因如此,他从朋友那里获得了前所未有的深厚友谊和勇气,还有无限的忠诚和难以承受的牺牲…… “我们和你一起去,哈利。” ——纳威·隆巴顿